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What is up everybody, my name is Justin this for ever self-employed and in today's


We're gonna be talking about the hard truths about growing your business and making
it successful. I'm here at the core for what's up you guys

What up, so for we're actually doing something a little bit different on this one

We're actually gonna be streaming live from Mike's channel and my channel

So if we have any technical difficulties, that might be the reason but we'll see I
just checked it's working. It's kind of cool

Dude, isn't this cool? This is really cool. All right, sweet. So, um, we're gonna
get into this

We do want to talk about WashCon a little bit. We've got a few tickets left. We're
coming up really close on the date

Cody you want to tell them a little bit about WashCon? Yeah, it will be here

I'm out in the parking lot because it's loud in the shop

I've got guys in there working, but we'll be here at Roanoke, Alabama at our

Two-day event if you've got the VIP ticket, you'll be here both days. If you're
just getting a standard ticket

You'll be here that Friday, which is next Friday. So that's February 10th

And 11th, so all the guys with a regular ticket

Bring a clear mind and a big notepad because we're gonna get a brain dump on that
Friday and Saturday

We're gonna deep dive into all the VIP guys

Individual businesses and see what needs tweaked. What can we do differently food
both days?

It's gonna be fun. We're gonna be giving away a about a $15,000 skid gonna be
giving away a bunch of Kim's

I think we're giving away some other stuff, right?

Yeah. Oh, yeah, we're gonna give we're gonna be giving away about

$10,000 worth of our marketing assets a bunch of our training courses that we that
we provide

so, you know, we're gonna be giving away how to wash local Dom Justin's Facebook ad
strategies the next level and

And a bunch others, you know, we've got the solar panel cleaning Academy

We've got the Christmas light boot camp all kinds of great things that uh, we're
gonna be giving away
Absolutely a lot of information. So if you guys want to cut your learning curve for
this year

This is the best way to do it. Just be here and be ready to learn

Don't come and fall asleep. Don't come and like don't take this nonchalantly like
don't don't do that come on purpose

Nothing anybody would do that

But just make sure you're ready to learn because we're gonna dump a lot of info on
you in two days a day or two

Days in on your ticket. Absolutely

So one week left not a lot of tickets left if you guys want them

They'll be linked in the comment section and the description of this video

But we can kind of go ahead and jump into the topic

We actually have a super chat already from our buddy Mike

Mike want to chop the pot man. Just curious if y'all making the dough y'all claim
to make

Why y'all hustling for every dollar? No hate just curiosity

I would love to respond to this Mike. Go ahead

Yes, and so this is going to Mike Davis Mike Davis. I don't know you you're on this

So I'm assuming you're probably trying to gain some inside some knowledge trying to
make yourself better


Unfortunately when I read something like this all I think about I made a video
yesterday about this very thing having a broke-ass

mindset, right

Somebody that says something like this is is so narrow-minded in their view of the

that they just can't break outside of their little box that somebody has put them
into and I say that because

When when someone says you're hustling for every dollar

Yes, it's called multiple income streams and multiple income streams is a very good
thing because say one of your income streams starts to

Slow down a little bit. Guess what happens?

You've got four or five other things that are feeding your bank account. I would
rather have a

Giant bank account then a little teeny bank account, right? So that's why we hustle
for every dollar

We're also built different and most of the people that watch this are built

It's not somebody that just it's gonna go punch a clock and go, you know nine to

It's somebody that is going to not only you know punch the clock so to speak and do
one thing, right?

But they are also constantly looking in every direction for other opportunities to
grow to get to get richer

So I hope that answers your question gentlemen. I want to chom in on this as well

I think when it comes to making money, it's all about leverage, right?

Like we could probably ask Mike the same question if he has a wash business we
would say Mike

Why are you offering other services Mike? Why do you do rust removal? Why do you

Oil stain removal. Why are you offering all these other services? Are you just all
about the money?

It's not about being all about the money. It's about taking advantage of
opportunities that present themselves to you

So if you have a wash business by all means offer every service under the Sun that
covers the wash business

We just happen to like leverage

We just happen to like being able to come live and we shoot one video and it gets
out in front of you know

Thousands and thousands of people like the ability to teach other people how to how
to start things

And so we're all about finding multiples and finding ways to leverage time and
energy into

More for ourselves more resources more freedom and we started these channels

We started this this mission for the same reason you're starting your business or
for the same reason that you watch us, right?

You want to get value?

we started this to share the things that we know so that way we could also get
value and in terms of money in terms of

Opportunities to showcase things. So it's all about getting more right?

Within your life if you settle if we just said, you know what we're happy with our
wash money
We're happy with you know going out and doing the same thing every day

They'll be one thing and I think that's where a lot of people are

However, we just push for more and we like multiples. Does anybody else want to go
in on that as well? I

Know Aaron got some

I want to thank Mike because this is a yeah

Starter for this. Yeah. No hate to Mike. Look. I think this is good a good chance
for him to learn something here

Yeah, go ahead Cody. I'm gonna go laughs

Uh, yeah, you go on go on a spool that up, but he said it he's like no hate just

so we appreciate the comment, but

I've got a

Eight million dollar a year business here. Why do I need to do anything else?

I don't need to like I'm fine. I was fine ten years ago with the house

We live in now the cars we drive now

We're basically the same cars the same level a slightly better level of lifestyle
than I had when I worked for Walmart, right?

So what I've done is I've reinvested the profits that we've made into expanding the
Empire. Okay. I'm like Attila the hun, dude

I'm gonna I'm gonna expand the Empire. So there's a few reasons why you would want
to do that

We say I see that a lot

Oh those guys they don't they just teach and they got these courses because they
can't make it on a wash truck

like who said that was the goal that that was what you were

We're all making it just fine. But we like Justin said we're we see other

So for example a year ago, I opened a maid interior cleaning division for the

I don't need that nor do I really want the headache but I opened it because I then
a year later gave that company to

My daughter who is now Alyssa's 20 years old making about 75 thousand dollars a

Just by herself as an interior cleaner. So she's doing really well and maybe she'll
expand that thing out

We're gonna get our wash truck this year back on the road

I got to find a couple of guys I can hire and train to to run it because I can't be
out there every day

But I do want to have one running because it's good content and also it's you know
quarter million dollar a year revenue stream

So the reason I do that is because like Mike said I want to have many as many
revenue streams as possible

