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Crime & Delinquency

A Case Study of a Delinquent

Harvey Treger
Crime Delinquency 1964; 10; 52
DOI: 10.1177/001112876401000108

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© 1964 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
A Case Study of a Delinquent
Probation Officer,U.S. District Court, Chicago; Field Work Instructor,
University of Illinois School of Social Work
Counselor, Chicago Committee on Alcoholism, 1950; Caseworker, Chicago Welfare
Department, 1950-54; Instructor, Indiana University, 1961
B.S. (Psychology), 1948, Roosevelt University; M.A. (Social Work), 1956, University
ofChicago; Certificate (Child Care), 1963, Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis

This is the case of David, a sixteen-year-old boy in a middle-

class suburban community, who was placed on probation for
extortion. The strivings of both parents and their materialistic
outlook were adversely affecting their guidance ofDavid. David
himself was employed part time and conforming to his parents’
demands that he turn over his earnings to them.
In attempting to change David’s delinquent behavior, the
probation officer had to handle the parents’ resistance to proba-
tion supervision and David’s delinquent values, his acting out,
and his lack of respect for authority. The case study shows how
the probation officer dealt with the resistance, established con-
trols, interrupted delinquent patterns of behavior, developed
in David a respect for authority, and taught him socially con-
structive values. In addition, the problems of working with
parents who resist recognizing their own involvement in their
son’s delinquent behavior are described. The author reflects on
what he learned about this youth and his family that was vital
to the decisions he made in the case.

N JANUARY 12, 1960, David new in the community, an expanding

O Meyers, a 161/-year-old first of-

fender, was placed on three years’

middle- and upper middle-class sec-
tion with a low delinquency rate, hav-
probation for the offense of extortion. ing moved in November 1958 from
He was one of five youths involved Old Town to be closer to Mr. Meyers’
in a plot to extort $15,000 by threat- employment. David had two brothers
ening the life of a suburban couple. and a sister. At the time he got into
David, however, was not as heavily difhculty, his parents were trying to
implicated as his accomplices; his role furnish their new $30,000 home. Both
consisted of making one threatening parents were employed full-time and
phone call. their oldest son, Donald, was work-
When I first saw David in Decem- ing sixteen hours a week in addition
ber 1959 he was under considerable to his full-time attendance at Lewis
stress. In addition to attending classes College.
as a high school junior, he was work- Mr. Meyers indicated that at the
ing a forty-hour week. His family were age of ten, David forged a check be-
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longing to Meyers, Sr., and tried to his earnings to pay off the mortgage
cash it at a bank. Sometime after that, on the home and couldn’t see how
David was seen in the company of a this payment was his responsibility.
lad who was caught trying to break Although David’s parents expected
into a brick factory. him to handle money responsibly,
At the time of my investigation, they gave him no opportunity for ex-
David had little time for himself and periences that would develop this
kept rushing from home to school, ability. They doled out an allowance
from school to work, and then from of $2 a week. Since his expenses for
work to homework. In school he was lunch and carfare amounted to $1.95,
tired and sleepy, and school authori- David had no opportunity to decide
ties reported that he was barely pass- how to spend the remainder.
ing. David said he hated school and David, his father, and his brothers
would rather work but stayed on be- did the housekeeping chores while his
cause of his parents’ wishes. He seem- mother did practically nothing. Fam-
ed to be exerting considerable effort ily life formed a sort of &dquo;pecking
to do acceptable schoolwork and re- order&dquo;: Mrs. Meyers, who was the
ported that on four occasions that fall &dquo;boss,&dquo; kept pushing her husband,
he had stayed up all night to work on who in turn pushed his oldest son,
a mechanical - drawing assignment. Donald, who pushed David. David
School authorities said he had an IQ would pester his younger brother, who
of 90. (This was verified by adminis- then teased his sister, the youngest in
tering the Wechsler-Bellevue Intel- the family.
ligence Scale at the probation office.) David’s father, a passive person,
felt overburdened but said that &dquo;it
The Family Set-up does no good to complain.&dquo; He did
The Meyers family-especially Mrs. most of the washing and ironing and
Mey~ers-was almost totally preoc- was helpful to his wife.

