01 OUR MAG 2011 Fall Single

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Belleville edition Fall 2011

Publisher/editor Danyl Brett


03 Editors Notes 06 House for Sale by Owner... 10 Want the Perfect Smile? 12 Trick and Tips for Halloween 15 Looking Back 18 Thanksgiving and Giving Back 20 Boys and Their Toys To Ride or Not To Ride 24 Bullying.org - Part Two A Continuing Learning Journey 31 Its Time for a Holiday

05 House and Home 16 Health and Wellness Tips 32 Entertainment - Recipes 36 Entertainment - Movies 37 Entertainment - Books

Contributing editorial Deb Poole John Davidson Dena Wells Jon Oldham Edward Conrad Vicki Forgie Tom Norman Lisa Ray Bill Belsey Minny Verburg Jessica White PhotograPhy Mark Raycroft Robert DEon Al Murack Jeff Wilson Sarah Grant CreatiVe direCtor Annette Rolland graPhiC design assoCiates Lorraine Paradowski Terri Horricks adVertising MarKet Managers Barb Horner Belleville Dave Dinan Peterborough Leanne Luffman Sault Ste. Marie For adVertising inQuires Please ContaCt barb@ourmag.ca O.U.R Magazine is a division of Asimco Media Group Inc. President Asim Bhatti VP oF MarKeting and oPerations Doug Kormos All content is the property of O.U.R Magazine For Everyday Living and the contributing members. Any reproduction without the Editors permission is against the law. The Editor claims no responsibility for the content or opinions expressed in the advertisements or editorials.

22 The Ups and Downs of Garage Doors 34 Donini Chocolates 38 Community Calenadar - Events List

Printed in Canada

Editors Notes Fall

I know most of us think of summer as the best time of year, but for me I love the fall. Its a time of year that brings change and the start of the Holliday Season. Like most Ontarians I hate to let go of the warm days of summer with the longer days and a tone of outdoor fun to be had by all. The fall is just as much fun with all the local fairs and the smell in the air of leaves turning, it is a magical thing. In my home there are homemade soups and a hot chocolate always nearby as the nights cool down. Now add in Halloween and Thanksgiving and I for one am addicted to the buzz of kids back to school and the rush of colour all around me. Fall brings us all together as we start the move to winter. Bringing your family closer to your community is a big part of why we do this magazine and with the change in weather; it should be the same with people. If you have a little extra in your budget you might want to donate something back to you local food bank or give a helping hand to someone who is not as fortunate as yourself. We would like to welcome a new sales managers on board with O.U.R. Magazine for everyday living. Dave Dinan as market manager for Peterborough joins the team for that territory. Now... On to the best part of season... HALLOWEEN. It might seem like a long way off but the dress up starts sooner than you might think. As adults some of us still dress up and head out to enjoy a night of fun. Be sure you plan your costume early so that you are not left out of the fun. Remember, that all the good stuff goes fast for the little ones and you might end up wearing a bed sheet if you dont plan ahead. This scary night is fun for all! Thanksgiving is a feast of food, family and friends. We have some great suggestion on how to take old recipes and make them new. All of us at O.U.R Magazine for Everyday Living wish you a great fall and look forward to your comments and readership for our special HOLIDAY ISSUE in November. Enjoy! Danyl Brett, Editor/publisher


and HOME

Its Out Door Clean Up Time!

heyve arrived! Cool evenings; the kids can sleep and I can finally enjoy a cup of tea in my garden! Unfortunately, summers gone, my garden is tired and fall maintenance will begin. Theres never any rest for the wearyL or, is there? I ponder as I look over my landscape of spent blooms mingled with a new flush of yellow clover and dandelions, dried stems and seed pods from colourful days past and the nudge of fall creeping in as my once lush green foliage begins to show its autumn yellows. What to do? As the sun goes down, the last of the violet rays fading, and I drink my last sip of tea; it sets upon me. Family days! One Saturday a month for the next three months; and the rest of the time is mine! September we clean-up the gardens; remove unsightly foliage, tired annuals and weeds (placing them in a huge pile and chop with a lawn mower to be compost ready), harvest seed heads and stems (storing them in a paper bag to use when accenting snowmen!), and fill in bare spots with fresh fall mums, kale, asters, pansies and collections of pumpkins and gourds (giving the garden a back to school look!) October would involve piles of leaves strategically placed to promote jumping contests (whether soaring off a swing like superman or plunging from the picnic table like a deep sea diver!). After the leaves have been redistributed all over the lawn, Ill run over them with the lawn mower before collecting them into bags making them compost ready as well. The game of Squirrel could be played (Who can burry the most nuts? bulbs!) I best remember to rake out the soil when Im done. Squirrels arent very smart, when they see a small tuff of disturbed soil they think they have buried a nut, dig it up, take a bite and yuck! Not a nut, so they toss it! Destroying my entire tulip planting! November is the time to hill-up roses, mulch tender perennials and create Tepees and Tents for shrubs wanting a little protection from winter winds (remembering to outline them with Christmas lights

By Deb Poole
making a winters fantasy land before it gets too cold!). The final yard clean-up can all find its way into the composter as I begin the layering process of greens, leaves and kitchen scraps through the winter months. Each day will end with marsh mellow roasting and hot chocolate while we reminisce of summer days gone by; harvesting the best of Family times this fall.



By Vicki Forgie, Advice you can trust!

If youre thinking of selling your home, doing it yourself to save the real estate commission has probably crossed your mind. But if youre selling experience is limited to garage sales, you should realize you will be undertaking a task which requires specialized knowledge, financial resources and a considerable amount of time and effort. Buying or selling a house is usually the largest financial transaction a family ever makes. Getting the right price at the right time takes all the selling skills of a real estate professional.
And while you might be lucky, chances are you will end up taking too low an offer either because you havent appealed the right way to the right potential buyer, or youve run out of patience and time. In most cases, it takes longer to sell a house privately than it does if you use the services of a real estate firm. This is because most people dont have access to the communications resources of the real estate professional. For instance, real estate salespeople can reach hundreds, even thousands of potential buyers through use of the MLS system, broad advertising, the internet and social networking. Major real estate Brokerages also has cross-country referral and relocation services that can pinpoint potential buyers from thousands of kilometres away. Private individuals usually have neither the resources nor the professional affiliations to take advantage of such selling tools. If you sell privately, you may have to spend hundreds of dollars in advertising and marketing promotions to entice a sufficient number of potential buyers to look at your property. When you hire a sales representative, the real estate commission covers all the marketing costs, plus it pays for their experience and time on the job. When you have a potential buyer at your doorstep the professional skills of your sales representative, through training and experience,

30 plus years working in real estate I have been repeatedly asked why use a broker and do I really save anything in the long run? I can do this myself . This is a haunting question as I have seen some terrible mistakes happen without the partnership of a seller/ buyer and agent. Now with the onset of the Internet, I see more and more as agents are called in at the 11th hour to save the family home from garage sale tactics and money draining marketing schemes that rarely work out for both the seller and buyer. Have you heard this one? A guy walks into a bar and the bartender says: Did you hear about our poor friend Bob who bought his friends house on a handshake? Bob gets the pretty little house in the country and within a month, the well goes dry, the septic needs replacing and the roof is shot! Yes Sir, had to spend $28,000 bucks to fix it up and had to sell it again right awayyup poor guy had to move back in with this parents with his kid! Sad story, but true. But guess what? They split the savings on commission!


