What Are Sigma Empaths

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What are Sigma Empaths?

First off, let’s all get on the same page here: what exactly are sigma empaths?

A sigma empath is a person who feels and understands emotions in others, with the ability to feel
and read emotions.

They are very empathic and can often pick up on feelings that others may overlook.

They are also very sensitive to the moods of people around them, which can be both a blessing or
a curse.

Most of the time, they are better off not getting involved with other people due to their

But when they do get involved, it can be tough going for them as they will probably experience a
lot of emotional turmoil in their life.

Now: in what ways are they different from “regular” empaths?

Sigma empaths are different from regular empaths in many ways.

First, they can’t block their emotions.

This means that they will feel and understand these emotions very clearly and will take over their
bodies by getting upset or angry over something that is not even there!

They also have a sixth sense which allows them to pick up on other people’s emotions.

This allows them to feel what others are feeling, even if they cannot see it.

It also makes it very easy for them to know how people are feeling and what is going on in their

Sigma empaths tend to be Sigmas (as you can imagine).

This archetype is characterized by a strong sense of justice and a deep love for humanity.

They are also very empathic, which means they can feel what others are feeling, even if they
cannot see it.

Sigmas are sometimes lone wolves but are often very social people.

They are also very compassionate and caring, which makes them great at helping people through
their troubles.
1) You are highly intuitive

One of the first signs that you are a Sigma Empath is that you are highly intuitive or naturally
gifted with psychic abilities.

This can be seen in those who have clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see images in your mind that aren’t there.

These could be symbols, colors, sparkles, or images.

Clairaudience is the ability to hear sounds in your mind that aren’t there.

This could be voices, songs, humming, or ringing in the ears that may come and go.

Clairsentience is the ability to feel and smell things in your mind that aren’t there.

This could be scents, tastes, textures, or feelings in the body like pain or a feeling of warmth or

Now: sigma empaths are also very connected to their own intuition. Their gut feeling is always
right and they are very good at knowing what is going on.

When they are faced with a decision, they may not know the right answer consciously, but they
will always know the right choice.

If you feel like you want to get more in touch with your own intuition, try to meditate and see
what you can see in your mind.

Another great way to do that is by getting quiet and listening to your inner voice more often.

It may surprise you to hear what it has to say.

2) You read people really well

One of the signs you are a Sigma Empath is that you read people really well.

This can be good in terms of being a great friend, but bad if you are dating someone and you are
reading into everything.

This can be seen in those who have the gift of Telepathy, which is the ability to read others’
thoughts without them saying or doing anything.
You can also be able to feel or sense others’ emotions as well.

Think about it this way: you might immediately know someone’s intentions when you first meet

You may be able to tell if they are lying or not just by their face.

You may even know what they are thinking about from the way they look at you.

This is the strength of a Sigma Empath! They tend to have very strong intuition and can read
people really well.

Now: while this is great, it also takes away some of the mystery of a person.

They are going to know what you’re thinking before you even say it.

It can become a burden or be too much if you don’t know how to control it.

3) You feel other people’s pain

Another sign that you are a Sigma Empath is that you feel other people’s pain.

This can be seen in those who have the ability to take on other people’s pain in the form of
Empathic Pain or the ability to feel pain in others.

You may have noticed times when you have felt physically sick or in pain when someone you
know is experiencing a certain feeling or situation.

This can be extremely difficult to deal with sometimes.

You see, there isn’t really anything you can do once you feel the pain, but you can learn to shield
yourself from other people’s energy.

To do this, you have to learn how to block out other people’s negative energy.

Think about it this way: you don’t want to be around someone who is going through a hard time.

You want to be able to separate yourself from what they’re feeling.

4) You are easily distracted

A sign that you are a Sigma Empath is that you are easily distracted.

You may have noticed that you can’t really focus on a task.
You may find yourself zoning out or daydreaming.

It is said that this means that you feel everything at once and don’t know what to
focus on first.

For example, if something catches your attention, you may find yourself being pulled
in different directions.

This can be frustrating for you as it makes it difficult for you to accomplish tasks and
it can even lead to procrastination or failure.

To deal with this, try to turn your attention inward when you are distracted by other
people’s emotions.

The thing is, it’s not really your fault.

You see, you are focused but then suddenly you start feeling what the other person in
the room is currently feeling.

It’s like you are there in their head, and it’s not a bad thing, but it can be hard to focus
on what you are doing.

It’s another reason why it’s so important to learn how to ground and center yourself.

If you can do that, you’ll be able to focus on yourself and not feel everything at once.

5) Knowing what others are feeling

around you

Another sign that you are a Sigma Empath is that you know what others are feeling
around you.

This can be seen in those who have the gift of Emotion Recognition.
You may have noticed that you can look at someone and know how they are feeling,
even if they are trying to hide it.

This can be helpful in some situations, but not others.

Now: knowing what other people are feeling and feeling what other people are feeling
are two pairs of shoes.

With one of them, you’ll be able to know what their emotions are, and with the other,
you’ll be able to feel what they are feeling.

However, if you combine them together, then you will get the best of both worlds.

You see, when you know what someone is feeling, you can gain a deeper
understanding of them.

This can help you connect with them better and it can help you understand why they
act the way they do.

On the other hand: if you feel what someone else is feeling, then it will make it much
easier for you to be more empathetic towards them and their feelings.

But it’s not always easy, as it takes you on an emotional rollercoaster.

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