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Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering



ISRM Suggested Method: Determining Deformation and Failure

Characteristics of Rocks Subjected to True Triaxial Compression
Xia‑Ting Feng1,2 · Bezalel Haimson3 · Xiaochun Li2 · Chandong Chang4 · Xiaodong Ma5 · Xiwei Zhang1 ·
Mathew Ingraham6 · Kenichiro Suzuki7

Received: 21 February 2019 / Accepted: 28 February 2019

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2019

The purpose of this ISRM Suggested Method is to introduce a guideline on determining deformation and failure characteris-
tics of rocks subjected to true triaxial compression on different stress path. The true triaxial testing apparatus was reviewed
by means of the function and engineering application. Some key techniques, such as stress and strain measurements, and
reduction of end effect between specimen and metal platens, preventing metal platens interference, were stated and sug-
gested in detail. Methodology of specimen processing, specimen shape, and testing procedure are characterized. There is an
explanation of the experimental data processing on stress–strain curves, strength, and fracture mode.

Keywords  True triaxial apparatus · End friction effect · Volume change measurement · Stiffness · Stress path

Introductory Note the journal Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Online-
This new ISRM Suggested Method (SM) replaces the pre- First on 31 July 2017. Reference should be made to this new
vious version of the SM retracted due to a note published on version of the SM as accepted by the ISRM Commission
on Testing Methods, and as approved by the ISRM Board.
Resat Ulusay (President of the ISRM Commission on Test-
Please send any written comments on this ISRM Suggested
Method to Prof. Resat Ulusay, President of the ISRM Commission ing Methods)
on Testing Methods, Hacettepe University, Department of
Geological Engineering, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory

managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering
Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Honeywell International Inc. for the U.S. Department of Energy’s
National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-

* Xia‑Ting Feng ETH Zürich, Swiss Competence Center for Energy
fengxiating@mail.neu.edu.cn Research (SCCER-SoE), and Chair for Geothermal Energy
and Geofluids, NO F27, Sonneggstrasse 5, 8092 Zurich,
Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Safe Switzerland
Mining of Deep Metal Mines, Northeastern University, 6
Geomechanics Department, Sandia National Laboratories,
Shenyang 110819, Liaoning, China
Org. 5800, Mail Stop 1033, PO Box 8864, Albuquerque,
State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical NM 87185‑1033, USA
Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese 7
Technical Research Institute, Obayashi Corporation,
Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, Hubei, China
Shimokiyoto 4‑640, Kiyose‑shi, Tokyo 204‑855, Japan
Geological Engineering Program, Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1509
University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Department of Geology and Earth Environmental Sciences,
Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305‑764,
South Korea

X.-T. Feng et al.

