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KRA 5 Gender-Based Violence

Indicator Indicator Office/Agency Definition Standards/Formula Acceptable National Target

Hierarchy Concerned Computed Value

Prevelance of physical and/or sexual violence PSA Percentage of ever-married women (15-49) who have Prevalence = between 0% and Decrease
experienced physiscal or sexual violence by husband/ no. of cases /population size 100%
partner in the past 12 months
Prevalence of sexual violence by non-partner PSA Percentage of women (15-49) who have experienced Prevalence = between 0% and Decrease
sexual violence by non-partner no. of cases /population size 100%
Percentage of women (15-49) who agree that a husband is PSA Percentage of women age (15-49) who agree with at between 0% and Decrease
justified in hitting or beating his wife for specific reasons least one specific reason that a husband is justified in 100%
hitting or beating his wife for specific reasons
Percentage of resolved VAW cases or Disposition rate of PNP, DOJ, SC No. of VAWC cases resolved / no. of VAWC cases A. No. of VAWC cases filed in between 0% and Increase
Outcome VAW cases filed in court reported or The ration of total VAW cases decided/ court/ resolved B. No. of 100%
resolved over total of cases filed in a year VAWC reported cases
Formula: A/ B x 100

Percentage of LGUs w/ functional Local Committee on Ati- DILG, LGU No. of existing/ fucntional C/MCAT-VAWC/ LGUs /Total A. No. of existing/ fucntional between 0% and 100% of LGUs
trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children no. of Cities/ Municipalities C/MCAT-VAWC/ LGUs B. 100%
(LCAT-VAWC) Note: The existing LCAT-VAWC will be Total no. of Cities/
restructured once JMC 2016-01 is is issued which mandates Municipalities Formula: A/B x
the inclusion of Anti-Child Pornography (ACP) 100

Percentage of Barangays with functional VAW Desks DILG, LGU No. of established/ functional VAW desks / Total no. of A. No. of established/ between 0% and 100% of Barangays
Output barangays (by level of functionality: Basic, Progressive, functional VAW desks B. Total 100%
Mature and Ideal) no. of barangays Formula: A/B
x 100

Input / Process
Pillars Indicator Office/Agency Definition Standards/Formula Acceptable Target
Concerned Computed Value

No. of national/ local policies that address VAW/ GBV/ PCW, NGAs National and local policies/ issuances of NGAs that
issued / ammended address VAW/ GBV Executive Orders,
Administrative Orders,
Memorandum Circulars,
Ordinances, etc.
No. of LGUs with ordinances that address VAW/ GBV LGU LGUs shall promulgate and implement gender- 100% of LGUs
e.g. establishment of LCAT-VAWC / VAW desks, anti- responsive, rights-based and culture sensitive local
discrimination (SOGIE), anti-prostitution, anti-street ordinances and policies that promote the
harassment comprehensive health of girls, adolescents, women
and elderly women, such as a GAD Code and/or
Reproductive Health Code. Local government units
with the participation of women’s groups shall also
review existing ordinances and policies and repeal or
amend them accordingly. (MCW)

No. of LGUs with a GAD CODE LGU Local government units are also encouraged to All LGUs
develop and pass a GAD Code based on the gender
issues and concerns in their respective localities based
on consultation with their women constituents and the
empowerment and gender equality agenda of the
government. The GAD Code shall also serve as basis for
identifying programs, activities, and projects on GAD.

No. of municipalities that have conducted IEC/ PCW, LGU The 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women All NGAs and all LGUs
awareness campaign on VAW/ GBV (for example 18 (VAW) is observed annually from November 25 to
day Campaign to End VAW) December 12. The objective of this annual event is to
raise awareness among all stakeholders that VAW is a
public issue of national concern. It supports the
Philippine Government’s goal to protect the human
rights of women and its commitment to address all
forms of VAW.