We've got chemicals parts. We build our own pressure washers equipment is the big
one that everybody sees training

We do about two hundred thousand dollars a year just right in that room and

What that means is I can keep growing the business I can put a nest egg back a war
chest if something happens

I can I can keep making my guys payroll because I've got other revenue streams
taking care of things

And so when one revenue stream may hit a snag, you never know another one is there
to fill in the gaps

And so it we saw this quote. I shared it to the guys other day. It said

Entrepreneurship is not about money. It's about serving other people and I couldn't
disagree with that more

entrepreneurship is

Exactly about making money now to do that. You've got to serve other people those
two things do go together

But it's not about serving other people

I can't serve other people if I don't have any money to be here if I don't have any

I won't have a company

so the smart move is to diversify yourself if you're if you've mastered this

revenue stream and you can

Successfully add another one and then add another one and then add another one that
is that is intelligent thinking

so it allows me to be very generous it allows me to take care of my church and give

things away and

sponsor things and

There's an entire kids summer camp program that we basically just get to pay for
the whole thing in the background
we don't broadcast that we're doing it, but

That's a common mentality that you've got there

It's like if you if you're doing good

Why do you keep doing more things that you really must not be doing as good as you
say you're doing no

I'm doing that good. Therefore I get to do more things because those things that
we've mastered

They don't take a lot of my day up anymore

So I've got free available RAM that I can go and put into another venture, right?

So look at Elon Musk Mike's talked about this in another video

He's got his hand in several different huge industries that really have nothing to
do with each other

So is he just not really doing good? No, he's actually the richest guy on the

Hey and Mike actually Mike Davis, he just threw something else Justin you can throw
that out there. He said it's all it's all

I just want to make give

First before we transition, I think okay. Yeah, I think it's a good segue

But I just want Aaron to have a chance to get it was a great comment

You know what? I mean? Like why and and I think it's he says just curious y'all
make the day clean

Why hustling for every dollar, you know, Mike? I don't I don't even know that I
could amass every dollar, right?

Like I think that it's very interesting that you know, the wash world is so small
when you think about it

We're kind of on the cusp of something something I believe to be really big

Landscaping is like what Cody 30 billion or what is this? What's landscaping per
year? I think it's

What is it?

I look at it. It's like 20 to 30 billion dollars a year washing currently is like
1.8 or 2 billion dollar industry

and so

It's funny to me when I hear guys talk about if it's saturated or it's this or is
that we're we're just now pushing

The boundaries, you know of what washing can do

And the world is just now figuring it out right like in some countries. This is
kind of still unheard of

Yet they have mowers mowing grass everywhere in Japan and stuff like that. So

You know, I don't believe we can amass every dollar, but I also believe it is my
duty to try

I believe it's my duty to push myself mentally

To see if I can and and like buddy was saying after a certain amount

Lifestyle doesn't really

Get uh better in a way like, you know, you're still you're still driving a car

I mean, you know, some guys think that like if I had the rolls royce man, like my
whole life would be different

Wouldn't you still have to get in the damn thing and you'd probably have more
anxiety driving down the road

Than you did in the in a toyota camry

But what does happen is it starts to become a video game?

Like cody was saying you start to be able to invest and you start to be able to
serve more you start to be uh,

Have less anxiety about your spend and that is the biggest

biggest uh

Barrier to a lot of guys in our industry in general is their unwillingness to

invest their fear to invest

And so I think that's one thing about the hustle

That is noble that it is constantly if you can watch us watch the core four push
the limits watch us take shots from all sides

Watch us keep innovating with you know quote

Iq and skunk wash works and some of the stuff that we're doing here

Watch us take hate from the market and keep going and if you can relate that

You know, and obviously we have haters and we have lovers. We have both and that's
by design

You know, i'll tell you that the point is that's what you want

but the idea is watch us keep going apply this formula to your life and

And start playing life like a video game with your income investing in things and
putting money here putting money there because I grew up

Um, not not poor, but we didn't have a ton of money

Uh, my dad owns a little business down in alabama and okay, but we we never

I mean eating out was like a

Like going to disney world bro getting pizza on friday night never happened. We
were that was like

It was like a once a month thing and it was a celebration

So I aim to give my family something different and I aim to create

A life and not a life where we can invest in things and give back to people and
that requires this amount of intensity

Right. So in summation, it's it's almost a game of expansion, right?

How far can we expand? How wide can we get our reach? How many resources can we

How much freedom can we get for ourselves?

And we advise that you guys do the same for yourself and for in your in your
business as well

So we'll segue uh, it's all love just want to make sure washing business is
actually lucrative

I'm gonna keep grinding and eventually get to your level, uh, where we'll be the
big five instead of the core four

So mike, I know you wanted to uh touch on this

No, no, I just I just wanted to I just because you know, he kind of clarified, uh
where that was coming from and

I I am, you know by design, uh in some regards erin, um the hate, uh, you know

Some of us get it a lot more than others and it's because you know, we put
ourselves out there, uh in in different ways

Um, and so sometimes I I not that I overreacted because everything that I said was
you know, a hundred percent

Accurate, um, but uh mike, I hope one day big five. I like it

Absolutely. Okay. So we'll kind of transition. We got some comments in here that
we'll kind of touch on briefly and then

Uh, we'll make a make a move out

Um you boys got me buying equipment as we speak watch my oldest boy making money
from my

300 power washer that I went all in and going full time

So that's awesome big women. Um, and we talk about all ends, right?
Like you know, it's kind of like what we talked about the what was it a parable
where like the old lady was um,

Giving all her money to the church and it was only three cents, right cody

Yeah, all in is different for different people

But as long as you're you know, putting your best foot forward and putting
everything that you have forward

You're gonna you know achieve the best results and that's kind of what we advocate


Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see

Just stay broke says garrett spark, man

um, amen

Just getting started. How do you calculate how many gallons of shh needed per job?

Mike says to download quote iq and use the free mix calculator. So that's a quick
fix on that one

Um, I can't get any customers. They all say that I look like a sheepdog because I
can't cut my beard



Andrew yeah personal hygiene is something that you're gonna have to deal with on
your own

That's not something that we specialize in

I mean, we all are very handsome and well-kept but um, you're gonna have to deal
with that on your own

Right. Okay. Here's a good one. Sean says my wife started a cleaning business

What's the best way to get customers for interior cleaning?

