Grade 11 Practice Paper

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3The Stress-Strain graph for a metal wire is shown in the figure up to the
point E. The wire returns to its original state O along the curve EPO when it is
gradually unloaded. Point B corresponds to the fracture of the wire:
(i) up to what point of the curve is Hooke’s
law obeyed?
(ii) Which point on the curve corresponds
to the elastic limit or yield point of the
(iii) Indicate the elastic and plastic regions
of the Stress-Strain graph.
(iv) Describe what happens when the wire
is loaded up to a stress corresponding to the point A on the graph, and then
unloaded gradually. In particular, explain, the dotted curve.
(v) What is peculiar about the portion of the Stress-Strain graph from C to B ?
up to what stress can the wire be subjected without causing fracture?
Q.4 State and prove Pascal’s law. Discuss its two practical applications.
Q.5 What is meant by term coefficient of viscosity? State Stokes’ law. Define
terminal velocity and find an expression for terminal velocity in case of a
sphere falling through a viscous fluid.
Q.6 What is the phenomenon of capillarity? Derive an expression for rise of
liquid in capillary tube.
Q.7 State and prove Bernoulli’s principle
Q.8 Define different types of coefficients of thermal expansion. Derive relation
among them.
Q.9 State and explain Newton’s law of cooling. How it can be experimentally
Q.10 How is the average KE of a gas molecule related to the temperature of
the gas.
Q.11 Derive the expression for specific heat capacities for monoatomic,
diatomic and poly atomic gas molecules
Q.12 Derive equations of motion using velocity –time graph
Q.13 Derive kinematic equations of motion using method of calculus where
acceleration of body is constant.
Q.14 State the law of parallelogram of vector addition and find the magnitude
and direction of the resultant of two vectors inclined at an angle with each
Q.15 State triangle law of vector addition. Give its analytical treatment.
Q.16 Define projectile. Show that the path of a projectile is parabolic. Deduce
the expression for (a) time of flight (b) horizontal range (c) maximum height
reached by a projectile,
Q.17 Define centripetal acceleration. Derive the expression for the centripetal
acceleration of a body moving with uniform speed v along a circular path of
radius ‘r’. Explain how it acts along the radius towards the centre of the
circular path.
Q.18 Derive an expression for velocity of a car moving on a banked circular
road having coefficient of friction μ.
Q.20 State and prove law of conservation of momentum.
Q.21 Arrive at an expression for elastic collision in 1 Dimension and discuss
various cases.
Q.22 Explain with graphs the difference between work done by a constant
force and by a variable force.
Q.23 State the laws of equipartition of energy. Define degrees of freedom
Q.24 State and explain work energy theorem.
Q.25 Three bodies of masses 2 kg, 4 kg and 6 kg are located at the vertices of
an equilateral triangle of side 0.5 m. Find the centre of mass of this collection,
giving its coordinates in terms of a system with its origin at the 2 kg body and
with the 4 kg body located along the positive X axis.
Q.26 Four bodies of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg are at the vertices of a
rectangle of sides a and b. If a = 1 m and b = 2 m, find the location of the
centre of mass. (Assume that, 1 kg mass is at the origin of the system, 2 kg
body is situated along the positive x axis and 4 kg along the y axis.)
Q.27 Define escape velocity. Deduce an expression for escape velocity.
Q.28 Define orbital velocity. Derive an expression for orbital velocity of a
Q.29 Discuss variation of ‘g’ with height.
Q.30 Discuss variation of ‘g’ with depth.

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