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DATE: 28-02-22
TIME: lhour 30mins

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be
allowed to_ write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question
paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the· answers.

Attempt all questions from Section A and any three questions from Section· B. The intended
marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ }.


(Attempt all questions from this Section.)

Question 1

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the, given options. (Do not copy the
question, write the correct answer only.) [10]

[ i) The slope of the line y = 2 is:

a) 2

b) infinite

c) 0

d) -2
ii) Which•ofthe·fo) I~wing can be the probability of an event?

a) -0.0 1'

b) 1.001
c) 4

1 of 8
iii) The area of a metal sheet used to make a closed hollow cone of height 8 m and b
diameter 12 mis:
a) 60rrm 2

b) 204n m2

c) 96rrm 2

d) l0lrr m2
The reflection of the point (1, -2) in the line y = -1 is:
a) (-3, -2)

b) (1, -4)

c) (1 , 4)

d) (1, 0)
v) In the given figure O is the centre of the cir . f LABC = 30° then LAOC is
{,/·~ '
equal to: ·~

a) 15°
b) 60°

c) 30°
.'~ < "''.,
d) 400 , ) ~lt/
t'.~r,:, ,:iJ;~-,~;'
vi) A cylindef~~J cone are of the same radius and same height. The ratio of the volume
of 0fU,,9,eiho that of cone is:
;,:.,; . ··-,,

aj 1

b) 3:1

c) 1:3

d) 3:2

2 of8
vii) If the points (-5, !), (I, p) and (4, -2) are collinear then the value ofp is:
a) 3

b) 2

c) -5

d) -I

viii) The height of a tower is 100 m. When the angle of elevation changes from 30° to

45°, the shadow of the tower becomes x m less. The value of x is:

a) 100m

b) 100v'3 m

c) 10O(v'3 - 1) m
d) - m

ix) (sin A - cos A) 2 is equal to:

a) I + 2sinA cos A

b) 1- 2sinA cos A

c) 2sinAcos A- I

d) 2 sin A cos A + 1
x) The lower limit of the median class of the given distribution is:

0 - IO IO - 20 20-30 30-40 40- 50

4 6 10 15 5

b) 20

c) 30

d) 40

3 of 8

(Attempt any three questions from this Section.)

Question 2

i) Find the co-ordinates of the centroid of a triangle ABC whose vertices are:

A (x -y,y- z), B (-x,-y) and C (y,z)? [2]

ii) A box contains 600 bulbs out of which 60 are defective. One bulb is taken out at

random from this box. Find the probability that it is a good one. [2]

iii) Prove that:

tan0 cot0 (3]

- - -
l+ tane + cot0

l·v) Th e ang Ie of e· Ievat·10n of the top of an unfinished

. tower at a point 150 m from its
0 •

. .
. . . h h. h must the tower !?~·raised so that its angle of elevat10n
base 1s 30°. How muc 1g er .

at the same point may be 60°? . A


Question 3
:fior the following distribution:
i) Find"the mean 24-30
· ,\ 12 - 18 18 - 24
.. 0-6 6 - 12
marks 6 2
5 3
4 [2]
- - - - 4of8
ii) Find the equation of a line parallel to x + y = 3 and passing through th ·
iii) Prove that: e pomt (0, I) [2]

tan0+sin0 sec0+1
tan0-sin0 sec0-1 [3]

iv) A circus tent is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a cone. The diameter of the

cyli:n.der portion is 24 m and the height is 7 m. If the vertex of the cone is 12 m above
the ground, find:

a) slant height of the cone.

b) the curved surface area of the cylinder.

c) the· volume of the tent. [3]

Question 4
'• ,' . ·. -" .

= 44° and

i) In the given diagram O is the centre of the citcl~:-LSPR LPSO= 32°.

. •., ) ,

ST is a tangent to the circle at S.


(a) LOSR

(b) LPRO R

s T

ii) A metallic sbl1:d cone is melted to form a solid cylinder of equal radius. Find the

h~jghto_fthe cone if the height of the cylinder is 6 cm. [2]

· ::: ,

iii) T6i~:'tjuestion is to be solved on a graph sheet taking 2 cm = 1 unit for both the x and

y axis:
a) Plot the points M (3,0) and N (-3,0). Reflect P (3,2) on the origin to Q. Write the

coordinates of Q.
5 of8
b) Join the points and name the figure NQMP.
c) Name one invariant point under reflection in the x axis.

iv) The perpendicular from the origin Oto line AB meets at a point (-2, 4). Find:

a) The slope of line segment OC.

b) The equation of line AB

c) The coordinates of point A.

Question 5
The probability of gtressing
· the correct answer to a certain test question is-=-.
12 If
the probability of
riot guessing the correct answer to the question is ~,
find the value of x.
ii) A line joining (2, -3) and (5, 6) is divided by the x axis Find:

a) The ratio in which the line is divided by the x axis.

b) The coordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines.

6 of8
iii) In ,1 ABC, AB = 3 cm, BC = 5 cm and AC= 6 cm. DE is tangent to the incircle of
the triangle. The circle touches the segments AB , BE, DE an d AD m
· pomts

P, S, Rand Q respectively. Calculate the perimeter of the triangle CDE [3]


iv) This question is to be solved on a graph sheet. E&ti~ ~, tie mode of the given

distribution by plotting a histogram. [Take • WOOruns along one axis and

2 cm = 2 batsmen along the other},,
f- ,,.,. --

Runs scored 3000-4000 '0'-""-"-~----1-----'--'--~---=----+-_c__:__:..._:_c.....::....:.:._:_~

.:;:~@00 5000-6000 6000-7000
No. of batsmen 4 9 6

Question 6
i) Find the equation1;,, ., es which pass through the point (2, -I) and are equally
h,:_f~ :fl,, ,, f:

inclined to th 'f.ijjft!ite axes. [2]

?am, the angle of elevation of the top of the building from the foot
ii) In the giv
w~ _is 30° and the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the foot

lfflb uilding is 60°. If the height of the tower is 90 m, find:

a) the distance between the tower and the building.

b) the height of the building.
7 of8


iii) The following table gives the height of the plants in centimetr~. If the mean height

of plants is 180 cm; find the value of 'f'. [3]

Height of 120-140 140-160 160-180 180-200 200-220 220-240

No. of 4 f 20 12 6 8

iv) This question is to be solved on a.graph sheet taking 2 cm= 10 marks along one axis

and 2 cm = IO students along the other axis. The following table shows the distribution

of marks in a 50 marks test in Mathematics.

Marks Less than 10 Less than 20 Less than 30 Less than 40 Less than 50
No. of 3 11 28 48 70
students . '

Draw the ogive for the above distribution and thereafter estimate the median marks.


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