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Clin Pharmacokinet (2015) 54:993–1025

DOI 10.1007/s40262-015-0282-2


Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

in Solid-Organ Transplant Patients
Christine E. Staatz1 • Susan E. Tett1

Published online: 3 June 2015

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

Abstract Tacrolimus is a pivotal immunosuppressant few months after any conversion to once-daily tacrolimus
agent used in solid-organ transplantation. It was originally dosing; however, there is no guarantee that therapeutic
formulated for oral administration as PrografÒ, a twice- drug monitoring strategies applicable to one formulation
daily immediate-release capsule. In an attempt to improve (or twice-daily dosing) will be equally applicable to an-
patient adherence, retain manufacturer market share and/or other. The correlation between the tacrolimus AUC0–24
reduce health care costs, newer once-daily prolonged-re- and Cmin is variable and not strong for all three formu-
lease formulations of tacrolimus (AdvagrafÒ and Envar- lations, indicating that trough measurements may not al-
susÒ XR) and various generic versions of PrografÒ are ways give a good indication of overall drug exposure.
becoming available. Tacrolimus has a narrow therapeutic Further investigation is required into whether the pro-
index. Small variations in drug exposure due to formula- longed-release formulations have reduced within-subject
tion differences can have a significant impact on patient pharmacokinetic variability, which would be a distinct
outcomes. The aim of this review is to critically analyse advantage. Whether the effects of factors that influence
the published data on the clinical pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus absorption and pre-systemic metabolism (pa-
once-daily tacrolimus in solid-organ transplant patients. tient genotype status; gastrointestinal disease and disor-
Forty-three traditional (non-compartmental) and five ders) and drug interactions differ across the formulations
population pharmacokinetic studies were identified and needs to be further elucidated. Most pharmacokinetic
evaluated. On the basis of the stricter criteria for narrow- comparison studies to date have involved relatively stable
therapeutic-index drugs, PrografÒ, AdvagrafÒ and Envar- patients, and many have been sponsored by the pharma-
susÒ XR are not bioequivalent [in terms of the area under ceutical companies manufacturing the new formulations.
the concentration–time curve from 0 to 24 h (AUC0–24) or Larger randomized, controlled trials are needed in differ-
the minimum concentration (Cmin)]. Patients may require a ent transplant populations to determine whether there are
daily dosage increase if converted from PrografÒ to Ad- differences in efficacy and toxicity across the formulations
vagrafÒ, while a daily dosage reduction appears necessary and whether formulation conversion is worthwhile in the
for conversion from PrografÒ to EnvarsusÒ XR. PrografÒ longer term. While it has been suggested that once-daily
itself, or generic immediate-release tacrolimus, can be administration of tacrolimus may improve patient com-
administered in a once-daily regimen with a lower than pliance, further studies are required to demonstrate this.
double daily dose being reported to give 24-h exposure Mistakenly interchanging different tacrolimus formula-
equivalent to that of a twice-daily regimen. Intense clin- tions can lead to serious patient harm. Once-daily tacro-
ical and concentration monitoring is prudent in the first limus is now available as an alternative to twice-daily
tacrolimus and can be used de novo in solid-organ trans-
plant recipients or as a different formulation for existing
& Susan E. Tett patients, with appropriate dosage modifications. Clinicians
need to be fully aware of pharmacokinetic and possible
School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland, outcome differences across the different formulations of
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia tacrolimus.
994 C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett

These ranges vary according to the transplant type and the

Key Points time after transplantation [3]. Concomitant medication can
also influence blood concentrations of tacrolimus, so any
Tacrolimus is a key immunosuppressant for solid- changes in medication regimens need to be accompanied
organ transplant recipients, with two new once-daily by increased monitoring [3]. Concentrations 12 h after the
dosage formulations now developed. night-time dose of the immediate-release formulation are
generally measured, and these morning trough concentra-
On the basis of the criteria for narrow-therapeutic- tions have been used to develop the target concentration
index drugs, PrografÒ (twice-daily tacrolimus), ranges for tacrolimus. There is diurnal variation in the
AdvagrafÒ and EnvarsusÒ XR (both once-daily concentration–time profile of tacrolimus, with peaks after
tacrolimus formulations) are not bioequivalent, and the evening dose being lower and more prolonged [5, 6].
inadvertent formulation changes can lead to serious Coinciding with the patent expiry for tacrolimus in the
patient harm. originator formulation of PrografÒ in the USA in 2008
The correlation between the tacrolimus area under (2009 in Europe; 2010 in Japan), a once-daily prolonged-
the concentration–time curve from 0 to 24 h and the release dosing formulation of tacrolimus was developed
minimum concentration is variable and is not strong [7]. The same pharmaceutical company that manufactures
for all three formulations; trough measurements may PrografÒ, Astellas Pharma, developed a range of formu-
not always give a good indication of overall drug lations showing modified release of tacrolimus, and MR-4
exposure, and patients changing formulations require was chosen for further development into the once-daily
close pharmacokinetic and clinical monitoring. product (AdvagrafÒ is the brand name used in the UK,
Canada and Europe). Tacrolimus formulated as AdvagrafÒ
is available in a prolonged-release hard gelatine capsule in
strengths of 0.5, 1, 3 and 5 mg. In the AdvagrafÒ capsule,
1 Introduction tacrolimus is mixed with ethylcellulose, hypromellose and
lactose to form intermediate-sustained-release granules.
Tacrolimus, a calcineurin inhibitor, was introduced in the The sustained-release character of the granules is imparted
early 1990s as an alternative to cyclosporine for preventing by the ethylcellulose, which controls the rate of permeation
rejection after solid-organ transplantation. It is now widely of water into the granules [8]. AdvagrafÒ was reported by
used, with over 90 % of newly transplanted kidney re- its manufacturer to give a prolonged time to maximum
cipients and liver transplant recipients being reported to concentration (Tmax), with an area under the blood con-
receive tacrolimus as one of their immunosuppressant centration–time curve (AUC) from 0 to 24 h (AUC0–24)
medications. According to US Organ Procurement and similar to that of twice-daily immediate-release tacrolimus
Transplantation Network data, in 2012, 91.1 % of adult [8–10]. This product (using a number of brand names)
kidney and adult liver transplant recipients were prescribed received regulatory approval in various jurisdictions from
tacrolimus at the time of transplantation [1]. 2008 onwards. Other brand names used by Astellas Pharma
Tacrolimus was original formulated as PrografÒ for this same formulation of tacrolimus include Prograf-
(Astellas Pharma), an immediate-release hard gelatine XLÒ (in Australia), GraceptorÒ (in Japan) and Asta-
capsule available in strengths of 0.5, 1 and 5 mg. At least graf XLÒ (in the USA). Generic versions of AdvagrafÒ are
six companies in the USA now manufacture generic ver- also starting to be developed [11]. When patients are
sions of this capsule (Accord Healthcare, Dr. Reddy Labs, switched from PrografÒ (or its various generic versions) to
Panacea Biotec, Sandoz, Strides Pharma and Mylan) [2]. AdvagrafÒ, a milligram-per-milligram daily dose change is
Tacrolimus in the PrografÒ formulation (and associated currently recommended by the manufacturer.
generic versions) has been associated with low and variable Presently, a second once-daily prolonged-release tacro-
bioavailability [3, 4]. PrografÒ capsules are usually ad- limus formulation is going through the regulatory approval
ministered twice daily, every 12 h (although for treatment process. Veloxis Pharmaceuticals has developed Envar-
of rheumatoid arthritis, once-daily administration is ad- susÒ XR, also referred to as LCP-Tacro. EnvarsusÒ XR is
vised). Significant between- and within-subject variability being manufactured as 0.75, 1 and 4 mg prolonged-release
in absorption and between-subject variability in metabo- tablets. EnvarsusÒ XR is designed to be administered once
lism (the main mechanism for clearance) of tacrolimus has daily and uses MeltDoseÒ technology to achieve its mod-
been reported [3]. Trough blood concentrations are mea- ified release [12]. During manufacturing, the particle size
sured in clinical transplantation practice, and subsequent of tacrolimus is reduced to a molecular level by heating it
tacrolimus doses are adjusted to maintain transplant re- to create a ‘melt’ solution. A patented nozzle is then used
cipients within defined therapeutic concentration ranges. to spray the atomized drug onto an inert particulate carrier,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus 995

which, on solidification, becomes a granulate. Granulates studies, those publications including original data, were
are then compressed into tablets, which are designed to compiled into tables and critiqued.
enable more controlled, steady drug dissolution [13]. This
formulation is stated to have higher bioavailability than 3.1 Traditional Pharmacokinetic Studies
PrografÒ, and the manufacturer does not claim bioe-
quivalence between the two formulations. Presently, when Forty-three traditional (non-compartmental) studies inves-
patients are changing from conventional twice-daily tigating tacrolimus pharmacokinetics following once-daily
tacrolimus capsules (PrografÒ or generic manufacturer dosing of the prolonged-release formulations were identi-
competitors), only 70 % of the dose (milligram per mil- fied. Key methodological features and results from these
ligram) is recommended. studies are displayed in Tables 1 and 2. Studies that
Tacrolimus has a narrow therapeutic index. Small var- compared once- and twice-daily formulations in different
iations in drug exposure due to formulation differences can patient cohorts have not been included in the tables if they
have a significant impact on patient outcomes [4]. The aim did not report AUC0–24 values.
of this review is to critically analyse the published data on Correlations between tacrolimus AUC0–24 and minimum
the clinical pharmacokinetics of once-daily tacrolimus in concentrations (Cmin) are displayed in Table 3, and be-
solid-organ transplant patients, discussing clinical impli- tween- and within-subject variability estimates associated
cations and areas where further research is required. with these parameters are summarized in Table 4. Most
studies compared tacrolimus AUC0–24, maximum concen-
tration (Cmax) and/or Cmin across the formulations; some
2 Methods also looked at dosage adjusted AUC0–24, Cmax and/or Cmin,
and how tacrolimus dosing changed following conversion.
Literature searches were conducted in Science Citation Some studies looked at the correlation between tacrolimus
Index (ISI Web of Knowledge) and PubMed Medline (last AUC0–24 and Cmin and graphically compared once-daily-
search: 30 March 2015) with the keywords ‘tacrolimus’, and twice-daily-based pharmacokinetic profiles. A few
‘pharmacokinetics’ and ‘once’, searching the years 2015, studies reported whether within- and between-subject
2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006. variability were different across the formulations and in-
All article titles thus retrieved were then searched; any vestigated whether there were any differences in the in-
relevant to the aim of this review were compiled into an fluence of cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) genotype
Endnote Library, and electronic copies of the full papers status (rs number: 776746) on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics
were obtained. Bibliographies of relevant papers were re- when patients were converted between the formulations.
viewed manually to identify additional potentially relevant In terms of their design, most studies were either (1) an
studies. Data were extracted from these papers and com- open-label conversion study (the study compared the
piled into tables. These data were then critiqued. pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in the same patients con-
As there are now a number of oral formulations of verted from a twice-daily formulation to a once-daily for-
tacrolimus, to distinguish between them, they are referred mulation); or (2) a randomized comparator study (the study
to by brand name if specified in the original study. Ref- compared the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in two
erences retrieved from bibliographies were included if separate patient groups, one group receiving the twice-
relevant to once-daily dosing of any formulation of tacro- daily formulation and the other group receiving the once-
limus, even if prior to the development of the modified- daily formulation). The conversion studies were generally
release (MR) formulations (e.g. see Hardinger et al. [5]). conducted in the later post-transplantation period, while
A previous review compiled the data around the bioe- many of the comparator studies were performed immedi-
quivalence of AdvagrafÒ versus PrografÒ until mid-2011, ately post-transplantation. Some studies involved tacroli-
but information is presented in a somewhat different way in mus trough concentration measurement only, while others
the present review, not repeating the same data syntheses performed rich pharmacokinetic profiling, taking multiple
[14]. blood samples over one dosing interval.
In studies where it was clear that PrografÒ and Adva-
grafÒ were being compared, conversion from PrografÒ to
3 Results AdvagrafÒ on a milligram-per-milligram daily dose basis
often resulted in reduced tacrolimus exposure and in-
Eighty-seven unique references were found in the searches, creased dosage requirements, with this being notable in
with a further nine found by searches of bibliographies, and some of the patients. A 10–30 % decrease in exposure in
full copies of all relevant publications were retrieved. this situation appeared to be common. In most, but not all,
Summaries of the relevant retrieved pharmacokinetic studies, the mean steady-state ratios of AdvagrafÒ to