6 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca

can show your home to its best advantage and can marry the needs of the buyer with the features of your home they will take the time to search out potential buyers, show your home and close the deal. Most homeowners are not prepared to answer hundreds of calls and emails from the curious, spend evenings and weekends showing the home or arrange open houses on Saturdays and Sundays A real estate sales representative is prepared to take on all these tasks. Their office has full time staff to answer the calls, weed out window shoppers from the serious buyers and have the time to show your home to potential buyers. Of equal importance, they know the legal aspects of preparing offers, amendments, waivers, releases, corresponding documents and are familiar with mortgage financing and how to shop for the best interest rates available for the buyer. Now back to our friend Bob. Well, hes happy living back living in his parents basement with his son. A little, gun shy and a little wiser.

Write to Vicki at www.ourmag.ca Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage (Independently Owned and Operated) 357 Front St. Belleville, Ontario 613.966.6060

they generally contract with high risk loan companies that will charge you upwards of 15-23% in interest or make deals for no interest with payment in full with a certain time period that will not meet most budgets. A great dentist, you have been with for more than five years might set you up with an in house plan that will work for you and your needs. It never hurts to ask. If you are looking for cosmetic changes to your smile? ....... I can assure you that you are not covered in Ontario Canada under any insurance plan. You are on your own. Braces are another topic all together! So for now lets start with a few basic ideas to change the grey, yellow to bright white. Brush every day with the correct tooth brush and the right tooth paste. I recommend a check up with your dentist and ask what will improve your smile with regular daily dental maintenance. I always think you should be real about your smile. You should ask what result you will achieve and how long it will take you on this schedule. Never rely on the advertised time or results as they may vary for individual to another Making the perfect smile is not easy after years of bad dental hygiene or genetic predisposition. Dental restoration is the most expensive way of resolving your dental needs and achieving the smile of your dreams. Lets start with the cleaning of your smile. This will cost about $800 in cold hard cash as this is the first step that the dentist will need to do to determine the level of work needed while he sets the stage for more work to come.

By John Davidson


I want to start with the simple fact: The perfect teeth and smiles we see the Hollywood stars flash are generally not real teeth at all. Most have had veneers or caps installed... A long time ago in a galaxy far away........ I think it is safe to say we all want the perfect smile. How to get there might be a long road of pain and financial cost that the average person might equate to the purchase of a twenty thousand dollar car every 5-10 years depending on what they will pay for the end result. I wish to note: that unless you have a substantial bank balance you will have very little luck at your local dentist office as


Crown$ & Veneer$ ......They are all very real and scary deals in the dental world. With veneers they will prep and shave off the entire front facing teeth you want to change. Then they make a cast of the teeth and you have a new smile within a week. The down side of this is that the veneers only last about 5-7 years and you have to go back and spend about $1000 per tooth and you are committed to this process for the rest of your life. Crowns offer a whole tooth approach with you having all but the core of your tooth removed and a whole new outside placed on the tooth. What generally goes wrong and many people have had this happen, is the inner tooth dies beneath the full crown and the tooth becomes grey and dead leading to removal or implants at $4000 per tooth. My Best advice- Start brushing now and do it after every meal and before bedtime three times a day. Pick a great floss and mouth wash and do that once a day, morning or night is up to you. Avoid the over the counter teeth whiteners and ask your dentist or try a local laser clinic for real results that last. Your idea of perfect teeth is real but the time and money is the perfect storm of finance and heartbreak if you do not talk to a trusted professional. ALWAYS consult two or more dentists on treatment and this is not the time to make impulsive purchases on decaying teeth. You might find your bank account decaying and no results to show off the perfect smile you have always want. Do not cross over to the dark side of the enamel. MAY THE BRUSH BE WITH YOU..............?

10 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca


By Dena Wells

s a parent I look forward to the beginning of the school year for many reasons. One, I get back to a schedule of some sorts and I find myself with a bit of spare time to attend to the projects I seem to have left at the side of the road during the long summers days spent with the kids. The second is, I have some time to plan out the upcoming season with Halloween just around the corner and the Thanksgiving dinner I have all planned out in my head. Like most other parents, time is the key factor on what really gets done around the house and what really happens, so I wanted to share a few great tips on how to save time and money as I have little of either of them to spare. So on with the Tips and Tricks for Halloween. The first tip for saving money is, use what you have and throw away anything you have not used in two or more years. I had a real problem with holding on the every cute little dress or costume I had made or pick up as my children have grown. You might ask why? The simple answer is, I wanted to hold on a bit longer and kept telling others that I might have grandchildren one day who might benefit from all my hard work... The truth I like to horde my holiday treasures. I now reuse everything I can and make the most of what I have. Last year I did something others might think was a bit strange. I hauled out all my Halloween bins and found about twenty costumes and it so happens that my youngest child wanted to be a cat that year so I did something new. I created a dress up zoo. I found as many stuffed animals I had around the house and even got a few from the local thrift store and dressed them all up in all the costumes I had. Well the effect was outstanding. The kids loved the dress up ZOO Idea and to add a bit of scary, I picked up four packages of fake webbing and some cool lights at the dollar store. So we made the old costumes new by making the haunted zoo.

12 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca

I also would like to suggest that if you live in or near the county, try an afternoon out. Taking a drive down old roads to see what Mother Nature has to offer. By using what is in nature like, old branches and dried grass, you can make a spooking display that will bring joy to all. Dried leafs also make a great window display with removable tape. The look of falling leafs outside ads a touch of class to the glass making the whole thing seem like a real effort. The Candy should be simple and avoid homemade goodies unless it is for family and friends. You might want to run out to Wal-Mart, but try your local bulk food store for some great treats and even more for your dollar. You will be very surprised to find that this is cheaper and the candy is the same just at a lower price. You will have to spend a bit more money when it comes to todays kids and what they want to dress up in. This year the big ones to buy are Thor, Captain America, Harry Potter and the always popular Transformers. I suggest getting them early as they sell out fast. This will avoid the tears and tantrums of late costume shopping as I once found out the year every child wanted to be the magic wielding Harry Potter and I was late to the game and learned my lesson. Have a spooky Halloween and as always SAFTY FIRST!

