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Act 1

John: That was a fair good day when I knew nothing of life, reality, practicality, religion, and so many
complexities this world offers. I was on my own and was thinking to become someone who may change
the world or do something great.

Simon: [laughing loudly] But for whom?

John: for whom, for whom, yes for whom, [ Astonished] I didn’t know this but I was doing. I was
impressed by almost every great person whom I met. I wanted to be like them. I was a wingless moth
who wanted to fly and chase people but crawled if couldn’t fly.

Simon: But you were not doing.

John: I was doing everything at on my disposal, in fact I was more than a farmer. I was learning new
knowledge, new tactics, new lies; deceiving people and so many other arts.

Simon: [Promptly] But you were happy.

John: Very happy, very happy.

Simon: But you were a liar.

John: [Angrily] But I was happy.

Simon: [ Staging finger aggressively] That you had a purpose of life.

John: But that was a lie.

Simon: [ in a calm mood] A lie, yes that was a lie.

John: I am truthful now.

Simon: Oh! Yes, I see

John: But I am not happy now.

Simon: You have no Purpose of life now

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