So cody since you mentioned that you are expanding out you want to touch on?

Um, I mean obviously the fundamentals for marketing remain the same right for any
kind of service business that we're offering

But maybe um, you got some insights on the cleaning business


I wouldn't do what we what we did because

And elisa's only trying to get you know, she's just by herself. She had a helper

They parted ways. So elisa's by herself. She can only only do

right now about 30 clients a month and so

So she runs some facebook ads and that's pretty basic and then we printed her up
some nice flyers

We we know the clients the neighborhoods. We want to hit and we just blanketed
those like an eddm

Uh thing but she could do that, you know just boots on the ground style

Because it's recurring so she's gonna clean them twice a month. So she really she
doesn't need a ton of customers

So it's not like pressure washing where you need a lot more eyeballs, right?

You need a lot more customers because you're gonna go to that place once a year

She's gonna go to those those places twice a month. So when she gets to 30, she's
she's pretty much set

So it's not it's not as hard of an uphill climb as something like pressure washing
would be but a facebook strategy is pretty good

Uh just and probably all the stuff we do would work

It would just probably work a lot faster because you're kind of gonna

Get your stack and then have some to backfill as you lose these through attrition
and stuff over time. So it's not that bad

Absolutely. Yeah, the same marketing principles apply to whatever service industry
that you're in

So like obviously we give a bunch of great stuff away on the channel

So make sure you check out some of the marketing videos that we have out

but if you want to come to wash con check out the comment section description and

We're gonna it's gonna be great man. I'm gonna go through uh, facebook ad stuff

I'm gonna give you guys a complete strategy and it's gonna be touching on some
google stuff

Mike is gonna be talking about automation

Email marketing things of that nature to really kind of expand and then cody's
gonna be talking about all the fundamentals

Um get things done right with regards to the cleaning and stuff like that. Um

Um, let's see. I think it's another question started a used car lot closing

What's the best way to keep the books also need best way to advertise a car a car

Well again, you know any any business is going to be the same right?
You got to get your business your name your brand in this front of in front of as
many people as you possibly can

And you know, we've got google. We've got uh, you've got facebook. You've got um,
all these different um online

Uh sources if you will where you can promote for next to nothing, right? Um in a
lot of cases it's free

Uh utilize your uh, your your friends and your family, right?

Let everybody know what you're doing and I say it all the time just because you're
starting a car lot just because you're starting a

Lawn care business or a pressure washing business doesn't mean that anybody knows
that you're in business

So it's your job

To get your name out there and you do that through having a marketing strategy.
It's not just one source

It's not just i'm gonna advertise here or i'm gonna run an ad here and i'm gonna do

You've got to have short-term goals. You got to have long-term game plan

Um, and and all of these are things that we talk about, uh at length on all of our

Um, and so I would definitely look into that as far as keeping your books, you
know, probably

You know quickbooks is kind of the the ultimate. Um, not ultimate but quickbooks is
probably the most popular

accounting software for

Uh, pretty much any smaller business and I use car lot. Is it going to be a small
business at least?

Initially, so I would look into quickbooks online. Um, and then uh, it's a great
way to uh to get started

No, absolutely. And so to kind of summarize everything for anybody looking for any
marketing tips out there, right?

It's all about eyeballs. How many eyeballs can you get in front of with an offer?

And translate those eyeballs into customers essentially now there's a lot of pieces
in between that but essentially that's the game, right?

How many people can we get up get in front of with an offer and convert them into

So wherever you can do that is going to be a great

Um way to go about your marketing now

There's a lot of tricks in between but um, let's kind of touch on the title of the
video, right?

the hard truths about growing a successful business, so

Um cody, let's start off with you because obviously you've had like a huge rise,
you know with regards to

Your equipment company. So what are some of the hard truths that you've kind of
come across with regards to growing that?

Um, there's a I was thinking about this trying to get my mind around what we were
going to talk about but

Let me push my button here on my truck. It's gonna



initially, you're going to have a lot of

probably negative self-talk and negative

Feedback from your your friends and family. That's probably going to be the first
big hurdle

Is you're already sort of nervous to do this and everybody you talk to is is going
to try to talk you out of it

So that's that's one

Uh truth that's just uh, it's going to be difficult to deal with now fortunately
for me

And the other three of these guys on here

We are wired such that we don't give a flying piss what anybody says

Uh, and and a lot of people never get off the ground because they they do care what
other people think so

That's one thing you're going to have to go up against is is uh, most everybody
they're doing it from a place of love

but they're gonna really

Poopoo your ideas here. Uh now I don't get that anymore because now they know like
oh, okay

cody is probably going to make that work, right so

That's that's initially

The other thing you're probably going to run into early on is just there's so many

Hats that you have to wear

I think a lot of guys burn out because all they know is all they all they can see
we see this at serious starter

Events that we used to do

Uh, they only see the i'm gonna go wash a house piece of the pie

And unfortunately, there's a lot of other pieces of the pie in any business
wouldn't matter if it was lawn care

Building equipment or any of those things. It's taken me

five years to get to the point where i've got

Other people I can give these other hats to some of those people are subcontracted
out as far as marketing teams

And you know, we just have budgets for things now, um in the early days. You're
just gonna basically have to do everything

You're gonna have to be the guy that goes out and washes. So you're physically
doing labor

And you've got to be the guy that takes care of the marketing now. I don't mean

Actually do the marketing but you've got to figure that out right and get it get it

You got to be the guy that maintains the rig

The rig that's what that's what we interact with a lot because we sell the best
equipment on the planet as far as i'm concerned

But it's equipment and it wears out and there's bleach and there's power and
there's plumbing and there's air leaks

And it's just part of this business, right?