Table 1 Summary of traditional studies investigating tacrolimus pharmacokinetics following once-daily dosinga
No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

Adult kidney transplant recipients

66 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) [6 (days 1–7 of study, still 8, 14 and 21 (i.e. 1, 7 and Open-label conversion LC–MS/MS Not stated 1:1 Conversion; approximately
taking BD) 14 days after starting QD) study—compared 30 % of patients required
pharmacokinetics in dosage adjustment after
patients converted from BD conversion; study supported
to QD by Fujisawa Healthcare Inc.
26 [BD (n = 12) vs QD prolonged- 0, randomized prior to 3 and 21 (for AUC0–24); 30, 90 Randomized comparator Immunoassay BD: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, No significant difference in
release (n = 14)] transplantation and 180 (for Cmin) study—compared 13, 14, 16, 18 and 24 mean daily BD vs QD dose
pharmacokinetics in BD QD: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, across groups at 1, 3 and
and QD groups 12 and 24 6 months post-transplantation
47 (PrografÒ vs LCP-Tacro) [6 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 and 21 (i.e. 7 and 14 days Open-label conversion Not stated BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, Mean conversion ratio 0.71;
taking BD) after starting QD) study—compared 4, 6, 8, 12, 12.5, 13, study supported by Veloxis
pharmacokinetics in 14, 15, 16, 20 and 24 Pharmaceuticals [12]
patients converted from BD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3,
to QD 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20
and 24
284 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged- Any time after All concentrations measured in Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
release) transplantation the 6 months before and after study—compared significantly decreased after
conversion were collected pharmacokinetics in conversion (-1.4 ± 2.5 ng/
patients converted from BD mL or 12.6 ± 24.4 %); in
to QD 38.3 % of patients, this
decrease exceeded 20 %;
author(s) supported by
Astellas Pharma [17]
82 (PrografÒ vs MR-4) [5 7, 30 and 90 days after starting Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion (82 % of
QD study—compared patients); 7.6 % of patients
pharmacokinetics in required dose adjustment
patients converted from BD after conversion [18]
to QD
32 [17 CYP3A5 expressers and 15 [24 14 days after starting QD Open-label conversion Immunoassay 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 1:1 Conversion; mean exposure
CYP3A5 non-expressers matched for study—compared 12, 12.5, 13, 14, 15, significantly decreased after
sex, age and date of transplantation pharmacokinetics in 16, 18, 20 and 24 conversion;
(PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ)] patients converted from BD author(s) supported by
to QD Astellas Pharma [19]
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 1 continued
No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

18 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged- [6 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 (i.e. 7 days after starting QD) Open-label conversion Immunoassay BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, Patients randomly assigned to 3
release) taking BD) study—compared 4, 6, 9, 12, 12.5, 13, different conversion groups:
pharmacokinetics in 13.5, 14, 15, 16, 18, 1:0.67, 1:0.85 or 1:1
patients converted from BD 21 and 24 conversion; 1:0.85
to QD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, conversion ratio most
4, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 appropriate [5]
and 24
12 (BD tacrolimus vs tacrolimus [18 All concentrations obtained in Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; quick and
extended-release) the 6 months before and study—compared sustained 25 % mean
1 year (approximately) after pharmacokinetics in decrease in Cmin after
conversion were collected patients converted from BD conversion [20]
to QD
55 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [3 30, 60, 90 and 180 days after Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; 35 % of
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

starting QD study—compared patients experienced decrease

pharmacokinetics in in Cmin of[30 % at 6 months
patients converted from BD after conversion [21]
to QD
41 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 36.6 ± 16.1 7, 30, 90, 180 and 365 days after Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
starting QD study—compared significantly decreased at 3
pharmacokinetics in and 6 months after
patients converted from BD conversion [22]
to QD
18 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [12 14, 28, 56 and 84 days after Open-label conversion Immunoassay Trough concentrations 1.1 Conversion; mean daily
starting QD study—compared dose of AdvagrafÒ was
pharmacokinetics in 127 ± 32 % of original daily
patients converted from BD dose of PrografÒ at 12 weeks
to QD after conversion [23]
20 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [24 15, 60, 90, 120, 150 and Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; significant
180 days after starting QD study—compared improvement in glycaemia
pharmacokinetics in and triglyceride values after
patients converted from BD conversion [24]
to QD
20 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [6 28–42 days after starting QD Open-label conversion Immunoassay BD: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1:1 Conversion; mean exposure
study—compared 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, significantly reduced after
pharmacokinetics in 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, conversion; no change in
patients converted from BD 14, 15, 23 and 24 insulin release or sensitivity
to QD QD: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, [25]
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10,
12, 23 and 24
Table 1 continued

No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

33 (PrografÒ vs GraceptorÒ) [12 Within 60 days after starting QD Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; 25–30 % of
study—compared patients experienced decrease
pharmacokinetics in in Cmin after conversion [26]
patients converted from BD
to QD
72 [PrografÒ (n = 47) vs GraceptorÒ 0 28 days after starting QD Non-randomized, Immunoassay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 No significant difference in
(n = 25)] observational comparator and 24 median dose-adjusted
study—compared exposure across groups; in
pharmacokinetics in BD subgroup analysis, significant
and QD groups decrease in dose-adjusted
exposure was evident in
CYP3A5 expressers
receiving GraceptorÒ [27]
40 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [15 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 days after Open-label conversion LC–MS/MS 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 1:1 Conversion;
starting QD study—compared 14, 16 and 24 author(s) supported by
pharmacokinetics in Astellas Pharma [28]
patients converted from BD
to QD
102 [PrografÒ (n = 52) vs GraceptorÒ 0 14 days after starting QD Open-label, prospective, Immunoassay 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, Mean exposure not
(n = 50)] randomized study— 15, 16 and 24 significantly different
compared pharmacokinetics between BD and QD groups
in BD and QD groups at day 14 [29]
26 (BD vs QD tacrolimus) [12 28 days after starting QD Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
study—compared significantly reduced
pharmacokinetics in following conversion;
patients converted from BD increased insulin sensitivity
to QD and decreased HbA1c
observed at 4 weeks after
conversion [30]
60 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) C6 Days 1–14 and 29–42 taking Open-label, 4-period LC–MS/MS 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 1:1 Conversion; mean exposure
BD, days 5–28 and 43–56 crossover study 12, 12.5, 13, 14, 15, approximately 10 % lower
taking QD 16, 18, 20 and 24 after conversion; study
supported by Astellas Pharma
41 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [12 Trough measurements in period Open-label conversion Immunoassay Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
before and after conversion study—compared significantly decreased after
compared (exact period not pharmacokinetics in conversion; in subgroup
stated) patients converted from BD analysis, this decrease was
to QD significance only in CYP3A5
non-expressers [32]
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 1 continued
No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

66 [PrografÒ (n = 32) vs AdvagrafÒ 0, randomized prior to 1, 14 and 42 Randomized, open-label LC–MS/MS 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, Mean AUC0–24 on day 1 post-
(n = 34)] transplantation study—compared 12, 12.5, 13, 14, 15, transplantation
pharmacokinetics in BD 16, 18, 20 and 24 approximately 30 % lower in
and QD groups patients on AdvagrafÒ vs
PrografÒ but comparable by
day 14; study supported by
Astellas Pharma [33]
34 [PrografÒ (n = 17) vs AdvagrafÒ 0, randomized prior to 1, 3, 7 and 14 Randomized, double blind, LC–MS/MS 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, Mean AUC0–24 on day 1 post-
(n = 17)] transplantation double-dummy study— 12, 12.5, 13, 14, 15, transplantation
compared pharmacokinetics 16, 18, 20 and 24 approximately 16 % lower in
in BD and QD groups patients on AdvagrafÒ vs
PrografÒ although by day 3
onwards, exposure was
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

similar; study supported by

Astellas Pharma [34]
129 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [15 7, then every 2–4 weeks and at Open-label conversion Immunoassay Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
least 5–7 days after a dosage study—compared significantly reduced after
change pharmacokinetics in conversion;
patients converted from BD author(s) supported by
to QD Astellas Pharma [35]
56 [BD tacrolimus (n = 32) vs QD 1 month, 1 year Not applicable Open-label, prospective Immunoassay BD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and Median dose-adjusted Cmin and
tacrolimus (n = 24)] study—compared 12 AUC0–24 approximately
pharmacokinetics in BD QD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 45 % and 25 % lower in
and QD groups and 24 patients on QD vs BD
tacrolimus who were
CYP3A5 expressers; median
dose-adjusted Cmin was
20–40 % lower in patients on
QD vs BD tacrolimus who
were CYP3A6 non-
expressers, but difference in
dose-adjusted AUC0–24 was
not significant [36]
Paediatric kidney transplant recipients
21 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [16 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 (i.e. 7 days after starting QD) Open-label conversion Immunoassay BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 1:1 Conversion; results
taking BD) study—compared 4, 6, 8, 12, 12.5, 13, suggested that 1:1.2
pharmacokinetics in 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 conversion ratio could be
patients converted from BD and 24 more appropriate in this
to QD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, population [37]
2.5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15
and 24
Table 1 continued

No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

34 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [12 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 and 28 (i.e. 7 and 21 days Open-label conversion LC–MS/MS BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin and
taking BD) after starting QD) study—compared 12, 12.5, 13, 14, 16, AUC0–24 significantly
pharmacokinetics in 18, 20 and 24 decreased after conversion; in
patients converted from BD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, subgroup analysis, this
to QD 8, 12, 12.5, 13, 14, decrease was significant only
16, 18, 20 and 24 in CYP3A5 non-expressers;
44.1 % of patients required
dosage increase and 26.5 %
of patients required dosage
decrease after conversion;
study supported by Astellas
Pharma [38]
Adult liver transplant recipients
57 (PrografÒ vs LCP-Tacro) [6 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 and 21 (i.e. 7 and 14 days Open-label conversion Not stated BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, Mean conversion ratio 0.71;
taking BD) after starting QD) study—compared 6, 8, 12, 12.5, 13, 30 % lower dose of LCP-
pharmacokinetics in 13.5, 14, 15, 16, 20 Tacro was associated with
patients converted from BD and 24 similar AUC0–24 and Cmin to
to QD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, PrografÒ but lower Cmax;
4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20 study supported by Veloxis
and 24 Pharmaceuticals [39]

77 [PrografÒ (n = 32); AdvagrafÒ 0, randomized prior to 1, 14 and 42 Randomized BD or QD LC–MS/MS 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, Mean AUC0–24 at equivalent
(n = 45)] transplantation patients 12, 12.5, 13, 14, 15, doses was approximately
16, 18, 20 and 24 50 % lower for AdvagrafÒ
than for PrografÒ on day 1
but by day 14 was
comparable between
treatments with higher
AdvagrafÒ doses; study
supported by Astellas Pharma
125 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [6 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, 270 and 365 Open-label conversion Immunoassay Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; Cmin lower in
days after starting QD study—compared 62.4 % of patients and higher
pharmacokinetics in in 36.0 % at week 1 after
patients converted from BD conversion; study supported
to QD by Astellas Pharma [41]
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 1 continued
No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