1 Introduction 2 Scope

The stress conditions σ1 > σ2 = σ3, or σ1 = σ2 > σ3 (where This Suggested Method focuses on the use of a true triaxial
σ1, σ2, and σ3 are the maximum, intermediate, and mini- testing apparatus for the determination of deformation and
mum principal compressive stresses, respectively) define failure characteristics of rocks subjected to true triaxial
the conventional triaxial stress state. The stress condition compression. The true triaxial testing apparatus shall have
σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 defines the true triaxial stress state. Conven- the function of servo control and high-precision measure-
tional triaxial testing has been widely used since von Kar- ment in volume change and force to ensure the reliability of
man (1911) developed a conventional triaxial apparatus, mechanical behaviour investigation. The specimen has an
which offered appealing usability and operability as a result approximate width:length ratio of 1:2 and shall be carefully
of maintaining the intermediate principal stress equal to the machined. The suggested testing procedure, using a loading
minimum principal stress, σ2 = σ3. path, is suitable for, but not to limited to, the evaluation of
Murrell (1963) compared the results from two different the mechanical behaviour in the fracture process.
series of conventional triaxial tests conducted on Carrara
marble: compression tests (σ1 > σ2 = σ3) by von Karman
(1911) and extension tests (σ1 = σ2 > σ3) by Böker (1915). 3 Apparatus
He noted that the rock strength in triaxial extension for any
given σ3 was higher than in triaxial compression and thus 3.1 General Structure of True Triaxial Testing
suggested that the intermediate principal stress affected this Apparatus
mechanical property. Mounting evidence that the role of σ2
cannot be neglected in considering deformation and fail- True triaxial testing apparatus requires the capability of
ure of rocks prompted Mogi (1971) to design and build a applying three mutually perpendicular and independently
true triaxial testing apparatus. Mogi’s experimental work controlled loads onto a cuboidal rock specimen. Typically,
demonstrated the effect of σ2 on the yield and failure char- a true triaxial testing apparatus consists of a cylindrical
acteristics of rocks. Since then, several distinct types of true pressure vessel, housing two sets of diametrically opposed
triaxial loading machines have been developed for testing pressure-activated pistons, which apply the maximum and
the mechanical behaviour of rocks under a true triaxial stress the intermediate principal stresses (σ1 and σ2) on two pairs of
state. rock faces; the minimum principal stress (σ3) is applied by a
True triaxial loading systems have been used to study flexible medium such as a hydraulic fluid (Mogi 1971; Taka-
rock behaviour under specific stress fields, such as plane hashi and Koide 1989; Haimson and Chang 2000; Ingraham
strain, where constant deformation is maintained on the et al. 2013; Feng et al. 2016; Shi et al. 2017). Major benefits
plane on which the intermediate principal stress is applied from using hydraulic fluid for the application of the mini-
(Labuz et al. 1996; Makhnenko and Labuz 2014), hydraulic mum principal stress are: (1) allowing fractures to propagate
fracturing (Haimson and Fairhurst 1970; Frash et al. 2014), and not being stopped by the rigid platens, (2) preventing
and permeability measurement (King et al. 1995), among a possible interference between rigid platens upon loading,
others. True triaxial loading systems have also been used and (3) enabling the use of the two opposed open faces of the
in support of 3D failure criterion development (Mogi 1971; rock specimen (which are subjected to hydraulic fluid) for
Lade 1993; Ewy 1999; Aubertin et al. 2000; You 2009; mounting mechanical and geophysical measurement instru-
Chang and Haimson 2012; Alejano and Bobet 2012; Meyer ments such as strain gauges, acoustic emission transducers,
and Labuz 2013; Ingraham et al. 2013; Haimson et al. 2016; and acoustic velocity measuring devices.
Ma et al. 2017b; Labuz et al. 2018). The three mutually orthogonal loads on the rock speci-
This Suggested Method is limited to true triaxial testing men are generated by three independent hydraulic systems
used to determine rock deformation, strength, and post-peak either manually controlled (Mogi 1971) or preferentially
behaviour under a general state of stress (Kawamoto et al. servo-controlled (Haimson and Chang 2000; Ingraham
1970; Mogi 1971; Esaki et al. 1988; Takahashi and Koide et al. 2013; Feng et al. 2016). The servo-controlled hydrau-
1989; Haimson and Chang 2000; Oku et al. 2007; Lee and lic loading system, along with high loading system stiffness,
Haimson 2011; Kwasniewski et al. 2003; Ingraham et al. facilitates the control and monitoring of post-peak deforma-
2013; Young et al. 2013; Nasseri et al. 2014; Ma and Haim- tion behaviour.
son 2016; Feng et al. 2016; Ma et al. 2017a, b; Shi et al.

ISRM Suggested Method: Determining Deformation and Failure Characteristics of Rocks Subjected…

Fig. 1  Strain measurements in the σ3 direction: a beryllium–copper strain-gauged beam method (Haimson and Chang 2000), b spring-loaded
LVDT method (Ingraham et al. 2013), and c split cantilever beam method (Feng et al. 2016)

3.2 Stress and Strain Measurements

The stress–strain relation for rocks subjected to true triaxial

compression is recorded by measuring the three applied
principal stresses and the corresponding three principal
strains during testing. The maximum and the intermediate
principal stresses exerted by piston loading can be measured
using respective load cells built either in the external pistons
outside the pressure vessel or in the internal pistons inside
the pressure vessel. The minor principal stress exerted by
fluid pressure can be measured directly by a pressure trans-
ducer. When using the load cell installed outside the pres-
sure vessel, the effect of friction around the pistons on the
load transmission to the rock specimen should be taken into
account. Some true triaxial testing equipments utilize load
cells both inside and outside the pressure vessel as a backup
(Haimson and Chang 2000; Feng et al. 2016). Fig. 2  Effect of end effect on stress–strain relation in true triaxial
tests with and without anti-friction agent. M–R direct metal–rock
The maximum (ε1) and the intermediate (ε2) principal contact, M–MSV–R lubrication material (mixture of stearic acid and
strains can be measured on the specimen faces subjected to Vaseline) applied at the metal–rock contact
fluid pressure (σ3) using either strain gauges (Haimson and
Chang 2000) or strain-gauge-type displacement transduc-
ers (Mogi 1971; Kwasniewski et al. 2003; Li et al. 2012) 3.3 Reduction of End Effect between Specimen
or LVDT’s (e.g., Young et al. 2013; Feng et al. 2016). The and Metal Platens
strain in the σ3 direction can be measured using a beryl-
lium–copper strain-gauged beam (e.g., Haimson and Chang An important issue in true triaxial compression tests is the
2000), a spring-loaded LVDT (e.g., Ingraham et al. 2013), end effect generated in test specimen faces in contact with
or a split cantilever beam sensor (e.g., Feng et al. 2016), metal platens that transfer the loads applied by the pistons
all of which are directly mounted on the specimen faces to the rock. The end effect results from the stiffness dif-
subjected to fluid pressure (Fig. 1). It should be noted that ference between the metal platens and the rocks, and can
strain gauges and strain-gauged beams mounted directly on result in a non-uniform stress distribution in the specimen.
the specimens provide a rock strain measurement directly. As a result of stiffness differences, the lateral deformation
However, LVDT’s or other indirect measurements provide is different between platens and rock specimens at the con-
a combined strain measure of machine (metal platens) and tact surface. It means that the any contact point will move
rock specimen, and the strain of the metal platens should be relatively at the contact surface, and the relative move is not
subtracted by means of a preliminary calibration. uniform between central point and edge of the specimens