3 Community Market Place

By Jon Oldham

Looking ack

Each year, on the second Sunday in October, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. But to what are we giving thanks? Thoughts of Thanksgiving inevitably turn to visions of pumpkin pie, fattened turkeys, tangy cranberries, over-filled cornucopias and quaint gatherings of Pilgrims thankful to have a stockpile of food to get through the winter. But beyond the greeting card trappings and stereotypes lies a history as rich and varied as the feasts we normally associate with the holiday. For starters, we all know that Americans and Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving at different times but it turns out that the differences run deeper. With Thanksgiving, the Americans pay homage to the Pilgrims and the hardships they endured establishing their early settlements. In Canada, however we simply give thanks for the bounty of the fall harvest similar to the ancient English and European tradition of the harvest festival. The origin of Canadian thanks-giving goes back to the days of English explorer, Martin Frobisher. In 1578, Frobisher safely returned from an expedition in search of the north-west passage (no small feat since others like Hudson and Franklin were not so lucky) and held a formal ceremony in gratitude for surviving the long journey back to what is now Newfoundland. The French explorers and early settlers also had much to be thankful for. Life was hard for the Europeans who were, at first, unaccustomed to the daunting wilderness and harsh climate of early Canada. Samuel de Champlain and his followers regularly gave thanks with huge feasts and even formed the Order of Good Cheer (LOrdre de Bon Temps) to ensure that the tradition of feasting and entertainment would continue.

We spent this winter very joyously and of good times, due to the LOrdre de Bon Temps that I established here, which each person finds useful for their health and more beneficial than any sort of medicine that we could have used. The Order was presented as a Chain of office that we placed with some small ceremony, at the neck of one of our people, charging him that day with going hunting; the next day we gave it to another and thus consequently: all who wished to try would do their best and bring the most beautiful hunt: We dont find it half bad, as well as the Indians who were with us - Voyages of Champlain: 1613 American thanks-giving traditions inevitably found their way into Canada among the men and women who remained loyal to England and subsequently moved to Canada. And why do we celebrate our Thanksgiving in October, rather than in November, as the Americans do Practically-speaking, being further north, our growing season ends sooner and therefore our harvest season is sooner. Also, since our Thanksgiving has its origins, at least partly, in the tradition of the harvest festival, it makes sense to be timed accordingly - the harvest festival is typically timed in accordance with the harvest moon, the first full moon following the autumnal equinox. So this Thanksgiving, as we raise our glasses in good cheer, let us also recall the exploits of Champlain, as we decorate our houses with pumpkins and turkeys, let us also recall the conviction and sacrifice of the early United Empire Loyalists, and as we sit down to our feasts, big or small, let us remember to give thanks to our good fortune to live in a country of bounty.

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By Edward Conrad
or talking). The patient often does not know he or she has a problem and may not believe it when told. It is important that the person see a doctor for evaluation of the sleep problem.

Those Sleepless Nights

We all have a bad nights sleep every now and again, but what if it was happening every night? Well you could be suffering from a potentially life-threatening condition that is far more common than generally understood. First described in 1965, sleep apnea is a breathing disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. It owes its name to a Greek word, apnea, meaning want of breath. There are two types of sleep apnea: central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea, which is less common, occurs when the brain fails to send the appropriate signals to the breathing muscles to initiate respirations. Obstructive sleep apnea is far more common and occurs when air cannot flow into or out of the persons nose or mouth although efforts to breathe continue. In a given night, the number of involuntary breathing pauses or apneic events may be as high as 20 to 30 or more per hour. These breathing pauses are almost always accompanied by snoring between apnea episodes, although not everyone who snores has this condition. Sleep apnea can also be characterized by choking sensations. The frequent interruptions of deep, restorative sleep often lead to early morning headaches and excessive daytime sleepiness.

WhAt CAusEs slEEp ApNEA?

Certain mechanical and structural problems in the airway cause the interruptions in breathing during sleep. In some people, apnea occurs when the throat muscles and tongue relax during sleep and partially block the opening of the airway. When the muscles of the soft palate at the base of the tongue and the uvula (the small fleshy tissue hanging from the center of the back of the throat) relax and sag, the airway becomes blocked, making breathing laboured and noisy and even stopping it altogether. Sleep apnea also can occur in obese people when an excess amount of tissue in the airway causes it to be narrowed. With a narrowed airway, the person continues his or her efforts to breathe, but air cannot easily flow into or out of the nose or mouth. Unknown to the person, these results in heavy snoring, periods of no breathing, and frequent arousals (causing abrupt changes from deep sleep to light sleep). Ingestion of alcohol and sleeping pills increases the frequency and duration of breathing pauses in people with sleep apnea. If you suspect you or your spouse may have sleep apnea you should seek out medical advice. If you are suffering from this condition check your local listings for suppliers of equipment such as Shoppers Home Health Care stores in your local community.

Who GEts slEEp ApNEA?

Sleep apnea occurs in all age groups and both sexes but is more common in men (it may be underdiagnosed in women) and possibly young African Americans. It has been estimated that as many as 18 million Americans have sleep apnea. Four percent of middle-aged men and 2 percent of middle-aged women have sleep apnea along with excessive daytime sleepiness. People most likely to have or develop sleep apnea include those who snore loudly and also are overweight, or have high blood pressure, or have some physical abnormality in the nose, throat, or other parts of the upper airway. Sleep apnea seems to run in some families, suggesting a possible genetic basis. For many sleep apnea patients, their spouses are the first ones to suspect that something is wrong, usually from their heavy snoring and apparent struggle to breathe. Coworkers or friends of the sleep apnea victim may notice that the individual falls asleep during the day at inappropriate times (such as while driving a car, working,

hoW Is slEEp ApNEA trEAtEd

The specific therapy for sleep apnea is tailored to the individual patient based on medical history, physical examination, and the results of polysomnography. Medications are generally not effective in the treatment of sleep apnea. Oxygen administration may safely benefit certain patients but does not eliminate sleep apnea or prevent daytime sleepiness. Thus, the role of oxygen in the treatment of sleep apnea is controversial, and it is difficult to predict which patients will respond well. It is important that the effectiveness of the selected treatment be verified; this is usually accomplished by polysomnography.

