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Differences between a Developer and a Programmer

The thing is, both technicians work in the area of ​software development, so they can
certainly work together on a technology solution. However, a video game developer will not
have the same mission as a backend programmer. In order to correctly select the technology
training to be taken, it is essential to know what the distinctions between one and the other

Both the developer and the programmer have very different responsibilities in the
development of certain software, so it is important that we clarify some of the most important
ones below.

1. The objectives

The programmer's main task and responsibilities is programming code based on

programming languages. While the developer faces all the activities that are linked to the
creation of software applications, intended for any digital project, including a web page.

2. Variety of tasks

The programmer has a very specific task, as we said at the beginning, such as code
programming based on programming languages. For its part, the variety of developer
responsibilities is much greater. In other words, it has the particularity of covering any phase
of the project or, in many cases, all of them. This means that their responsibility can go from
the definition of the product to its testing, as well as its publication and maintenance.
Likewise, in the process the developer has the power to assume the tasks of software
analysis, digital design, as well as the programming and implementation of all of this.

3. Day by day

The differences between the developer and the programmer can be better observed if we
take a good look at their day to day. As we have previously said, the programmer has his
role within a web project very well defined, so his concern is how to assume it in the best
possible way.

Meanwhile, the developer has the power to program, but also has the possibility of
delegating this task to professionals specialized in it. This means that you have professional
knowledge of all areas, which allows you to analyze an approach, do an analysis and, if
necessary, your own implementation.

4. In remuneration

The differences between the developer and the programmer can also be observed in
remuneration. And it is that the responsibilities of each one constitute another of the keys to
determine how much the salary that each professional must receive should be.
The web programmer is responsible for the coding of a page or a digital project, while the
rest of the aspects of it are not his task, but the developer's. This determines a difference in
their salaries. That is to say, although the programmer can help in the implementation and in
the teamwork so that everything works well, his work is fundamentally based on creating the
code well.

For his part, the developer is primarily responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the project
work well, so his mission is broader than that of any other particular task, even if he is not
directly in charge of it. These range from the initial approach of the project to testing and

Thus, the salary of each one depends not only on the responsibility of each one of the
professionals, but also on the category of the project in which they are participating.

Once all these approaches that mark the differences between the developer and the
programmer have been made, where should you go in your professionalization? The
decision corresponds exclusively to each student, but once knowing the distinctions it will be
easier to choose.

However, both the programmer and the developer have very high-level knowledge, which
will have to be applied daily in their jobs, although prior to that they will require professional
courses focused on these areas.

If you want to be a programmer, you need to specialize in a programming language, of which

there are many, so the more you know, the better your chances of getting a good job.

In the case of the developer, it is necessary that you have a general knowledge of all the
areas that are linked to a web project, even though their training may be much broader.
What does a programmer do?
Among the responsibilities and scope of the work of a programmer are the following: He has
the responsibility of writing the source code of the programs, through the use of a
programming language; Likewise, the programmer has the task of debugging, testing,
correcting and ensuring that computer programs are free of errors; In other words, it has a
well defined role within the project, so it should only deal with doing the best it can.

What does a developer do?

Among the responsibilities and scope of the tasks that a developer has to execute are the
following: The developer is responsible for both the design and the architecture of the
software components, as well as the technical documentation and communication with the
rest of the participants of the web project;
Even when the developer has the ability to program, he usually delegates this activity to
other specialized professionals, that is, programmers; The developer has the power to
intervene in the phases of analysis, design, programming, testing and start-up of computer
projects. In other words, this professional can assume the tasks of all the phases of the
project, since he is the main person responsible for ensuring that everything works well.

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