36 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [6 7 and 14 days after starting QD Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; no significant
study—compared difference in mean Cmin or
pharmacokinetics in daily PrografÒ (day = 0) vs
patients converted from BD AdvagrafÒ dose (days 7 and
to QD 14) [42]
62 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) [6 (days 1–14 and 29–42 Pharmacokinetic profile taken Open-label, single sequence, LC–MS/MS Not stated 1:1 Conversion; approximately
taking BD formulation; for BD formulation (days 14 4-period crossover 20 % of patients converted to
days 15–28 and 42–56 and 42) and for QD conversion study MR tacrolimus required dose
taking QD formulation) formulation (days 28 and 56) adjustment during
pharmacokinetic study;
significantly less within-
patient variability in exposure
after conversion to MR
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

tacrolimus [43]
79 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [6 30, 90, 180 and 270 days after Open-label conversion Immunoassay Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin was
starting QD study—compared decreased at 1 month after
pharmacokinetics in conversion but similar to pre-
patients converted from BD conversion levels at 6 and
to QD 9 months [44]
98 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [12 7, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days Open-label conversion Not stated Trough concentrations 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
after starting QD study—compared reduced by 15 % after
pharmacokinetics in conversion;
patients converted from BD author(s) supported by
to QD Astellas Pharma [45]
9 (QD prolonged-release tacrolimus) 0 (perioperative period) 7 Prospective pharmacokinetic LC–MS/MS 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 20 and 24 Patients converted from
study of once-daily intravenous tacrolimus to
prolonged-release 10 times higher oral QD
tacrolimus prolonged-release dose
appeared to have similar
AUC0–24 values [46]
83 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) [6 1 and 84 days after starting QD Open-label conversion LC–MS/MS BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1:1 Conversion; mean exposure
study—compared 8, 12, 12.5, 13, 14, approximately 17 % lower on
pharmacokinetics in 15, 16, 18, 20 and 24 day 84 after conversion [47]
patients converted from BD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4,
to QD 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20
and 24
Table 1 continued

No. of patients (formulation)b Study period: time after Study period: time since ceasing Study design Assay Sample times (hours Comments and refs.
transplantation (months) BD therapy, if relevant (days) after dosing)

Paediatric liver transplant recipients

20 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [16 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 (7 days after starting QD) Open-label conversion Immunoassay BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 1:1 Conversion; mean Cmin
taking BD) study—compared 4, 6, 8, 12, 12.5, 13, decreased and mean dose/
pharmacokinetics in 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 Cmin increased at 3 and
patients converted from BD and 24 6 months after conversion
to QD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, but returned to basal levels by
2.5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15 12 months; study supported
and 24 by Astellas Pharma [48]

18 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged- [6 (days 1–7 of study, still 14 (7 days after starting QD) Open-label conversion LC–MS/MS BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 1:1 Conversion; no significant
release) taking BD) study—compared 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 difference in mean AUC0–24
pharmacokinetics in and 24 after conversion; study
patients converted from BD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, supported by Astellas Pharma
to QD 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 20 [6]
and 24
Adult lung transplant recipients
19 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [6 (days 0–30 still taking 44–58 (14–28 days after starting Open-label conversion Immunoassay BD: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 1:1 Conversion; no significant
BD, pharmacokinetic QD) study—compared 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 difference in mean AUC0–24
profile for BD done on pharmacokinetics in and 24 after conversion; study
day 14) patients converted from BD QD: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, supported by Astellas Pharma
to QD 15, 18, 20 and 24 [49]

Adult heart transplant recipients

45 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) [6 (days 1–7 of study, still 8, 14 and 21 (1, 7 and 14 days Open-label conversion LC–MS/MS BD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 1:1 Conversion; approximately
taking BD) after starting QD) study—compared 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20 one third of patients required
pharmacokinetics in and 24 dosage adjustment over
patients converted from BD QD: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, course of study; study
to QD 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 20 supported by Astellas Pharma
and 24 [50]

AUC0–24 area under the concentration–time curve from 0 to 24 h post-dose, BD twice daily, Cmax maximum concentration, Cmin minimum concentration, CYP cytochrome P450, HbA1c glycated haemoglobin, LC–MS/
MS liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, MR modified-release, QD once daily, refs. reference
Studies that examined BD and QD dosing in two different patient groups have not been included if they did not report AUC0–24 values [51–57]
Trade name of tacrolimus formulation specified, if stated in the publication. Note: the Astellas Pharma MR once-daily tacrolimus formulation was original tested under the name MR-4 and is known as AdvagrafÒ in
the UK, Canada and Europe; Prograf-XLÒ in Australia; GraceptorÒ in Japan; and Astagraf XLÒ in the USA. The Veloxis Pharmaceuticals MR once-daily tacrolimus formulation is known as LCP-Tacro and
EnvarsusÒ XR
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus 1003

PrografÒ for AUC0–24 and Cmin had 90 % confidence in- Fig. 3) [5]. Eighteen stable renal transplant recipients were
tervals (CIs) within the 80–125 % range that typically given PrografÒ once daily in the morning at 67, 85 and
defines bioequivalence, but often outside the tighter 100 % of their normal twice-daily dose. PrografÒ given
90–111.11 % reference range for AUC0–24 that is now once daily at 85 % of the twice-daily dose was found to
recommended for tacrolimus by the European Medicines achieve a pharmacokinetic profile reasonably comparable
Agency [59]. One study reported that the increase in to that of twice-daily dosing, with a similar Cmin but higher
tacrolimus dosage requirements following conversion from Cmax, compared with those observed with twice-daily
PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ may be more pronounced in pa- PrografÒ [5].
tients switched within 3 months of transplantation than in A few studies examined whether between- and/or
patients switched more than 1 year after surgery [17]; within-subject variability in pharmacokinetics was differ-
however, the retrospective design of that study was ent across the formulations. Three studies reported that
somewhat limiting. In two studies where it was clear that within-subject variability [percentage coefficient of varia-
patients had been converted from PrografÒ to LCP-Tacro tion (% CV)] in AUC0–24 or Cmin decreased significantly
(EnvarsusÒ XR), an approximately 30 % lower dose of following conversion from PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ [28, 35,
LCP-Tacro resulted in exposure similar to that seen with 43], while two studies could find no significant difference
twice-daily tacrolimus capsules [12, 39]. [31, 45]. Conversion from PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ resulted
Several studies looked at the correlation between in a significant reduction in within-subject variability in
tacrolimus AUC0–24 and Cmin following use of the once- tacrolimus AUC0–24 from 14.1 to 10.9 % (but no reduction
daily extended-release formulations (Table 3). Reported in Cmin) in a study involving 40 stable kidney transplant
correlations (r2) ranged from 0.24 to 0.94. There was not recipients, assessed using five AUC values for each dosing
always a strong indication of association (with sometimes regimen [28], and a reduction in tacrolimus Cmin from 14.0
only 60 % of variability explained). In one study involving to 8.5 % in a study involving 129 stable kidney transplant
26 stable renal transplant recipients, tacrolimus trough recipients [35]. Two studies reported significantly less
measurements taken from 26 to 32 h after AdvagrafÒ within-subject variation in exposure after conversion to
dosing were found to have a correlation with tacrolimus MR tacrolimus but provided no actual numerical data [43,
AUC0–24 similar to that of a measurement taken 24 h after 60]. Another study reported similar within- and between-
dosing [58]. The authors suggested that in patients in whom subject variability between PrografÒ and AdvagrafÒ for-
it was impractical to get a 24-h trough measurement be- mulations [31]. No study to date has looked at within-
cause of an afternoon outpatient clinic appointment, a later patient variability in exposure to EnvarsusÒ XR.
‘delayed’ trough value may still be useful, although the Factors in these traditional design studies reported to
trough target range would need to be lowered accordingly. influence the pharmacokinetics of prolonged-release
Some studies graphically compared mean pharmacoki- tacrolimus included patient CYP3A5 genotype status [17,
netic profiles across the formulations. Typical profiles of 19, 27, 28, 32, 36, 38, 61], age [51], race [57] and time after
PrografÒ versus AdvagrafÒ and PrografÒ versus LCP- transplantation [17]. These same factors were also reported
Tacro (EnvarsusÒ XR) are displayed in Figs. 1 and 2, re- to be influential when immediate-release tacrolimus was
spectively. In comparison of concentration–time plots be- administered twice daily [3].
tween PrografÒ and AdvagrafÒ (e.g. see Refs. [19, 27–29, Four studies reported that the decrease in tacrolimus
37, 38, 47–49]), AdvagrafÒ therapy generally appeared to exposure observed after conversion from PrografÒ to Ad-
be associated with a slightly longer Tmax and a lower Cmin vagrafÒ appeared more marked in patients with the
(following 1:1 daily dose conversion). AdvagrafÒ had a CYP3A5*1/*3 genotype (i.e. CYP3A5 expressers) than in
flatter profile than PrografÒ, with a similar or lower Cmax. those with the CYP3A5*1/*1 genotype (CYP3A5 non-ex-
In comparison of concentration–time plots between Pro- pressers) [19, 27, 36, 61]. In contrast, two studies reported
grafÒ and EnvarsusÒ XR profiles (in two studies only, both the opposite, that patients with the CYP3A5*3/*3 genotype
supported by Veloxis Pharmaceuticals) [12, 39], Envar- (CYP3A5 non-expressers) were the ones who experienced
susÒ XR had a flatter pharmacokinetic profile character- the largest decrease in AUC0–24 and/or Cmin following
ized by lower peak–trough fluctuations, compared with milligram-per-milligram-based conversion [32, 38]. One
PrografÒ. Cmax, Cmax/Cmin ratio, percentage fluctuation and study, which reported that conversion from PrografÒ to
percentage swing were found to be significantly lower and AdvagrafÒ resulted in a significant decrease in within-
Tmax significantly longer (following 1:0.7 daily dose subject variability in AUC0–24, found that this decrease was
conversion). numerically greatest in patients with the CYP3A5*1
Interestingly, one study compared PrografÒ adminis- genotype (% CV down from 18.2 to 12.8 % on conversion
tered in the usual twice-daily dosage with the same Pro- in CYP3A5 expressers versus a decrease from 12.6 to
grafÒ formulation administered once daily (reproduced in 10.2 % on conversion in CYP3A5 non-expressers) [28].
Table 2 Comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters (mean ± SD, unless otherwise stated) between once- and twice-daily tacrolimus formulations based on traditional studiesa

No. of patients (formulation)b Cmax, (ng/mL)) Tmax, (hr) AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL) Ratio of Cmin (ng/mL) Ratio of Cmin Ref
AUC0–24 means means QD/BD
QD/BD (%, 90% (%, 90% CI)

