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A Research Proposal Presented to

Miss Ianna Marie Tacolocoy
Cebu City Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School
Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Social Work Research 1


April 2022


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those people who made me work

and carry on with this study. First and foremost, to our Almighty God who gives me the

wisdom to accomplish this study and provides us strong spirituality.

To my research instructor _________and my adviser

_____________________for guiding me throughout the process of making this research.

They always make time for me, sharing their knowledge and correcting my mistakes. To

________________and Ms. ___________ for being part of the panel, sharing their

knowledge and imparting their expertise to improve this research project. I cannot

contain our gratitude to these important people. This research project will not be finished

without their continuous guidance, support and effort.

To my parents for continuous support, patience, and understanding while

making this research online at home that sometimes we tend to forget to do my

roles and responsibility at home. Moreover, to my older sisters who are always there

providing my support, share their thoughts about the study, and never get tired of making

adjustments for me. As they always say to me “I can make it!”.

To my research participants, we are so grateful for their time and willingly

participated in our research study

I owe a lot to all the people who help us make this study happen.




Date Completed: April 2022

This research study aims to understand and explain the students’ domestic roles
and its effect on e-learning adaptation among Accountancy, Business, and Management
students. This study used a researcher-made questionnaire survey: what are the domestic
roles of the participants, how these domestic roles affect their adaptation to e-learning,
what are the challenges encountered by the participants through conducting an in-depth
interview with the participants online. The researchers analyze the data by performing
thematic analysis. Furthermore, completing the procedures of the study, six of the
participants resulted to having difficulties learning online while being a student at the
same time, the participants stated both positive and the negative struggles and how they
cope up in managing their stress throughout the e-learning adaptation which it influences
the relationship between participants towards their family and colleagues and comes to
an understanding the roles among themselves.



Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents v




Rationale of the Study 1

Theoretical Background 2

Review of Related Literature 3


Statement of the Problem 11

Significance of the Study 11


Research Design 13

Research Environment 13

Research Participants 14

Research Instrument 14

Research Procedure 15





Definition of Terms 18

2 Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data 19

3 Summary of Findings, Conclusions and

Conclusion 34

Recommendations 36

Output Of The Study 37






In the Philippines, schools are shifting their mode of providing learning from

face-to-face to e-learning both in private and public institutions. The Philippine

Government is making an effort to implement E-learning due to the risk of the Covid-19

pandemic. However, most of the highschool students are posting their feelings and

thoughts on social media that online class is very hard, that they are struggling

academically, and the experience is not the same as the face-to-face classes. Since all the

students are studying from their home, parents often forget that their children are having

online classes. Students had to do their roles/ responsibilities at home like doing

housework/ chores and running an errand for their parents.

Through an in-depth reading of related literature, it shows the adaptation of

students focusing on their view of e-learning and their performance. However, none of

those studies looked into the domestic roles of the students if it affects their adaptation to

e-learning. In the review of the related literature section, it shows the students’ role, their

domestic roles and responsibilities, adaptation of students to e-learning in an

international setting, the medium used, perceptions and impact of the students towards

online learning, the advantages and disadvantages, and Philippines shifting to E-learning

due to the pandemic.

This study aims to understand and explain how the students adapt to the new

environment of learning that is affected by their domestic roles.


Theoretical Background

The study is anchored on role theory by Thelma Lee-Mendoza. According to

Thelma Lee-Mendoza, ‘role’ is the socially expected behavior imposed for an individual

that occupies a particular status or position in society. In every interaction of an

individual, he/she has a social role that needs to perform. These roles are socially

expected behavior imposed for an individual that occupies a particular status or position

in society. Each role has a set of rights, duties, expectations, norms, and behaviors that a

person has to face and fulfill in every interaction. Basically, the performance of an

individual to his/her social roles will lead to social functioning (Lee-Mendoza,). For an

instance, a person has the role of being a home-based call center agent. On the other

hand, he/she also has another role of being a husband/wife, son/daughter at home.

Moreover, role conflict may occur when there are conflicting expectations

because the person occupies two or more positions simultaneously. (Lee-Mendoza,

2008). For an instance, a person has the role of being a home-based call center agent. On

the other hand, he/she also has another role of being a husband/wife, son/daughter at

home. These roles overlap and the person is experiencing role conflict.

The study also anchors the theory of William Bridges known as the “bridges

transition model”. The ‘bridges transition model by William Bridges (1991) implies that

transition is what ends up in people’s minds as they experience change. There are three

(3) stages in this model; these are the endings, the neutral zone, and the new beginning.

The first two (2) stages of this model which are the ‘endings’ and ‘neutral’ will be used

in this study. In the first stage, people are forced to let go of something, identify what

they are losing and how they manage the loss. In the second stage, people are integrating

the new one from the old one however the new one is not fully operational (Bridges,

1991). For an instance, when a person is fired from his work, he has to let go of the fact

that he lost his job and will become jobless. Afterward, he has to accept that he’s already

jobless. However, he might experience distress thinking that he doesn’t have a source of


Coping is the constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage

specific external and internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the

resources of the person (Lazarus & Folkman, 1981). The use of coping strategies will

minimize the effect of stress experienced by an individual. For example, a student is

greatly burdened with the requirements that need to be submitted. The student will

control his/her emotion thinking that she can do it all in order for him/her to cope with

the stress. By that he/she can submit his/her requirements on time.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The Role as a Student

Mollie Dolinger & Lucy Mercer-Mapstone (2019) used metaphors to discuss

students’ changing roles in higher education. These are the following: students as

consumers, as co-creators, as producers, as partners and as a change agent.