16 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca

By Tom Norman
Once a year we all gather around a table and share a meal. That is the simplest description I have for Thanksgiving. In our home of many, we have lost the real meaning of Thanksgiving as we fight over the TV, football or cartoons for the kids, and the universal argument concerning white meat verses dark meat, over which is better and why the gravy never tasted the same. In Canada we enjoy so many freedoms and rights other cultures never inherently have or get. I ask you... why even bother with this holiday if we cannot seem to be thankful? I am not a political person in anyway, nor do I feel akin to any social network that defines me as a person. I simply dont have a point of reference for thanksgiving other than a day off work and a good meal. So whats wrong with that? I seem to view life as something that is owed to me. I have recently found many reasons why this is wrong. I had left behind the very truth of what being thankful is and giving to other does. Having a family and a job might seem like the dream life. What if you lost your job or your family? Who are you then? By the very definition of society you are down and out. In North America, Canadians have been somewhat lucky not to have the economic decline the U.S. has had over the past 4 years but we have had a lot of un-employment that we cannot ignore. I have a friend that has a great education and a wife with a two year old at home who lost his job in the fall of 2010. He has been looking for work for a year now and the real facts of life are starting to kick in. The house sold at 19% less the value at time of purchase, no savings left and an unfinished basement to call home. Now you might all say the same thing I did at the start He should take whatever job he can! Get a job at a fast food place or gas station right? It is never that easy. You see, he had a very good job and the truth is he is over qualified to work outside of his educated field of work and has never been called back or interviewed for a position in lesser job opportunity. So what happens now? Welfare, not eligible, employment insurance running out...gone and the holidays are fast approaching. I was completely wrapped up in my life until a friend in common told me the depths of the situation and the hardship my friend was going through. That was the moment I became thankful and that was the very moment I start to give back. Yes this sounds like the age old story of the Grinch or Scrooge, but it was truly an eye opener for me. I was blind to others in need and not everyone can save themselves. I started small. I dropped off some money with the words GIFT on the envelope. I then started to network in my job place to see what was open and set up an interview. I then called another friend as the job wasnt the right fit with my company and he landed the job. Now this would be the end of the story but he did something I didnt expect. I received a card in the mail and it had these words on it A donation has been made in your name to the local food bank the amount was the very same I had placed in the envelope months ago. Not only did I give something, so did he and his family. I finally got that giving back can be in any way you want. I have learned that this year at Thanksgiving we will give thanks and give back to local charities. My family and friends are what I am thankful for. I think from now on we should all look around us and take notice of the community we live in and say a small Thank You that we are all in this together, if you chose to be THANKFUL!

www.ourmag.ca Fall 2011 O.U.R MAGAZINE




or those of us who own ATVs, we all want to keep them in the best shape we can, as long as possible, right? Well, winter is just around the coner, and that means cold, possibly wet, and usually dismal weather. You have two choices with your ATV (or UTV) when winter comes around; ride it, or store it. Either option you choose requires some preventative measures to keep your ATV running, and we have compiled a little how-to for all you ATV owners out there. TO RIDE

To Ride? OR NOT To Ride?

good working order.

4. Spray your whole ATV down with

water dispersant products like WD40 (which stands for Water Dispersant, 40th attempt) will keep harmful moisture and condensation away from critical engine parts. and bearings are all properly lubed.

5. Make sure your chain, cables, linkage

6. Change your oil and filter. Using synthetic oils will provide

better lubrication in cold weather, especially during cold starts.

7. Make sure battery terminals are clean, corrosion-free, and in 8. The last thing you want is an ATV that wont start in the frigid

If youre going to be riding your ATV this winter, there are still some precautions you will need to take in order to keep your baby healthy.
1. Make sure that there is a sufficient level of antifreeze in your

winter. When not in use, keep your battery on a trickle charger to prevent it from drying up or losing charge. left do worse in the mud than they do on hard pack. NOT TO RIDE If the weather is just too cold to ride in, you may want to store your ATV. Here is how you do it the right way.

radiator to keep the fluid from turning into a giant ice cube. sure your jetting is correct before heading out.

9. Service the air filter, and check your tires. Tires with little tread

2. If your ATV is jetted lean, the cool, moist air wont help. Make 3. Clean your machine after each ride. Mud and dirt can eat away

at finishes on your ATV, and water can cause rust and corrosion.

Make sure there is antifreeze in your radiator. Like we mentioned before, a frozen cooling system is a bad thing.
1. Drain all gas from the carburetor and tank, or use a fuel

stabilizer to prevent the gas from turning to varnish while you store it. Trust us, it will save you hours of work when spring rolls around. part you can access.

2. Thoroughly wash and dry the machine, and lube every moving 3. Use a water dispersant like WD40 to coat the machine. This will

The Ups & Downs of Garage Doors By Lisa Ray

One of the most architectural elements of a home is the garage doors. Did you know replacing your garage door not only increases the value of your home, but can also help sell your home later on down the road? Replacing old, worn out garage doors can totally transform and create a new look for your home. Not only does a garage door improve the outside look of your home, it will also save home energy costs. They are available in a large variety of colors & style to suite any home. Is your garage door sagging and cracking, almost impossible to lift, or just generally falling apart? If it is, maybe now is the time to replace it with a new one thats easy to operate and maintain. Not only can a new garage door provide safe, secure, and easy access to your garage, but it also can renew and refresh your propertys overall appearance, particularly if it can be seen from curb side. As a point of entry to your home and the largest, it is very important to provide your family with the security that a locking garage door can offer. Many home invasions are due to left open or poorly maintained doors and window and the often forgotten garage. Garage doors are made from steel, wood, aluminum, and fibreglass. Though each of these has its benefits, steel and wood doors are by far the favourites. Be sure to stop in and see us at the Garage Door company of southeastern Ontario at 407 Farnham Road, Belleville, Ontario. We will be sure to taylor your garage door needs to fit your style, personality and budget! Mention this article and receive 5% off your next new garage door purchase!
*offer valid until October 31, 2011*

prevent rust, corrosion, and oxidization. offer better cold-start lubrication. rodents out.

4. Change your oil and filter. Again, use synthetic oils, because they 5. Insert a plug into your muffler to keep moisture and curious 6. Remove the battery from the machine, and keep it charged. If it

is not a sealed unit, check the fluid levels monthly.

7. Store the ATV indoors if possible, in a garage that has a

more stable temperature than the outdoors. If you have to keep it outdoors, do not leave it on the ground. Roll it onto a sheet of plywood to keep condensation from seeping up under the ATV cover. flattening out

8. Put the machine up on jack stands to keep the tires from

Whatever way you decide to go......have some fun!