Adult kidney transplant recipients

66 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) 215 ± 59 (day 201 ± 58 (day 95.0 7.0 ± 1.9 6.1 ± 1.8 87.2 [15]
1); 207 ± 58 14); 198 ± (90.7–99.4)c (day 1); 6.7 (day 14); (82.7–91.9)c
(day 7) 48 (day 21) ± 2.0 (day 5.8 ± 1.6
7) (day 21)
26 (BD (n = 12) vs QD prolonged 288 ± 126 301 ± 60 (day 8.8 ± 1.9 8.8 ± 2.5 [16]
release (n = 14)) (day 3); 275 3); 303 ± (day 30); (day 30);
± 75 (day 100 (day 21) 8.8 ± 1.9 7.3 ± 1.7
21) (day 90); (day 90);
6.6 ± 1.7 7.2 ± 1.9
(day 180) (day 180)
47 (PrografÒ vs LCP-Tacro) 17.7 (%CV 12.6 (%CV Median 1.8 Median 6.0 212 (%CV 26) 207 (%CV 29) 6.8 (%CV 22) 6.6 (%CV 33) [12]
43) (day 36) (day (range (range (day 7) (day 14); (day 7) (day 14);
7) 14); 13.1 0.5–24) 1.0–16) 209 (%CV 6.6 (%CV
(%CV (day 7) (day 14); 31) (day 21) 32) (day 21)
42) (day median 6.0
21) (range
(day 21)
284 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged 9.5 ± 2.9 (last 8.2 ± 3.0 [17]
release) before (first after
conversion) conversion)
82 (PrografÒ vs MR-4) 6.8 ± 1.7 5.8 ± 2.0 [18]
(day 0)d (day 7); 5.9
± 1.6 (day
30); 5.8 ±
1.8 (day
32 (17 CYP3A5 expressers and 15 CYP3A5 CYP3A5 CYP3A5 CYP3A5 [19]
CYP3A5 non-expressers matched by expresser: expresser: expresser: expresser:
sex, age and date of transplant 365 ± 94 321 ± 101 8.2 ± 2.2 6.3 ± 2.5
(PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ)) (day 0); (day 14); (day 0); (day 14);
non- non- non- non-
expresser: expresser: expresser: expresser:
341 ± 69 316 ± 85 7.2 ± 2.0 6.6 ± 2.3
(day 0) (day 14) (day 0) (day 14)
18 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged 19.0 (day 24.1 (day 1.5 (day 7)e 2.0 (day 14)e 206 ± 80 (day 242 ± 86 (day 5.9 ± 2.2 5.6 ± 2.1 [5]
release) 7)e 14)e 7)e 14)e (day 7)e (day 14)e
12 (BD tacrolimus vs tacrolimus 4.8 ± 1.0 3.6 ± 0.8 [20]
extended release) (before) (after)
55 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 8.1 (day 0) 6.7 (day 30); [21]
6.7 (day
60); 7.1
(day 90);
6.3 (day
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 2 continued
No. of patients (formulation)b Cmax, (ng/mL)) Tmax, (hr) AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL) Ratio of Cmin (ng/mL) Ratio of Cmin Ref
AUC0–24 means means QD/BD
QD/BD (%, 90% (%, 90% CI)

41 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 6.9 ± 2.2 4.7 ± 1.8 [22]

(day 0) (day 90);
5.2 ± 1.7
(day 180);
6.2 ± 1.5
(day 365)
18 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 6.3 ± 1.6 5.7 ± 1.3 [23]
(day 0) (day 14);
5.7 ± 1.5
(day 28);
6.2 ± 2.1
(day 56);
7.2 ± 1.8
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

(day 84)
20 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 5.6 ± 1.7 5.0 ± 1.7 [24]
(day 0) (day 15);
5.0 ± 1.6
(day 60);
5.2 ± 1.2
(day 90);
5.4 ± 1.7
(day 120);
5.4 ± 1.4
(day 150);
5.7 ± 1.0
(day 180)
20 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 21.3 ± 8.4 15.2 ± 3.5 1.7 ± 1.0 2.8 ± 1.8 265 ± 112 218 ± 47 6.6 ± 2.9 5.4 ± 1.4 [25]
(baseline) (28–46 (baseline) (28–46 (baseline) (28–46 (baseline) (28–46
days) days) days) days)
33 (PrografÒ vs GraceptorÒ) 4.6 ± 1.8 3.2 ± 1.2 [26]
(baseline) (within 60
days after
72 (PrografÒ (n = 47) vs GraceptorÒ Median 43f Median 38f Median 1.2f Median 1.0f [27]
(n = 25)) (day 28) (day 28) (day 28) (day 28)
40 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) Median 219 Median 213 Median 7.4 Median 6.6 [28]
(range (range (range: (range
208–231) 203–225) 7.0–7.7) 6.2–7.0)
(before) (after) (before) (after)
102 (PrografÒ (n = 52) vs GraceptorÒ 20.0 ± 7.0 22.9 ± 11.1 3.2 ± 1.0 3.4 ± 0.8 282 ± 62 (day 285 ± 79 (day 7.5 ± 1.4 7.2 ± 2.0 [29]
(n = 50)) (day 14) (day 14) (day 14) (day 14) 14) 14) (day 14) (day 14)
26 (BD tacrolimus vs QD tacrolimus) 4.9 ± 1.2 4.2 ± 1.2 [30]
(day 0) (day 28)
Table 2 continued

No. of patients (formulation)b Cmax, (ng/mL)) Tmax, (hr) AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL) Ratio of Cmin (ng/mL) Ratio of Cmin Ref
AUC0–24 means means QD/BD
QD/BD (%, 90% (%, 90% CI)

60 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 22.2 ± 7.6 16.1 ± 5.3 1.9 ± 2.9 2.1 ± 1.1 238 ± 60 (day 221 ± 64 (day 92.9 7.3 ± 1.9 6.7 ± 1.9 90.9 [31]
(day 14); (day 28); (day 14); (day 28); 14); 231 ± 14); 214 ± (89.8–96.0); (day 14); (day 28); (87.3–94.6);
21.4 ± 15.9 ± 2.0 ± 3.0 2.1 ± 1.2 63 (day 42) 52 (day 56) 92.6 7.2 ± 1.9 6.5 ± 1.8 90.5
9.2 (day 5.0 (day (day 42) (day 56) (89.7–95.7)c (day 42) (day 56) (87.1–94.0)c
42) 56)
41 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) All: 6.8 ± 1.4 All: 5.9 ± 1.3 [32]
(before) (after)
expressers: expressers:
6.4 ± 1.2 5.9 ± 1.2
(before); (after);
non- non-
expressers: expressers:
6.7 ± 1.4 5.6 ± 1.3
(before) (after)
66 (PrografÒ (n = 32) vs AdvagrafÒ 34.2 ± 13.9 18.2 ± 7.6 1.7 ± 1.0 4.4 ± 4.3 361 ± 215 232 ± 102 10.1 ± 7.0 8.3 ± 5.0 [34]
(n = 34)) (day 1); (day 1); (day 1); (day 1); (day 1); 344 (day 1); 364 (day 1); (day 1); 9.6
31.7 ± 29.9 ± 1.6 ± 0.9 2.4 ± 1.2 ± 106 (day ± 97 (day 10.0 ± 3.0 ± 3.3 (day
12.6 (day 9.6 (day (day 14); (day 14); 14); 383 ± 14); 331 ± (day 14); 14); 9.6 ±
14); 33.0 14); 26.4 1.9 ± 1.3 2.4 ± 1.3 171 (day 42) 87 (day 42) 12.1 ± 5.9 2.9 (day 42)
± 13.0 ± 7.3 (day 42) (day 42) (day 42)
(day 42) (day 42)
34 (PrografÒ (n = 17) vs AdvagrafÒ 31.5 ± 17.1 26.0 ± 13.7 Median 3.0 Median 3.0 13.8 ± 6.3 12.1 ± 7.2 [34]
(n = 17)) (day 1); (day 1); (range (range (day 1); (day 1);
33.4 ± 31.0 ± 1.0–6.0) 2.0–24.0) 13.4 ± 7.1 13.5 ± 5.6
15.1 (day 13.9 (day (day 1); (day 1); (day 3); (day 3);
3); 28.4 3); 32.2 Median Median 10.1 ± 4.7 11.4 ± 4.0
± 9.8 ± 10.2 1.0 (range 2.0 (range (day 7); (day 7);
(day 7); (day 7); 0.5–4.0) 0.5–20.0) 11.0 ± 2.8 11.2 ± 3.9
27.1 ± 32.7 ± (day 3); (day 3); (day 14) (day 14)
11.6 (day 9.0 (day Median Median
14) 14) 1.0 (range 2.0 (range
0.5–6.0) 1.0–6.0)
(day 7); (day 7);
Median Median
2.0 (range 2.0 (range
0.5–3.0) 1.0–4.0)
(day 14) (day 14)
129 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 5.9 ± 1.7 4.9 ± 1.5 [35]
(before (day 7)
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 2 continued
No. of patients (formulation)b Cmax, (ng/mL)) Tmax, (hr) AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL) Ratio of Cmin (ng/mL) Ratio of Cmin Ref
AUC0–24 means means QD/BD
QD/BD (%, 90% (%, 90% CI)

56 (BD tacrolimus (32) vs QD 362 (1 month); 257 (1 month); 11.1 (1 6.7 (1 [36]
tacrolimus (24)) 213 (1 year); 203 (1 year); month); 6.2 month); 5.6
44.0 (1 37.7 (1 (1 year); 1.3 (1 year); 1.0
month)f; month)f; (1 month)f; (1 month)f;
47.3 (1 48.0 (1 1.4 (1 1.2 (1
year)f; year)f; year)f; year)f;
expresser: expresser: expresser: expresser:
37.2 (1 24.6 (1 1.1 (1 0.6 (1
month)f; month)f; month)f; 1.2 month)f; 0.8
41.6 (1 31.0 (1 (1 year)f; (1 year)f;
year)f year)f; CYP3A5 CYP3A5
CYP3A5 CYP3A5 non- non-
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

non- non- expresser: expresser:

expresser: expresser: 1.5 (1 1.2 (1
50.2 (1 43.2 month)f; 2.0 month)f; 1.3
month)f; (1month)f; (1 year)f (1 year)f
62.4 (1 51.1 (1
year)f year)f
Paediatric kidney transplant recipients
21 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 16.5 ± 5.7 13.6 ± 5.0 2.6 ± 3.8 3.8 ± 3.8 202 ± 40 (day 178 ± 43 (day 87.0 6.4 ± 1.3 5.0 ± 1.6 [37]
(day 7) (day 14) (day 7) (day 14) 7) 14) (79.9–95.1)c (day 7) (day 14)
34 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 14.4 ± 5.1 11.4 ± 4.0 1.3 ± 0.6 1.8 ± 0.9 152 ± 42 (day 130 ± 39 (day 84.7 4.1 ± 1.2 3.5 ± 1.1 85.7 [38]
(day 7) (day 14); (day 7) (day 14); 7) 14); 145 ± (79.1–90.8)c (day 7) (day 14); (78.8–93.2)c
12.5 ± 1.8 ± 1.2 37 (day 28) 3.9 ± 1.1
4.4 (day (day 28) (day 28)
Adult liver transplant recipients
57 (PrografÒ vs LCP-Tacro) 16.9 (%CV 11.8 (%CV Median 1.5 Median 6 196 (%CV 30) 185 (%CV 30) (85.2–104.7) 6.4 (%CV 31) 5.9 (%CV 37) [39]
42) (day 33) (day (range (range (day 7) (day 14); (day 7 vs day (day 14);
7) 14); 12.6 0.5–20) 1–16) (day 202 (%CV 14) 6.4 (%CV
(%CV (day 7) 14 and 21) 37) (day 21) 38) (day 21)
43) (day
77 (PrografÒ (n = 32); AdvagrafÒ 19.8 ± 8.5 10.6 ± 6.3 2.9 ± 1.8 5.0 ± 4.0 264 ± 153 146 ± 103 50.3 (39.0–65.0) 9.0 ± 5.9 4.2 ± 3.3 [40]
(n = 45)) (day 1); (day 1); (day 1); (day 1); (day 1); 287 (day 1); 324 (day 1)c; 111.4 (day 1); 8.5 (day 1); 8.8
25.1 ± 25.7 ± 1.9 ± 1.5 2.8 ± 2.5 ± 88 (day ± 119 (day (97.6–127.3) ± 2.9 (day ± 3.2 (day
12.1 (day 11.6 (day (day 14); (day 14); 14); 301 ± 14); 364 ± (day 14)c; 14); 9.7 ± 14); 10.0 ±
14); 28.5 14); 29.2 1.8 ± 1.7 2.8 ± 1.7 61 (day 42) 111 (day 42) 117.9 3.2 (day 42) 3.5 (day 42)
± 11.5 ± 10.3 (day 42) (day 42) (106.1–131.0)
(day 42) (day 42) (day 42)c
Table 2 continued