Along with, students who are studying online have the responsibility to learn

and must be self-regulated learners. They have to make decisions in planning, setting of

goals, communicating with teachers and classmates and time management in their

learning process. By this, it will lead to efficient use of their learning resources and

complete tasks on time (Yeh, et. al., 2019). In order to facilitate communication between

the teachers and students, there is a need to use communication tools like instant

messaging, live chat, e-mail, and video call. Students need to interact with teachers and

classmates by asking questions and exchanging ideas or feedback to improve their

learning (Ergun & Adibatmaz, 2020).

The students usually have their time to gather around and share their ideas.

During their peer session, they examine someone’s work if there’s no missing words or

grammatical errors and try to correct it. Also, all students can benefit from the activity to

improve their composition of a specific topic. Whether the students are highly proficient

or not, there is mutual learning in them (Lin & Moses, 2013).

The Domestic Role of Students

Filipino children/youth are seen as a kind of investment by their parents. It is

embedded to them that they should have a good education so that they’ll be able to

support their parents in their old age. Also, Filipino children are expected to help their

parents in doing housework and other activities that involve family affairs (Medina,


Filipino youth have roles and responsibilities at home that they need to perform.

These roles and responsibilities are set by their parents. These could be being caregivers

to their younger siblings and helpers of housework. Moreover, they have to perform

household chores such as cooking, cleaning the house, doing laundry, fetching a bucket

of water and washing dishes (Garo-Santiago, Mansukhani & Resurrecsion, 2009)

At a very young age, Filipino parents are teaching their children a “mabuting

asal”. It is where the children should know how to be respectful to everyone, especially

to others. Also, being generous with what they have, loving their siblings, and being

obedient. It is always believed that if the children are well-mannered, they will become a

competent adult in the future. They’ll be able to distinguish what is right from wrong.

(De Leon, 2012). Sons/Daughters should greet the elder and “mano” as a sign of respect

to them and never call them by their names (Medina, 2015)

In doing household chores, men are usually doing chores that are intended for

men like fixing things. On the other hand, women are doing chores intended for them

like child-caring or buying foods to eat (Cerrato and Cifre, 2018). Filipino daughters

claimed that their parents are much more strict compared to their sons. It is because if the

daughters will engage in premarital pregnancy, it will bring shame to the family. On the

contrary, sons/boys are being tolerated by their parents and have freedom. Thus, Filipino

children are expected to follow or obey what their parents told them to do. (Cruz, et. al,


According to Belen Medina (2015), Eldest sons/daughters have authority over

their younger siblings. They have to take care of their siblings when parents are not

around. Moreover, women are the main household caretaker and caregiver. It is

inculcated in society to stay most of the time at home and do most of the house work

(Blanco, 2016). Thus, the sons and daughters should respect and do their obligation in

the household. They are expected to have “utang na loob” towards their parents for

having taken good care of them since they were born. If the sons and daughters don’t

follow or honor their parents, they are branded as “not a good child” where they don’t

have “utang na loob” and “hiya” (Alampay & Jocson, 2011).

E-Learning Adaptation

In Thailand, the students’ level of acceptance is above average and senior year

students tend to adapt to the online class. However, these students only get fewer online

courses because they are working a job aside from studying. Also, those students who are

able to adapt to online learning, thinking that it is easy and useful, are those who are

more self-regulated They can work independently and able to manage themselves and

their time for them to be able to do all their online courses (Adams & Ngampornchai,

2016). Moreover, the students who take the elective course or the courses that they

selected themselves rated the use of learning modules slightly positive compared to those

students who take required courses or the courses that are mandatory to take. Students

are likely to get motivated to study if they choose the courses they want.

When COVID-19 pandemic came, a lot of countries were shifting and trying to

adapt to e-learning. Pakistan is an underdeveloped country and it is hard for them to

adapt to the sudden shift of education which is E-learning because of the Covid-19. It

was found out that most of the students are unable to access a high-speed internet

connection due to financial problems. Only a few schools are offering online learning.

Also, online classes were not effective and students are having difficulty doing group-

activities because of the lack of physical interaction between the teacher and the students.

Students prefer face-to-face classes because they are more motivated to do it than the

online class (Adnan & Anwar, 2020).

E-learning in Saudi Arabia however, the study of Khalil, R., et. al (2020) is to

explore the synchronous e-learning of medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The students point out that E-learning is beneficial to them since they can repeatedly play

the recorded lectures. But the experience of e-learning is not the same as the clinical

practice where they have to deal with people. E-learning is helpful in a way of studying

concepts until they can finally understand it (Khalil, R., et. al. (2020).

Massive action on the E-learning classroom was the decision of almost all the

HEI’s in the Philippines amid the pandemic. However, the Commission on Higher

Education has declared guidelines for all HEIs so that students could cope with the

requirements set by their professors. The researchers have distributed an online survey

called survey monkey to find out the status of implementation of their E-learning

Classroom and as an immediate intervention in these times of crisis. Teachers who have

been positive in the use of the E-Learning classrooms are those who are motivated to

teach and to learn the new technology. Teacher’s motivation plays a vital role in

providing the best strategies for students, whether online or in traditional classrooms.

