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LESSON 1 A: Global Divides

Motivation :
Activity #1: The Modern vista

When you hear the world global divide what image of the world do you see?
 For me my impressions that I could see in my mind is that our globe was divided into regions,through
race and colors and cultures that what makes us divided and make us separate from each other also
that is the reason why we have a boundaries or boarders so that I will show that we are divided by
regions ,states or a country.

Activity # 2: what are your thoughts about the countries you have chosen and the data you learned about
 My thoughts about the countries that I choosed is that you can compare how wealthy the country was
and in the other side you can also see that other country is not that develop compare to other country
that’s already developed I feel that our country the Philippines is very far behind and there is a lot
things to do so that we can able to compete to other country in terms of how strong our economy is.

Activity # 4:” a country of the south?”

“Is the Philippines a country in the Global south ? why or why not.

Yes. The country fits the definition by both historical and modern definitions. It is a developing country
with a high infant mortality rate, limited access to health care, and a low GDP per capital.Conversely, most
of Asia, Central America, South America, Mexico, Africa and the Middle East are in the Global South. I
brought this up because the Global South, which includes the Philippines, has traditionally relied on an
abundance of inexpensive labor to prop up their economies.At the same time, members of the global south
are “differently different” because their experiences, not least with the various regional powers and with
each other, vary. The context and rationale of Philippine foreign policy certainly differs from, say, the
foreign policy of Singapore.

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