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Assig | Ubeb is HTTP paotocol. Explain HTTP Bequest messoge uith on ron, (4 lot ig Vrencles olocol Ut is © cote Ptolocs| Uses fos Hypes leat oes web 7 vas caiginoly developed be aclrioue fet b desources | her bine ALL HIT p Messoge consis! Coch Sepetole Ling folouod ihe 4 8 Poces 4 A veab indicotng the ht | GET hose fanedi Mfo) fof of one o¢ mode hoadeds on by © blonk ine, of Limos Messoge body tine of Http Bequest consishs of Key components 8ePegoled by tt 2 fos the Sesource 'N Seitiesled, oq cplimal query conlatnin the steing Potomeles tha chienk ig Posing tb thal desouace . the queay staing is ind coking PSIG wea URL 3 The Hitp Vetsion b Sequest Los Success fy) ~ Ghent is dditecled te o different Ssoure. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 7 > fi F 1 F ples. What is HTTP method. Explain vasioug AIT? methads with Here exer 3 Wha ‘ aequesl ¢ seaved Tt uses Messege bosed model in which o client sends M4: acluans @ SesPonse Message FolJewing ave the tosh Commonly used HITP motheds: b GET This methed ig used to delat ‘reless to the tequ, URL for o dyno eve the tesovdces Th ean be Used ested aesource in the URz. Th enables useas to Wie Sesousces thal they can be used. to some Pota. y book meg Ka | ost The Posh, Method ig Used to Peakos in octiong de sd rate hed Pend ing the useas 4 au this ene the dequesl Potomeleds con be sent bottin ar Lin teins bo: Ny } a i ib WEAD ‘ Tl opodedes Some! tds needy, aa °Y 95 the GET molf h Keer essa bedy in the tespepse ed ee ae 4 $ Ou : Tac ot oe hove telutned te the codtesponding Get davai re his elhod is u is used fog Y nist be et hl LS on Sh te tach pn et ug message ih beciee SC body the exact contents of * Sahens | Ths moth d fhe : dig Sap olil i ie Melheds that ote available Cox o “head Neely Sekvans o ges ponse kaini 7 re hot bets the aveiloble solos mee eet an Ate Tse 8S Melhods Las Rent in the ca’ efleed the Specified acsousce fo the Seoves using the content 18 Reet aS NesSoRe body \, s \ ne ua Representation Stole Taonstes ”. Tt is.0 sles oachibecluse fer isi bie ® Systeon tn whieh request 4 Aesponse conkain depaescaloler of ter she of syslem Sesousce @ scanned with OKEN Scanner om vusth “on example. ' upe ond. REST. Exomplain th 4 Whok ode URI = Jecoles — ee ce cca uch acsouace thtoug h uhich he given tor, DORE \S 6 Unique identibe He Con be accessed Follouiny is the fosmot o | Proto! // hestnome £ Post3 / [Poth tJ File C2 Posomeles = |-s feel conkeias some op 4 | Poth eke | volue) ionel Volue for ©5: Poal number, filo. > Est: SStonds foo Repsesentolion Stale Tkons lee OTE IS 6 shyle of oachilechde’ Rot dist kesPonse contain teptesontel, 5. Whot | heodee di bubed syckem in which Sequos [ von of cuttent sla do You mean by HTTP heade, 1 Roch uy le of syslon desoudea, t- Ueile obout the Cofegoaies of HITp th vodions amples ond therg Meaning . | HIE Heodes | Th ate designed fog Specified poapose . Some hea deauest ¢ 88 Ponse mess, ge Z onothes 8 speci kes con bo used foe bolh fied fo one of t a Genet Heados > Those 268 the ok os tesPonse tn | * Cectis, | This becdea fells the othes end of the co | the Tee. “omnection ofl eo the HITp tans he Messego ‘ooh Headee which moxbe Ptecen} eSSeut. f 10 HITP dequesl ag bo] MMVI A Ey 'SS'on hos eo heather Ul should by | forthes Messoges ™plole of kepl ik of “') Content « En ding i tt SPeafies hot {ype of heading Is be 5) Cetlot Jengh Th specifieg the Length hig 9 for ing used fea the conlon! in Hho my h of Messoge body in byles. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner vy »y content tue] iy spe hes {he hype oF content Paesent in the Message body » foguest Heodes jjose beaded wiih be present in the HTP acquest message -opt Th specifies the sever uhs} ype of content the io w © acce he client is ie aoe dient is us ing be ace ot This heodea speciPies thes sesvea hel type of encoding the client is ualieg to accoph te cece This heodes submils cacdentionols be tetera enkonols be Yhe serves fos one of the burl in authen- 1) Gobies = Wis heedes submits Cookies te the seavea thot sponse headea Ube setveg has Prcvielley issued eS 4 \ we 2 gVCg Th paovides infeamolion obout the web serves sifluode i) Coche - contrat Ty Poses coching diseckives to the web brousess 9 Expites TN fels tho baouses fox how | \") ocotion : ik ong the contents of the message body ote valid. tec 'S used tn go-dideclion Sesponses to specify te Lotgel of the geditectio © Ubok is HITe Cookie . Which Posomeleas ose used in dequest oo i Nessoge fog the Cookie. Whol is the meoning optional ottarbules used by the Sek - Cookie heades: WNP cookies the sesvet fosend tbems hee ara ; les tre a "HTT p cookie mechanism €° ide to the Sebvet Vink drach th client stoves and gosubmils te te Nhe Neh ne ° @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ao 4 . Pee ho USe4'5 Sree » lots ond + ‘ ng Set « cookie eho le the eaves oe . heedes to — Juded in Set-Cookie iMsleuc, roneepiunne rer a HEH ie +tuses ioMain * Whol is stalus code. Ex Sf, plain the cakegoaies of status shcade with Sxomples ond their meaning. Stolus codes ove Péesenl in desponse Messoges ie seco ft essays ee musk contain g status code in i indicales the tesull of the dequest. Thete ate 5 calegosieg . * 1xx: infoamotional K Axx: Sequest SOS Success (yy ® 8xx, Chenk is dediay | AP Uxx. ecked toa differen Sesougce Request Cnkains on ex yo | © 8xx: the Seaves ency & oP some pe unleded an Ch g04 Fost Ming the te quest. 3109 cookie | Ths code S Seal Uhen the dient submit body ~The sesponse indica I | cheat should voli | 3 890 ok: Wis code Indica des | Containg the decyl f | 808 Found This code. tedigecls 4, | Sfeced in te local $8 Sewest Conlainin { headers, vhete gecieved 2 that thot the $2quest Las Successful ¢ the SesPonse body of the sequash @ btouseg fempatosly wa ton heodes, Jodi! diPoseak “URL, vihich ‘y Be ad Reta det rl bos submited on inuchl bp ® S00 Talesagh over eater iF this Code htdeg thak the melhed used Mequest is oot Suppor = for the specified URL. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner y * when 1 LEA Wod Lis HTTP Qaoay Seover. Hous does the Hite PSory Se hal is Tibi HTTP ond HTTPS pgbocal. HIP Poo xies ‘Do hllp Paoxy 1S & Seeved u, ond the deshinad; at medial es access belucen the client beousas ch Seue8, hen baoruce hos been configured Ag US & Prony Svea, ib mokes all ACQuest fo thot Rory Sead, lhete oa 9 Sess HTTP Losks. my 4s using “HTp. b Using HT1Ps © Using Hap | Uhen o beou, Seg USing bEEp Prolocol issues an Sencaypted http Sequesl too PRory serves, fewsed places the ful} ORL in be the request, The Ptory seoveg Orhacks the Souce Name ¢ code ¢. uses 4 | e Coatesfending destinals When https is being used the brousoy Connot pes (oa | Foxy sequeg becenssa this Bould by Communica big ps Vulneaa | Mask use the Prony ses ves og 4 pore kp Makugs k cola in bol |S ebs uth heh the (* hot te the bosie. bypes of HITp 4 PoUing ote 4 | S88oug he Mechanisms used fos gull othenbicalion S bentical chemes + Ng useas UStog be | S | Bosie tis iS Simple outhenk ‘eakion mechenism thet sends 9% Base 64 encoded Used Cdedenbiols steing ino Fequest header ith each Messasje @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | . lu NILM (Nebvosl Jon Menage) e@ p ion of the vy, ik hollange aesponse mechanism Z uses a vession © ind, Ibis a ch J | NIL protocol. _& Digest: | Th is o che lange Sesponse mechanism and used tnds, chee ksums of | Dame with the uses caedontials 'O Whob is the wide tongs of lechoologies used. fo delives seevee-side © functional, | | | Ihe cothy uchsiles consigled of vetiout sh imoges which wese Simply loaded on ONY 4SCT he Sequeste Some conteing are btonsmitled Houeves a toa Je omount of contest thet todey's webs application Paresonl to useas 15 genetoled dynam | Colly | olic tesousces Such 05 blinf Porc foo web seavee ond faons mitted id such desousce. For the Some equesl, the \eretoted by usi on the seaves. Web applications USE Vide ga, F technolo i debiver, theis Forchicnaily ae 4 g setipls of othes code recoling 8S on the seaves side 0: BB scaipt oy Pe \colion Pilot: Feat Stich sia °5 Asp Mek, jous eke Suck og TIs 1 OPache. ° Dolsbose sy % othes beck ch os Hy Sal, otocle eke. end components such 95 Fite systorn, SOAP based Leb Services, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ye fed to Wéliver ‘client -side Funckione - Seas logies used to deliver ¢! ig the wide Songe of techno eg 1 Whok is Jily. x HIME |The cone technologies used 4g build web inteateces is RINE: Thiso keg bosed Jonguoge used fy descaibe the shucluge of documents that o¢e pul | with io the btouses shld» Sheads bogs [+ Hypes Links Qa Loage amount of dicking Communication from client to seauce is driven by the usegs on hyperhinks. Th Leb. applications, bypeslinks Feeqwenky conl | Reese} sequest Potamebers . This is the dote that the use: F Nevet enless They ote Submibled becouse the Sevea Ploces them into the todgel URLef the bypea dink thot the usea chicks. 80 (* Foams be bob opplicabions need smote Perible Heys bo golhes ingul Le-ecieue HSS: NTL Foams ote the usve) mechanisms Foy ollowing Useds to | Chhog Sondom input using ils beousag \* Gs: tt : cy Og Coscading style sheeks This 6 longuage used fo desea: be th loon ! on oF document's delusns ing Moshe p longuage . Ushio web ‘ihe "9S ib is Used to SPeaky how hkn) Content should be | 'SPlayed ON Seteen Th uses Selectoas te define o closs of Moakup Slement bo beh given sek of otkibubes should be oppled ha J colos aed; % i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner : “ond Sessions. do you Meon by Steles on la. Whot do yew MS ; Nicakion Need fg tices ' lypes of useful Foncenshty ofthe ocioss molgh be grind el en inlesaction with the op | the slele of eoch use | sequels. i i k ical, Iylo make these types of functional by Possible the opplica | © sek of stale fuh doko iON Mus oil genetoled by the uses act Qp IONS Actogs ‘multiple | Sequests b These date Nesmolly 5 within o Seaved side slauchiie colled as | Session 8 Wah you by encoding Scheme. Exploin Coch bype of encoding Schem © Wn detail. | Eneoding Schemes howe been devised fo eMsuee tho applica lion con safely | hondle. onSuoh Chodocless / binegy dale. | * Gey Encoding Schem URL's ote Pesmitled fo contain OMY the Prinloble cho teicheds iN Aserr Chotechos Sek ie those whos Agcy Code 18 In te forge Ox 36 bo | "Fe abso saregal Chotoclogs ithin Hose tonge age desteicled | PSteuse they hove Specrah Meaning Uithin He Bho Lilhin the 4T1p | Polo coh. | Ibis scheme 18 used Io encode °PY Ptoblemole Chotac leg So that they can ® Ranspentled ONE HTTP ptatocol. x iced Need : | Wide is 6 chotocheg encoding Slondage thot 1s designed to Suppoa} all of the Load 5 ‘bilby Systems. 1 bit Unico le encoding Liodks in | Simibos boy to URL enceding - The 16 bit Wicode (arn ‘of ochagactes “he Hu Rieuted by the chodecless uni kode erpaesced iq hexadecimal fosmol @ scanned with OKEN Scanner \HINE encoding ow Lis used te aepresent pacblematic chedoclea so that they con be a Y Incopesoted inke on html documen}. Usriovs choraclass hove Specie Meaning as Make chotockess uiithin him) ond o&e used to define o documents stauctuae sathes then its contents To use these chotockeas os porl of the documents contain ibis Neccessoas to hlmb-eneode them \® Bose gu encoding. | Bose 6y eNcoding Nous ony binery dole bo be Solely depecsen lod asinn | Poly Pdintoble . Tk is commenly used to encode emas! allachments Coa N Selo Laonsmissions oves SMTP Packecol: TL is olso used be encode Wea Caedenliols in basic HTTP cuthenticstion paocess @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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