cupied with getting money. In addi- Angry about being exploited by

tion to attending school, the boys were his parents but fearful of expressing
expected to work. David knew that his anger toward his mother directly,
bringing home the money pleased his David expressed it in school and in
mother and he wanted to please her, the community by extortion and later
yet he resented giving her all his by petty thefts, thereby obtaining a

earnings and having almost nothing few dollars so that he could get
for himself. Money also appears to some things for himself. In this way
have been something of a payoff to he exploited others, as his parents ex-
Mrs. Meyers so that she would not ploited him. Moreover, in order to
get too angry if David got into trou- feel liked and useful, he tended to
ble. get himself into situations where
When he did not earn enough, his people would use him. When they
mother would become threatening did exactly that, he would become
and angry, and David restless, anx- angry and vindictive because he had
ious, and upset. His parents had been been treated unjustly.
using his earnings for the total fam- Since the time the family had
ilyexpenses. David, however, was un- moved to their new home, David’s
der the impression they were using mother feared he would get into

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trouble if he was not busy working Mr. Meyers had to work late, I saw
all the time. She attempted to keep David’s mother alone. I also had nu-
a very close check on his activities merous telephone conversations with
and associates, and every time he left the parents. Because of his parents’
the house she admonished him to &dquo;be tendency to distort what I would say,
careful you don’t get into trouble,&dquo; I asked David to sit in on a number
thereby reminding him of the op- of interviews with us. When he could
portunity for him to do so. In essence, not be present, I informed him of
she harbored a secret desire that he what was discussed so that he would
would get into trouble, so that she know what I was talking about.
could participate vicariously in his In the beginning of supervision,
crimes. At any rate, David became David attempted to misinform and
involved in the extortion offense his control me, shirk responsibilities, and
first night off from work. &dquo;take the easy way out.&dquo; When he was
With this background in mind, I unable to manipulate me, he became
decided on the following treatment anxious, sullen, and then depressed.
plan: I found it necessary to check upon his
1. To help David by placing neces- statements and activities in order to
sary restraints on his impulses so that let him know that I was the one
he will eventually develop self-re- in control and that I was going to
straint. hold him to task. Today, he is very
2. To help David learn the conse- open and does not conceal his situa-
duences of his behavior. tion or feelings from me. From his
3. To help David become more experience under supervision, he
assertive and inquiring and less prone knows he cannot fool me easily. Since
toward being exploited. he has established a good relation-
4. To help David perform well in ship with me, he now wants my ap-
his work and develop successful and proval.
satisfying relationships with people. In the beginning, David related to
5. To help David’s parents un- me as though I were a person like
derstand the effects of their attitude his mother. Each time he came to the
on him. office the first thing he talked about
was how many hours he had worked
Early Supervision and how much money he earned. I
For two years, I saw David once tried to de-emphasize this topic by
a week in the office, in the community, not showing great concern over it.
or at work. Nevertheless, David did turn to me
Early in the case, I visited
his parents weekly for three months for help in his English assignment at
and afterward saw his father alone for school and later for help in selecting
an additional nine months. his school program. He ventilated his
the time I was seeing Mr. Meyers dislike of school, stating that he had
alone, Mrs. Meyers refused to talk to not learned anything since he started
me and was never at home when I
high school and was attending only
visited. When I did manage to see because his parents &dquo;just wanted that
the parents together, Mr. Meyers was diploma.&dquo;
passive and tended to do his wife’s At first the school authorities co-
bidding. On several occasions, when operated with me but seemed to fear

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that David’s behavior would sully the enumerated David’s household duties.
school’s reputation. They expected I helped David understand that
him to change overnight. When the money was not the only mark of
principal discovered that David was achievement, that success consisted
selling cigarettes in school and steal- also of developing healthy relation-
ing other students’ books, he expelled ships, enjoying oneself, and getting
him summarily. When I was inform- satisfaction from doing a good job.
ed of this, I proceeded to the food David took my advice about such
store, where David was employed part things as &dquo;looking ahead&dquo; into situa-
time, to talk to the store manager. By tions and not spending a lot of money
coincidence, I arrived at the store the on a date.

very moment David was being fired. When Mrs. Meyers saw some of the
As I suspected, David was stealing cig- controls removed from her hands, she
arettes from the store and selling them became very upset. The family order
cut-rate at school. There I learned was shifting; Mr. Meyers was becom-
that the manager had discovered the ing more assertive and aggressive-a
thefts some time before but that Mr. situation that caused both parents a
Meyers had been paying back the great deal of distress. To express her
money to conceal the thefts from Mrs. frustration Mrs. Meyers began shout-
Meyers and keep her from becoming ing at other members of the family
upset. Although the manager did not that she was no longer &dquo;the boss,&dquo;
wish to press charges, I admonished that everyone was doing just as he
David and his father for trying to pleased. Mr. Meyers informed David
conceal these facts from me and told that I was David’s boss. Upset by their
them I would not cover up for them mother’s frequent yelling and scream-
in my conversation with Mrs. Meyers. ing, David and his older brother enter-
In addition, I pointed out to Mr. tained plans for leaving the home.
Meyers that by hiding David’s delin- The parents, particularly Mrs. Meyers,
quencies he was encouraging him to then began to relax all controls on
continue them and was preventing David because they felt that I was
David from facing the consequences usurping, or at least questioning,
of his offenses. David threatened to their authority over David. Instead of
leave home if I told his mother about trying to hold onto their end of the
the thefts. I told him I would protect responsibility, they gave up entirely.
him from his mother, but if he ran I told them, however, that they were

