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The Adventure Summary in English

Jayant Narlikar wrote The Adventure in a very informative and interesting form. He has
given the student the perfect combination of history and science. We see that a historian,
Professor Gaitonde somehow time-travels into the past. Upon going in the past, he
experiences something which was never there before. He finds himself in the city of
Mumbai that he has never witnessed.

The Mumbai he is presently in is very different from it actually is. He gets down at the
Victoria Terminus Station where he finds it to be very clean, surprisingly. The coaches of
the train read out ‘Greater Bombay Metropolitan Railway’. Moreover, the staffs were of
Anglo-Indians and a few British officers.

Upon getting off the station, Gaitonde saw the East India Company Headquarters. Similarly,
there were buildings of mainly British brands and British banks. In fact, his son’s workplace
of Forbes was not even there. Thus, in order to solve the riddle, he went to the Library and
read about the battle of Panipat. Upon reading, he finds out the details to be different from
actually happened. In fact, he also reads that the British rule never made it to India which
surprised him.

After the visit to the library, he visited the Azad Maidan and got into a fight over there with
the audience. After being thrown off stage, Gaitonde came out of his time-travel experience
and was lying unconscious in Azad Maidan. Thus, he visits Professor Deshpande to get an
explanation. Upon his visit, he learns about reality being different from through our senses.
Thus, the reality we live in can have many manifestations or dimensions.

So, physicists believe that there are many worlds existing other than the ones we see
through our senses. Moreover, he explains that Gaitonde transitioned into another world as
he was presently in a coma due to an accident. Similarly, as the last thing he was thinking
about was the battle of Panipat, he went to that era only and what he saw was all in his

Conclusion of The Adventure

To sum up, The Adventure summary, we learn that there are other realities too apart from
the ones we sense and they may seem real but are all in the head only.

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