So it's just like buying a john deere mower and thinking you're going to put seven
thousand hours on it

Never do anything to it. It don't work that way and that hangs a lot of guys up


The other thing I think is is the biggest hurdle

I don't want to say I don't know it's it's going to be different for everybody
because your personality

Is going to be able to tackle some of these things better

It's a lot of guys struggle with initial startup money as well

Like I don't I literally don't have any money to get started if you're starting
this business and you can put your hand on 20 grand

you've got kind of easy free and

honestly, I think that can be

Kind of a a hard truth because if you don't go through the grind

Aaron can speak to this but so many things he was forced to kind of get dialed in
on because he had to do it

The hard way so these are just a few of the things that that i've had to deal with

Some of them didn't affect me. I was I knew I was aware that it was there

But I don't care about it. So it didn't like bother me like i'm i'm pretty stoic

I think I try to be that way. I think you should be that way where you're not just

In reaction mode all the time. You just kind of be like, okay

We're just going to go do that and then we're going to do this and then we're going
to do that and

Just matter matter of fact about it. A lot of this is a mental game

Because the fact is if you go and take a pressure washer and you clean this
property you will make this amount of money

As long as you're charging accordingly, but that that's a given so it's a mental
game man in the early days

It's it's overcoming a lot of fear and overcoming a lot of negative things that
you're it's not going to be necessarily easy

We get accused of telling everybody that you're going to get rich quick. No, you're
going to get you're going to get rich quick

You're going to get you're going to get a good paying

Business that you own over the course of about two to three years

And then then you're going to be kind of like dang

This is a great you're going to be where ben wilson is now, right?

But that did not happen immediately and you got to be able to suffer through to get
to the other side

I think what cody said is probably one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people
don't make it right like

Jim ron used to say this thing about like, um, you know reaping and sowing, right?

You're only going to reap so much from what you sow. I think is what it was and you
can probably correct me better

On this but like basically when you harvest you're not going to get the entire
harvest, right?

Some of the stuff is going to die like some of the seeds are going to get blown
Um some you know

There's going to be like a bird that comes in and eats some of the seeds and

That's what cody's described. He described all these things that get in people's
way, right?

You have the people that doubt you right your friends and family you have you can't
figure out the marketing

You can't figure out the equipment

Maybe money's the issue all of these little things really weed away at a lot of the
competition a lot of the competition

So the only guys that really survive are the ones that can kind of outlast all
these different things

And those are the ones that ultimately thrive in the end

so one of the hard truths about being successful in your business is

Most people are going to fail hard truth is you the the odds are stacked against
you the likelihood that you succeed is

It's not very high. It's more likely that you're going to fail

However, if you're able to make it through all that and you know that from the
beginning you can persevere and you can find success

um, so

No, I think I think cody really touched on it. Um, and

I hear all the time, you know, and I was that's funny

I was just talking to my wife about this this morning how

On occasion we'll hear people, you know make off-handed comments or directly

Uh, you know pointed at us talking about how you know, these guys are selling a

Uh a get rich quick scheme. Um, they're scammer, you know, and and so

kind of my thought process on this whole thing is

uh running a business starting a business, um, continuing a business

Uh is is is very difficult. Right and most people aren't going to do it. Um,

the statistics on on how you know businesses how long they actually last is it's


pessimistic and negative and I mean I can't remember exactly what the stats are but
50 of businesses that are started don't last a year and then 10 years from then
it's like 40 have already, you know gone under

There are no magic bullets, right?

Um, there are there's no course that you can buy that is going to make you

Washcon is not going to make you successful


What's going to make you successful is taking the things that you learn

Implementing them in your business executing those things the actionable steps that
are proven, right proven to work

If you implement those things that's when you're going to start to see success, but
it's not going to happen overnight

There is no magic bullet. There's there's no magic, you know a fairy that's going
to poof and you know

You buy how to wash and all of a sudden you're going to be you know

Making a ton of money or you come to Washcon and all of a sudden you're going to
have a million dollar business

That is not how it happens. It's going to it's going to take you it's going to take
your dedication

And uh, it's going to take a lot of hard work. So that's that's the hard truth that
I really have found is


There's no easy way you can shortcut the learning curve, right? You can educate

You can invest your in yourself and your business and and that's gonna that's gonna
help you accelerate the path to success

But you're never going to be able to just you know leapfrog all the hard work.
There's no such thing as that

Right Aaron, you want to weigh in?

Yeah, I think um

Aaron had a lot of hard truths early on

I think those hard truths that I had, you know for a lot of the guys on here who
are on Justin's and Mike's channel

I went through a five almost six year divorce

custody battle
uh started that battle as a musician in Nashville touring on board with pretty much
all my heroes

Left that dream because I couldn't keep going. I had to pay

uh for attorney's fees, so I kind of torpedoed that dream and started a wash
business and

I think it's pertinent to what we're talking about here because I started it with
500 bucks and renting the machine

A lot of special forces guys have this terminology and i've just kind of adopted it
to where we are in our

World of business is called becoming hard to kill

And that's exactly what I am. I'm extremely

Hard to kill and what does that mean? Um, it means that I have an element of grit

and perseverance and resilience

that is


The antithesis of kind of what the normal person was that I grew up around and and
how do you develop something like that?

I usually work from the negative

I work from

asking, uh

the pool of people who i'm aware of and who I know even from family and old friends
and people like that and

None of the core four because they're a different group of people

But who are the normies back where i'm from and what would they do in this

And usually the answer would have been

They would have given up

Or they would have complained on facebook or they would have said I don't have
enough money

Or they would have said I can't make it happen

Or they would have said and it's just all this is purge of weakness of of just ugly
nasty. Just just

It is it is the the exact

Uh situation of the story of the talents that we touched on last time in the bible
Is that that guy who got the one talent that is the massive amount of people?

They bury it and they do nothing with it

And the guy who got the three talents became very hard to kill

He said nah, man, you give me the three talents. He's kind of like a terrell owens
figure, right?

A receiver that's very arrogant

That's like well, I don't like terrell because he's very arrogant

Well, the problem is terrell catches like 40 freaking touchdowns a year

So how do you hate terrell owens? But yet he's the top receiver in the league at
that in my era of time, right?

He was so arrogant. Everyone didn't like him

It's because you just become an individual who says i'm gonna get it done and how I
did that through my


of of time and and I spent probably

uh, I could buy a

A brand new ferrari with how much I spent on attorney's fees

I could buy a house in probably like south of nashville with how much I spent and
so for a lot of guys they would say

Dude, and you can't ride a ferrari

For a lot of guys they would say dude and can't write any of that off. By the way,
it's all personal expense

So that's so that's the the ultimate hit but how do you become hard to kill you
kind of identify?

What your family friends neighbors all the broke people you grew up around what
would they do you do the opposite?

It's it's very cut and dry and I hate that. It sounds that simple

It's like I know a line of people of normies is going through this door

I'm going through this door if they were they're like well that how do you know
that door's not locked?

