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Page 82001 mother but you, foo, acd to enjoy these conflict of intellect, his daughter humbly remarked; but the ofa man Broke in: only Because they help a miserable world to forget the torments of existence, and the Rideous certainty of Raving been born only to die come horrible death. but what can you Know of this alexander gravely added, and since ve fast met, father, i may certainly account mi aa one of the. initiated. you have painted a dead Body aoked his father. yea, father, replied the fad aith a deep Breath. i mained you, said heron, in a tone of ouperior experience. and then, as mefisca rearranged the folds of hia Blue robe, he said he should go for a wall. Re sighed as he spoke, and Ris chifdien knew whither he would go. it aaa to the yrave to which melissa had accompanied him that moming; and he would sisit U alone, to meditate undisturbed on the wife he had foot. chapter ii. the Brother and sister were feft together. mefissa sighed deeply; bul her Brother went up to her, faid fio arm round her shoulder, and aaid: poor child you Rave indeed a hard time of it. eighteen years of, and ao pretty ao you are, to Be Rept Looked up as if in prison no one sould eniy you, oten if your felloa caplise and Keeper were younger and feos gloomy than your father ia but we knew what it afl means. hia grief eats into Ria soul, and it doca Rim aa much good to storm and acold, aa it does ua to Laugh. if only the wold could know hor kind hia heart really is said the gil. he ia not the same to his friends as to ua, said alexander; but melissa shook Ree head, and caid sadly: he broke out yeaterday against apion, the Aealer, and it was Areadful. for the fiftieth time he had waited supper for you to in sain, and in the ht, safien he had done work, his grief overcame fim, and to see him steep ia quile heartbreaking flippant say the ofd man sould give him hia anavien i know evied her brother sith a hearky laugh will not again Be in a hury to alia up a wounded tion. thal is the sery word, said mefissa, and her had proved in many a dionysiac feast that the god could not easily overporer fim. the amount o fhe had dunk to day would generally hase had no moe effect upon Rim than saler, and yet he Raafelt now and then ar if he were dunben, ond the sihofe featal Rall tuned round siith him. Seen now would be quile incapable of walking fourard in a given oteaight fine, swith the exclamation, such ia fifea form Rowra ago on the costing bench, and fighting with the Brander of the galleys for trying to brand me sith the fare mark, ond now one of the greatest among the great he cfoaed hia tale, for a glance rough the sindow shosed Rim that lime pressed. with strange bashfulness he then gaged at a ting upon Ris right hand, and said heaitatingly that fia on modesty made the avonal difficult to him; but the fact waa, he waa not the same man as sthen he foot fefl the ladies. by the grace of the emperor he had been made a practorian. caesar had at firot santed to make him a Knight; but he eateemed his macedonian descent Righer than that class, to which too many freed alavea belonged for Ria taate. this fe had frankly ccknesledaged, and the empecor must ave considered hia objections salid, for he immediately opoke a for words to the prefect macrinua, and then told the others to greet him as senator with the rank of practorian. then indecd he fell as if the scat beneath him were tranaformed into a wild steed carying him avay, Hrough sca and oky wherever it pleased. he had had to hold Highly to te acm of the couch, and only remembered that come one who it was he did not now had whiopered to him to thank cacoar. this, continued the gem cutter, teatored me oo far to myself that i could express my gratitude to your future husband, my child. iam only the second eqyplian who has entered the senate. cocranus waa the only one before me. shat fasor and how can i aesctibe shat followed all’ the distinguished members of the senate and the past conouls offered me a brotherly embrace aa their new colleague. when caesar commanded me to appear al your side in the ciccua, wearing the while toga with the Broad purple alripe, and i remarked that the shops of the better gentlemen had come to master peonhart Lo announce to him he had been chosen one of the eight wardens of the quilds who at that time foumed part of the aorshipful town council! of forty two. veil gundling, the of2 master brewer, had fately departed thia fife, and the electors fad been af one mind in choosing the copperamith to fill hia place, and he waa likewise approved by the guilds. they had come to him fouhwith, afbeit their choice would not be declared till saint walpurgia day, inasmuch as it sas

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