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Annual Examination (2022-23)

Subject – Mathematics (041) Class – XI

Max Marks 80 Time 3 Hrs.

General Instruction

1. This question paper has 5 sections A -E.

2. Sec-A has 20 MCQ Carrying 1 marks each
3. Sec-B has 5 questions carrying 2 marks each
4. Sec-C has 6 questions carrying 3 marks each
5. Sec-D has 4 question carrying 5 marks each
6. Sec-E has 3 case-based questions of 4 marks each

SECTION -A (1 x 20 =20 Marks)

1. The domain of the function f ( x )=¿ is
√ 4−x 2
(a)(−∝ ,2 ) (b)(−2,2 ) (c)[ −2,2 ] (d)[ −2 , ∝ )

2. The value of cot ( −154 π )−cos (−1710 ° ) is

(a)1 (b)-1 (c)2 (d)None

3. If α + β= then ( 1+tanα ) (1+tanβ )=¿

(a)1 (b)2 (c)√ 2 (d)√ 3

4. If the coefficient of x 2 is the expansion of (1+ x) is 6, then the value of m is
(a)1 (b)3 (c)4 (d)None
5. If the seventh term from the beginning and end of (∛ 2+1 ⁄ ∛ 3)n are equal, n= ?
(a)10 (b)11 (c)12 (d)14

6. If R={ ( x , y ) : x , y ∈ W , x2 + y 2=169 }, the number of elements in the domain of R is

(a)4 (b)5 (c)7 (d)∞

7. If the sum of n terms of a sequence is Sn=3 n −2 n , n∈ N then its tenth term is
(a)45 (b)60 (c)50 (d) 55

8. The minimum value of 3 x +3 1−x , x ∈ R is

(a)0 (b)1 (c)2 √ 3 (d)3 √ 2

9. The distance between the points (1,-3) from the line 2y-3x=4 is
7 √3 7
(a)13 (b)√ 13 (c) (d)
13 13
10. A line passes through P(1,2) such that the portion of the line intercepted between the
axes is bisected at P . The equation if the line is
(a) x +2 y −4=0 (b) x− y +1=0 (c) x + y−3=0(d)2 x+ y −4=0

11. The number of diagonals of a polygon is 20.Number of sides of the polygon is

(a)7 (b)8 (c)10 (d)12

12. The number of six-digit numbers that can be formed by the digits 1,2,1,2,0,2 is
(a)13cm (b)10cm (c)17cm (d)8cm

13. In a GP if the (m+n)th term is p and (m-n)th term is q. Then its nth term is
(a) 0 (b) pq (c) √ pq (d) 1/2(p+q)

1 2 1
14. If P ( A )= , P ( B ) = ∧P ( A U B )= ,A and B are two non-mutually exclusive events then
4 5 2
P ( A ∩ B )=?
(a) 3/5 (b)1/10 (c) 3/20 (d)none

15. The length of latus rectum of a parabola ( x 2−4 x−8 y +12=0 ) is

(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 1/2 (d) 9

16. The eccentricity of a conic section 3 x 2−2 y 2+1=0 os

√13 (b)
√13 (c)
√5 (d)None
2 3 3

17. The length of a perpendicular drawn from the point (-3,4,5) on y axis is
(a)5 units (b)√ 41 units (c)√ 34 units (d)None

32+ x −9
18. The value of dt x → 0 is
tan x
(a) log 3 (b)2 log 3 (c)log 27 (d)None

Assertion Reason based question

In question number 19 and 20 a statement of assertion(A) is followed by a statement of reason(R)

chose the correct option

a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true

e x −e−2 x
19. Assertion(A): lim ❑ is equal to -1
k→ 0
e −1
Reason(R): lim ❑ ¿1
x →0

20. Assertion(A): The angle between the lines x +2y -3 =0 and 3x+y+1=0 is
Reason(R): The angle θ betweeen the lines y=m1 x+ c1 ∧ y=m 2 x +c 2 can be given as

tanθ=± ( m2 −m1
1+m 1 m 2 )

SECTION B (2 X 5=10 Marks)

21. Find the value of √ 3 csc 20° −sec 20 °

Prove that cos 2 x+ sin2 y=0. Given that tan 2 x=2 tan 2 y +1
22. If P ( n , π ) =2520∧C ( n , π )=21 find C (n , π )

23. A number of 4 different digits is formed by using 1,2,3,4,5,6. Find the probability that it is
divisible by 5.
24. Write the equation of the parabola whose focus is (-3,4) and vertex is (-3,-3)

25. If y=sinx .
√ 1+ cos x . Find dy at x = π
1−cos x dx 4

SECTION-C (3 X 6 = 18 Marks)

26. The sum of four numbers in G.P is 60 and the AM of the first and the last is 18. Find
the numbers.
27. Find the equation of the bisector of ∠ A of △ ABC of vertices A ( 4,3 ) , B ( 0,0 ) , C(2,3)
Find the equation of the circle passing through the point (2,3) and (-1,1) and whose centre
lies on the line x−3 y=11

28. If fourth term of ax+ ( x)

1 n
is 5/2 Find its 5th term
β 3 α
29. If tan =tan ∧2 tan θ=tan α . Prove that α + β=2 θ
2 2
Evaluate : tan 6 ° tan 42° tan 66 ° tan 78 °
30. If the letters of word KOHLI are arranged in a dictionary order, find the rank of the word .
31. Prove that the locus of the point of intersection of the lines √ 3 x− y=4 √ 3k
and √ 3 kx +ky=4 √ 3k is a hyperbola . also find its eccentricity.

SECTION -D (4 x 5 =20 Marks)

lim ❑
√2−cos x−sin x
( )
32. A) Evaluate x→ π π
4 −x
Evaluate lim ❑ ( 1+ x ) −1
x →0 2
3 x+ 5 x

sin ( x + a ) π
B) If f ( x )=¿ Find f ' ( )
cos x 4

33. If the coefficients of three consecutive terms in the expansion (1+ x)n are in the ratio of
1 : 7 : 42 . Find r and n
34. Three positive integers are in GP are such that when 16 is subtracted from the third , the
numbers are in AP and if 2 is subtracted from the second the numbers are again in GP . Find
the numbers
35. If the circles x 2+ y 2+2 ax +c 2=0 and x 2+ y 2+2 by +c 2=0 touch each other, prove that
1 1 1
+ =
a2 b 2 c 2
Find the center, eccentricity ,foci, LLR and equation of directrices of the conic section
2 2
2 x −3 y +8 x +6 y−7=0

SECTION (E) – 4X3=12 Marks (Case Study Based)

36. The girder of a railway bridge is a parabola with its vertex

at the height point, 10m above the ends. If the span is
100m find-
A. The equation of parabola as standard form
B. Co-ordinates of the focus of the parabola
C. The height of the span at 20m from the midpoint
Equation of the directrix of the parabola

37. Two students A and B appeared in an examination. The probabilities to qualify the
examination of A and B are 0.05 and 0.10 respectively. The probability that both will qualify is
0.02. Find the probability that
A. Both A and B will not qualify the exam.
B. Either A or B will qualify the exam
C. At least one of them does not qualify the exam.
Only one of them qualifies the exam
38. The different words are formed by the letters of the word PERMUTATIONS . From this find
A. The number of words in which vowels are together
B. Number of selections of only 4 letters.
C. Number of words formed by the letters of permutations in which always 4 letters are
between P and S
Number of words in which 6 letters are always between M and S

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