I don't know, but there's no one going through the door and the funny thing is when
I go up to it

I just push it open and walk out

Because no one is going to go do the hard thing

No one is going to invest in their knowledge going to buy the books. I walk on
tiktok buy a buy a

399 course that literally I don't remember the time I did a house wash

That was only 399

Like I every house wash I've done is like six seven eight two thousand three
thousand dollars ben wilson in a test

Ben wilson is one of those guys

And you just have to walk through the door that all of your friends family and
neighbors are not going to walk through you just

You reverse engineer from the negative. What will all of these people do?

What will they not do and usually the recipe for you is do the opposite your
friends and family are going to chastise you

For spending the money come to a wash car. They'll probably say it's stupid to buy
a course

They may even comment on my channel that you shouldn't buy it. But here's the truth

The problem with that thinking is we now have a recipe

Right. We've been doing it long enough to where we have probably 20 30

Maybe even 40 guys at this point who took anything we've said to heart

Implemented it down to the math if we said do it they did it

And a lot of these guys are the superstars that you see in the inner circle now.
Look they did all the sweat

They did all the work for sure

The cool part about it is if I can just give them

Some of the formulas right to shortcut the learner and make a five-year deal a two-
year deal or a four-year deal a one-year deal

Bro, how much time?

Are they buying back with a thousand dollar ticket or a two thousand dollar ticket
or a 4.99 course when you start looking at?

The leverage that you can get on your time and brokeies don't value time

So anyone who has a rebuttal for that you're probably a brokeie

Because you don't value buying back time

People who are of a different uh, like I hinted on uh, randy mattocks. He's another
guy in the inner circle

That's a guy. I think he's got a skid from you cody. I believe
Um, I think he's got some equipment from you or he's going to be but that again
he's got the foot stuff

He's doing everything we say he's buying the equipment. He's doing it and dude. He
is actually making it happen

I think he's actually knocking on doors marco. He'll be another guy with an amazing
story in the inner circle

He's had a rough go dude

But marco is like one of the most positive people who just implementing it and you
know what the dude like over six figures

Last year, it was his first year in business

It's it's it's truly just being willing to humble yourself

Take the formula implement it and and that's hard sometimes man because

I'll tell you this is and i'll let us segue from here

When I was a musician for nine ten years, I was on the verge of doing a record deal
with sony records

I had my agents were caa

Like I had an a list team if you guys know anything about that world

I could tell you the people who were my people who had signed me to their team and
I had an a navy seal team


To walk away from this they would call me

In the mind of old say dude, you can't just you can't just walk away from this man

like we have too much invested and I was like

I don't think you understand

I'm not going to be a weekend without my son

And if I can't be here, I will ultimately lose him. So washing was all I had

So I had to become hard to kill

I had to do the opposite of what everyone was going to tell me because everyone
else was broke

Okay, that's the formula

That's the recipe and um, I I hope you guys listening here today can implement some
of this

into your uh
He says he's leaning me. I hope you'll implement this into your life into your

It will do for you. It will purge all of the fat away from you

We'll get rid of the fat and they'll just leave like the people who don't believe
in you

Some of the family will eventually come back around like cody said

But a lot of that family and friends will go away and you'll find a new set

You'll find your own core four of people who are just outright killers in what they
want to do

They'll invest in their business. They're they're willing to write the check like
right now guys you guys in the chat don't understand like

What cody writes checks for like just concrete?

like cody writes checks for just

Shit, you can't even you can't even make money with like you just stand on stuff
sits on it

You see you can't like guys are like how many thousands of dollars did you spend on

And they have an issue with buying a rig for 30 grand. It's like bro. We spent more
on concrete

You can't make money with concrete. So level up your thinking but the idea here is
to make the most potent move

Do the most potent thing you can do right now

And a lot of times it's going to come in the form of doing the thing you don't want
to do because you've been in

La la land dude, you've been lackadaisical. You've been not going to the mental gym
if you will it's going to be hard for a while


cody you want to say what yeah, it's

Another another thing is once you do get some success and and start hitting some
strides and stuff

you'll lose some friends because now it's like they know how well you're doing and

It's weird like i've i haven't you're not i haven't really lost them. It's not like
we don't

talk but

It's just that we're in a different place in life and we appreciate different
things. And so some of those
Kind of family members that come, you know, you can just tell they treat you
different and

I I think that's just part of it, you know, and that's kind of weird emily really
struggles with that

She's like because we're putting in an offer on an 8000 square foot mansion

It's pretty it's pretty crazy. It's not that expensive in the middle of alabama
though. I will say that it's just like a crazy deal

in this house, but

Um, it was weird to me like two years ago that we were able to tithe to our church
that year

More than me and emily used to make combined annual salary just a few years

We were able to give that much to our church in one calendar year and we didn't
even like notice it

We were just like, you know, they gave you the little envelope

At the end of the year taxes like god dang, we we tithed more than we used to make
household income


When you when you get that level and you're kind of hitting your stride and maybe
you got two or three trucks running and you're doing

That it's also a hard truth that you're gonna lose

Some some relationships just not because you failed but because you won

And like aaron said you're gonna have to kind of find new people that are on the

It's almost like you're on a different wavelength now and it comes here's the thing
it comes off to people who don't know any better

I think they like to label it as oh, you're arrogant or you're uh,

It's not arrogant. There's a word here. I just don't know what it is. But you're
uh, you're just it's rich people, right?

It's rich. It's like no, dude. I'm same guy. I've always been it's just like i'm
not gonna go. I paid a guy yesterday

i'm not gonna go I paid a guy yesterday to pull some

osb out of my basement closet and replace it and

It was probably like a three-hour job and he charged me four hundred fifty dollars
and I was like cool

Here's, you know four fifty dollars

But there was a time in my life

In my dad's life and my brother's the way we were raised that we were like four
hundred fifty dollars

Man, we do that, you know about 30 minutes. Yes. I know I can do it. I have the
knowledge to do it

It's a very simple task

But the time is not

Right that that would have been a stupid use of my time because I need to be on a
zoom call

I need to be talking to so and so I need to make sure that this project's done

I need I got so many things going on. So

another sadly difficult truth is whether you

Fail or win you're going to have some relationship challenges and and I guess the
winning one is the weirdest one. It is very strange

I think this kind of ties back into the the beginning super chat that we got like
why are we doing this if other things?