X.-T. Feng et al.

PTFE (Mogi 1971), or a mixture of stearic acid and Vaseline

(Labuz and Bridell 1993; Haimson and Chang 2000; Shi
et al. 2012; Ingraham et al. 2013). Using the stearic acid and
Vaseline mixture as a lubrication material is recommended
because it can reduce the stiffness difference with a lower
friction coefficient (0.018) compared with Teflon sheets
(0.043) (Feng et al. 2017).
The end effect is demonstrated in stress–strain relations
obtained from true triaxial tests using granite specimens
(Fig. 2). Two specimens were loaded under the same stress
conditions (σ3 = 50 MPa and σ2 = 200 MPa), but one with
direct metal–rock contact and the other with lubrication
material (mixture of stearic acid and Vaseline) at the con-
tact. These results show an end effect, especially in the
(σ 1 − σ 3) vs. ε 1 plot. The stress–strain curves for rocks
under true triaxial compression without lubrication mate-
rial also show higher strengths (Feng et al. 2017). To vali-
Fig. 3  Stress–strain results for the axi-symmetric specimen and true date the effect of lubrication material to reduce the end
triaxial specimen of granite under σ2 = σ3 = 30  MPa. CTT​ axi-sym-
metric specimen sealed by the rubber, TTT​ true triaxial specimen
effect, a simple comparison between the results of axi-
sealed by the platens with lubrication material (mixture of stearic symmetric specimen and the true triaxial specimen under
acid and Vaseline) in the σ2 direction σ2 = σ3 = 30 MPa is conducted (Fig. 3). The axi-symmetric
specimen is sealed by the rubber; the true triaxial speci-
men is sealed by platens with lubrication material (mixture
(i.e., friction coefficient is not equal zero), resulting in the of stearic acid and Vaseline) in the σ2 direction. As shown
stress concentration at the surface of specimens. Therefore, in the Fig. 3, there is a little difference, indicating that
the friction is the direct condition for the stress concentration the lubrication material works well to achieve the aim of
and the root cause of end effect is the stiffness difference. reducing the end effect.
When a lubrication material is used, the stiffness difference
is changed, resulting in more uniform stress conditions in 3.4 Preventing Metal Platen Interference
the vicinity of the sample ends.
Several methods have been used to reduce this end effect, In typical true triaxial testing systems, four high-strength
such as using brush-bearing plates (Liu 1972; Kupfer 1972), and high-stiffness metal platens are used to transfer loads
stearin (stearic acid) (Föppl 1900), Teflon sheets, also called to the rock specimen in the directions of the major and

Fig. 4  Different specimen–platen assemblies: a University of Wis- of Sciences and Northeastern University in China (CAS/NEU) system
consin (UW) system (Haimson and Chang 2000), b Sandia National (Feng et al. 2016)
Lab (SNL) system (Ingraham et  al. 2013), and c Chinese Academy