No of women reached by the IEC/ awareness campaign No of women who have read/ attended an IEC/
on VAW awareness campaign on VAW
No of men reached by the IEC/ awareness campaign on No of men who have read/ attended an IEC/ awareness
VAW campaign on VAW
No of municipalities w/ public and private providers Public and private service providers who have attended All LGUs
Capacity trained on 4Rs (recognizing, recording, reporting and VAWC 4Rs training
Building referring) of VAWC
No. of provinces with functional crisis intervention LGU, DSWD, DILG Women’s Centers which provide shelter/residential All LGUs
centers/ temporary shelters/ halfway houses/ centers services. Temporary Shelter Services may be provided
for VAW/ GBV victim-survivors by
• DSWD • NGOs • Religious organizations • LGUs

No of municipalities w/ established WCPP (w/ LGU, DSWD, All LGUs

dedicated coordinator, plan&budget, trained on 4Rs) DILG, PNP

No. of provinces with public and private hospitals w/ DOH, LGU Section 40 of RA 9262 specifies that the WCPU in DOH- All LGUs and all hospitals
functional WCPU (w/ coordinator, MDT trained retained hospitals or those managed by local
provider,Plan&budget) government units (LGUs) or other government facilities
shall provide the following health programs and
services through a socialized scheme:
Complete physical and medical examination•
SERVICE Medical/surgical treatment•
DELIVERY Psychological and psychiatric evaluation and
Hospital confinement when necessary•
Referral to specialty hospital and other concerned
agency, as needed•
Management of the reproductive health concerns of
victims/survivors of VAWC•
If necessary, emergency assistance to the woman and
her child/children, by contacting •
the DSWD or social worker of the LGU or the desk
officer for people and children concerns protection.

No. of municipal & provincial LGUs with functional LGU Local Committee on Anti-trafficking and Violence All LGUs
LCAT--ACP-VAWC (A JMC will be issued by DSWD, DILG Against Women and Children is a local structure that
and DOJ on the integration of ACP in the regional will collabiratively address the problem of trafficking
mechanism) and VAWC
Mechanisms No. Public and Private Schools with Child Protection DEPED, DSWD All of schools
Committees The Child Protection Policy Guidelines calls f or the
establishment of aChild Protection Committee in all
publicand private elementary and secondary schools
composed of school officials, teachers, parents,
students and a community representative.

12 indicators
REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT for _____________ (covered period)

Barangay/Municipality/City of____________________________


Programs/ Numerical
Pillars Indicator Projects/Activities Accomplishment Budget Source Budget Expense Coverage of Project Remarks

A. Policies Issued
A.1. No of local policies that address VAW/GBV issued/amended within
the reporting period (for example: establishment of LCAT-VAWC / VAW Title & Short
desks, anti-discrimination (SOGIE), anti-prostitution, anti-street Description of Policy
harassment, etc.)
Title & Short
A.2. No. of Local GAD CODE
Description of Policy
B. Demand Generation B.1. No of Conduct of IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/ GBV (for
example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)
B.2. No. of Women are reached by IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/
GBV (for example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)
B.3. No. of Men are reached by IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/ GBV
(for example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)
C. Capacity Building C.1.a No. of public providers trained on 4Rs (recognizing, recording,
Activities reporting and referring) of VAWC
C.1.b No. of private providers trained on 4Rs (recognizing, recording,
reporting and referring) of VAWC
C.2.a No. of public providers trained on other VAWC programs/modules
aside from 4Rs
C.2.b No. of private providers trained on other VAWC programs/modules
aside from 4Rs
C.3 No. of established women and children protection program [WCPP]
(w/ dedicated coordinator, plan&budget, trained on 4Rs)
C.4. No, of functional crisis intervention centers/ temporary shelters/
halfway houses/ centers for VAW/ GBV victim-survivors
D. Commodities
E. Service Delivery
F. Governance F.1. No. of functional LCAT-VAWC
Mechanism F.2. No, of Barangays with functional VAW Desks
G. Others
Prepared by:

Name and Position
REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT for _____________ (covered period)