A Continuing Learning Journey

By Bill Belsey
Bullying is about power, control and unhealthy relationships. Simplistic solutions to addressing relationship issues are not real solutions at all. Healthy relationship building takes time and thought. We need thoughtful, sophisticated plans to address complex relationship issues such as bullying.
In the short term, the safety, security and well-being of the person being bullied should be a schools primary concern. Children who are bullied should not be the ones who have to change classrooms or even change schools, which is often not possible in smaller communities, yet this is what happens far too often. If this happens, this means that the victim is victimized twice over, all because the school may not really know what to do. As a parent of a child being bullied, do not accept the bullying behavior as a problem your child has to live with. The bullying behavior is the responsibility of those who bully, not the child being bullied. Beware of labeling someone as a bully. Focus on the inappropriate behaviour. www.bullying.org has become the worlds most visited and referenced Website about bullying. During the last decade, the Website has hosted millions of visitors and contributors from across Canada and around the world. The questions that are most often asked are, What did I do to deserve this? And what is wrong with me? Let your kids know that they are NOT alone and that you are there to listen and to support them. Being bullied is NOT their fault and there is a lot can be done about it. Schools need to encourage and support students ideas and leadership. Why? Remember the research about most bullying happening in the context of a peer group, with no adults around? Thats why. Rather than teachers being totally responsible for preventing bullying, teachers can become social architects to facilitate students themselves finding solutions to bullying. If most bullying happens in the context of a peer group when adults arent around, we need to give our kids strategies they can employ if they are being bullied or if they see bullying happening around them. The vast majority of students

www.ourmag.ca Fall 2011 O.U.R MAGAZINE


indicate that watching bullying makes them feel uncomfortable (Pepler et al., 1997). There is also some recent research that indicates that the psychological effects of observing bullying can be just as harmful as those who are being victimized. Research also tells us that 15% of a given population may be involved with bullying directly as victims or aggressors, that means that 85% of a schools population may not be directly involved, but they actually ARE all affected, indirectly. We know that it is the silence of others that gives bullies their power. Young people must acquire feelings of individual responsibility, but also reflect on their own behaviour when bullying occurs, whether they initiate, receive or observe bullying. As parents, we can encourage and support this. That means that teachers and parents need to work together to have our kids understand that they have the power to stand up to bullying. However, thats easy for an adult to say to a child, its often really hard for kids to do in the context of the schoolyard, school bus or gym change room. This is why Bullying.org has established the Canadas Caring Kids Awards. To nominate a positive young person who shows this kind of leadership, please visit www.bullyingawarenessweek.org So what can you do as a parent? Ask your child directly if they are being bullied. Often children do not wish to tell their parents due to shame and embarrassment, or fear that bullies will retaliate if they tell. Look for signs such as: fear of going to school, lack of friends, missing belongings and torn clothing, and increased fearfulness and anxiety. Work with the school immediately to make sure your child is safe; that effective consequences are applied toward the bully, and that monitoring at school is adequate. Advocate for involvement of the bullys parents. If the bullying is happening on the way to and from school, arrange for the child to get to school with older, supportive children, or take him or her until other interventions can take place. If your child is timid, and lacks friends, try to arrange for your child to participate in positive social groups which meet his or her interests. Developing your childs special skills and confidence in the context of a positive social group can be very helpful. Suggest that the school implement a comprehensive, research-based, anti-bullying program. A home and school association meeting to discuss and support such an initiative can be helpful. What else can be done? Prepare our kids with support and strategies. I am ashamed to admit that when my son was much younger, he told me that he was being bullied and I actually said to him, Well son, what are you doing to bring this on? As if it was HIS fault! I was living proof that the old myths and attitudes about bullying die hard. It takes a lot of courage for kids to tell you that bullying is going on because they are worried that adults will make it worse. I get this because I use to be one of those parents and teachers who did make it worse. So if your child tells you that they are being bullied, believe them. Become your childs champion and advocate. Research informs us that kids often have to tell a number of adults before they finally get one to help them. What else should parents do to support their child when approaching the school? Although as parents we may feel quite emotional about this, try and keep cool. Dont try and bully your

childs teacher and principal into dealing with the situation. If you do, you will be modelling the very behaviour you want to stop. Document everything that happens. Keep a diary. Take photos if you observe physical or material damage. If action is not being taken write an e-mail or letter to our childs teacher and copy it to the school administration outlining the problem. Be specific as to dates, events, physical evidence that you have noted etc. Arrange a meeting to find out what the school is doing about the situation. Agree to a timetable and/or a schedule of actions that the school will take. If this schedule is not adhered to as promised, write to the school and send a copy to the School Board outlining your concerns and share the schedule and timetable that the school had agreed to adhere to, which was not followed. If its hard for your child to stand up for him / herself, tell them to ignore the bullying and walk away, then tell an adult who can help. If theyre scared to talk to an adult, encourage them to ask a friend to go with them. Practice with your child as to what to say and do the next time they are bullied. Kids who are bullied often freeze in such situations. Creating and rehearsing simple scripts with pre-planned responses can help a lot. Encourage them to go to areas where they feel safe. Encourage them to stay close to students who will stick up for them. Encourage them to look brave and tell the child who bullies to back off. Encourage them to stay calm, try not to show that they are getting sad or mad, this is what bullies want to see. Encourage them to be safe, although there are some times when they may have to defend themselves, but fighting back can make things worse. Encourage them not to blame themselves, being bullied is NOT their fault. As parents we will often say to our kids, Stop telling on your sister/brother! And then when something really bad happens we will ask, Why didnt you tell us? Help your children understand the difference between tattling, telling on others just to get them in trouble, versus reporting, which is telling others about a bad or an unsafe situation. As parents, we need to be much more aware of our own behaviours. Kids will learn more from what we do and how we act, much more than from what we tell them. We also need to model a tolerant attitude toward others. There are far too many instances of kids taunting using slurs about race, cultures or sexuality. How many suicides do their have to be before we as parents realize that such attitudes and behaviours are learned, often from home. If you suspect your child may be a bully, here are some possible symptoms to watch for: Abuses family or neighbourhood pets Torments children - always the instigator Lacks compassion or empathy towards others Gets enjoyment or acts like it is cool when someone gets injured Is a bully at home with adults and siblings Is manipulative with adults, very agreeable, but then does whatever they want Is aggressive towards others Lacks social skills, has few friends or friends who go along with whatever your child suggests they do Little concern for others feelings

26 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca

Does not recognize impact of his/her behaviour on others Aggressive with siblings, parents, teachers, friends, and animals Bossy and manipulative to get own way Possessing unexplained objects and/or extra money Secretive about possessions, activities, and whereabouts Holds a positive attitude towards aggression Easily frustrated and quick to anger Parents may model use of power and aggression by yelling, hitting, rejecting child Parents may model use of power and aggression with each other Siblings may bully child at home Child has friends who bully and are aggressive Teachers or coaches may model use of power and aggression by yelling, excluding, rejecting Here are some things you can do to turn the situation around: Talk to your child, talk to his or her teachers, and administrators. Keep in mind that a bully will try to deny or minimize his or her wrong-doing. Take the problem seriously. Children and youth who bully others often get into serious trouble in later life, and may receive criminal convictions. They may have continuing trouble in their relationships with others. Make it clear to your child that you will not tolerate this kind of behaviour, and discuss with your child the negative impact bullying has on the victims. Do not accept explanations that it was all fun. Arrange for an effective, non-violent consequence, which is in proportion with the severity of your childs actions, and his or her age and stage of development. Corporal punishment carries the message that might is right. Increase your supervision of your childs activities and whereabouts, and who they are associating with. Spend time with your child, and set reasonable rules for their activities and curfews. Co-operate with the school in modifying your childs aggressive behaviour. Frequent communication with teachers and/or administrators is important to find out how your child is doing in changing his or her behaviour. Praise the efforts your child makes toward non-violent and responsible behaviour, as well as for following home and school rules. Keep praising any efforts the child makes. If your child is viewing violent television shows, including cartoons, and is playing violent video games, this will increase violent and aggressive behaviour. Change family and childs viewing and play patterns to non-violent ones. Make sure that your child is not seeing violence between members of his or her family. Modelling of aggressive behaviour at home can lead to violence by the child against others at school and in later life. Seek help from a school psychologist, social worker, or childrens mental health centre in the community if you would like support in working with your child. As teachers, we need to remember that we are expected to live up to a Professional Code of Conduct. We need to watch our own language and behaviours in the classroom as well. We may

