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HSO Framework

Shift their brain with the power of story

Shiftimg belief and inspiring desire using the power of story

1 – Hook

2 – Story

3 – Offer

1 – Hook

Part where we catch thier attention, and get them invested into reading the story

Based on really strong Fastination

We need to bribe them to get the reader to read the story

2 – Story

Humans have evolved to learn, absorb information and make decisions based on stories

Stories allow the listener to sympathetically experience the same emotions

With this we can direct them to take an action

All humans follow a „Hero's Jurney''

Start the story at the height of drama -> for catching readers attention

Make the main character relatable to the reader -> needs to identify with character

Fast forward to intirgue -> fast forward where they are living the dream -> they will have an
informational gap that will inspire mountains of curiosity

3 – Offer

We direct them to take action to eather assuage thier curiosity

Or we direct them to follow the path of the charcter in the story

Hook is highligted in Yellow

Story is highlighted in Blue

Offer is highlighted in Green

From a fat obese kid to a muscluar, high quality man – My journey to becoming a man

Not all people are willing to try and make a change in their lifes

I remeber when i was kid

I had over 225lbs and so much FAT

My friends bullied me because of that

I was so desperate

And I had only to options

One: To stay all day in my room, crying like a little bitch


Second: Start going to the gym and learn how to make money and get girls

Then one day,

My mum told me

„Let me buy you a gym mebership“

From that day my life have CHANGED

Now, you can do the same


You can sit at home being a geek

If you want to learn how to be a high quality and sucesfull men

Then Click HERE to change your life

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