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1521/2058 1601/2058 ELECTRICAL INSTALL ATION Il, ESTIMATING AND TENDERING, INDUSTRIAL MACHINES AND CONTROLS June/July 2020 Time: 3 hours THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (POWER OPTION) MODULE 1 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Il, ESTIMATING AND TENDERING, INDUSTRIAL MACHINES AND CONTROLS 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: Ss You should have a non-pregrammable clei calcd aormcoematee tables for this examination. This paper consists TWO sections: A and Answer any THO questions from |, ONE quesiion fiom section B and THO questions. from Section C in the answer booklet. All.questions carry equal marks. Maximum marks for each part of a question are as indicated Candidates should answer the questions in English, This paper consists of 5 printed pages. ‘Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the Pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing. (©2020 The Kenya National Examinations Council Turn over (by SECTION A: ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Il Answer TWO questions from this section. Define ‘wiring systems" (2 marks) Explain cach of the following factors considered when selecting a particular wiring system of a howser @ cost; (i) _accessibility: (ii) durability (6 marks) fc) With aid of labelled diagram, describe the overhead inmking wiring system fora workshop. (6 marks) id) EEE SSO epee ee ria ee ge (6: marks) 2 @) ee ee by the IBE regulations. (3 marks) (h) Illustrate a three-phase four wire industrial s1 ‘for single and three phase loads. (5 marks) © Bee ee 4) off-peak tariff;

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