No. of patients (formulation)b Cmax, (ng/mL)) Tmax, (hr) AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL) Ratio of Cmin (ng/mL) Ratio of Cmin Ref
AUC0–24 means means QD/BD
QD/BD (%, 90% (%, 90% CI)

125 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 6.1 ± 2.3 5.5 ± 2.1 [41]

(day 0) (day 7); 5.5
± 2.2 (day
14); 5.9 ±
2.2 (day
30); 5.7 ±
2.1 (day
90); 5.9 ±
2.6 (day
180); 6.1 ±
2.6 (day
270); 4.2 ±
2.9 (day
36 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 6.7 ± 2.9 5.8 ± 2.5 [42]
(day 0) (day 7); 5.8
± 1.8 (day
62 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) 215 ± 78 (day 184 ± 63 (day 88.8 7.1 ± 2.5 5.5 ± 1.8 [43]
14); 202 ± 28); 188 ± (85.4–92.3)c (day 14); (day 28);
53 (day 42) 58 (day 56) 6.8 ± 1.8 5.8 ± 1.8
(day 42) (day 56)
79 (Prograf vs AdvagrafÒ) Median 4.9 Median 4.5 [44]
(range (range
3–6.7) (day 2.6–5.6)
0) (day 30);
median 3.8
(day 90);
median 4.1
(day 180);
median 3.5
2–4.5) (day
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 2 continued
No. of patients (formulation)b Cmax, (ng/mL)) Tmax, (hr) AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL) Ratio of Cmin (ng/mL) Ratio of Cmin Ref
AUC0–24 means means QD/BD
QD/BD (%, 90% (%, 90% CI)

98 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 7.6 ± 2.4 6.3 ± 2.2 [45]

(day-42); (day 7); 6.5
7.6 ± 2.8 ± 1.9 (day
(day-28); 14); 6.5 ±
7.6 ± 3.0 2.2 (day
(day-14); 28); 6.5 ±
7.4 ± 2.8 2.2 (day
(day-1) 42); 6.5 ±
2.2 (day
56); 6.5 ±
2.3 (day
70); 6.4 ±
2.2 (day 84)
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

9 (QD prolonged release tacrolimus) 223 ± 80 3706 ± 1635 118 ± 57 (ng/ [46]
(ng/mL)/ (ng.h/mL)/ mL)/(mg/
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) kg) (day 7)
(day 7) (day 7)
83 (PrografÒ vs MR Tacrolimus) 11.3 ± 6.2 10.4 ± 5.4 Median 1.0 Median 2.0 136 ± 59 (day 130 ± 59 (day Day 1/0: 0.95 4.3 ± 2.0 3.7 ± 1.7 Day 1/0: 0.87 [47]
(day 0) (day 1); (range (range 0) 1); 113 ± 44 (0.92–0.97); (day 0) (day 1); 3.3 (0.83–0.91);
9.0 ± 4.3 0.5–8.0) 1.0–16.0) (day 84) Day 84/0: 0.83 ± 1.5 (day Day 84/0: 0.78
(day 84) (day 0) (day 1); (0.77–0.90) 84) (0.72–0.85)
median 2.0
(day 84)
Paediatric liver transplant recipients
20 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 19.5 ± 5.5 19.0 ± 5.5 Median 1.5 Median 1.5 235 ± 67 (day 239 ± 69 (day 100.1 7.1 ± 4.0 7.1 ± 3.9 [48]
(day 7) (day 14) (range (range 7) 14) (90.8–112.1) (day 7) (day 14)
1–13.5) 1–4) (day
(day 7) 14)
18 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged 20.7 ± 13.3 15.2 ± 5.7 3.3 ± 5.8 2.6 ± 1.5 198 ± 99 (day 193 ± 78 (day 100.9 5.9 ± 2.9 5.3 ± 2.6 91.8 [6]
release) (day 7) (day 14) (day 7) (day 14) 7) 14) (90.8–112.1)c; (day 7) (day 14) (82.6–102.2)c;
99.7 90.7
(90.1–110.3)c,f (81.7–100.7)c,f
Adult lung transplant recipients
19 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 20.1 ± 4.0 19.1 ± 3.2 3.0 ± 4.2 3.0 ± 1.9 279 ± 58 279 ± 52 8.3 ± 2.0 7.7 ± 2.0 [49]
(before) (after) (before) (after) (before) (after) (before) (after)
1010 C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett


AUC0–24 area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 24 hours post-dose, BD twice daily, Cmax maximum concentration, Cmin minimum concentration, CI confidence interval, CV% percentage coefficient of
One study involving 97 adult renal transplant recipients
compared oral administration of PrografÒ and GraceptorÒ
(AdvagrafÒ) with intravenous administration [61]. Forty-

87.4 (82.9–92)
means QD/BD
Ratio of Cmin

(%, 90% CI)

seven patients received PrografÒ capsules twice daily,
starting 2 days prior to surgery, and 50 patients received
GraceptorÒ capsules once daily, starting 2 days prior to
surgery. This was followed by a 24-h continuous intra-
7.1 ± 2.2 venous infusion of tacrolimus for the first 3 days after
(day 14);

(day 21)
7.2 ± 2.3

surgery in all patients. Tacrolimus bioavailability was

calculated on the basis of AUC0–24 values after intravenous

and oral administration in the same recipients (with cor-

(day 1); 8.3
Cmin (ng/mL)

± 2.5 (day

rection for dosage). The median relative bioavailability of

8.1 ± 2.5

tacrolimus for recipients with the CYP3A5*1 or

CYP3A5*3/*3 alleles was significantly lower for patients

on GraceptorÒ (median 9.1 and 15.4 %, respectively) than

QD/BD (%, 90%

for patients on PrografÒ (median 12.6 and 19.3 %, re-

90.5 (86.4–94.6)
AUC0–24 means

spectively) [61]. These data suggest that between-subject

Studies that examined BD and QD dosing in two different patient groups have not been included if they did not report AUC0–24 values [51–57]
Ratio of

variability in pharmacokinetics is due to CYP3A5 poly-

morphism, as well as the dosage form, with tacrolimus

absolute bioavailability being lowest in those expressing

224 ± 65 (day

CYP3A5*1 and receiving GraceptorÒ [61].

59 (day 21)
14); 216 ±

Data from healthy volunteer studies that are available

for AdvagrafÒ have been summarized and tabulated
AUC0–24, (ng.h/mL)

previously [14]. These studies (single- and multiple-

dose) showed that, in comparison with the PrografÒ
1); 249 ± 71
237 ± 68 (day

formulation, Cmax was lower, Tmax was mostly longer and

(day 7)

AUC [extrapolated to infinity (AUC0–?)] was lower by


about 10–20 % [14]. An early review of the pharma-

cokinetics of MR tacrolimus revealed that the formula-
2.8 ± 2.1
(day 14);

(day 21)
2.4 ± 1.4

tion, known then as MR-4, was one of four developed

and tested by Astellas Pharma, also citing ‘data on file’

variation, CYP cytochrome P450, QD once daily, Tmax time of maximum concentration

with the pharmaceutical company [10]. Healthy volun-

teer data were stated to reveal a lower Cmax but a similar
1.8 ± 1.1
(day 1);
1.9 ± 1.4
Tmax, (hr)

(day 7)

AUC0–24 with the MR-4 formulation compared with

Trade name of tacrolimus formulation specified, if stated in the publication

PrografÒ [10].

(day 14);

3.2 Population Pharmacokinetic Studies

15.0 ± 4.5

4.6 (day
14.5 ±

Results in patients who did not require a dosage adjustment


Five population studies investigating tacrolimus pharma-

Cmax, (ng/mL))

cokinetics following once-daily dosing of the prolonged-

17.5 ± 6.0

7.8 (day
(day 1);

release formulations were identified. Key methodological

19.6 ±

features and results from these studies are displayed in


Ratio estimated from log-transformed data

Tables 5 and 6.
All population pharmacokinetic studies to date have in-
Results from 1:1 conversion group

volved the AdvagrafÒ formulation. Four of these studies

Adult heart transplant recipients

were conducted in adult kidney transplant recipients, and

No. of patients (formulation)b

45 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ)

one was conducted in paediatric kidney transplant re-

cipients. All studies involved rich pharmacokinetic profil-
Table 2 continued

Dose-adjusted data

ing, taking multiple blood samples over one dosing interval.

Some were conducted in de novo patients in the immediate
post-transplantation period, and others were conducted in
stable patients who had been converted to the once-daily
prolonged-release formulation. None included more than 50


Table 3 Correlation between tacrolimus area under the concentration–time curve (AUC) and minimum concentration (Cmin) in traditional studies investigating tacrolimus pharmacokinetics
following once-daily dosing
No. of patients (formulation)a Correlation (r2) Refs.
BD dosing QD dosing

66 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) 0.64 (day 1); 0.71 (day 7) 0.85 (day 14); 0.74 (day 21) [15]
26 [BD (n = 12) vs QD prolonged-release (n = 14)] 1.0 (day 3); 0.56 (day 21) 0.76 (day 3); 0.68 (day 21) [16]
47 (PrografÒ vs LCP-Tacro) 0.62 (day 7) 0.83 (day 14); 0.74 (day 21) [12]
32 [17 CYP3A5 expressers and 15 CYP3A5 non-expressers CYP3A5 expressers: 0.58 CYP3A5 expressers: 0.91 (day 14); CYP3A5 non-expressers: 0.78 (day 14) [19]
matched for sex, age and date of transplantation (PrografÒ (day 0); CYP3A5 non-
vs AdvagrafÒ)] expressers: 0.67 (day 0)
18 (PrografÒ vs QD prolonged-release) 0.80 (day 7) 0.77 (day 14) [5]
72 [PrografÒ (n = 47) vs GraceptorÒ (n = 25)] 0.58 (day 28) 0.64 (day 28) [27]
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

102 [PrografÒ (n = 52) vs GraceptorÒ (n = 50)] 0.93 (day 14) 0.94 (day 14) [29]
60 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 0.79 (day 14); 0.85 (day 42) 0.89 (day 28); 0.85 (day 56) [31]
66 [PrografÒ (n = 32) vs AdvagrafÒ (n = 34)] 0.88 (days 1, 14 and 42 0.69 (days 1, 14 and 42 combined) [33]
34 [PrografÒ (n = 17) vs AdvagrafÒ (n = 17)] 0.85 (days 1, 3, 7 and 14 0.76 (days 1, 3, 7 and 14 combined) [34]
56 (BD tacrolimus [31] vs QD tacrolimus [23]) 0.63 (1 month); 0.69 (1 year) 0.71 (1 month); 0.86 (1 year) [36]
34 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 0.61 (day 7) 0.57 (day 14); 0.68 (day 28) [38]
57 (PrografÒ vs LCP-Tacro) 0.90 (day 7) 0.87 (day 14); 0.87 (day 21) [39]
77 [PrografÒ (n = 32) vs AdvagrafÒ (n = 45)] 0.58 (days 1, 14 and 42 0.85 (days 1, 14 and 42 combined) [40]
62 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) 0.86 (day 14); 0.89 (day 42) 0.86 (day 28); 0.85 (day 56) [43]
9 (QD prolonged-release tacrolimus) 0.24 (day 7) [46]
83 (PrografÒ vs MR tacrolimus) 0.86 (day 0) 0.88 (day 1); 0.82 (day 84) [47]
18 (Prograf vs QD prolonged-release) 0.88 (day 7) 0.81 (day 14) [6]
19 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 0.88 (before) 0.92 (after) [49]
45 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) 0.83 (days 1 and 7 combined) 0.88 (days 14 and 21 combined) [50]
26 (AdvagrafÒ) 0.69 (based on 24-h post-dose measurement); 0.69 (based on 26-h post-dose [58]
measurement); 0.71 (based on 28-h post-dose measurement); 0.77 (based on 30-h
post-dose measurement); 0.67 (based on 32-h post-dose measurement)
BD twice daily, CYP cytochrome P450, MR modified-release, QD once daily, Refs. reference
Trade name of tacrolimus formulation specified, if stated in the publication
1012 C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett

Table 4 Within-subject variability (WSV) and between-subject variability (BSV) and in pharmacokinetic parameters in traditional studies
investigating tacrolimus pharmacokinetics following once-daily dosing
No. of patients (formulation)a Parameters WSV (% CV) P value BSV (% CV) P value Refs.

