Important Questions

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1. What is strategy?
2. What do you mean by strategic mgt?
3. What do you mean by vision and mission?
4. What is strategic mgt process?
5. What do you mean by ethics?
6. What are the benefits of strategic mgt?
7. What are the limitations of strategic mgt?
8. Explain in detail strategic mgt process.
9. Discuss the approaches to strategic decision making.
10. How to ingrain ethics into business?


1. What do you mean by environment?

2. What do you mean by competitive advantage?
3. What are the characteristics features of environment?
4. What do you mean by micro and macro environment?
5. What do you mean buy environmental scanning?
6. Explain in detail micro and macro environment
7. Explain in detail techniques of environmental scanning?
8. Explain the steps in internal analysis?
9. What do you mean by value chain analysis?


1. What is strategic planning?

2. What is strategic planning process?
3. What is stability strategy?
4. What is merger/integration strategy?
5. What are different levels of strategy? Explain it.
6. Write down the characteristics of strategic planning.
7. Write down the steps involved in strategic planning in detail.
8. What is expansion or growth strategy? Explain the types of expansion strategy?
9. What do you mean by retrenchment strategy? Explain the types of it.
10. What is stability strategy? When do the firms adopt stability strategy?
11. Write down in detail types of strategies.


1. What is strategic implementation?

2. What is project manipulation?

3. What is organization design?

4. What is organization change?

5. What is organization system?

6. What is organization/corporate culture?

7. What do you mean by behavioral implementation?

8. What do you mean by power?

9. What is functional strategy?

10. What do you mean by policies?

11. Discus the interrelationship between strategy formulation and implementation.

12. Explain in detail steps involved in strategy implementation

13. Explain in detail difficulties in strategy implementation

14. What do you mean by organization structure? Explain the types of structures.

15. What do you mean by org system? Explain types of systems

16. Write a note on integration of functional plans and policies

17. Write a note on corporate politics and power.

1. Write a note on KRA’s?
2. What are the issues in strategic implementation?
3. Write down the importance of strategic evaluation.
4. Explain the different evaluation techniques for operational control.
5. What do you mean by management control? Explain scope and Characteristics of it.
6. What do you mean by operational control and mgt control?
7. What are the different evaluation techniques?

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