Although it was fun and easy, teachers may be able to learn more about how to conduct it

with the students. Overall, the professors who were teaching in various courses have

positive feelings and experience in using the E-Learning Classroom (Chua, et. al., 2020)

The Philippines is adapting to online learning or as they called “new normal

education” because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The older educators in state-owned

institutions tend to support e-learning because they are aware of the risk of COVID-19

that may bring to them. However, for the faculty staff to fully embrace and understand

the nature of online learning, they must be supported by providing training (Moralista &

Oducado, 2020).

Medium Used in E-learning

Students can learn online via the internet. Students can connect to the internet in

their homes, schools, cafes, and restaurants. For the students and the teachers to

communicate with each other, the internet is a medium of communication and an

essential tool used by educators for teaching (Humaira & Mahmood 2018). Devices like

smartphones, netbooks, and desktop computers are most likely used by the students in

their online classes (Adams & Ngampornchai, 2016). L Vitoria, et. al (2018), said that

students are ICT literate since they are familiar with using modern technology.

The kind of LMS that is mostly used by the students in their online classes is

Moodle. Students prefer to use the software because it can be synchronous in which the

teacher and the students meet in real-time online. On the other hand, it can also be

asynchronous in which the students can do their learning activities whenever they want

offline. (Miller, et. al, 2020)


The Impact and Students’ Perception of E-learning

In the study of L Victoria, et. Al (2018), it was found out that students consider a

web-based module in e-learning useful. It lets them access a variety of learning resources

online. Also, the students' motivation, independence, and self-discipline are also

improved. Students also claimed that it was easy to navigate the module online since

they are already familiar with how to use basic word processing, web-based modules,

and forums. They know how to access the learning resources online however, they

encounter problems like slow internet connection and some technical problems.

The result of the study of Mutiara Ayu (2020) found out that some students in

higher education are very active in doing activities and assignments since it will be done

online and the submission is also online via the link or through Google form. They

perceived that online learning is helpful because they can access the learning materials

online as well as the lectures. However, there are also some students who prefer face-to-

face interaction because they can directly interact with their teacher or their classmates

with a question or a clarification of the discussion whenever they don’t understand. By

that, they perceive that online learning is not suitable for learning and prefer to have

face-to-face learning because it is more fun for them. Further, the teachers have difficulty

in e-learning because they noticed that students are easily distracted and the students

didn’t participate well in their discussion. It’s hard for them to control the students like

they always do in face-to-face learning.


Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Learning

There are advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The key advantages

of online learning are the reduction of time, cost, and flexibility. Students can save time

and cost from commuting to go to school for them to gain new knowledge and skills.

Students no longer experience the hardship of being trapped during a traffic jam. Also,

the students can learn at their own pace where they can learn whatever time and/ or

wherever they want. On the contrary, no social interaction is one of the disadvantages of

online learning because young individuals are supposed to interact with other people

whom they have the same age. Besides, some courses need to be done inside the

classroom like when the students are doing practical or hands-on activities and skill-

building (Hiranrithikorn, 2019).

In the study of Brittany Gilbert (2015), the benefits and challenges of online

learning identified by the students are unlimited access to the course taken with the use

of the internet. Whenever they don’t understand the discussion, they can access the

specific course again and try to study it again and again until they finally understand the

lesson/discussion. On the other hand, the students’ challenges are the lack of internet

access at home. Some don’t even have an internet connection even though they are

enrolled in an online course.



Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand and explain the students’ domestic roles

and its effect on e-learning adaptation among Accountancy, Business, and

Management Grade12 students. Specifically, this will answer the following


1. What are the domestic roles of the students?

2. How do these domestic roles affect their adaptation to e-learning?

3. What are the challenges encountered by the students?

4. Based on the findings, what intervention plan can be proposed?

Significance of the Study

The study of the students’ domestic role and its effect to e-learning adaptation

among freshmen and sophomore social work students aims to benefit the following:

Social Work Students. This study will help the students to manage their social

roles and to be guided in their journey in adapting to the “new normal education”.

They’ll also distinguish and/or synthesize their experiences, emotions, coping strategies

while performing domestic roles and e-learning.

Parents. The parents will be informed on how their child/children adapt to the e-

learning because they are the support system of the students. By this, the study will

broaden the perspectives of the parents to be attentive and supportive of their children’s

e-learning during the pandemic and minimize the tasks given to their son/daughter.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as a reference in completing their

own study. Moreover, the findings of this study can also serve as a conceptual

framework of further research work.

CHED. The organization can benefit from recognizing the rising challenges of

online learning in the country. They can create better guidelines for implementing e-

learning in all Higher Education Institutions that would benefit all the students.

CCDCA GOTHONG MNHS. The school can base their programs and services

that they will provide to the students while they are having online classes. This can also

make the teachers encourage more students to have greater productivity, improve

friendly collaboration and efforts, amplify energy and motivation in order to create a

positive school culture, and have a remarkable impact on the success of the school. 


