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ma Kopi-O/* | FOOD MENU I everything is favourite SE NOVEMBRE aot? aaynners Gedung joang45, Betas, fava Barat © mykopiobekast © +62 #12-8579.2841 ee | KUMAHA @AMANG, ws oveven) BEKASI ae DO 3 i Croffle Time P.3-4 Snack Time ‘Mix Sampler Sop Ksmpong, wee |Semeac tek i ‘ Cee A (oe. > oe .& sos! temo BeetRendang we “B Kojeonvoney chicken wings «388 Bo ‘© soup sorto campur 48 _Croffle Happy Cup Fie ronnyemonmsonsaivecn m8 Z/ op, & crotte tepon na ura! Goreng see Sambal Manage Gurami sous sas Telue asin Meurer m= a src lhc Fer) Soey A Customers choice CHICKEN WINGS FOOD MENU. Page 1 // Chicken Wings Festival / Oh My Toast / Dimsum CHICKEN WINGS | Chicken wing Tur asin (25097) op ‘choose Ghicten wing (250g) 528 ‘Korean Honey < Chicken Wing (250g") 208 F-& sJopaness splay Chicken wing (2609p) 20.8 Cen Chicker OH MY ce Toast DIMSUM = AN Butter toast 24a. ‘Chocolate Kaya Butter Toast 240 ‘lomay Sotagor 388 ® Cheese Kaya Butter Toast 258 Fiver sey cusomerschoice Kiepon is @ popular traditional snack of sweet Ow Hes che) balla, (wit pielia’) pain suger filing, and coated in grated coconut. As one of our specialty, at My Kopi-Ol this Tory snack is developed Into various creations of ew snacks, combining the traditfonal with modern, xlopon 198 Klepon On the sumsum 18.8 Swaee ee tote with "lepan bubursumsum. ‘ed polar suger tn oman, motake 099 ‘ieted Coconut St = joo 8 ‘Pudding Klepon 198 CrefflexKlopon ne ‘ream puding Hepon, Croissant wat, topped wf ‘ty santan, jac pon see whippes cam, ees benut ens {clopon wrap. 198 lepon favoured wrap, act mae 298 ocanut pe Page 2 // Barisan Klepon / Croffle Time Perit ncus ‘Barisan Klepon’ is our tagline. Introducing these new Klepon creations, with Klepon as the base ingredient we hope to make many fun snacks and beverage out of It to further ‘enhance the taste. its uniqueness and sweet taste Is unforgettable! Brown Sugar White Sugar CROFFLE TIME Croftie White Sugar 208 Croft Brown Sugar 208 cue artery IE ree oe mcve pore mA Fvot| Sey A customerscnoee ANaW Goo Nod]1y NVSI4va Page 3 // Snack Time French ies 268 Tempe Mendoan we ‘choosy Fronch Frog 208 4 = Chill Choose Nachos 288 4 Spley Gartie Tolu CShickon Koraage 208 F & Spicy Cart To 208 Shckon Korang X pley Mayo anu Goreng TelurAsin 288 “= bononatiter/ Chasse 278 IM E oop’ Kengkong crspy 188 4 Soctes 4 SNACK TIME \n Karaage si) ot Spioy mayo Snack time! Grab a bite or two! FOOD MENU. Complete snack platter of 1859 Chicken wings, Chicken Karaage with Hot Spiey Mayo, Pangsit Goreng, ‘and French Fries Sacer * (eeeasoe F ver spicy cusomerschoice SOP KAMPONG ceo Pern nerric) Nos Soto Daging Madura 458 F & Nosicarang Asam ga seni 468 Nasi Sabu Pucung a8 F Nos Tongeong Ayam ae ® Nosinawon a ‘sop aging wv. 123) Page 4 // Sop Kampong abus Pueung frongseng fayam 458 28 aks Campur 348. parse 7 Bat Kuah Mercon (tv. 12/3) 268 campur cue artery Sa tna oS CET psec AS Pivot] secy a cumemerscroie ANaW Goo ONOdWVy dos RICE OF ASIA FOOD MENU Page 5 // Rice Of Asia / Aneka Nasi Geprek ASIA © F a Nos! an Baker simbaron 28 “2 nas! Ayam Surabaya (/4 koe) a8 F), F vos .omak Ayam Bokar Peck 438 agze tga Nasitemat Beet Rendang 458 “Gorey F Nasi rma Dor Sambal Naton 438 we F nos: dor Somoa Tereng 28 (sec) F vos iga Sapl sembotio a8 © nabliga sopl Bakar “53 f. f nglpore oil, Jeary inigasi ayam Goprok Nasi ayam Geprek) scmoai watans B48 F ver spicy cusomers choice Page 6 // Ancka Nasi Goreng / Authentic Rice / My Refreshing Salad JANEKA NASI GORENG = Nasi coreng iy Sabot Mercon My ANaW Good ISVN VXINV Page 7 // Aneka Gurami / Western Choice / Pasta Festival ANEKA GURAMI FOOD MENU Page 8 // Noodle Lovers / Refreshing Dessert - MN3W Good REFRESHING MESSER * 295 available at: 7 ; 4 : a is 30K 7 @ gofood e oe = GraokOod) | witness

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