think that using sarcasm may appear cool in a middle or high school class, but it may be quite embarrassing or hurtful to many students. I also know that some teachers can be bullies themselves. This cant be tolerated. Despite being an increasingly complex and demanding profession, I believe that as a teacher, I have one primary mission, to create the optimal environment for my students to achieve their potential as learners. Students who are scared to come to school can never achieve their full potential. Many thousands of students miss school every day because of bullying we can and need to do better for them. The reality is that the best and most effective solutions regarding bullying are ones wherein educators, parents and the community work together. Playing the blame game only isolates the various stakeholders who should be working together in the best interests of our children. The bad news about bullying is also the good news, in that is that bullying is about developing healthy relationships, something good parents and teachers have always been good at doing. Bullying is about behaviour. When you think about it, behaviours such as smoking, drinking and driving, even recycling have all slowly, but surely changed for the better in Canada. I believe that while we may never completely eliminate bullying from society, if we can work together, we can make great strides in making a better Canada for our children and our childrens children to grow up in.

I would like to encourage you, your family, your school, business and community to participate in the upcoming ninth annual National Bullying Awareness Week, which will take place from November 13th to the 19th, 2011. See www.bullyingawarenessweek.org for more information. As my father use to tell me, What the mind conceive and the heart can believe, we CAN achieve! *Bullying.org is an educational organization that is dedicated to the prevention of bullying through education and awareness. We created and are responsible for maintaining: www.bullying.org Where You Are NOT Alone! The worlds most-visited Website about bullying www.cyberbullying.ca Always On? Always Aware! The worlds first Website about cyberbullying www.bullyingcourse.com Learn to BE the change! Online courses and Webinars about bullying and cyberbullying www.bullyingawarenessweek.org Prevention through education and awareness The official Website for the annual National Bullying Awareness Week

e-mail: help@bullying.org Please follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/Bullying_org

Entertainment a

By Minny Verburg

, the summer is over and you did not even get to the cottage, the beach or even get a break all you did was entertain a steady stream of friends and relatives, barbequing, doing the local tourist things, etc. and you are exhausted! Now its your turn to think about and plan a well-deserved holiday.
What will you do? Where will you go? Did you know there are a number of options available to you? How about taking an escorted bus tour to Newfoundland, or a St. Lawrence River boat cruise, a train trip across Canada, or a bus tour to any one or two countries in Europe and many more. If you take the kids how about a Disney cruise or a stay at a Beaches resort featuring the Sesame Street gang Any of the above means you can enjoy a worry free holiday, with almost everything taken care of. Although you should be prepared to carry a small amount of cash with you for unexpected fees during your travel period. Some airlines only accept cash. Remember that if traveling in/out of foreign countries, some cash may be needed to be



Its Ta ime for

allowed to enter or exit the territory. Keep your carry on bags with you at all times, allowing no one, including any airlines officials to enter your bags or purses. Only allow you to pull items out yourself to view to avoid theft. Check with the airline you are traveling with for an understanding of if any carry- on luggage is available and if any extra fees are attached to have those carry one parcels/luggage. When ascending and descending on the flight, plug your nose and blow hard to avoid any damages to your hearing. By doing this, it allows an equal balance between the inside and outside pressure of the vessel. Your favourite travel agent can help you plan the trip of your dreams. They have the knowledge and expertise, and most likely have been to some or all of the above mentioned places. By law, the agent must be TICO certified in order to sell travel. And the agency must be registered with TICO, the Travel Industry Council of Ontario, which regulates the travel industry in Ontario, inspects and monitors Ontario travel agencies, refunds money for services you paid for but did not receive and helps out with a complaints process. When you book with a TICO registered agency, you are protected in case of closure or bankruptcy. For your own protection, book with a registered agency. Call your agent today and book your getaway.

a Entertainment
6 cups cubed pumpkin bread cup of pre baked pumpkin seeds(no shell) 1 cup margarine, plus extra for greasing the baking dish 1 cup chopped celery 2 cups chopped red onion 2 cups sliced wild mushrooms 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh tarragon 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh chives 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh sage Sea salt, to taste 1 tsp. ground black pepper 6 Tbsp. vegetable broth, or more as needed

Spread the bread cubes on a baking sheet and let dry overnight.* Preheat the oven to 375F. Grease a 2-quart baking dish with some margarine. Melt the 1 cup of margarine in a large skillet over medium heat. Saut the celery and onions for about 10 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 8 minutes or until tender. Season with the rosemary, tarragon, chives, parsley, sage, salt, and pepper. Fold in the bread cubes,pumkin seeds and add enough of the broth to moisten. Transfer to a prepared dish and cover with foil. Bake, covered, for 40 minutes. Remove the cover and bake for 10 minutes, or until the top is crisp. *Note: You can also dry the bread cubes by heating them in a 250F oven until dry, about 1 hour. Makes 6-8 servings


This might take you some time to prepare but The perfect companion to the holiday turkey, this sure-fire recipe for the perfect turkey gravy is guaranteed to be a hit! Impress family and friends with this tasty accompaniment. Experience our Perfect Turkey Gravy recipe.

