Business Communication

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Business English

#1 Business Communication
05 Липня 2022

спікер: Olesya, викладач школи EnglishDom

#1 Business Communication

Структура заняття


3 Get to know
] Starting a conversation. З чого
] Conversation steps. Поступово,
крок за крокоD
] How to finish a conversation.
] Conversation tips. Декілька

5 Useful links
#1 Business Communication

Warm up
Answer the following questions:

What brand would What are the main Why is iPhone

you choose: iPhone advantages of considered one of
or Samsung? Apple's products? the most popular
smartphone in
the world?
#1 Business Communication

agenda – порядок денний contact – зв'язуватися

appointment – зустріч dial – набрати

arrange – призначити enclosed – прикріплений

call back – передзвонити engaged – зайнятий

catch – розчути enquire – запитати

conclusion – висновок exchange – обмінюватися

congratulations – вітання extension – додатковий номер

consider – розглядати
#1 Business Communication

Get to know
Starting a conversation. З чого почати

Asking: am I talking to / I would like to speak to / is there a chance to speak to

Answering: yes, it is / you are / who is asking / I am afraid / unfortunately / hold on

Leaving a message: I would like to / would you like to leave a message

Giving reasons: the reason I am calling is … / can not get through to

Asking for details: can you tell me / spell the name / give me the contacts / I did not catch


Am I talking to Mr. Andrew Smith? – Я говорю з містером Ендрю Смітом?

I am sorry, but Mr. Smith is not in the office now. – Вибачте, але містера Сміта зараз немає в офісі.

Would you like to leave a message or to call back? – Бажаєте залишити повідомлення чи

Can you tell me when he is coming back? – Чи можете підказати, коли він повернеться?

Can you give me his phone number? – Чи можете дати його номер телефону?
#1 Business Communication

Get to know
Conversation steps. Поступово, крок за кроком
Arranging a meeting: let’s meet / Is it okay / Is it better to meet at

Setting a time: It is a bit early / late

Agreeing: deal / definitely / certainly

How about meeting on Monday at 3 p.m.? – Як щодо зустрічі у понеділок о 3 годині дня?

It is a bit early. How about at 4 p.m.? – Це зарано. Як щодо зустрітися о 4?

No problem, I will see you then. – Без проблем побачимось тоді.

#1 Business Communication

Get to know
How to finish a conversation. Кінцівка
Finish steps: pre-closing / follow up / closing

Pre-closing: it’s been nice / great talking to you but I really need to leave / go

Follow up: I’ll send you the file / an email / give you a call / ask to schedule our next

Closing: we’ll see you later / be / keep in touch

It’s been great talking to you but I have to catch a plane at 6. – Було приємно поспілкуватись, але мені
потрібно встигнути на літак на 6.

I’ll give you a call when I come to the city next time. – Я зателефоную вам, як буду в місті наступного

Let’s keep in touch by email. – Давайте тримати зв'язок поштою.

#1 Business Communication

Get to know
Conversation tips. Декілька порад
Body: be aware of your speaking voice and body language

Mind: be cautious of the topics you open and stay present all the time

Style: wear appropriate clothes and choose the correct formality style
Mind your body language when you are in Asia. – Слідкуйте за язиком свого тіла, коли будете в Азії.

Stay present during all the meeting and you will get the necessary info. – Будьте у фокусі протягом усієї
зустрічі, і ви отримаєте всю необхідну інформацію.

It wasn’t a good idea to wear such casual clothes at the official presentation. – Не варто було одягати
такий простий одяг на офіційну презентацію.
#1 Business Communication


Sum up your knowledge of business

Sum up your knowledge of business
Sumcommunication and try
up your knowledge to make your
of business
communication and try to make your
personal list and
communication of rules tomake
try to be effective
personal list of rules to be effective
in it. Take
personal into
list of account
rules topics for
to be effective
in it. Take into account topics for
in it. body language
Take into account and dress
topics for
discussion, body language and dress
code. Make
discussion, bodya language
list of at least
and 5 points.
code. Make a list of at least 5 points.
code. Make a list of at least 5 points.
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#1 Business Communication

Useful links
Набір слів Business Communication та Negotiation techniques

Набір фраз Переговори I и Переговори II

Фразові дієслова Для розмови по телефону англійською

Стаття на тему Як провести телеконференцію англійською?

Стаття на тему Communication Skills for Workplace Success

Відео на тему 10 Business English Expressions You Need To Know |

Communication works for those
who work at it.

to be continued…

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