Are profitable it's because we want everything right like we want it all and it's a
completely different mindset from anybody that

You're friends with anybody that you're family with anybody that you work with
because it's a it's like an obsession

It's a constant thinking about how can we get better?

What can we implement that's going to move the needle more? How can we get more?

And it's just one of the things that we all have. That's why we work. That's why we
go so well together

I saw somebody comment. Why are y'all the core ports because all of our values and
all of our principles align?

And we've come here to absolutely change everything and I hope by us hopping on
some of these live calls

We can kind of like rub that off on you a little bit because if you spend time with
your friends and family

You will be conditioned to into this like, you know nine to five

Nine-to-five mediocre like working for the weekend type mentality and that's just
something that we don't have we are working for

Um to build a legacy if you will we're working for everything

We are playing a board game a chess game of how can we expand and consume all of
so it's a completely different mentality, um, and

Yeah, I think it's I think you have to be willing to uh, lose anyone. That's how I
think i'm willing to lose anyone

I'm willing to lose you not because i'm going to be an a-hole to you because I I
have to check myself there

not because i'm going to do you wrong or

uh cheat you but I am willing to lose you if you're willing to be childish and if
you're willing to be


A hater against my dreams because i'm not a hater against your dreams. See that's
the interesting thing about winners

Is that?

Winners actually want everyone to win. They believe in abundance

That's the interesting thing when you start hanging around these people they
understand that you can win and I can win

Wow, isn't that a thing? I see a lot of people they believe that if I win you lose
or you win I lose and there's this

Competitive thing that apparently somebody's taking your job. Apparently somebody's
taking your money and that's just not

The way it is in actuality in abundance

Abundance and the cool things is if you just press onward you will start to create
your own

Niche because no one can be better at you

than you no one can be a better you than you and that's one thing that

I had to teach myself as being willing to lose anyone under the facet


They came at me with jealousy or they tried to down my dreams the first time
someone speaks negativity in my direction

I literally developed this like loss of hearing like I developed a shield

Where I actually can't hear them and they sound like charlie brown's mom

Like that's what they sound like to me. They're negative. I can hear them, but I

Process what they say

And that goes for my family that goes for my friends that goes for everyone
And i'm ruthless like that like i'll cut family. I'm like I ain't there's some
family that's been trying to get in touch with me

Look, I love you, but don't come at me with some negative nonsense

Okay, I will love you from a distance

Purposefully until you're in the ditch and then i'll come pull you out then you
won't hear from me again because you're negative

So I like I don't believe that people should put up barriers

as far as

Their uh, how do I say this? I believe you must put up barriers over your mind

And your ears you must as jim rose protect your dreams like a father and nurse them
like a mother

And that is something you must take very very seriously very seriously to the point
where you're like look man

And my brothers the cool thing is my brothers have like jumped on board my youngest
brother will he's like 20

He did like six figures this year in real estate first year in real estate crushed

You know why because i'm like bro, you can do this dude the mother schmucks out
there. You're gonna outsell them. They're schmucks

And he's like, yes, we're doing it. We're doing it. He's like studying and reading
he's gone to courses

He's gone to courses. He will have spent like eight grand going to

Bunches of real estate events and courses and learning and soaking it up here


Middle brother. He's just an animal. We're all kind of the same product of our
father this

Ongoing drip of water on the rock like we just keep going we just be hard to kill

Just keep going just keep going it'll get better. It'll get better

pierce will just

He's buying condos. He's expanding pressure washing business. He's in real estate
now. He's bought land

Like on the cheap like over here, you know founding good deals and stuff pierce is
a hustler, too

He's an extreme hustler, but uh, I think you have to either

Get rid of those people for the time being and then maybe you can groom them into
that mentality of positivity towards the uh,
the possibilities that life can become

I used to have a family member that would tell me all the time that it's not a good
idea to buy a new car

You'd be like I would never buy a new car and you say all the time

It's not worth it a lot

You can buy a new car and write it off completely but I always had this mindset I
always had this like, you know

Oh man, those people are stupid because they got a new car

You got to become cognizant of who's around you what they're saying

And like aaron said when you start hearing something that doesn't you know doesn't
add up right here or isn't on that

You know same level that you want to be at you got to start bringing up the
blinders, right?

It's not about like I don't say I can't afford it you have to ask the question. How
can I afford it?

What what asset do I need to build to afford this?

Go ahead cody me and mike have uh teenagers

but you other two

Got little kids. So i'm gonna go on mike will will nod and

Agreement here teenagers are expensive and we've got a uh, we've got a situation
our extended family right now where we

had to move back home with mom and dad and and bring the uh

Bring the two kids with us and they're they're just you know

In kind of a tight spot and I was talking to elisa about that and I said see

See right there

I've got to make so much money

Because I need like an emergency


Two commas in the bank because how do I know that one day you don't have a life

That if dad can't step in and take care of that you're screwed. That's my
responsibility, right?

It's not the government's responsibility. It's not

I'm not saying i'm gonna prop my kids up forever. But as a dad of teenagers, I want
them to get to have the best

Possible i'm doing a strategic thing with mike and preston because they're boys

I am spoiling the crap out of them strategically

Then i'm gonna take it all away when they turn 19 and then they're gonna have to
hustle like hey

You're addicted to nice things now and and now you you gotta either like become a
drug dealer or you've got to be successful

somewhere, but the the guy that I was talking to her about was

He's made plenty of money and he's not poor by any stretch

But now his daughter who's in her 30s has had to move back in bring the two

their whole life is messed up and I was like, why don't he just

pull 15 grand out of the bank and

Rent her a house for six months and give her some money and kind of help

15 grand. Where's it gonna give them like this dude got 15 grand. He just he is not
mentally ready to part with it

They're complaining about them, you know being in their house and it's like oh,
it's messing our lives up

We were empty nesters and now we've got them back

Just write the check bro and like or or don't write the check, but don't complain
about it

so you've got to understand like don't be scared of money because

As much money as you think is enough

You're one lawsuit away from being in a mess your one medical accident one one car
wreck one kid getting something happening to him


A few hundred thousand dollars is like there went that like that. It's just crazy
how quickly in this world we can swing it

That's the truth of business is you need a very large war chest

Like whatever you think the number is like probably triple that and that's what you
need for life

Because a million dollars, you know

We've been we've been talking about a million dollars now since the 80s like that
was a lot of money in the 80s