Entertainment a
Tip With holiday cooking, timing is everything. You will need to start making your turkey stock as soon as the bird goes into the oven or even earlier! Step 4: Continue the stock From the drippings of your roast turkey, skim about 6 Tbsp of fat and set it aside. Skim the rest of the fat from the top of the drippings and discard it. Pour the remaining drippings into the reduced stock. Stir and continue to simmer. Step 1: You will need: for the turkey stock: Leftover turkey parts (necks and wings), divided into chunks. 1 carrot, peeled and roughly chopped 1 onion with its skin, roughly chopped 2 garlic bulbs, cut horizontally 2 celery stalks, chopped 200 ml Madeira wine 2 ltr chicken stock , (or water) 1 sprig rosemary 1 tbsp whole black peppercorns 2 bay leaves 5 allspice berries for the gravy: 6 tbsp fat from the turkeys drippings 6 tbsp flour 2 saucepans 1 wooden spoon 1 strainer Step 2: Brown the meat Place a large pot over a high heat. Add the butter and let it brown and add the meat but do not stir immediately. After a few minutes, gradually begin to stir. When the meat has browned, add the onions, celery, carrots, and garlic. Stir and let the vegetables cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Step 3: Begin the stock Add the wine and let it cook for a few minutes until the alcohol has evaporated. Next, add the stock and bring to a simmer. Once hot, gently skim the surface. Lower the temperature and add the bay leaves, black pepper, allspice and rosemary. Let it simmer until reduced by one-half. Step 5: Finish the gravy Once the stock has reduced to 1/2 of its original volume, remove it from the heat. Place another saucepan over a medium heat. Add to it the 6 Tbsp of fat from the drippings and the flour. Mix it well to create what is known as a roux and cook for a few minutes stirring constantly. After a few minutes, place the strainer over the saucepan and pour the stock into the pan. Discard the contents of the strainer. Stir the gravy vigorously until it thickens. Remove it from the heat. Step 6: Serve Pour the gravy into a serving jug and serve while steaming hot.

t all started 60 years ago in the beautiful city

of Vigevano, Italy, where the finest European chocolate was discovered by the Doninis
By Jessica White

The Donini family arrived in Belleville 31 years ago with a vision of producing high-quality specialty chocolate that would change our idea of chocolate forever.
Today, Donini `s chocolate maker, Vigilio, and his team of 40 employees, use the finest ingredients to continue to produce this European tradition of excellence. As a company of growing ideas, Donini`s focus is on quality, originality and distribution. Our chocolate is made right on the premises located, 335 Bell Boulevard, Belleville. Donini Chocolate is always creating new ideas for our customers. We have no-sugar-added chocolate, which is ideal for the health conscious population and of course a little something that will satisfy your sweet tooth. We always have great ideas for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or just because. We are also still making our wonderful mousse cakes, which are perfect for any occasion. We have many gift ideas for family traditional get togethers or holiday feasts. You cant forget that favourite holiday that brings the kid out in you, Halloween. Halloween is one of the worlds oldest holidays. It is celebrated today by people in more countries than ever before. Halloween originated in the British Isles out of the Pagan Celtic celebration of Samhain, which means End of summer.

It was believed that spirits rose from the dead and mingled with the living on this night. The Celtics left food at their doors to encourage good spirits. They wore masks and decorated their houses to scare off bad spirits. Not always did these methods work, some spirits would disguise themselves as beggars and go door to door asking for handouts. Those who gave them food were rewarded; those who did not were subjected to mischief and grief. Hence the term trick-or-treat. Our Halloween traditions have evolved and become more welcoming. We carve jack-o-lanterns, decorate our houses to welcome trick-or-treaters, and dress up in costume to have fun. Despite its origins, today Halloween has nothing to do with evil. Its a great holiday to get your friends and family together, dress up and eat lots of chocolate and candy. Donini has new and exciting chocolate and candy ideas for Halloween. Your friends and family will love our caramel apples, chocolate pizzas, chocolate sour soothers, chocolate dipped liquorice, chocolate covered ju jubes and chocolate marshmallows. Thats not all; we have chocolate Halloween lollipops and novelty sets. Stop in and find the kid in you! Donini chocolate isnt like any other, its unique smoothness and mouth watering goodness keeps you wanting more, so stop in and satisfy your cravings!

a Entertainment


September 16 Drive - Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Albert Brooks I Dont Know How She Does It - Sarah Jessica Parker, Christina Hendricks, Olivia Munn, Seth Meyers Janes Journey My Afternoons With Marguerite - Gerard Depardieu, Sophie Guillemin, Claire Maurier Restless - Mia Wasikowska, Henry Lee Hopper, Jane Adams, Schuyler Fisk September 23 A Bird of the Air - Rachel Nichols, Jackson Hurst, Anjanette Comer, Linda Emond Abduction - Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins, Alfred Molina, Sigourney Weaver Archies Final Project - Gabriel Sunday, David Carradine, Mariel Hemingway, Brooke Nevin Machine Gun Preacher - Gerard Butler, Michelle Monaghan, Michael Shannon, Madeline Carroll
Moneyball - Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Wright Puncture - Chris Evans, Mark Kassen, Vinessa Shaw, Brett Cullen Red State - Kevin Smith, Jeff Anderson, Kevin Pollack, John Goodman The Double - Richard Gere, Topher Grace, Stephen Moyer, Stana Katic

September 30 50/50 - Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Bryce Dallas Howard, Anjelica Huston Dream House - Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts, Rachel Weisz, Gregory Smith Whats Your Number? - Anna Faris, Chris Evans, Ari Graynor, Andy Samberg

October TBA Flying Monsters 3D - David Attenborough So Undercover - Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Mike OMalley, Matthew Settle

dd one part classic cool and mix in some of todays finest voices and you have Tony Bennetts Duets II. Coming this fall is O.U.R Magazines pick for the fall season. Tony has done it again with this follow up to his 2006 Duets. This time around you have artists like Lady Gaga, Josh Groban, Carrie Underwood, Sheryl Crow, and Canadian talents K.D. Lang and Michael Buble to round it out. Amy Winehouse had teamed up with Tony before her untimely death this summer. Amy singing Body and Soul is bound to hit the charts as her voice mixes so well with Bennetts it seems to be made in heaven. Young or old this is a must have cd for your collection. This is the perfect combination of talent thus far.

This is the perfect combination of talent thus far.

36 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca

Entertainment a

October 7 Real Steel - Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Kevin Durand, Anthony Mackie Wanderlust - Jennifer Aniston, Paul Rudd, Justin Theroux, Malin Akerman October 14 Father of Invention - Kevin Spacey, Camilla Belle, Johnny Knoxville, Heather Graham Fireflies in the Garden - Julia Roberts, Ryan Reynolds, Willem Dafoe, Emily Watson Footloose - Julianne Hough, Dennis Quaid, Kenny Wormald, Miles Teller The Big Year - Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Owen Wilson, Rashida Jones The Thing - Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Jonathan Walker, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Trespass - Nicole Kidman, Nicolas Cage, Ben Mendelsohn, Dash Mihok Paranormal Activity 3 October 28 Sleeping Beauty - Emily Browning The Rum Diary - Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, Aaron Eckhart, Richard Jenkins

Best Books for Fall

THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett (Penguin) ONE DAY by Dave Nicholls (Random House) ANNABEL by Kathleen Winter (Anansi Press) ROOM by Emma Donoghue (HarperCollins) THE TIGERS WIFE by Ta Obreht DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth (HarperCollins) THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNETS NEST by Stieg Larsson (Penguin) HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS by J.K. Rowling (Penguin) THE AFFAIR by Lee Child (Random House) A DANCE WITH DRAGONS by George R.R. Martin (Bantam)