Province of____________________________


Accomplishments Budget Expenses
Pillar Indicator Programs/Projects/ Budget Project Remarks
Activities LGU 1 LGU 2 LGU 3 City PLGU- TOTAL Source LGU 1 LGU 2 LGU 3 City PLGU- TOTAL Coverage
specific specific
A. Policies Issued Title & Short Description of
A.1. Number of local policies that address VAW/ GBV

A.2. Existence of Local GAD CODE Title & Short Description of

B. Demand Generation B.1. No of Conduct of IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/ GBV (for
example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)
B.2. No. of Women are reached by IEC/ awareness campaign on
VAW/ GBV (for example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)
B.3. No. of Men are reached by IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/
GBV (for example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)
C. Capacity Building C.1.a No. of public providers trained on 4Rs (recognizing, recording,
Activities reporting and referring) of VAWC
C.1.b No. of private providers trained on 4Rs (recognizing,
recording, reporting and referring) of VAWC
C.2.a No. of public providers trained on other VAWC
programs/modules aside from 4Rs
C.2.b No. of private providers trained on other VAWC
programs/modules aside from 4Rs

C.3. With functional crisis intervention centers/ temporary

shelters/ halfway houses/ centers for VAW/ GBV victim-survivors

C.4. With public and private hospitals w/ functional women and

children protection unit [WCPU] (w/ coordinator, multi-disciplinary
team (MDT)-trained provider, plan&budget) at the provincial level

D. Commodities
E. Service Delivery
F. Governance F.1. No. of functional LCAT-VAWC
Mechanism F.2. No. of Barangays with functional VAW Desks
G. Others

Prepared by: Noted by:

___________________ ___________________
Name and Position Name and Position
REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT for _____________ (covered period)
Region ____________________________


Accomplishments Budget Expenses

Programs/Projects/ DepEd PNP-WCPD DSWD Budget Project

Pillars Indicator Remarks
Activities Prov 1 Prov 2 City Regional Regional Regional Regional TOTAL Source Prov 1 Prov 2 City Regional TOTAL Coverage
Ofc Ofc Ofc Ofc Specific Ofc Specific

A. Policies Issued
A.1. No. of LGUs with issuance or amended local policies that
address VAW/ GBV within the reporting period

A.2. Number of local policies that address VAW/ GBV Title & Short
Description of Policy
Title & Short
A.3. No. of LGUs with Local GAD Code Description of Policy
B. Demand
Generation B.1. No. of LGUs that conduct IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/
GBV (for example 18 day Campaign to End VAW)

B.1.a. Number of Reported IEC Activities

B.2. No. of women reached by IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/


B.3. No. of men reached by IEC/ awareness campaign on VAW/ GBV

C. Capacity Building
Activities C.1. No. of LGUs with public and private providers trained on 4Rs
(recognizing, recording, reporting and referring) of VAWC

C.1.a. Total number of trained public providers on 4Rs

C.1.b. Total number of trained private providers on 4Rs

C.2.a With public providers trained on other VAWC

programs/modules aside from 4Rs

C.2.b With private providers trained on other VAWC

programs/modules aside from 4Rs

C.2. No. of LGUs with established women and children protection

program [WCPP] (w/ dedicated coordinator, plan&budget, trained
on 4Rs)

C.3. No. of LGUs with functional crisis intervention centers/

temporary shelters/ halfway houses/ centers for VAW/ GBV victim-

C.4. No. of provinces with public and private hospitals w/ functional

women and children protection unit [WCPU] (w/ coordinator,
multi-disciplinary team [MDT]- trained provider, plan&budget)

D. Commodities
E. Service Delivery E.1. increasing Disposition rate of VAW cases filed in court (PNP

E.1.a. Total number of VAWC reported cases (PNP data)

E.1.b.1 Number of VAWC cases filed in court (PNP data)

E.1.b.2 Number of VAWC cases resolved (DOJ national data)

F. Governance
Mechanism F.1. No. of LGUs with functional LCAT-VAWC

F.2. No. of LGUs with Barangays that have functional VAW Desks

F.3. No. of Schools that have Child Protection Committees (DepEd


G. Others

Prepared by: Noted by: Noted by:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Name and Position Name and Position Name and Position

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