ISRM Suggested Method: Determining Deformation and Failure Characteristics of Rocks Subjected…

intermediate principal stresses. Steel platens in the form of 100 ± 0.0175 mm. The recommended perpendicularity
discs having a Rockwell Hardness of not less than hardness tolerance is 0.025 mm for each side as a datum plane.
58HRC shall be placed at the specimen ends (Bieniawski Surface roughness Ra is recommended to be ≤ 1.6.
and Bernede 1979). To avoid mutual interference between
metal platens during specimen compression, one pair of
platens (typically those applying σ 2) should be slightly 4.2 Specimen Shape
shorter than the length of the rock specimen (University of
Wisconsin system, also known as UW system, Fig. 4a), or Typically, specimens used in true triaxial tests are rectan-
fabricated as a bevelled shape in the 2D projection plane gular prisms. Since specimens are subjected to stresses
(Sandia National Lab system, also known as SNL system, in the three principal stress directions during a true tri-
Fig. 4b). For example, in the UW system (Haimson and axial test, the orientation of the specimens with respect to
Chang 2000), the length of the platens is 0.8 mm shorter bedding or foliation planes, and other geological textures
than the specimen length (38 mm) to allow for rock axial should be taken into consideration. Consequently, the
straining up to 2%. Still the stress in the σ2 direction is three pairs of faces in each specimen should be marked
nearly uniform based on strain measurements throughout so as to be distinguishable.
the specimen (Chang 2001). Differing slightly from the Various sizes of specimens such as 15 × 15 × 30 ­mm3
UW system, the SNL system platens are bevelled with a (Mogi 1971), 19 × 19 × 38 ­m m 3 (Haimson and Chang
contact length of 53.98 mm compared with the specimen 2000), 35 × 35 × 70 ­m m 3 (Takahashi and Koide 1989),
length of 57.15 mm allowing for strains up to 5% in the 50 × 50 × 100 ­mm3 (Feng et al. 2016), and 76 × 76 × 178
σ 1 and σ 2 directions. The unsupported sections are still ­m m 3 or 51 × 51 × 114 ­m m 3 (Wawersik et al. 1997) have
subjected to the confining pressure (equal to σ 3). Finite been used. In true triaxial tests, the specimen length
element modelling results showed that the change in state parallel to the major principal stress should be twice
of stress due to the unsupported area does not have a sig- the width (such that the specimen has an approximate
nificant effect on the overall state of stress (Wawersik et al. width:length ratio of 1:2) to maintain similar ratios sug-
1997). gested by ISRM for conventional triaxial tests (Fairhurst
A recent development of the overlapping platen scheme and Hudson 1999). This is necessary to contain the end
overcomes the issue of the loading gap effect (Li et al. effects to the proximity of the specimen extremities and
2012; Feng et al. 2016). During specimen compression, prevent interference with the mechanical behaviour of the
the platens fully cover the four surfaces of the specimen remainder of the specimen. This enables a direct com-
by driving the platen with the edge of another platen, thus parison between results from both true and conventional
forming an overlapping structure (Fig. 4c). In this system, triaxial tests, although there are some differences between
the dimensions of the metal platens are slightly larger than the two types of tests resulting from different loading
those of the rock specimen. A 0.5-mm margin in σ3 direc- configuration and rock specimen shape. The number of
tion is maintained on each side to cover the specimen faces specimens tested under the same conditions should be
during compression. sufficient to adequately represent the rock being tested.

4 Specimens 5 Testing Procedure

4.1 Specimen Processing Specimen assembly, installation, sensor calibration and

adjustment, and loading path should be carefully carried
The specimens used in true triaxial tests are rectangu- out to ensure a successful true triaxial test.
lar prisms. First, a slightly larger specimen is obtained
from a large block of rock or larger core using a digital
5.1 Specimen Assembly and Sealing
rock sawing machine; then, a grinding machine is used
to process the specimen to the required geometric dimen-
Prior to affixing the specimen to the platens, an anti-
sions and standard tolerance. The standard tolerance is
friction agent is applied to the surfaces between the plat-
based on the International Tolerance (IT) grades table
ens and the specimen to reduce end effect. The exposed
reference as ISO 286-1:2010 (2010). The recommended
specimen faces perpendicular to the minor principal stress
standard tolerance grade is IT07, which specifies toler-
direction, and all junctions between the platens need to be
ances for associated manufacturing processes and a given
sealed to protect against infiltration of the hydraulic fluid
dimension, smaller nominal size and smaller tolerance
zone, such as 25 ± 0.0105  mm, 50 ± 0.0125  mm and

X.-T. Feng et al.

Fig. 5  Common loading path Fig. 6  A novel loading path with one invariant (Lode angle Θ) con-

and to prevent a direct contact with the specimen faces.

Silicone or polyurethane sealant is recommended. 2. Innovating loading paths, in which one or more stress
invariants are held constant during testing, are advanta-
geous when the test results are to be incorporated in
5.2 Sensor Calibration
constitutive models.
To ensure accuracy of the measurement system, all meas-
A typical novel loading path maintains one of the stress
uring equipment should be periodically calibrated to a pre-
invariants, the Lode angle, constant. The Lode angle (Θ) is
cision of 0.1% of its full scale, including LVDTs, load cells
defined as
and so on. In addition, the calibration should be verified
using a dummy specimen, such as an aluminium specimen ( [( )( ) ])/
J3 3
with epoxied strain gauges to check that all equipments are 𝛩 = sin−1 3. (1)
properly functioning. 2 J2

5.3 Loading Paths for Determining Deformation

and Failure Characteristics

Different loading paths for determining the deformation

and failure characteristics of rocks have been used, and are
suggested herein. They can be divided into two groups: (1)
common and (2) novel loading paths.