November 4 A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas - John Cho, Kal Penn, Neil Patrick Harris, Patton Oswalt Another Happy Day - Ezra Miller, Thomas Haden Church, Martin Landau, Kate Bosworth Puss in Boots - Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, Zach Galifianakis The Son of No One - Channing Tatum, James Gandolfini, Katie Holmes, Al Pacino Tower Heist - Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Alan Alda, Gabourey Sidibe November 11 Immortals - Henry Cavill, Reymundo Banderas, Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto Jack and Jill - Adam Sandler, Katie Holmes, Al Pacino, Regis Philbin
All dates are subject to change. Please check you local listing.

www.ourmag.ca Fall 2011 O.U.R MAGAZINE


L Community Events

September 3-5 Prince Edward County presents Rednersville Road Art Tour September 5, 12, 19, 26 No Frills, presents Napanee Valley Cruisers at Centre Street, Napanee for a charity BBQ with donations to the Wish Foundation from 6-8 pm September 5 At Centennial Park in Deseranto, the Deseranto Potluck Supper and Corn Roast September 7, 14, 21, 28 Revd Up Auto in Trenton presents Cruise In for a charity BBQ with donations to the Wish Foundation from 5-8 pm September 7, 14, 21, 28 A & W in Napanee presents Crusin the Dub for a charity BBQ with donations to the Wish Foundation from 5-8 pm September 8-10 Empire Square Live will present the Empire Anniversary Weekend- gates open at 6 pm and concerts begin at 7;30 pm. Info: www.theempiretheatre.com September 8 Empire Theatre in Belleville presents Bauchman & Turner with Paul Rodgers September 9 Empire theatre in Belleville presents Kevin Costner September 10 All You need Is Love at the Empire Theatre in Belleville in support of Royal Lepage Shelter Foundation September 15 Alzheimer Society is holding their annual Alzheimer Society Coffee

Break Day in Belleville-donations accepted September 01 United Way BBQ & Band is being held at the Amphitheatre Park in Belleville September 16-24 P.E.C Music Festival, Picton September 17 & 18 Quinte Fishing Series for the year 2011 is featuring species bass on South George Street in Belleville September 18 Give the Gift of Life, Belleville September 22 Empire Theatre presents Rhinestoner Cowgirl featuring a Dolly Parton Tribute at 2 pm and 8 pm tickets cost @27.50 +GST September 22 Pinnacle Playhouse has an open house reception at 7 pm in Belleville September 23 Inaugural Red Friday Golf Tournament hosted by the Trenton Military Family Resource Centre at the Roundel Glen Golf Club at CFB Trenton. Tee Off 13:30 - 4 person best ball. Cost: $60.00, includes Lunch, 9 holes with cart and Prizes. Information: 613-965-3575, registration & payment by September 16 at the MFRC September 22-25 Brighton Apple Fest, Brighton September 25 Empire theatre presents Serena Ryder and the Beauties at 8 pm in Belleville-tickets cost @29.00 plus HST plus s/c September 25 Apple Fest Car Show, Brighton

September 27 Empire Theatre presents Toopy and Binoo at 3:30 pm tickets cost @22.00 and $24.50 plus HST plus s/c October 1 Country Fest Chambers of Commerce Downtown October 1 Country Harvest Fall Festival, Zwicks Park, Belleville October 1 & 2 From 10 am to 5 pm Tweed is holding the Tweed and Area Studio Tour October 2-8 Annual County Marathon Picton October 4 Empire Theatre presents Red Green Live Wit & Wisdom Tour at tickets-tickets cost $56.45 plus GST October 6-27 Belleville Art Association Annual Juried Show featuring perspectives held at the Belleville Public Library October 6 Empire Theatre presents Howie Mandel at 8 pm tickets cost $59.00 and $79.00 plus HST plus s/c October 11 Empire Theatre presents Jesse Cook at 8 pm tickets cost $36.00 plus HST plus s/c October 12 - November 12 Belleville Art Association Annual Gallery and Studio wicked is the theme October 13 Empire Theatre presents Stuart McLean Vinyl Cafe at 7 pm tickets cost $30.00 and $50.00 plus s/c

October 13-19 Belleville Guild Theatre presents Jitters October 15 Empire Theatre presents CMT Hit list Tour at 8 pm tickets cost $36.75 plus HST plus s/c October 15 Knights of Columbus Hall in Trenton presents Savour Food and Drink Festival October 23 Empire Theatre presents Hooked on Anneka Art Show and Sale from 1-4 pm October 27 Empire Theatre presents Matthew Good at 8 pm tickets on sale July 8 November 14 Skate with Santa in the Memorial Arena in Belleville November 15- December 10 Belleville Art Association Annual Gallery and Studio artists choice is the theme November 18 Dinkels in Belleville presents Festival of Trees Cocktail Reception. November 19 Christmas at the Market Square, Belleville November 20 St Theresas presents Festival of Trees Grand Gala in Belleville December 1 Empire Theatre presents Trailer Park Boys at 8 pm tickets cost $52.25 plus HST plus s/c December 1-17 Pinnacle Playhouse presents Little Women in Belleville December 2 Old East Hill presents Holiday Home Tour in Belleville

38 O.U.R MAGAZINE Fall 2011 www.ourmag.ca

Fall Cross Word Puzzle

1. Mother of Helios 2. Radioactivity units 3. Auspices 4. Robot pilot 5. Capital of Iran 6. A useful or valuable quality 7. Dealt 8. French for Water 9. Derived by logic 10. Anagram of Games 11. _____to = orange-red dye 12. Performance platform 13. Get money by using a bad check 21. Not conforming to dietary laws 23. Not freehold or rented 25. Cuban dance 26. Soviet Union 27. Wealthy 28. Gin flavor 29. Illusion 32. Cutting this can make you cry 33. Brownish gum resin 34. Wait 35. Look of lust 36. Sea eagles 38. Folk dance 42. Engage in drunken merrymaking 43. Old stories 47. The wood of the Maclura tinctoria 48. Rhymes or sonnets 49. Tip over 50. Granular 51. Puritan 52. Attempted 54. Port city in northern Brazil 55. Privy to 56. Neuter 57. Gentle 60. Hasten

1. Delicacy 6. Not on shore 10. A facial disguise 14. International court site, with The 15. Detergent 16. Against 17. Writer Wharton 18. Aspersion 19. Small annoying insect 20. Various 22. Glacial period 24. A portion 25. Perched 26. Relating to bears 29. Veer 30. Pie perch 31. Extremely impressive in strength 37. A large ladle 39. Pen point 40. Willow twig 41. Figurative 44. Yemeni port 45. See 46. Tenders 48. Jack OLantern 52. Not false 53. Musical dramas 54. A high standing 58. Jacobs brother 59. Bangkok native 61. Athletes foot 62. Blend 63. Emerald Isle 64. Graven images 65. Eye affliction 66. Absorb written material 67. Confection
ANSWERS are posted online at ourmag.ca

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