Research Design

This research utilized a qualitative method that uses a case study approach. The

case study explains and understands an issue through detailed investigation. This study

used primary data by having an in-depth interview with the participants. The interview is

being done online because of the pandemic which makes face-to-face interaction risky to

both the researchers and the participants. The questionnaire that is being used is a

researcher-made questionnaire that consists of open-ended questions. By this, it gives the

participants an opportunity and freedom to answer what exactly they feel on how their

roles affect their e-learning adaptation.

Research Environment

The study is being conducted at Cebu City particularly in the Cebu City Don

Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School. The school is located at Candido

Padilla Street, Cebu City. A public school tThe school is surrounded by different

infrastructures like San Nicolas Parish Church, some stores, Bank, other schools,

gasoline station, houses, and funeral homes. It is because Cebu City is the capital city in

Cebu province and a highly urbanized city

Living with its mission to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality,

equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where:


Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and

supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share

responsibility for developing life-long learners.

On the other hand, the school is extending their provision of services to the

students by offering online classes caused by the pandemic.

Research Participants

The target participants of this study are the Accountancy, Business, and

Management Grade 12 students, male or female and aging17 to 20 years old. The

participants should be studying in CCDCA GOTHONG MNHS. The participants should

be enrolled in the school year 2021-2022. The target total of participants are 10 people

from lower class, middle class and upper class.

The sampling method technique that is used in this study is the quota sampling

where the researchers establish criteria in choosing the participants that are fit to join this


Research Instrument

The instrument used in this study is a researcher-made questionnaire which is

divided into two. The first part is the heading, which consists of the research title and the

name of the researchers. The second part is divided into 4 sub-parts. First is the profiling

or getting to know the participants. Second is the domestic roles that the participants do

at home. Third is the effects of these domestic roles towards their e-learning adaptation.

Lastly, the challenges they have encountered.

Research Procedure

The researchers conducted an ocular survey before conducting the study. The

researchers are gathering information from online journals, studies, and news articles that

can be seen in the review of related literature.

The researcher created a researcher-made questions for the interview approved

by their adviser and instructor. Also secure approval letter and transmittal letter. Before

proceeding to the gathering of data, the researcher conducted a pre-testing of the research

instrument. Afterward, researchers proceeded with data gathering by conducting an in-

depth semi-structured interview with the participants online via Google Meet.

After gathering the data, the researcher analyzed the data by performing thematic

analysis. When the data is being organized, the researcher presents it in a textual display.

Then, the researchers draw a conclusion and recommendation on what intervention plan

can be made that is based on the data gathered.

Gathering of data

The topic was selected through researching relevant topics to be used in research

and based on experience in this pandemic. The researchers came to use Domestic Roles

and Online Learning because of the considerable interest of the student’s domestic roles

at home and challenges the students experienced during this new mode of learning. An

online research was done to obtain related works of literature and studies, articles and

journals that are appropriate to the chosen topic. After gathering enough information,

researchers want to understand and explain the students’ domestic roles and its effect on

e-learning adaptation. A series of consultations followed, spearheaded by our research

adviser and made necessary changes or information that needs to be included in the

research paper. Initially, the participants of this study are Freshmen and Sophomore

students studied at University of Cebu – Main Campus. An informed consent was given

to them. Since there will be no face-to-face interaction, the group conducted an online

interview through Google meet.

Treatment of Data

This study is a qualitative study where thematic analysis is being used. After the

data is being gathered. The data was (1) transcribed verbatim in Bisaya and English, (2)

the researchers apply coding, (3) the researchers developed a theme and its sub-theme.

To enhance validity, the analysis was conducted by the lead researcher while the

rest are reading the transcripts to increase the precision and consistency of the analysis.

Group meetings are being conducted to have a discussion on the analysis to ensure that

the data is reliable.

In order to preserve confidentiality among the participants, their identification in

the quotations has been erased.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study of “Accountancy, Business, and Management of Grade 12 Students

Domestic Roles and its Effect to E-learning Adaptation” is not that broad. But the scope

of this research is restraint with the ABM Grade 12 students, male or female, aged 17 to

20 years old, who are currently studying at Cebu City Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial

National High School. The semi-structured interviews are mostly open-ended questions,

participants have more control over the content of the data collected. Also, data gathering

was done online. It was difficult to distinguish the data stated by the participants. It is

based much more on their views, opinions, and experiences. The amount of data extracts

some time while examining and interpreting. The method of the researcher during data

collection which is pure online, affects the responses of the participants. The accuracy of

the data obtained is highly based on the researcher’s capabilities and observations. The

gathering of data in the library was limited due to COVID19 restrictions.

Anticipated Ethical Issues

To comply and secure that the study was conducted in a proper manner, the ten

Social works students received non-verbal and verbal consent to be interviewed and to

participate in the research. The consent form that was used as a guideline for the

research/content process is attached as Appendix B. The purpose of the research was

explained to the participants and highlighted that if they wish to pull back at any point

during the interview, they could do so. Permission to audio and video record the

interview with photo documentation was also obtained from the participants. They were

then asked to send their signature for the consent form, after they had acknowledged

what had been explained to them. As a result of the personal nature of the content of the

research interview, the researchers found it appropriate to emphasize the confidentiality

of the information and to establish trust with participants in the early phase of the

interviews. At the end of the interviews, both the participants and the researchers

debriefed by talking about the interview process itself, and the impact of the interview.

