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Linda Turner was America’s sweetheart and star of such films as Love Diary, Bringing Up Father
and the high-octane remake of His Girl Friday. Her curves had fevered the dreams of men and boys
across the country. Unbeknownst to all but a few, she was also the globetrotting superheroine the
Black Cat.
Linda snuggled up in bed with her young ward, eliciting a boyish giggle. He was only 13 but so
very precious, so soft, and so much fun to cuddle! She laid a kiss on the back of Kit’s neck and felt the
downy hair there prickle. “You were good tonight kitty.” she whispered in his ear, causing the boy to
“T-thanks!” he trembled.
She traced a fingernail down his side. In his house – this boy was amazing, and all hers! She laid
another kiss, this one on his spine and pulled him closer, million-dollar breasts mashed against his
back. “I mean it Kitten. You’re getting better every time we go out.”
The boy practically purred under her compliment! Oh my... she ran a finger down his front, eliciting
a more nervous giggle as she went below his belly button, and a squirm. A squirm!
She grasped him then, causing him to gasp and jerk. He was hard and quivering and she loved it!
“You mustn’t take such risks though my precious boy!” she crooned in his ear. “You got far too close
to the nasty Nazi-thing.”
He shook his head as she worked the other one, whispering. “No mistress. No risks! I’ll be careful
– !” His voice rose to a yelp then as she scratched him with her nails. It didn’t seem to bother his little
thing though, which jumped in excitement. Excellent.
Linda turned and pushed Kit onto his back. His hands immediately went to cover his genitals, a cute
little-boy gesture that stoked a fire deep within her. She straddled him then, breasts hanging in his face
and leaned in to smell his wavy auburn hair.
There wasn’t a boy in the world that wouldn’t give everything to be where he was now. But it was
all for Kit. The Black Cat had been very good and earned playtime with her Kitten. A shy little Kitten,
but she would fix that....
She licked his face, right next to his eye, which caused him to flinch. No, that wouldn’t do at all!
She pinned him to the mattress so he could not get away and nuzzled him there until he relaxed and
started breathing evenly again.
“Mmm. Little kitten, what did you think of the not-quite-so-dead Silver Streak?” She put her nose
against his collarbone, then licked gently across it.
Kit gasped and screwed his eyes shut, trying to focus. Have to answer the question! “Clone doesn’t
count. He’s still dead.” He shivered, though he was most definitely not cold. “And stupid hair!” He
gasped out.
“Oh, you noticed his hair?” she laid a line of kisses down his front as the boy tried to control his
breathing. “But his powers...? Is he a clone.”
He shook his head yes. “C-clone! He has all the powers and, um...! Um the thing where he made it
“Made it go away, yes baby I noticed. How do you suppose he did that?” She breathed into the
curve of his hips. He was there, right below her jawline, so very needy, so very tiny. So very hers.
“I – I don’t know! Hhhg! I don’t think he knows!” He grimaced as her hand snaked down, and
between, back behind his balls and – oh Euclid, in his house!
“Shhhhh...” she whispered. Poor little kitten, he needed his reward. She pushed up one of his legs,
allowing her access to his delicious backparts. She rubbed her finger along the crease of his ass. “Did
Kitten like the boy?”
“No mistress!”
“What?” she pouted. “Not at all?” She circled nearer to his hole.
“I – yes mistress. I suppose he seems alright!” He clenched his teeth as she folded his body open.
Which answer as the right one?!
“Oh little kitten...” she breathed into his stomach. “Growing up so fast. Did he give you a woodie?
A tiny kitten-stick?”
He blinked away tears as her middle finger pressed in. “No!” His body hitched and tried to curl
away but she held him in place. “Not like that! He just seemed nice!” He hissed out a breath. “And
kinda lost.”
“Maybe Kitten isn’t grown up yet then,” she said with satisfaction. She reached down to squeeze
him which made him jump and caused the burning finger to slip in to the second knuckle. “Kitten likes
it when I do this, when I play with his tail.”
He shook his head vehemently, but “Yes mistress! Play with my tail!” Umgh...!
She slowly withdrew the finger from his anus, then pushed it back again, watching in fascination as
the muscles of his abdomen tensed with the violation. In, out. In, out. Oh the show she was getting!
She could make a zoetrope and spin it round and round!
She kissed his pubis, just above where the little shaft emerged from his body. There were the finest
downy hairs there. Naughty boy, she would cut all of Kitten’s little fur off soon, keep him young and
precious forever. His dick pulsed against her cheek and she could feel the keening need grinding in his
spine as he tried not to move for her. Good kitty. “Kit?” she breathed against his tension, gently easing
her finger out. “Have you ever been with a boy?”
“N-no mistress!” His shook his head. His clenching muscles were beginning to hurt and the leg
was cramping.
“Not even before you came to me?” She licked playfully around the base of his shaft. Kit had been
such a precocious boy, so advanced for his young age, surely...?
“Num-uh!” He paused and gave a pained little whine as Linda licked up the base of his shaft,
stopping just short of the most sensitive part. “I um... we played around some. Just with hands,
nothing else!” he shouted desperately.
Such a good Kitten, her boy. Her sidekick. Her lover. Hers.
She laid a kiss on his tender head, with sticky trails hanging and little-boy noises and clenching
down her finger, which swirled lazily as it sought out That Place. “Boys are okay for my Kit. Kitten
should get to play. But not girls.”
“Not girls!” he agreed fervently as she pushed his legs further open.
“Girls are nasty.” She breathed on his head. “Say it.”
“Girls are nasty!” he shouted. The intruder was beginning to move good now, so good!
This declaration set up a deep happy vibration inside Linda’s tummy, one which had to come out in
a giggling hum. Oh my, she was purring! Purring for her good little kitty-boy! He was so good. So
very, very good....
“No girls for you Kit Weston,” she breathed as she leaned forward to take him in her mouth, finger
corkscrewing into his clenching hole to press against the secret spot that only boys have. “No one but
And then the Cat swallowed him whole.


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