40 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) Cmin 15.3 13.7 NS – – – [28]

AUC0–24 14.1 10.9 0.012 – – –
60 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) Cmin – – – – – – [31]
AUC0–24b 17.2 17.1 NS 25.0 26.4 NS
129 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) Cmin 14.0 8.5 \0.05 – – – [35]
AUC0–24 – – – – – –
98 (PrografÒ vs AdvagrafÒ) Cmin 20.9 19.5–20.6 NS 30.9–39.0 29.9–35.2 NR [45]
AUC0–24 – – – – – –
AUC0–24 area under the concentration–time curve from 0 to 24 h post-dose, BD twice daily, Cmin minimum concentration, % CV percentage
coefficient of variation, NR not reported, NS not significant, QD once daily, Refs. reference
Trade name of tacrolimus formulation specified, if stated in the publication
Log-transformed values

patients receiving AdvagrafÒ, and in all but two studies, the rate and a larger volume of distribution were observed for
final model was not evaluated in a separate patient group. the once-daily dosing group. The authors provided no ex-
To describe the complex drug release and absorption planation for this but did suggest that on the basis of the
characteristics of AdvagrafÒ, an Erlang model [with three pharmacokinetic data that were obtained, once-daily dosing
transit compartments connected by the same transfer rate could also be an option with PrografÒ therapy.
constant (ktr)] or a double-gamma absorption model has
been most commonly used. Both one- and two-compart- 3.3 Efficacy and Safety Studies
ment models were employed to describe tacrolimus dis-
position, with elimination always modelled as a first-order Data on the clinical utility of once-daily tacrolimus were
process. Between-subject variability in apparent clearance recently evaluated in a comprehensive review [68]. The
[clearance divided by bioavailability (CL/F)] ranged from authors of that review examined 17 efficacy and safety
28 to 35 % (based on three studies), and between-subject studies of once-daily tacrolimus (six in de novo kidney
variability in the absorption transfer rate constant (ktr) in transplant recipients, five in stable kidney transplant re-
the Erlang models ranged from 24 to 52 % (based on two cipients, one in both de novo and stable kidney transplant
studies). recipients, and five in liver transplant recipients). These
One study simultaneously modelled pharmacokinetic studies ranged in design from prospective, double-blind,
data from PrografÒ and AdvagrafÒ formulations [63]. multicentre, randomized, controlled trials to retrospective,
Differences between the formulations were mostly ob- observational studies and involved from 33 to 976 subjects.
served in the absorption phase. In this study, the average The vast majority of studies compared AdvagrafÒ and
absorption of AdvagrafÒ was found to be slower and more PrografÒ treatment. The authors of that review concluded
variable than that of PrografÒ. Within-subject variability in that efficacy studies indicate that once-daily tacrolimus is
CL/F and ktr (based on combined data from both formu- non-inferior to twice-daily tacrolimus, with a concentra-
lations) was estimated to be 31 and 33 %, respectively 63]. tion-dependent rejection risk [68]. The biopsy-proven acute
Factors in these population pharmacokinetic studies that rejection rates, though often higher with once-daily tacro-
were reported to influence the pharmacokinetics of once- limus, were not statistically higher than those with twice-
daily prolonged-release tacrolimus included patient daily tacrolimus. Graft and patient survival were consid-
CYP3A5 genotype status, haematocrit, the assay used for ered comparable between the formulations examined.
drug measurement and patient weight. These same factors Some smaller studies included in that review suggested
have also been reported to be influential when tacrolimus is that once-daily tacrolimus may have favourable effects on
administered twice daily [3]. blood pressure, the lipid profile and glucose tolerance [68].
Interestingly, a further population pharmacokinetic For the most part, studies that showed improvement in
study has been conducted on the basis of PrografÒ ad- glucose metabolism with once-daily tacrolimus attributed
ministered in either a once-daily regimen (n = 16) or a this to lower Cmax values achieved with the once-daily
twice-daily regimen (n = 15) [67]. A higher absorption formulation [68]. Few studies examined in that review had
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus 1013

Fig. 1 Top panel whole-blood

tacrolimus concentration–time
curves in renal transplant
patients taking tacrolimus (Tac)
twice daily (BID), shown by
white circles (n = 47), and once
daily (QD), shown by black
circles (n = 25). Each data
point and bar represent the
mean ± standard deviation
(reproduced from Niioka et al.
[27], with permission). Bottom
panel mean pharmacokinetic
profiles of Tac BID and Tac QD
(reproduced from Stifft et al.
[28], with permission)

drug safety as a primary end point. A recent retrospective 1.72, P = 0.004) in multivariate analysis [69]. This was a
study involving 129 liver transplant recipients also sug- retrospective registry evaluation with a number of limita-
gested a potential benefit to renal function following con- tions. Patients in the two treatment groups sometimes re-
version, and it was speculated that this could possibly be ceived different concurrent immunosuppressant agents;
due to improved patient adherence [60]. were enrolled in other clinical trials (which may have in-
A very recent retrospective analysis of the European troduced bias in terms of patient selection); and were
Liver Transplant Register (not included in the aforemen- stratified to their treatment group on the basis of the
tioned review paper) suggested that there may be sig- tacrolimus formulation they received in the first month
nificant improvements in long-term graft and patient post-transplantation, and remained in this allocated group
survival in patients treated with AdvagrafÒ compared with regardless of any change in immunosuppression during the
PrografÒ in primary liver transplant recipients over 3 years 3-year follow-up period [69].
of treatment [69]. The study involved 4367 patients in total Another very recent multicentre, 24-week, randomized
(528 in the AdvagrafÒ treatment group and 3839 in the trial (the DIAMOND study) compared the effects of dif-
PrografÒ treatment group, respectively). PrografÒ treat- ferent AdvagrafÒ dosing regimens on renal function in
ment was significantly associated with an inferior graft risk adult de novo liver transplant recipients [70]. Patients were
(risk ratio 1.81, P = 0.001) and patient survival (risk ratio randomized to one of three treatment arms. Patients in
1014 C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett

Fig. 2 Mean whole-blood

tacrolimus concentrations
versus time in patients on days
7, 14 and 21 (reproduced from
Gaber et al. [12], with

arm 1 received AdvagrafÒ at an initial dose of 0.2 mg/ can have significant impacts on clinical outcomes [4].
kg/day; patients in arm 2 received AdvagrafÒ at an initial PrografÒ, AdvagrafÒ and EnvarsusÒ XR have different
dose of 0.15–0.175 mg/kg/day plus basiliximab induction drug release characteristics and are not directly inter-
therapy; and patients in arm 3 received AdvagrafÒ at an changeable on a milligram-per-milligram daily dosing ba-
initial dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day, delayed to day 5, plus sis in all individuals.
basiliximab. All patients received mycophenolate mofetil,
and maintenance steroids were not used. A total of 615 4.1 Pharmacokinetics
patients completed the study [70]. Patients in arms 2 and 3
(with lower or delayed tacrolimus exposure initially) had a Pharmacokinetic studies in the literature of once-daily
significantly higher estimated glomerular filtration rate tacrolimus dosing have focussed on the new formulations
(eGFR) at week 24, compared with patients in arm 1 of tacrolimus developed to give a modified release rather
(eGFR values: 67.4 mL/min in arm 1, 76.4 mL/min in than administering standard-release tacrolimus (PrografÒ
arm 2, 73.3 mL/min in arm 3) [70]. Interestingly, patients or generics) once daily to transplant recipients. This latter
in arm 2 (who had lower tacrolimus exposure initially) also strategy deserves more attention as a viable alternative.
had significantly less biopsy-confirmed acute rejection In this review, 43 traditional and five population phar-
(BCAR) at week 24 when compared with the other arms macokinetic studies were identified that evaluated the
(BCAR values: 17.8 % in arm 1, 12.1 % in arm 2, 16.8 % pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in prolonged-release for-
in arm 3). Adverse events were comparable between all mulations. It should be noted that morning rather than
treatment regimens [70]. The authors of this study sug- afternoon or evening administration of the once-daily
gested that ensuring that tacrolimus exposure with Adva- prolonged-release formulations was examined in these
grafÒ therapy in the immediate post-transplantation period studies. Unfortunately, these studies did not always de-
is not too high may be critical in maintaining renal function scribe how the relevant pharmacokinetic parameters (e.g.
in the longer term. AUC) were calculated (presumably, the linear trapezoidal
method was used in most of the traditional studies to es-
timate AUC). In the traditional studies, Cmax and Cmin re-
4 Discussion and Conclusions ported from available observations were dependent on the
time points actually chosen for collection (e.g. the true
Prescribing of the immunosuppressant agent tacrolimus is Cmax may have been missed). Cmin could have been at 0 h
becoming more complex. To improve adherence, retain post-dose (C0) or at 12 h post-dose (C12) (with twice-daily
market share and reduce costs, newer once-daily pro- dosing), or at 24 h post-dose (C24) (with once-daily dos-
longed-release formulations and various generic versions ing). Various assays were used for tacrolimus drug mea-
of the market leader product are becoming available. With surement, with many studies using the optimal, specific and
narrow-therapeutic-index drugs such as tacrolimus, small sensitive liquid chromatography–tandem mass spec-
variations in drug exposure due to formulation differences trometry (LC–MS/MS) techniques, but a significant
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus 1015