Researchers assured them by providing the researcher’s contact number and Google

account for further concerns. In pursuant to the Data Privacy act of 2012 (R.A. No

10173), the participants were guaranteed that the data gathered would be kept

confidential and only be used for scholastic purposes. Participants were informed that the

findings of the study will be kept in the College Library and Social Work Department

and that in the event of publication, no names will be used.


To ensure a clearer understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally


Adaptation. This refers to how students adjust to the new environment which is e-


Domestic Roles. This refers to the assigned tasks to an individual and performed at


E-Learning. This refers to the new mode of learning where it uses gadgets and internet

connection and which the students tried to adapt during COVID-19 pandemic.

E -Learning Adaptation- This refers to the way a student is able to do online learning.

Household Chores. This refers to a certain work that is perform in a home

Moodle. This refers to a learning software where the students can access their lessons

that are being posted from their teachers.

Web-based Module. This refers to the learning materials that can be accessed online

using a web browser.




This section dealt with the presentation, discussion, analysis, and interpretation of

the data gathered. Specifically, discussion on student’s (a) domestic roles (b) effects of

domestic roles to e-learning adaptation (c) challenges experienced and (d) coping


1. The Domestic Roles of Students

1.1 Identification of Domestic Roles

All of the participants claim that they have identified that cooking, cleaning,

washing dishes, doing laundry, running errands, planting, and assisting their younger

siblings in doing their module as their domestic roles.

It is expected that daughters have house work and look after their younger

siblings. This was supported in our review of related literature that Filipino children are

expected to help in the house when it comes to house work or domestic roles and other

family related affairs (Medina, 2015). Girls are often tasked to have domestic roles in

order for their parents to go to work (ILO, 2021). Moreover, the role of an individual is

different when he/she is at home or attending school whether it is online or offline. This

is because in every interaction, an individual has a role to perform (Mendoza, 2008).

(“Cooking food, each one of us here is have specific tasks in the house, and mine

was cooking. Also, helping my younger sibling in doing his module and cleaning”)

(“Tig luto, naa man miy specific nga mga buhatonon sa balay, akoang domestic role

dinhi is kay tig luto jud. Unya kanang mutabang sakong manghud sa iyang module nin

ana, limpyo sa balay.)

(“Yes I have ate. These are sweeping, washing of clothes, planting, and fetching

water sometimes.”) (Yes ate naa. These are sweeping o pagpanilhig, panglaba ,

pagpananom ug pagsag-ob ug tubig usahay”)

(“My tasks is to wash the dishes, cleaning the house then we roam around in the

neighborhood to sell something with my mom”) (“Manghugas, manlipyo sa balay,

then naa me tinda tinda nga gamay pero suroy siya kada balay”)

1.2 Doing Domestic Roles as Payback

According to Participants No. 4, 5 & 9, they shared that their parents/guardians

determined their domestic roles. They accepted the tasks or house works that are

assigned to them because they don’t have a choice and are already accustomed to it.

Moreover they are following these assigned tasks to serve as payback for giving their

support and letting them stay in the house. This small act could become a sort of help to

their parents/guardians.

“Utang na loob” or debt of gratitude is one of Filipino values that every Filipinos

possessed. This is an act of reciprocating the help given by the other person or an

opportunity to return a favor (Pua & Marcelino, 2000). The participants showed “utang

na loob” to their parents/guardian as a sort of payback.

(“It's our grandmother and aunt. This served as our repay for providing us their

support, for sending us to school. We just thought that through this (performing

domestic roles, we can help them.”) (“Akong lola ug auntie. Kay murag kuan lage na

namo, murag baws nalang namo sa ilahang pagpa-eskwela, pagbuhi”)

2. Effects of Domestic Roles to E-learning Adaptation

2.1. Forced to Accept and Adapt to E-Learning

Almost all of the participants are forced to accept and adapt to the reality that

there is a shift in mode of learning which is from face-to-face to e-learning due to

COVID-19 restrictions. They don’t have a choice because the government is prioritizing

health. Though they experienced struggles at first but they are able to slowly adapt to

change, do some adjustments and try to understand the current situation.

The students are able to let go of the fact that having online learning essential for

there is a need to prioritize health. Though they accepted it but did not totally adapt to the

new mode of learning. This is supported by the supporting theory of this study which is

the Transition Model of William Bridges (1991). Applying the concept of “ending”

which is the first stage of the model, which makes the students forced to let go of the

face-to-face mode of learning and have online learning due to the pandemic. In addition,

after that stage, they are now in the “neutral zone”. They are trying to adapt to online

learning but not totally. They still have experienced difficulties because they are still

attached to face-to-face learning.

(“I accept the fact that this is the reality that online learning is the new normal…

Yes ate, first semester it was very hard for me to cope up, not totally adjusted, and

there’s an instance that I will cry thinking what will I do next. I’m not used to it.