A million dollars is is no money. It's no money nowadays like think about a guy
making a hundred thousand dollars at a job

In 10 years he made a million dollars. What's he live like he's broke

That's not enough money. So whatever you think you've got a you got a 3x you're
thinking so

It's just an interesting thing that we play here biblically speaking. We don't love
money. I could care less about money

I like what money allows me to do what money allows me to buy my time back money
allows me to

Take time and go do other i'm going to go to uganda this year on a missions trip

And I can do that because I can afford to be out of office for a week and go and do
a thing

And it's it just comes down to being able to

Have the money to do it and that's just uh, it's a hard thing broke people don't
like money

They don't have any they don't want you to have any they're okay with you being

As long as you're not more successful than they are and if you're around those
those type of people

They're going to talk you out of a lot of opportunities

So I don't I don't stay around them

I don't stay around them at all. I change my phone number three times a year

When I change my phone number these three guys get my new number and about six
other humans on the planet

I'm, like hey too many people got my number. Here's my new number guys

They're like dang it. I gotta go and update cody's contact but

I don't I don't let that I don't let it in. It's bad for you, dude

It's very right and you know, the crazy thing is, you know

We talk about it all the time about surrounding yourself with the right people
surrounding yourself with killers surrounding yourself with people that have the

Goals and aspirations and put put us all back up


The thing about this right like my my businesses have always been successful,

And it's because I work hard. I I follow a formula

Um, and when things when things go astray you you correct them you don't quit,

You figure out what works you figure out what doesn't work and then you do the
things that work

And then you can replicate and you can continue to do that in in multiple different

services, uh businesses whatever the case is, right

um, but it honestly and this is and I don't think i've ever said this to you guys,
but it was and


It wasn't until like you try a mic or what? No, no, no, but I was I I don't i'm not

I don't want to boast or but you know, like

I've been very successful

It wasn't until it was with you guys

That I finally kind of was like wow like okay

There is a bigger picture like I thought I saw the bigger picture, but it wasn't
until you know, I listened to I listened to um

Cody talk about his businesses. I listened to justin

I mean i've learned so much from you guys and and aaron and and just like the
philosophy of life and business

I mean, it's it's it's been so

Empowering and it's been a life-changing event for me to be able to talk to guys
like this to surround myself with guys like this

To interact to bounce ideas off and and this is exactly what all three of us all
four of us are talking about, right?

It's it's don't let the negative there's never negativity. We'll call each other
out if there's some bullshit, right?

But because you know, we're kind of all on the same path. We don't have to

Um, and and it's just it's just a great thing. Uh, it's just a great thing to uh to
experience and and I hope that everybody watching

Can somehow replicate what we've got here

Uh and and and find people that that support you that that elevate you that want
you to succeed, right?

I want every single one here and and everybody watching I want you to succeed

I want you to be better than me. I want you to do better than me, right?

And and that's you know, that's that's what winners do winners
Promote winners never try to drag anybody down and and I wish the best for
everybody because uh, it's good stuff

I want to give some kudos to cody and if you guys want to be surrounded by more of
this and if you guys want more

Of this definitely hop in the inner circle this where a lot of like-minded people

But I want to give some kudos to cody because cody is aligned pretty much in like
all these areas of life, right?

A lot of you guys can't imagine tithing ten percent now with whatever you make

But imagine tithing ten percent when you make millions of dollars a year, right?

Like cody just said he tithes more than what they used to make

Because he's congruent because like I don't know if you guys have ever heard the
saying but the hole that you give out of

Is the same hole that you receive from so, you know, he's willing to be congruent
in every area

So this guy said you change your number three times a year. Yeah, absolutely if
that's what it takes to

To block out all the negativity and all the things that are keeping them down right

Yeah, I mean it's just guys i'll i'll be on a saturday. Somebody will enter a tech
support ticket

I'm like dang. I know exactly what that is. It's something easy

I'll call him from my personal cell like an idiot and then the guys, you know, he's
not i'm not throwing off on the guy

But he'll just down is he's gonna call my number

So I just I try to keep my personal cell number because it just gets blowed up. I'm
sorry, man. Mike's been getting in the middle of it

Mike called me yesterday about something, but I did when you've got

100 when you build 400 rigs a year everybody wants to talk to me and i'm like

Well, i'd love to do that. I just I simply can't do it. But I I really I echo what
mike has said is like

Networking with other like-minded people has has easily made me at least a comma,
you know

Like it's it's a ridiculous amount of and it's it's just the motivation

It's the mental drive because it keeps me sharp. It keeps me like i've got to stay
on my a game or these other guys here
They're gonna leave me behind and it's not that they're trying to do that. It's
just the nature of

We're all pulling ourselves together. How can you let's let's bring this back to a
practical scenario

if you're in say

The south atlanta market and you're in a a good-sized little town. I would find a
real estate person

That's up and coming. I would find a hvac guy. That's up and coming. I would find
an electrician

A plumber and a landscaper and i'd make me about five or six people including
myself and we would have a conglomerate

And we would feed each other

Motivation wise we probably do do a lunch once a month and we would get you know

as close as our personalities now you're going to have to factor that in as well,

Now all these people they're contributing to right? I don't have any i'm not going
to build an app

So guess what every friday? I recommend guys to use quote iq like probably 50 dudes
a month

Hear me say quote iq is what you should because it's awesome

I believe in the product but also because it's my boys made it

Like if they wouldn't be my boys if they didn't make an awesome product, they're
not gonna make a crappy product. So mike's not building equipment

How many rigs have I sold because i've collabed with mike, right?