1. The common loading paths consist of first applying a

linearly rising hydrostatic load to the specimen (where
σ1 = σ2 = σ3) until the pre-set magnitude of σ3 is reached;
thereafter, only the other two principal stresses σ1 = σ2
are increased at the same rate until the pre-set magni-
tude of σ2 is reached. From that point on, only σ1 is
raised until failure occurs, and beyond (Fig. 5). This last
sector of the loading path can be conducted in the σ1
stress-control or in the ε3 strain-control. In the σ1 stress-
control, σ1 is increased linearly until the rock fails when
its maximum axial stress is reached. The test ends at this
point. However, in the ε3 strain-control, the rock will Fig. 7  A novel loading path with two invariants (constant Θ and
reach its peak σ1 but will not fail violently. mean stress). In this example: Θ = 0

ISRM Suggested Method: Determining Deformation and Failure Characteristics of Rocks Subjected…

Fig. 8  Typical experimental results: a differential stress (σ1 − σ3)–strain relations for a granite; b photograph and sketch of the failed specimen

Fig. 9  Typical experimental results: a differential stress (σ1 − σ3)–strain relations for a marble; b photograph and sketch of failed specimen

It is a function of the second and third invariants of devia- ratio, while maintaining σ3 constant (Ma et al. 2017a, b). A
toric stress (J2 and J3), where J2, J3 and I1 are defined as typical loading path is shown in Fig. 6.
follows: Another novel loading path maintains two of the three
( stress
) invariants, the Lode angle (Θ) and the mean
1 (
[ )2 ( )2 ( )2 ]
J2 = 𝜎 1 − 𝜎2 + 𝜎1 − 𝜎3 + 𝜎3 − 𝜎2 , (2) stress 31 I1  , constant. This is achieved by first loading the
specimen hydrostatically to the desired mean stress. Then,
the major principal stress is increased in displacement con-
[( )3 )]
1 1 1 3 1 3
( ) (
J3 = 𝜎1 − I1 + 𝜎2 − I1 + 𝜎3 − I1 , trol to failure, while the other principal stresses change so
3 3 3 3
that the Lode angle and the mean stress are held constant
(Ingraham et al. 2013). For example, for a Lode angle of 0°
I1 = 𝜎1 + 𝜎2 + 𝜎3 . (4) (pure shear state of stress, shown in Fig. 7), the intermediate
The loading path consists of first increasing the three principal stress is held at the mean stress and the minor prin-
principal stresses hydrostatically to the desired magnitude cipal stress decreases in proportion to the major principal
of the minor principal stress. Then, the intermediate and stress until failure.
major principal stresses are increased at a specified constant

X.-T. Feng et al.

Fig. 10  Typical experimental results: a differential stress (σ1 − σ3)–strain relations for a sandstone; b photograph and sketch of failed specimen

7 Reporting of Test Results

The type of true triaxial apparatus used and the loading path
should be reported; furthermore, the end effect reduction and
loading gap should be mentioned.
The outputs of the test data include stress–strain curves,
rock strength, loading path and failure mode under true tri-
axial compression. In addition, other information such as
Lode angle, octahedral shear stress, and parameters related
to strength and post-failure behaviour should be reported, to
the extent that they are available.

7.1 Rock Information

Information about the source of the rock specimens includes

the following:

1. Project name
2. Location of rock sample origin
Fig. 11  Typical intermediate principal stress effect on rock strength
3. Lithological description of the rock, including grain size
under true triaxial testing (see red triangles). (Color figure online)
4. Specimen structure (bedding planes, foliation, flow
6 Parameters Measured 5. Date at which rock sample was extracted

The true triaxial stresses are obtained from the built-in load 7.2 Specimen Information
cell data; the strains can be directly recorded from strain
gauges or calculated from displacements depending on the Specimen information should include the following:
type of sensors used. Stress and strain are defined such that
a positive value indicates compression. 1. Specimen identification
2. Specimen dimensions (width, length and height)
3. Any observable or available physical data, such as spe-
cific gravity, porosity, and permeability; the method
used to determine each property should be cited

ISRM Suggested Method: Determining Deformation and Failure Characteristics of Rocks Subjected…

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