Fortunately now during the second semester, I was able to adapt. ”) (“gi accept

nalang nako ang reality nga ing ani na gyud new normal….lisod jud at first like wala

pako totally naka cope up ato, wala pako totally naka adjust, naa juy mga instances nga

kanang muhilak nalang bitaw ka kay unsaon mani nako, wala ko maenad na ing ani

kanang fortunately karon although naka adapt nako”)

(“It’s difficult but we need to adjust.”) (“ga lisod pero okay raman. Ga adjust lang
(“To be honest, I just used it but not totally accept that fact. I just thought that

there are things that are beyond our control.”) (“To be honest…murag naanad ra

bitaw ko, wa jud nako totally na accept murag ako nalang gibutang sa akong huna huna

nga ing ani najud kanang naa juy mga butang na pareha ing ani nga di nato ma


(“I just understand our current situation miss… Like we give priority to the health

right now”) (“Gisabot nalang jud nako miss kay kuan paman gud ang panahon… Like

priority pa ang health karon”)

2.2 Interruption of sudden call of a Parent

According to participants No. 2, 3, 6, 8, while they are having their online class,

their parents suddenly call them to do an errand or question them why they didn’t do

their domestic roles. By this, they got interrupted in their online learning. It is because

parents think that their daughters are always on their phone doing nothing. Thus, they are

reprimanded for not doing their housework.


The participants have domestic roles, student roles and other roles in the family.

The expectations from these roles such as the need to do housework, and school work are

too demanding that leads to conflict. As a result, the participants are being

nagged/scolded by their parents. Due to the multiple roles of the participants, they tend to

experience role conflict. Which is anchored by the main theory of this study which is the

role theory of Thelma Lee-Mendoza (2008). Parents don't know about the other roles

their son/daughter have to perform like the role of being a student. They often forget that

their children are studying online and not knowing they are interrupting them by calling

out to their son/daughter to come over and do their domestic roles. As a result, the

students cannot focus on their class.

(“Mostly, they didn’t know my class, they thought I’m just chilling outside,

especially I’m connecting to the wifi. That is why they let me do run some

errands.”) (“Halos kasagaran klase nako te kay dili man sila kabaw, abi nilag ga chill

chill rako. Mao nang ila kong sugoon. Labi nag nagpa wifi ko”)

(“It affects me because when it comes to answering my module through computer

or cellphone, sometimes they call me and make me go home to do my tasks/chores.

And it affects my classes, I cannot focus on the lessons because of that.”)

(“ Maka apekto siya te, pananglitan mag answer kos akong module through computer or

cellphone then apason man jud ko ana nila kay ikaw nganung wa ka nagkuan

(nagbuhat) didto nga imo manang buhaton , ikaw may dapat ani ana, daghan jud kay

sila as in maka apekto siya’s akong e-learning.”

(“My mom keeps bugging me to do the dishes, I will just tell her that I will do the

dishes after answering. Also sometimes, I forgot to do the dishes because I keep on

doing my activities and I remember my chores at home when my mom will start to

nag at me to do my work, ”) (“Musaba jud akong mama, muana siya nga sang

panghugas na sang, nya muana ko nga oh mama unya na ma ig human nakog answer,

murag makuan ko ba like unya na lang oy kay nag answer pa lageh ko hahahaha mao to

siya muana ko mas unahon lang ko ni kay basin nya ug mag oral mi nya di ko katubag

saon nalang. Naa say times nga mag activity ko, makalimot kog panghugas ug plato then

mao to anha nako makuan inig mag yawyaw nas mama.”

2.3 Experiencing Stress

Most of the participants suffered stress due to their domestic roles that they have

to perform at home while taking class activities. They suffered anxiety, emotional

breakdown and pressure from school and home. It is draining on their part that they have

to perform their domestic roles even though they are attending a class online. It results in

losing focus in class and the feeling of exhaustion.

Due to the transition of mode of learning, the participants experienced stress. This

is brought by the change that is happening. Stress theory by Rahe and Holmes (1967)

says that stress serves as a stimulus to make adjustments or to respond to the demands.

Thus in this study, emotional stress brought the participants to adapt to change and this is

the first step that they will experience before they can create coping strategies to fully

adapt to the situation.

(“Grabe jud kaayo siya naka affect nako kay mao lage to dili ko ka focus sa akong

studies and ahm yes po then mao to, since I am also having issues sakong self like I

am suffering with anxiety ate maong maglisod jud ko, mu breakdown rakog kalit

nga wa ko kasabot like ing ana lisod jud kaayo siya.”) (“It affected me very badly

that's why I can't focus on my studies and ahm yes then that's it, since I am also having

issues with myself like I’m suffering with anxiety ate, so it will be difficult for me,

sometimes it can cause me to breakdown.”)

(“Oo. Last year kay nag transfer ko. Tas mag sige kog reklamo. Every night mag

sige kog hilak. Kay aside from homesick nako kay first time man nako kay “ngano

man ako tanan. Didto sa amoa didto wala koy gibuhat.” Ana. Nya mag away mi.

Nga “kinahanglan kahibaw ka kay di naman ka bata, if ever need nimo. Kung wala

nay maka support nimo at least kahibaw naka sa mga buhatonon tanan kung mag

alone naka.”) (“Yes. Last year because I transferred here. And I keep on complaining. I

cried every night. Because aside from being homesick, it’s my first time, “why is it all in

me? In our house, I am not doing anything.” Then we fight. She told me “There is a need

for you to learn something because I’m not a baby anymore, if you ever need it. If

there’s no one who can support you, at least you already know how to do things in the

house when you are alone.”)