being that most would have been AdvagrafÒ. In some

studies, it was not entirely clear which formulation was
assessed—for example, in a 2005 publication, an MR
tacrolimus formulation was used, then manufactured by
Fujisawa, but it is not clear whether this is identical to the
currently marketed AdvagrafÒ [15]. In the traditional
pharmacokinetic studies, essentially all comparisons of the
once-daily formulations were specified as being against the
twice-daily formulation market leader (PrografÒ), but there
are now also generic formations of twice-daily tacrolimus,
and it was not clear whether some of the later studies could
perhaps have used one of these as a comparator. Population
pharmacokinetic models of AdvagrafÒ have been based on
relatively small subject numbers and have generally not
been externally validated. To date, there has been no direct
pharmacokinetic comparison of the two once-daily pro-
longed-release formulations AdvagrafÒ and EnvarsusÒ -
XR, and no population pharmacokinetic model has yet
been developed for EnvarsusÒ XR.
Conversion from PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ on a milligram-
per-milligram daily dosing basis, as recommended, is un-
likely to be as straightforward as suggested by the
manufacturer [8]. Patients may require a dosage increase if
converted from PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ, while a dosage
reduction appears necessary if conversion from PrografÒ to
EnvarsusÒ XR is undertaken. Studies have reported lower
or equivalent AUC0–24 and Cmin values with the AdvagrafÒ
formulation compared with the PrografÒ formulations,
with up to one quarter to one half of transplant recipients in
some studies requiring dosage adjustment (mostly an in-
creased dose with AdvagrafÒ) after conversion to achieve
equivalent exposure. This could have important clinical
implications, possibly leading to rejection, morbidity and
mortality, if lower exposure is not noted and dosage ad-
justment implemented. Only two studies to date have
looked at conversion from PrografÒ to EnvarsusÒ XR in
transplant recipients; both involved ‘stable’ adult patients
Fig. 3 Tacrolimus blood concentration–time profile of a representa- and were funded by the manufacturer. In both of these
tive subject from each dosing regimen. In the 67 % group (top panel), studies, a mean conversion ratio of 0.71 gave similar
the area under the blood concentration–time curve (AUC) ratio AUC0–24 and Cmin values compared with PrografÒ, with
between twice-daily (BD) and once-daily (QD) dosing was 0.680. In lower Cmax values. It should be noted that the margins for
the 100 % group (bottom panel), the AUC ratio between BD and QD
dosing was 1.227. In the 85 % group (middle panel), the mean AUC bioequivalence have been reduced for narrow-therapeutic-
ratio between BD and QD exposure was 1.025, thus predicting the index drugs [59]. Under the new criteria, neither PrografÒ
best conversion ratio between QD and BD dosing. Conc concentra- (and its generic variations) and AdvagrafÒ, nor PrografÒ
tion (reproduced from Hardinger et al. [5], with permission) and EnvarsusÒ XR, would be considered bioequivalent
[14, 73].
number of studies used the relatively less specific but Close monitoring of tacrolimus concentrations is vital
technologically simpler immunoassays [71, 72]. Thus, ac- following conversion between formulations, as a substan-
tual reported concentrations and exposures measured using tial number of patients require a dosage adjustment to
these immunoassays would appear higher than those from achieve similar tacrolimus trough concentrations, assuming
studies using LC–MS/MS assays. Some of the pharma- that these troughs are still relevant to total tacrolimus ex-
cokinetic studies failed to specify which prolonged-release posure. There is no guarantee that a therapeutic drug
formulation of tacrolimus was used, with the assumption monitoring (TDM) strategy that is applicable to one

Table 5 Description of published population pharmacokinetic models of tacrolimus following once-daily dosing of the extended-release formulation
No. of patients Study period Assay Sample times Software Covariates investigated Model evaluation Refs.
(formulation)a post-transplantation (hours after

Adult kidney transplant recipients

29 Building, 12 Evaluation [12 months LC–MS/MS 0, 0.33, 0.66, 1, NONMEM Sex, weight, age, Examined in a separate [62]
(AdvagrafÒ, mycophenolate 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, prednisolone usage, cohort, visual predictive
mofetil ± corticosteroids) 12 and 24 haematocrit, check, bootstrap
haemoglobin, serum
creatinine, recipient
CYP3A5 genotype
49 Building, 24 Evaluation 1 week to 6 months LC–MS/MS Pre-dose, 0.33, NONMEM Sex, weight, age, post- Examined in a separate [63]
(32 PrografÒ, 41 AdvagrafÒ, (PrografÒ); [12 months 0.66, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, transplantation period, cohort, visual predictive
mycophenolate mofetil, (AdvagrafÒ) 4, 6, 9, 12 and prednisolone dose, check
corticosteroids) 24b tacrolimus formulation,
haemoglobin, serum
creatinine, recipient
CYP3A5 genotype
12 (AdvagrafÒ, NS) Days 14 and 42 LC–MS Full 17-point In-house programme – – [64]
45 (AdvagrafÒ, NS) [12 months Immunoassay, LC–MS/MS Pre-dose, 0.33, In-house programme – – [65]
0.66, 1, 1.5, 2, 3,
4, 6, 9, 12 and 24
Paediatric kidney transplant recipients
22 (AdvagrafÒ, mycophenolate) 193–4983 days Immunoassay Pre-dose, 1, 2, 3, NONMEM Weight, age, days post- Interval validation: [66]
6, 12, 16 and 24 transplantation, bootstrap, normalized
haemoglobin, prediction distribution
haematocrit, recipient errors, prediction-
CYP3A5 genotype corrected visual
predictive check

CYP cytochrome P450, LC–MS liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, LC–MS/MS liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, NONMEM non-linear mixed-effects modelling, NS not stated,
Refs. reference
Trade name of tacrolimus formulation specified, if stated in the publication
Sample collection at 24 h—AdvagrafÒ cohort only
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Table 6 Summary of published population pharmacokinetic models: parameter estimates, covariates, model variability and assessment
No. of patients (formulation)a Structural model Typical pharmacokinetic Model variability Significant covariate effects Refs.

Adult kidney transplant recipients

29 building, 12 evaluation Erlang model with 3 transit ktr = 3.3 h-1 BSV ktr = 52 % CL/F: CYP3A5 genotype [62]
(AdvagrafÒ, mycophenolate compartments to describe drug CL/F = 19 9 (1 ? 1.15)CYP L/h BSV CL/F = 35 %
mofetil ± corticosteroids) absorption; 2-compartment
V1/F = 486 L BSV V1/F = 53 %
distribution model with first-
order elimination K12 = 0.13 h-1 BSV K12 = 54 %
K21 = 0.09 h-1 Prop RRE = 8 %
CYP = 0 if patient is a CYP3A5 Add RRE = 0.7 ng/mL
non-expresser, else CYP = 1
49 Building, 24 Evaluation Erlang model with 3 transit ktr = (3.34 9 1.53STUDY) h-1 BSV ktr = 24 % ktr: tacrolimus formulation [63]
(32 PrografÒ, 41 AdvagrafÒ, compartments to describe drug CL/F = 21.2 9 ((haematocrit/ BSV CL/F = 28 % CL/F: haematocrit,
mycophenolate mofetil, absorption; 2-compartment 35)-1.14 9 (2.0CYP)) L/h CYP3A5 genotype
BSV V1/F = 31 %
corticosteroids) model with first-order
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus

V1/F = 486 9 (0.29STUDY) L BSV V2/F = 60 % V1/F: tacrolimus formulation

V2/F = 271 L BSV Q/F = 54 %
Q/F = 79 L/h WSV ktr = 33 %
STUDY = 0 if patient received WSV CL/F = 31 %
AdvagrafÒ, else STUDY = 1;
WSV V1/F = 75 %
CYP = 0 if patient is a CYP3A5
non-expresser, else CYP = 1 Prop RRE = 11.3 %
Add RRE = 0.7 ng/mL
12 (AdvagrafÒ, NS) 1-Compartment model with C0 = 0.816b – – [64]
double-gamma absorption and a1 = 13.358b
first-order elimination
b1 = 20.414b
a2 = 7.397b
b2 = 2.183b
r = 0.684b
F 9 A_IV = 1.846b
Alpha = 0.199b
45 (AdvagrafÒ, NS) 1-Compartment model with CL/F = 26.3 ± 12.2 L/h (LC– – CL/F: drug assay [65]
gamma model of absorption with MS/MS) V/F: drug assay
two parallel absorption routes CL/F = 23.4 ± 12.1 L/h (CMIA)
and first-order elimination
CL/F = 23.4 ± 12.1 L/h (EMIT)
V/F = 405 ± 171 L (LC–MS/
V/F = 321 ± 168 L (CMIA)
V/F = 264 ± 125 L (EMIT)
Table 6 continued

No. of patients (formulation)a Structural model Typical pharmacokinetic Model variability Significant covariate effects Refs.

Paediatric kidney transplant recipients

22 (AdvagrafÒ, mycophenolate) 1-Compartment model with first- ka = 8.34 h-1 BSV ka = 150 % CL/F: weight, recipient CYP3A5 [66]
order absorption with lag time Lag time = 0.872 h BSV CL/F = 34.6 % genotype
and first-order elimination V/F: weight
CL/F = 30.6 9 (weight/ BSV V/F = 52.1 %
70)0.75 9 CYP L/h Prop RRE = 22.1 %
V/F = 1100 9 (weight/70) L
CYP = 1.66 if patient is a
CYP3A5 non-expresser, else
CYP = 1
Add additive error, BSV between-subject variability, CL/F apparent oral clearance, CMIA chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay, CYP cytochrome P450 covariate factor, EMIT en-
zyme-multiplied immunoassay, K12 transfer rate constant from the central compartment to the peripheral compartment, K21 transfer rate constant from the peripheral compartment to the central
compartment, ka absorption rate constant, ktr transfer rate constant, LC–MS/MS liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, NS not stated, Prop proportional error, Q/F apparent oral
inter-compartmental clearance, Refs. reference, RRE residual random error, V1/F apparent oral central volume of distribution, V2/F apparent oral peripheral volume of distribution, V/
F apparent oral volume of distribution, WSV within-subject variability
Trade name of tacrolimus formulation specified, if stated in the publication
Mean values on day 14 post-transplantation: C0 is the trough concentration; a1, b1, a2 and b2 are the parameters of the gamma distribution; r is the fraction of drug absorbed through the first
route; F is the bioavailability; A_IV is the initial concentration; Alpha is the apparent elimination rate after intravenous bolus administration of a unit dose
C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus 1019

formulation will be equally applicable to another. The distributed in the gastrointestinal tract, with greater ex-
correlation between tacrolimus AUC0–24 and Cmin is vari- pression in the small intestine than in the colon [77–79].
able and is not always strong for all three formulations, Genetic polymorphisms in proteins involved in tacrolimus
indicating that trough measurements may not always give a processing can influence a patient’s exposure to this drug
good indication of overall drug exposure. AUC, rather than [80–82]. It is not clear whether there is any difference in the
trough concentration measurement, is likely to better influence of genetic polymorphism in CYP3A5 on the
characterize patient exposure to tacrolimus [74], but it has pharmacokinetics of AdvagrafÒ compared with PrografÒ [3,
not been clinically proven that a better patient outcome 19, 83, 84]. No study to date has looked at the confounding
could be obtained with AUC-based TDM than with Cmin- influence of other genetic factors [CYP3A4, ABCB1 and
based TDM for the once- or twice-daily formulations, as no nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)–
dedicated randomized clinical trials have been performed CYP oxidoreductase (POR) polymorphisms], or the possible
with this aim [62]. Limited sampling strategies developed influence of CYP3A5 genotype status on patient dosage re-
for one formulation to predict tacrolimus AUC are unlikely quirements for PrografÒ versus EnvarsusÒ XR.
to be applicable to another. Solid-organ transplant recipients invariably receive
Interestingly, one traditional and one population phar- multiple immunosuppressants. Patients on tacrolimus are
macokinetic study have investigated giving PrografÒ once likely to be prescribed concomitant mycophenolate (or, less
daily rather than twice daily [5, 67], with both reporting commonly, azathioprine), prednisone/prednisolone and
that once-daily dosing could also be an option with Pro- perhaps other immunosuppressant classes (e.g. if rejection
grafÒ therapy [5, 67]. The rationale for the earlier of these occurs), as well as antihypertensive agents, anti-infective
studies, as given by the authors, was that tacrolimus ex- drugs, cholesterol-lowering medications, drugs to treat
hibits time-dependent kinetics, with a lower Cmax after osteoporosis and drugs for gastrointestinal intolerance.
evening doses due to a circadian variation or due to food Drug interactions associated with usage of twice-daily oral
intake, and that a higher Cmax has not been reported to be formulations of tacrolimus are also likely to be significant
associated with a higher risk of adverse events [5, 75]. during usage of once-daily prolonged-release formulations
Similar circadian variations in tacrolimus pharmacokinet- [3]. It is not known whether there are any additional
ics have also been reported in liver transplant recipients pharmacokinetic differences across the formulations during
[75]. Some of the comparison studies (following conver- administration of interacting drugs—for example, associ-
sion from twice-daily to once-daily dosing) have also ated with absorption, gastrointestinal transportation or pre-
shown the diurnal variation typical after the immediate- systemic metabolism of tacrolimus. One small study, in-
release formulation [6, 27, 28]. This diurnal variation, and volving 20 stable renal transplant recipients, examined
the results from administration of PrografÒ once daily, mycophenolic acid exposure following standard twice-
must raise questions about any benefit of giving a tacroli- daily tacrolimus usage versus once-daily prolonged-release
mus prolonged-release dosage form and whether a very tacrolimus usage, and concluded that although this my-
similar pharmacokinetic profile could be achieved simply cophenolate AUC difference was 10 % greater with the
by administration of a larger immediate-release dose once twice-daily formulation, it did not achieve statistical sig-
daily each morning. This approach deserves further study, nificance [85].
as PrografÒ (and its generic equivalents) are now widely There is growing evidence that increased within-subject
available, cheaper than prolonged-release formulations and variability in tacrolimus pharmacokinetics is associated
already registered in many jurisdictions. with poorer clinical outcomes, including graft failure and
When using a prolonged-release formulation, as op- late rejection [4, 86–88]. Further investigation is required
posed to an immediate-release formulation, more of the into whether the prolonged-release formulations have re-
drug is likely to be released in the distal regions of the duced within-subject pharmacokinetic variability. There
gastrointestinal tract. Tacrolimus was shown to be able to have been claims that 24-h trough concentrations are more
be absorbed from the duodenum to the colon in six healthy ‘stable’ with once-daily dosing than with twice-daily dos-
white male subjects [76]. A change in the primary site of ing and are able to be maintained with few dosage ad-
release of tacrolimus could potentially cause differences in justments for up to 1 year following liver transplantation or
the impact of gastrointestinal metabolic enzymes and 2 years following renal transplantation. However, critiques
gastrointestinal motility (affected by conditions such as of the studies from which these conclusions were drawn
diarrhoea or diabetes) on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics with have identified a number of problems. For example, one
the different formulations. study in liver transplant recipients found that there was a
CYP3A4 and 3A5 isoenzymes are largely responsible significant decline in trough tacrolimus concentrations
for tacrolimus metabolism in both the liver and the gas- (implying increased CL/F with the once-daily formula-
trointestinal tract. CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 are not uniformly tions—either increased clearance or a decreased fraction of
1020 C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett

dose absorbed) when patients were switched from twice- swing is not clear, especially as no effect of formulation on
daily to once-daily dosing with AdvagrafÒ [41]. This ne- adverse events was observed in that study [12].
cessitated dosage increases, with nearly one third of the It should also be noted that many of the pharmacokinetic
recipients requiring dosage increases at week 2 (with two studies to date have involved ‘healthy’, stable transplant
people needing [100 % dosage increases) [41]. One study recipients, with many exclusions for more complex indi-
in de novo, older renal transplant recipients, directly viduals (e.g. heart transplant recipients, all with stable
comparing the twice-daily formulation (n = 12) with a trough tacrolimus concentrations of 5–15 ng/mL; none
once daily formulation (n = 14) in a randomized design, with a history of adverse events, acute rejection in the last
found that similar daily doses of tacrolimus were required 3 months or any liver function test abnormalities [50];
to achieve target trough concentrations [16]. One retro- similar exclusions applied for a study on liver transplant
spective chart review of 26 renal transplant recipients re- recipients [39]). Selection bias may result because of these
ceiving AdvagrafÒ after transplantation found they needed strict criteria. Interestingly, one study needed 16 centres in
up to 50 % higher tacrolimus doses (in milligrams per Europe, Canada and the USA to recruit 45 completed pa-
kilogram of body weight) to maintain target trough tacro- tients [50]; another needed 12 centres to recruit 59 liver
limus concentrations equivalent to those in a group of 26 transplant recipients [39]. Many patients were excluded in
historical controls who received twice-daily PrografÒ after some studies because they did not provide full evaluable
their renal transplantation [89]. However, this study design data sets (e.g. from 85 down to 45 evaluable patients [50]).
was not strong, as randomization was not used to assign One study did look at elderly renal transplant recipients
dosage forms and there could have been systematic dif- receiving grafts from extended-criteria deceased donors,
ferences between the historical controls and the patients and they were randomized prior to transplantation to re-
chosen to receive once-daily tacrolimus [89]. A further ceive either the once-daily or twice-daily tacrolimus for-
retrospective review of 284 renal allograft recipients who mulations. Similar AUCs were found after 3 and 21 days in
had changed from twice-daily tacrolimus to the once-daily both groups, and similar doses were required to achieve the
AdvagrafÒ formulation found that in over 50 % of patients, target trough concentrations up to 6 months after trans-
daily doses needed to be increased after conversion [17]. In plantation [16]. However, the small numbers in this study
more than one third of patients who switched, trough could mean that the true differences between the groups
tacrolimus concentrations decreased by more than 20 % were missed because of the known large between- and
[17]. Despite these dosage increases, the average trough within-subject variability in the pharmacokinetics of
concentrations remained almost 10 % lower after conver- tacrolimus [16].
sion to once-daily dosing [17]. Another study involving 82 Other pharmacokinetics-related questions not yet an-
stable kidney transplant recipients found that only five swered may arise in clinical practice. For example, diar-
patients needed a later dose adjustment after converting rhoea is reported to dramatically increase patients’
from PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ; however, that study also exposure to tacrolimus given in the PrografÒ formulation
found that in the 61 patients with no dosage adjustment, [90], but its influence on drug absorption during use of the
trough concentrations decreased significantly (by about prolonged-release formulations is unknown. Clinicians
15 %) in the first week after the switch [18]. It is not clear have been known to open PrografÒ capsules and give their
why these recipients did not have their dosages increased to contents via the nasogastric tube; it is not known whether
adjust to the same target trough tacrolimus concentrations this is possible with AdvagrafÒ, and it is likely that En-
as previously. None of these studies support the contention varsusÒ XR is not crushable.
that fewer dosage adjustments are required for once-daily
as compared with twice-daily dosing of tacrolimus, so care 4.2 Pharmacodynamics
needs to be taken to critique the studies that claim specific
advantages for the MR tacrolimus formulations. The vast majority of efficacy and safety studies examining
Differences between peak and trough concentrations do once-daily tacrolimus regimens to date have not looked at
appear to be lessened by prolonged-release formulations, long-term transplantation outcomes, have not involved
but whether this is an advantage for a calcineurin inhibitor paediatric patients or transplant groups other than kidney
or not is unclear. For the EnvarsusÒ XR formulation in and liver recipients, and have involved AdvagrafÒ rather
renal transplant recipients, the percentage fluctuation than the EnvarsusÒ XR formulation. Non-Caucasians and
[100 9 (Cmax - Cmin)/Cav] (where Cav is the average recipients with elevated immunological risk have been
concentration) and percentage swing [100 9 (Cmax under-represented in studies to date. As once-daily tacro-
- Cmin)/Cmin) were both reported to be significantly lower limus becomes more frequently utilized in clinical practice,
than after the PrografÒ formulation [12]. However, whether more studies on efficacy and drug safety with long-term
a 100–110 % swing is clinically different from a 175 % use need to be conducted in order to better understand drug
Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Once-Daily Tacrolimus 1021

effects and refine drug administration among transplant of tacrolimus, and adherence was reported as being im-
patients [68]. proved after randomization to once-daily dosing with Ad-
No severe adverse effects have been reported following vagrafÒ [92]. One study also performed a cost analysis of
1:1 conversion of PrografÒ to AdvagrafÒ, although the switching, showing benefits of changing to a once-daily
long-term outcomes associated with possible decreased MR formulation of tacrolimus; however, that study was
trough concentrations are unknown. Lack of a difference in also sponsored by the pharmaceutical company [87, 93].
acute rejection rates does not preclude the possibility of In approximately half of the studies examined in this
differences in subclinical graft damage that could com- review, the study itself—or at least one of the authors
promise lifelong survival [73]. Alternatively, lower tacro- involved—was stated to be supported by the manufac-
limus Cmax values associated with the once-daily turers of AdvagrafÒ or EnvarsusÒ XR. This proportion
prolonged-release formulations might help to decrease the may be higher, as full disclosure of potential or apparent
incidence of hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia and conflicts of interest has become necessary only in recent
nephrotoxicity [68, 73]. More data and longer follow-up years. Criticisms have been levelled about the introduc-
are needed to unambiguously establish the clinical tion of AdvagrafÒ as a once-daily dose form of tacroli-
equivalence or not of the various formulations. mus, just when competition from generic manufacturers
was on the horizon for the regular twice-daily formulation
4.3 Other Issues: Evidence Around Adherence, [73, 94]. A previous commentary clearly critiqued the
Pharmaceutical Company-Sponsored Studies, early studies purporting to show an easy 1:1 dose swap
Problems with Dosage Form Mix-Ups between formulations (as advocated by the company de-
veloping the formulation [95]). Publication delays can
While there is some evidence that once-daily administra- also be a problem for ‘familiarization’ studies sponsored
tion of tacrolimus may improve patient compliance [39, 41, by pharmaceutical companies—for example, one study
91]—and in one study, patients stated a preference for conducted from April 2003 to January 2004 was pub-
once-daily tacrolimus dosing [41]—further studies are re- lished only in 2011 [50]. This study formed part of a
quired to demonstrate this conclusively. This could be regulatory dossier and was sponsored and the manuscript
difficult to ascertain with a large number of medications ‘approved’ by the company marketing the once-daily
used in transplant recipients (in addition to immunosup- formulation [50]. Another study performed in 2003 was
pression), including treatment of, and prophylaxis against, published only in 2011 [40], and a further study was a
adverse events. A recent study used a questionnaire (with conference presentation in 2008 but reached full publi-
312 responses) in people living with a renal transplant and cation only in 2014 [39].
found that 85 % of those questioned had twice-daily dose A final consideration is the potential for unintended
times (with two thirds of the group receiving over seven mix-ups between the various tacrolimus formulations,
individual drugs) [91]. The rationale and focus just on which could cause serious patient harm [96]. The Institute
tacrolimus as an isolated immunosuppressant has been for Safe Medicines Practice Canada reviewed 33 inter-
called into question—for example, other immunosuppres- national medication incidents involving a PrografÒ/Ad-
sants (such as mycophenolate) are dosed at least twice vagrafÒ mix-up; in most of these incidents, the mistake
daily; therefore, the total number of daily dosing times for occurred during prescribing and/or dispensing. Various
organ transplant recipients is not reduced. Also, any missed suffixes and other descriptors on packaging have been
doses have a bigger implication for a once-daily medica- recommended to avoid mix-ups in dosing between the
tion (equivalent to missing two doses of a twice-daily twice-daily and once-daily formulations to try and en-
medication) [73]. It has been pointed out that in the course hance patient safety [96].
of a week, if four tacrolimus doses are missed (as an ex- In conclusion, once-daily tacrolimus administration is
ample), this would have the effect of decreasing the intake now available as an alternative to twice-daily administra-
to less than 45 % (4/7) of the required weekly intake if tion and can be used de novo in solid-organ transplant
once-daily dosing was being used, whereas four missed recipients, or as a different formulation for existing pa-
doses of the immediate-release formulation would only tients, with appropriate dosage modifications. Clinicians
decrease the weekly intake by less than a third (4/14) [73]. need to be fully aware of pharmacokinetic and possible
The authors concluded that ‘the assumption of improved outcome differences across the different formulations of
adherence remains to be thoroughly investigated and tacrolimus and need to recognize that they are not directly
validated in patients already on a high pill burden’ [73]. In interchangeable. In all groups of transplant recipients,
two studies, sponsored by the pharmaceutical company paediatric and adult, it would seem prudent to increase
Astellas Pharma, increased treatment satisfaction was re- tacrolimus concentration monitoring during a changeover
ported with regard to the convenience of once-daily dosing period between once-daily and twice-daily administration.
1022 C. E. Staatz, S. E. Tett

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