Kumari Kandam Was A Mythical Sunken Land That Was Believed To Have Existed in The Indian Ocean

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Kumari Kandam was a mythical sunken land that was believed to have existed in the Indian

Ocean. It formed part of the ancient Tamil culture and was believed to be the cradle of

The land of Kumari Kandam was located south of India and was a prosperous, thriving
kingdom with a population of around ten million people. The people were very advanced and
had a great knowledge of science, mathematics, and astronomy. They also knew many secret
sciences such as astrology, medicine, and alchemy. A king ruled the country from its capital
city, which was called Kumari Kandam. He was known as the Pandiya King. The king's
name was Sundara Chozhar (Chozha means a person who comes from the southern parts of
India). He had three queens, one for each day of the week. Each queen had her own palace on
the outskirts of the capital city.

The queen for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and
finally the last queen, Queen Mahadevi, ruled over the entire island nation. She was the only
queen of Kumari Kandam who was not married to a mortal prince. Her husband was a mighty
sage named Veera Raghava Rajyam. His name meant 'he who rules the world.'

Queen Mahadevi was a powerful sorceress with a radiant beauty. She was worshipped by all
the people of Kumari Kandam. She could control the elements in nature and could read
people's minds. She was also considered to be the incarnation of Goddess Saraswati, the
goddess of wisdom.

Her power was so great that even the Pandiya King would consult her advice when making
important decisions. Her kingdom flourished under her leadership.

However, this prosperity did not last long. One day, an evil wizard called Dhanavantri arrived
at the port town of Kumari Kandam. He claimed to be the son of a demon named Bhairava.
He told everyone that he wanted to destroy their city because it was polluting his father's
lands and the ocean. He said that if they didn't give him a suitable sacrifice, then he would
unleash great wrath upon them.

People from all around the country came to Kumari Kandam to offer sacrifices to the king
and queen. But the king and queen refused to accept any gifts or sacrifices from anyone other
than the king of Kanchi. They asked them to bring the Kanchi king here instead.

Dhanavantri became furious that the king and queen refused his demands. He transformed
into a giant snake and swallowed the queen whole. Then he flew towards the Kanchi royal
palace. There he killed the Kanchi king and took control of the city. From there, he went on
to conquer the rest of the country. Once he was done conquering the land, he turned back into
his human form and took the position of the new king. He renamed himself as the Emperor

The emperor changed the name of the country to Bharatavarsha.

My witch companion, Galena, was born in the village of Mannanooru, located near the coast
of Kumari Kandam. As she grew up, she developed a strong fascination for mysticism. One
day, she saw the legendary crystal dragon flying over the hills of Kumari Kandam. It was a
sight that would have made anyone lose their senses.
Galena's mother, Sivagnanam, was a simple housewife. She never questioned her daughter's
interest in mysticism and never discouraged her. When Galena was nine, she decided to leave
the village to find the crystal dragon. Her mother supported her decision and allowed her to
go off alone.

When she reached the hills, she found out that the dragon had flown away. This angered her
and she vowed to follow it no matter what. She followed the dragon's trail until it led her to
an old temple. It was a small shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva. According to the legend, Lord
Shiva promised the people of Kumari Kandam that he would grant immortality to those who
sacrificed their lives for him.

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