(“Murag draining kaayo. Tapos bombarded by many activities. Lahi rajud sa face-

to-face na class.”) (“It's so draining. Then we are bombarded by many activities. It’s so

different during face-to-face classes'')

(“Its really difficult for me, I always cry because of overthinking and my what ifs,and

many thought pop into my mind”) (“At first kay kato jung first day kay lisod jud sige

kog hilak kay daghang what ifs mga ana, kay lisod man jud bisan pag kanang maglisod

jud siya kay daghang musulod sa imong utok”)

2.4 Not able to understand the lessons and more likely to do self-study

Due to the domestic roles of the students, they’re are instances that they cannot

focus, get behind in class and don't understand their lesson. As an effect of doing both

the domestic roles and school work, they tend to do self-study. Participant no. 1, 6, 9 ,10

claims these facts.

Overwhelming situations creates a disequilibrium of social roles (Mendoza,

2008). Due to multiple roles, the students cannot focus on one role because they have to

do the other roles. That is why, the students are doing self-study to compensate for their

role as a student where he/she didn’t perform properly because of doing first the

domestic roles.

(“I can’t focus much on the discussions… Sometimes if my parents were present

there is a need to work on the housework. So, I got destructed in my studies by

these domestic roles.”) (“Di kaayo ko ka focus sa gipaminaw or discussion… Usahay if

naa akong parents, mas gyud unahon ang trabaho sa balay te. So ma distruct jud ko sa

akoang pag eskwela tungod aning domestic roles”)

(“I am the kind of a person that if I don’t understand something, I will not dare to

ask…. I have copies and books from the previous subjects and I will have to use it

as my basis to do my own understanding. I do self-understanding and self-review”)

(“Ako gud kung naa koy di masabtan kay di ko mangutana… Sa mga books ba. Maong

didto nalang ko mag base, ako nalang mag understand. Self-understanding ug mag self-

study nalang ko”)

3. The challenges experienced while doing domestic roles and e-learning at the

same time

3.1 Students tend to multi-task

Participants no. 1, 6, 8 & 10 stressed out that they do multi-tasking to comply

with all the roles that they have. To supply the demand of their roles at home as well as

their online learning. However this lead them to loss their focus in the class

Multi-tasking is doing two things at once and widely practiced by most people.

This could bring advantage where an individual can finish two tasks at the same time. On

the contrary, Jackson (2009) argues that multitasking is not really a good thing.

Moreover, an individual cannot give their full attention to either of the two things he/she


(While the teacher is discussing, I will put my phone on the top of the table while I am

eating, doing the laundry and cleaning. I also listened to one who was discussing.)

(While ga discuss, akong ipatong sa lamesa ang akong selpon while ga kaon ko,

nanglaba, or manlimpyo.)

(I’ll just have to wear my earphones and with my phone on the edge while washing

the dishes. Also I take a bath, while the meet is open.) (Naka earphone ko, ibilin lang

akong phone sa kilid nya nag hugas ko. Maligo ko pero open ang meet.)

(I have a minor class in a week. Then for example, our class is on Wednesday for

the whole day, so at that time sometimes I plant, at night which is when I cooked.)

(During minor class, naa man juy ubang subjects nga boring kaayo. Sometimes,

maminaw tuod ko pero nananom ko ing-ana gani. Or kung naa koy klase magabie nya

gutom na kaayo, maminaw tuod ko pero magluto.

4. Coping strategies/management practiced by the students

4.1 Time management

Participant no. 4, 5 & 6 share that their way to cope with the challenges they have

experienced is that they have to manage their time. Being mindful of their time so that

they can finish both their domestic roles and their school work. Moreover, by managing

their time they are able to set priorities on what they will do first.

In time management, there is a setting of long-term and short-term goals.

Practicing it organizes someone’s time and setting off priorities. Also, time management

can improve the productivity of an individual that could lead in having quality of life.

(Of course, I managed it by doing time management. Before I do my activities, I

first do my roles at home. Later when I’m done, on the exact time. I will work on

my activities or attend my class.) “I manage it by doing time management. Before ko

mag buhat sa akoang mga activities, ako unahon pagbuhat ang akoang roles sa balay.

Later kung mahuman na gani ko, kung naa sad sa exact time. Magbuhat masad ko sa

akong mga activities or mo sulod sa klase.”

4.2 Releasing of stress & self-encouragement

Due to the high demand of school work and also the domestic roles, the

participants experienced stressful moments. In order to relieve themselves from the


stress, they motivate and encourage themselves, take a rest, and unwind. This is

according to Participant no. 2, 7, 8, 10.

Coping is a sort of action that reduces the external and internal demands of

conflict of an individual. This is supported by the supporting theory of this study which

is the coping theory by Lazarus and Folkman (1981). Effective coping strategies

may lessen the impact of the conflict that is encountered.

(“I will just rest my heart out, but sometimes I also cry my heart out because of the

stress and pressure that I feel. There are also times that I just want to be alone, like

my mind is resting without thinking of unnecessary things just a peaceful one.”)

(“mag rest, mu pahuway kog kadyot, then like ah naa say times nga muhilak nakos ka

kapoy sa ka pressure then naa say times nga kanang kuan ra like ganahan ko nga mag

inusara ra, like kanang akong huna huna ba wala ra, maglutang rako,”)

(“The motivation of having an expensive tuition fee… I don’t have a scholarship.

Rest, for hours.”) (“Motivation nga mahal ang tuition. kay wala koy scholarship. Kuan

rest! Magpahuway kog pila ka hours.”)