It's not dishonest at all. You're going to recommend somebody mike wouldn't hang
out with me if I built crappy equipment

He's got one of my trailers. He's using it on the daily. I haven't i'm not going to
go run

Aaron ain't gonna ain't gonna let me run no seo because I don't know anything about

So aaron has 3x'd my website in the last year. It's crazy

Because we're we're all in the same genre, but we're all in the same

We're all in the same genre

But the reason we can be the core four is because we're not really competing with
each other

We're just helping each other pull the wagon smoother and better and faster because
we're we're all saddled to the same thing
Which is success and we're trying to go that way together

And so if you can find some local guys, you know, I wouldn't do this with three
other pressure washers

Like that's that's a recipe for failure because you're actually competing for the
same jobs

But you can find other guys in the service industry in your immediate area

Those guys will become your best friends because you're helping each other out
money wise you're pitching each other leads

Dude referral leads like that if if the guy loves this hvac guy, right this this
dude in a two million dollar house

This is his hvac guy and he recommends you for pressure washing. You got the job,

It don't like they don't even call anybody else. So that stuff is very powerful

We've watched it in our own businesses over the last two years

You know if I got a if if I got an issue going on in my personal life

These are the three people I talk to so we encourage you guys to do that. It's a
very powerful thing

And it's like I said earlier, it's a mental game

Right. I want to finish my point on cody real quick and then we can wrap or
whatever, but it's all about congruence

Okay, this this whole live has kind of shifted a little bit

We were talking about the hard truths of growing successful business, but these are
some of the hard truths, right?

One of them was that the people in your life are going to doubt you and make
comments and things like that

That's why you need to change your circle

Um, but also the congruence right if you're not willing to give away ten percent of
a thousand dollars in tithing or whatever

The case may be writing the check

Whatever that is

How you're going to give away ten percent of a million and having the congruence
like cody has to

Write the checks for things that aren't going to bring in money like a twelve
thousand dollar check for concrete

In the back of southeast soft wash on if you guys saw his video recently
But you have to be willing to write the checks

especially early on if you want to reap those rewards and you have to be congruent
with with the actions with the words

Um and all the things you take it

So these are some of the pieces that are going to help you put it together

But surrounding yourself with like a lot of people is another piece as well

So you have to do that within the inner circle. Um, is there anything else you want
to touch on before rat boys?

Yeah, I think that um, I think that

like you were saying

You really have to watch

Your knee-jerk reaction about things meaning your thoughts

I'm, uh, I got my girl reading as a man thinketh to me in the truck, uh audibly
this morning because I do

Another as a man thinketh book. It's kind of a book. I collect anytime I can grab
one at the

Bookstore or used books. They're usually like 50 cents a used book

But as a man thinketh, it actually comes from a parable in the bible as a man
thinketh in his heart. So is he?

Um, the book is written about the controlling of your thoughts and how they

Um your actions, right thoughts manifest actions and actions

manifest your life


So for me, it's it's one of those one of those things that

Learning how to control your knee-jerk reaction to prices

I think is the most tangible takeaway for some of you guys like the hard truth
about this

Is when someone asks you to write a check for something

Um, and you say like cody was saying, uh from his old his old people or old family
or whatever

That's too much or this or that. I saw a youtuber of recent. He wrote

Uh a check to grant cardone for it was thirty thousand dollars per call and each
call went for an hour
and I know

That I had to audit myself

Right. The first person you audited is you and you in the chat right now need to
audit yourself when you just heard that number

And I would love to know what you thought

Right when I said thirty thousand dollars per call

For an hour, I would love to know what your carnal

Brain the person who you used to be because it's still there look alabama's still

Okay, I have to fight with it every day

It's not going

So what did you think when you heard the number thirty thousand dollars for an

On a consulting call. Did you think that's too much? That's crazy. What did you

if you thought anything but

I could probably see that that would be worth it


You need to rethink your thought process

You need to really dive down and what the inner circle is right the inner circle is

It's it's 149 a month. What is it like 17 hundred dollars or something a year,

Ben ben's doing that in a morning. Ben wilson is is cleaning that so so the 149 is
really negligible

Right, the money is negligible. It's like not gonna gutter clean minimum

It's not one job

What it is though is a dog whistle

Is a dog whistle the the ticket for wash con some people would say man, this is
really expensive

No, no, it's a dog whistle because the only people who are going to be at wash con

Are the people that you want to be around?

The only people who are going to be in the inner circle are people who are positive
supportive serious about their business hustling

There's no riffraff
At wash con or in the inner circle. It's a dog whistle

That's all it is because when you pay you pay attention, right?

But you also the word thing this uncanny is that it attracts a certain type of

You guys are listening to those types of human here. One of the initiations for one
of the clubs. I'm in right now

Uh in nashville is uh, 25 000 just to start the process then it's another 500 a
month to be apart

Just be apart and socialize but you know who's there

Everyone there is pretty much millionaires and probably about three or four
billionaires and they're from all over the globe and all over the country

Would you not pay to be within arm's length?

Of the people who are going where you want to go in your business

Of course you would if you're smart you would but if you're not you have that knee-
jerk reaction that says man

That's too much. No, no, no, that's the old broky people talking to you. You have
to understand what voice is what?

You you but you have to hear it

Because if you hear it

You'll notice the knee-jerk reaction that you have to it. And what do we do like I
talked about earlier?

We go through the other door. I'm telling you my name here on the chat is write the
check, right? It's somewhere around here

write the check


Every time I write the check my life gets better

Every time I feel the anxiety of buying a ticket or paying an initiation fee to be
a part of an exclusive club

And I just do it because I feel the alabama in me boiling up. It's like you don't
need to do that

You're good where you are. It's like no no no

I am not writing the check necessarily just to be a part. I'm writing the check to
extinguish and kill the old me

That's what I'm doing. So I hope you guys will grab your ticket to
Is that right mike?

That is correct

Excellent. Excellent. We look forward to seeing you guys to be

linked in the comment section and the description

We're gonna wrap on that boys. Uh

What's the word of the day and i'm trying to think of like something I could pull
from your closet

The word of the day is right

I love what you said about um killing off your older self every time that you write
the check like

That's my mission

Go ahead. That's my mission. No, I feel what cody talks about. I think it's just
because look you're in louisiana, dude

Mike you're in georgia like we all have that country thing like it surrounds us
like that broke thing cody and I from alabama

So we just can jank on alabama folks, but like that's where we're from

If you ever go to roanoke, you guys have a chance to pick up equipment. You are
surrounded by meth

The only thing that's not meth is cody. All right, so

So he goes right over there, right?

It's it's sad. It's it's not a bad neighborhood, but there are sad pockets

And you can get into that place. And so that's what we're doing when we're asking
you to write the check

We're asking you to kill the old you

To become a new to to that's the only way I know to purge myself of that

And I have to purge myself of that multiple times a year

I do and that's I do that is betting on myself

And writing the check

Boom write the check word of the day, uh comment that down below hashtag your real

Check out watch con tickets comment section description until next time also hard
and get that money baby. Peace

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