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Assessment Task Notification


Course: Industrial Technology Engineering

Task Topic: Alternative Energy Sources Year: 10
Task Type: Video Production
Assessment Task No 1 Date 4th April 2023

Outcomes being Assessed
IND5-2 applies design principles in the modification, development and production of projects
IND5-5 selects, interprets and applies a range of suitable communication techniques in the
development, planning, production and presentation of ideas and projects
IND5-6 identifies and participates in collaborative work practices in the learning environment
IND5-9 describes, analyses and uses a range of current, new and emerging technologies
and their various applications
IND5-10 describes, analyses and evaluates the impact of technology on society, the
environment and cultural issues locally and globally

Task Description
During this unit students will engage in the study of alternative energy sources, their
characteristics, applications and the impact on society and the environment.

Working in pairs, students will be allocated an alternative energy technology. You will be
required to research this technology and produce an informational video which examines
several aspects of the technology and its applications around the world.

The topics covered in this video are:

 Overview of the alternative energy (What is it?) [1 Minutes]
 Explanation of the technical workings of the technology [2 Minutes]
 How the technology has been constructed and what materials are used [1 Minutes]
 Current application around the world [1 Minutes]
 Positive environmental impacts of the technology & benefits over coal power [2
 Negative environmental impacts of the technology [1 Minutes]
 Limitations to implementing the technology here in Australia [1 Minutes]
 Future potential of the technology [1 Minutes]

The timeframes indicated are a guide only. However, the video should be within 10% of the
10 minute timeframe.

 Each section covered in the video must have a transition slide with the title.
 You may use graphics and videos from third-party sources however you will be
required to record all audio (you cannot use any third-party audio) and include all
videos used in a reference list.

 Your video will be played to the class and at the conclusion of the video you will be
required to field questions from the class. You must have a deep enough
understanding of the technology to accurately answer all questions (this will be

 You will be required to upload your video file onto YouTube as an ‘Unlisted’ video
and share the URL link with your teacher via Seqta submissions in a word document
including group names.

Context for the Task

In this unit students will learn about the engineering of alternative energy sources
technologies, their properties and the associated materials and applications.

Task Rubric

You will be assessed on your ability to:

 Produce an informative and engaging video presentation on your chosen

alternative energy source.

 Answer questions from classmates at the conclusion of your presentation, which

demonstrates an understanding of your research.

 Work collaboratively in the development of a final project.

To undertake this task, you need to:

 Participate in all class discussions

 Attend all classes.

 Download and follow tutorials on how to use video editing software.


Video Presentation & Q&A Responses

50-41 40-31 30-21 20-11 10
Clarifies the purpose of the
alternative energy source, clearly Clarifies the purpose of the Describes the purpose of the Outlines the purpose of the Identifies the a
defining what the alternative energy source alternative energy source alternative energy source so
technology achieves
f the Clearly explains in detail how the Clearly explains how the Describes how the technology Outlines some aspects of how the States some f
ngs of technology functions, referring to technology functions, referring functions technology functions tech
ogy. specific components and their to some of the
workings technical workings
ology Clearly explains in detail how the Clearly explains how the Describes how the technology is Outlines some of the detail of States limite
ructed technology is constructed and technology is constructed and constructed and describes the how the technology is about how
ials are justifies the associated materials describes the associated associated materials constructed and states the technology i
materials associated materials
Identifies, analyses and explains Identifies and explains current Identifies current uses of the States a current use of the
current uses of the technology in uses of the technology in technology in various locations technology in two or less
ation Identifies an a
various locations, both in various locations around the around the world locations
orld. tech
Australia and around world around the world
the world
mental Describes in detail multiple Describes multiple positive Describes a positive impact of the States a positive impact of the Gives limited
he positive impacts of the impacts of the technology as technology as well as stating it’s technology the positive
enefits technology as well as discussing well as describing it’s benefits benefits over coal power tech
wer it’s benefits over coal power over coal power
Discuss in detail multiple negative Explains in detail a negative Explains a negative impact of the States a negative impact of the Identifies an
mpacts impacts of the technology on the impact of the technology on the technology on the environment technology on the environment technology on
ogy. environment and analyses their environment
to Evaluates and analyses the Evaluates the limitations of the Explains the limitations of the Describes the limitations of the Identifies one
the limitations of the technology in technology in the context of technology in the context of technology in the context of technology in
re in the context of Australia Australia Australia Australia Aus

of the Evaluates and analyses the future Evaluates the future potential Discuss the future potential of the Describes the future potential of Identifies the
y. potential of the technology, of the technology, providing an technology, providing an example the technology. of the te
providing examples of its future example of of
application its future application its future application
Draws on group research to Draws on group research to Draws on some group research to Draws on some group research to Is unable t
ses thoroughly answer questions answer questions provide basic answers to questions provide limited answers to questions/pro
questions answers to
Video is edited to a high standard, Video is edited to a good Video is edited to include Video is lacking in editing and/or Video is not com
with engaging and informative standard, with some information about most aspects, includes limited information in editing a
content and relevant graphics, informative content and mostly includes some relevant video and about aspects. Video and auditory auditory conte
unique editing elements, relevant graphics, some auditory content. Transition slides content may not link to relevant to relevant sec
appropriate transition slides and transition between video between video sections may be sections and is missing. Limited No transition
is within 10% of the 10 minute sections and is close to 10% of missing. Not close to 10% of the 10 transition slides between video video section
timeframe the 10 minute timeframe minute timeframe sections. Video is not close to close to 10% o
10% of the 10 minute timeframe time

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