(“There are times I was able to refresh my mind and told myself that I need a

break”) (“Usahay ma refresh raman sad ko kay mo ingon ko sa akong self nga mag

break sa kay ma refresh akong mind ba.”)

(“I will just encourage myself, I will just tell myself “that’s it because you’re staying

here, it’s when you practice the way of being a social worker. Even though you

can’t do it, you just need to do it. Even though it’s not your work, you just have to

do it. Like that, you cannot rely on anybody else'') (“Ako na lang gi encourage akong

self-kay ako nalang ingnon na “Mao rana kay nag stay man ka dira. Kana manang murag

ma practice na nimo ang mga ways sa mga social worker. Maski di na nimo kaya

kinahanglan kayanon nimo. Maski di nimo trabaho kailangan trabahoon nimo. Ana ba.

Wala kay maasahan, ikaw ra”)

4.3 Students trying to let their parents understand their roles

In order for the students to do and attend their classes online, they are trying to

tell their parents not to disturb them. Participant no. 1, 6 & 8 claims that they let their

parents or anyone in the house not to disturb them when having a class. That being

always on the phone doesn’t mean they are not doing something.

According to Tom Lemanski (2015), role awareness is giving clarity on one’s job

objective. Through role awareness, the parents can be aware that in the house, their

sons/daughter are not just having a single role. In the household, the students are not just

performing those domestic roles but also the role as a student.

(“First, I’m going to brief the people in the house that I am having online class and

hoping they can understand…”) (“First kay I-briefing gani nako ang mga tawo dires

balay nga ing-ani ha klase mayta kasabot ramo…)

(“Letting them know ate. That’s the most important one. That I am always on the

phone doing my school work and not doing unimportant”) (“Letting them know ate.

Mao gyud na ang pinaka importante nga wala rakomag sige ug cellphone. Naa koy gi

buhat nga activities. In that way they are aware of what 1 am doing.”)



This chapter presents the conclusion and recommendations in relation to the study.

Summary of Findings

This study adds to the evidence of the existing literature review of how the

domestic roles affect the e-learning adaptation of the students.

The first research objective explored the domestic roles of the students and they

have identified cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, doing laundry, running errands,

planting, and assisting their younger siblings in doing their module as their domestic

roles. This was supported by Medina (2015) that is shown in our review of related

literature which states that Filipino children are expected to help in the house when it

comes to housework or domestic roles and other family-related affairs. Also, it is shown

that the parents/guardians are the ones who assigned the students with domestic roles.

The students are accepting this that served as payback. The students show “utang na

loob” to their parents/guardians because they are the ones who provided their support to


With regards to the second research objective which is the effects of domestic

roles on e-learning adaptation shows that students are being forced to adapt to e-learning.

This is because they don’t have a choice and just slowly adapt to change. They can’t do

anything about it because the government is prioritizing health and it is beyond their

control. The forced acceptance and slowly adapting to e-learning got supported by our

sub-theory which is the “transition model” of William Bridges (1991). In addition, the

students are interrupted in their e-learning because of the sudden call of their parents

telling them to do their domestic roles. Students are being reprimanded for not doing

their domestic roles. Due to the multiple roles of the participants, they tend to experience

role conflict. This is anchored by the main theory of this study which is the role theory of

Thelma Lee-Mendoza (2008). Moreover, the students are suffering stress due to their

domestic roles that they have to perform at home while taking class activities. Suffered

anxiety, emotional breakdown, and pressure from school and home. It is draining on their

part that they have to perform their domestic roles even though they are attending a class

online. It results in a loss of focus in class and a feeling of exhaustion. This is supported

by the Stress theory by Rahe and Holmes (1967) that says that stress serves as a stimulus

to make adjustments or to respond to demands. Further, students are not able to

understand the lessons for they cannot focus and are always left behind due to their

domestic roles.

The third research objective, examining what are the challenges encountered by

the students while they are doing domestic roles and e-learning at the same time. It

shows that students tend to multitask just to comply with the demands of their possessed

roles. According to Jackson (2009) that multitasking is not a good thing. It is much better

to focus on one thing.

The last research objective that looks into the coping strategies that the students

used to cope up with the challenges they have experienced. It shows that students are

practicing time management, releasing stress and self-encouragement, and trying to let

their parents understand their roles. These are anchored to the sub-theory of this study

which is the Coping Theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1981).


It is a big challenge for the students in times of this pandemic to study online

while performing their domestic roles. Students are forced to accept and adapt to e-

learning but not fully. Also, students have identified their domestic roles and they need to

do it while studying. They experienced role conflict however they learned to practice

coping strategies to lessen the effects of it.


The results of the study shows agreeable, and acceptable outcomes. The

researchers recommend further extended studies on the domestic roles of the students.

These are the following recommendations:

1. Having an awareness seminar on roles.

This is to make the parents/guardian to be aware of the roles of their

sons/daughters and able to create some adjustments and give more understanding.

2. The Services of the School.

Extend their services to the parents or guardians, not just the students.

This is through giving orientation, advice, and counseling.

3. Future researchers.

Looking at other factors that could further enhance the study such as those

who are in lower class or the poorest of the poor. Other than that, the researchers

advise to have a study whether performing domestic roles and studying online

have a serious psychological effect on the students. Furthermore, additional

readings and more information about the study is highly appreciated.



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