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AVL Services

School of Information Technology




MAY 23, 2023

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………
2 Description of Production and Services……………
3 Technology Consideration…………………………………………………
4 Product/Service Marketplace…………………………………………
5 Marketing Strategy…………………………………………………………………
6 Organization and Staffing………………………………………………
7 Schedule……………………………………………………………………………………………
8 Financial Projections…………………………………………………………
9 Findings and Recommendations………………………………………

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

I. Executive Summary

II.Description of Production and Services

The AVL services researching and encoding is owned by Angela

Virrey Lopez and this services that I offer will defined as
a step in collecting and analyzing data by the help of the
books, or websites, by collecting those information it can
gain a lot of insights into a given subject. By collecting
reliable sources and accurate data it will help me a lot to
give a high and good service. I offer the services that can
help to research and encode the requirement of my customer
especially those student who can't have any time to do their
school work and some students that lack of technologies.

As an encoder if my customers need a rush paper works to

encode I can help for their problem because I have a lot of
experiences in encoding some paper works. By converting the
data and information we need to encode it. In encoding paper
works it can store and access it quickly those requirements
of the customers. By researching and encoding I put it in a
style like a computer shop, but in my services I didn’t
offer printing some paper works. I will make sure that my
customer is satisfied with my work, and I will make sure all
the paper that they need will be up to date and has a good
quality. As an encoder of their own paper works I will
ensures that the given data is only be accessible to those
who are supposed to have access to it

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

because I disagree with plagiarism, I ensure that those data

is not altered and modified without my permission. Risk
could include the potential for data to be lost or stolen,
as well as the potential for data to be misused or
misinterpreted. I've created this services that offers an
affordable and high quality services. Based on my research
and observation my services are in demand nowadays because
most of the students are lazy doing their homework or other
requirements. In addition researching and encoding are also
important for all businesses because it used collected data
to identify new opportunities and make decisions about their
strategies. Encoding data allows easily managing and
analyzing some important data and making it easier to use.

It is essential that you have a through understanding when

doing a business in order to get the best position in your
services. I know that my service is time consuming but it is
also necessary for successful work. By staying up to date
with new technologies and innovations, you can ensure that
your services remain competitive. In today's digital world,
businesses rely heavily on their computer systems to process
data, store information, and communicate with my customers.

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

III. Technology Consideration

The AVL services need to have more technologies in helping

every customer to do their paper works. I didn't have any
partnership, or corporation so I stand own my own and I want
to ensure that my costumer satisfied with my work. I also
develop a page in my social media account because I do also
accept those customer who are far away and can't do walk in,
in our place. By my Facebook page they can contact me, or
message me to avail my services that I offer, I reply to
those customers who are interested to try in my services.
Furthermore technology has enabled businesses to improve the
customer service, and allows business to get work done
faster and allowing them to meet the customer demands.

You can visit my Facebook page by searching the name AVL

Researching & Encoding Services, you can communicate with me
using the contact number, and can message me in my page. If
you are willing to try my services in online those payment
method that I accept is thru Gcash only. And before I
entertain those customer I check also their information to
make sure that they wouldn’t scam me. The laptop, computer,
and internet are very important in my services, without
those things I can't start my own business Technology has a
lot of help for us nowadays because it is used to manage and
monitor services in business. We also need to select
appropriate technology for managing and monitoring the
services that you offer.

AVL Services
School of Information Technology


AVL Services
School of Information Technology

IV. Product/Service Market Place

I build AVL Researching and Encoding Services beside the

Baler Central School at Carrasco St. I choose this place
because my target customers are the students because I
really want to help with them. In addition Baler Central
School has a lot of students so I know that there's a big
possibilities that they will try my services that I offer,
and also in the way of Carrasco St. it is near in Mount
Carmel College Main Baler, Aurora. They will see the place
of my business because it is build near the highway.
Furthermore in the street where I build my business there's
no competitors there, which actually means that it is good
so others don't hesitate to go in my place. I really believe
that if you trust and you know that your works are in good
and high quality, for sure the loyalty and customer
satisfaction of your customer are definitely good.

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

Figure 1.0 (Building Design)

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

Figure 1.0

This is the design of my business services. It is a simple

place where you can enjoy waiting your paper works. In the
inside theres a lot of table and chair where you can chill,
you can also do watching movies because there’s a TV inside
of it. And also there's another door inside and this is my
room where I can do researching and encoding my customer’s
paper works.

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

Figure 1.1

Figure 2

In this picture this is the place that my business services

are located it is in the side of highway so everyone will
see it. This part is in Carrasco street Baler,Aurora I rent
this place in affordable price,and the total area of this is
100 square meter also it is not bad for me cause I know that
it help us my business to grow. My assistants and I are the
one who will assist and tell more about my business.

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

V. Marketing Strategies

Developing an effective marketing strategy requires a few

key steps. The first step is to identify your target market.
Once your target market is identified the next step is to
create a comprehensive messaging strategy. The second
marketing strategy that i would do is that in the help of
social media especially the facebook application I do a
facebook page where I can post my offers for the customer. I
choose fb page because I know there are lot of people all
over the world know a lot about facebook, and it is the best
channels for campaign and making sure that this platform

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

will really get the attention it deserves. and also in my fb

page I do posting about what kinds of services I offer cause
in that form of promoting my business it will boost if they
know what my services are and I accept the reviews of my
customer to know if they are really satisfied with my work,
these feedback of my customer will help me to become better
business woman. And also if I do giving flyers to those who
are near in my business place. Developing an effective
marketing strategy requires a few key steps. The first step
is to identify your target market. Once your target market
is identified the next step is to create a comprehensive
messaging strategy.

The second marketing strategy that i would do is that in the

help of social media especially the facebook application I
do a facebook page where I can post my offers for the
customer. I choose fb page because I know there are lot of
people all over the world know a lot about facebook, and it
is the best channels for campaign and making sure that this
platform will really get the attention it deserves. and also
in my fb page I do posting about what kinds of services I
offer cause in that form of promoting

my business it will boost if they know what my services are

and I accept the reviews of my customer to know if they are
really satisfied with my work, these feedback of my customer
will help me to become better business woman. And also if I
do giving flyers to those who are near in my business place.

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

VI. Organization and Staffing


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AVL Services
School of Information Technology


Business owner - It is the one who have a lot of

responsibilities in AVL Researching and Encoding Services.
The one who are developing the vision and mission,
formulating strategies to achieve goals. Business owner make
sure that her assistant are well trained, and productive.
Business owner that know a lot about the business and
controlling those related in their business services. At the
core your role is to ensure the success of your business.
This means you must work to create and maintain a profitable

AVL Services
School of Information Technology

Assistant- as an assistant it helps to a lot also to your

organization. Assistant is essential for ensuring the
excellence of your business. And it provide administrative
support to an individual business. This can involve a
variety of task, such as answering phone calls, taking notes
of scheduling the customer paper works, managing projects
and performing research


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