away the police would soon arrest still David’s parents and tried to help
him. He was so anxious and uncertain them find a middle ground whereby
about whether I would tell his mother they could meet their responsibilities
that he decided to tell her himself. and feel adequate as parents.
In this way, he faced up to the situa- Although the parents attempted to
tion and assumed some responsibility be cooperative during the first three
for his behavior. months I saw them, Mrs. Meyers was
Early in the supervision, David, his very domineering and informed me
parents, and I discussed the problem that I need not supervise David be-
of an adequate allowance for him. We cause she would supervise him. On
set up a room-and-board arrangement another occasion, she tried to control
supplemented by an allowance and me by being seductive. She would

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wink at me and on one occasion mod- any feelings of his own in the matter.
eled a new fur coat for me. When it Their expectations that David would
became apparent, however, that she go to college were unrealistic in view
could not &dquo;win me over&dquo; that way, of his intellectual capacity. Mean-
that I was aware of her exploitation while, David in conflict about

of the family, both she and her hus- whether he should go to school to
band became very upset and express- please his parents or go to work and
ed righteous indignation over my please himself. I told him that if he
estimation of their behavior. Mrs. did return to school, I would not
Meyers then began dodging me by permit him to work because of pre-
changing her beauty parlor appoint- vious difficulties he had with his
ment to the evening of my visit. school work.
Around this time, too, David grad- At the time he was trying to make
ually stopped acting out. The effect up his mind, David was working at
on the family took the form of physi- another food store, where his hours
cal ailments. Mrs. Meyers, for ex- were reduced because business had

ample, had to take tranquilizers; Mr. fallen off. He became anxious and
Meyers had bursitis and boils; David’s wanted to leave the job and obtain
younger brother broke out in hives another. I told him to stay on the
and began stuttering; Donald com- job because he was earning his ex-
menced getting weekly traffic tickets penses. He spoke of doing stock work
for speeding and was in an automo- and setting up displays for a sales-
bile accident. Even David’s sister man from a nationally known cooky

sprained her arm! These occurrences concern, who promised him some
may have been mere coincidences, but cookies if he set up an attractive dis-
it was most unlikely. Rather, it was play. He also said he would tell a
as though the family were telling salesman from a rival concern that he
David that as long as they had him as was receiving cookies in
payment for
an outlet for their aggressions, they a nice display, and that if he
(the sec-
would remain healthy. ond salesman) wanted a display for his
Nevertheless, I persisted in visiting company, he might also want to give
the family, who at first refused to him some cookies. When I suggested
allow me to enter the home. They to David that this was blackmail by
protested first to my superior and cookies, or another form of extortion,
then to their minister, stating that he was embarrassed. I pointed out to
they wanted another officer to super- him that if the manager of the food
vise David as I was &dquo;shaking the fam- store learned that he was playing one
ily tree and now was getting ready to salesman against the other, he would
shake the branches.&dquo; fire him. David said that this had not
After David was expelled from occurred to him, whereupon I told
school, his mother wanted him to re- him to stop his extortion schemes im-
turn and his father went along with mediately. To this he replied, &dquo;But I
her without any concern for David’s don’t know how to get anything for
feelings. When David’s estimates of myself any other way,&dquo; and slumped
his abilities in school were interpret- in his seat.
ed to the parents, they seemed sur- David continued to vacillate for
prised that David should have had several weeks about whether he should

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go back to school. He did not know David then projected his hostility on
what to do. He wanted to please his Jews. To break down this hostility, I
parents, but he disliked school. His pointed out that the messiness, dis-
mother still wanted him to return, honesty, and shrewdness which David
but his father was now noncommittal. associated with being Jewish best fit
David asked me for guidance. We ex- himself. (I told him that he must
plored possible motives for returning have thought he was pretty shrewd
to school, and he indicated that he trying to fool me, and that he was
wanted to be a printer but knew noth- messing up his probation by being
ing about how to go about becoming dishonest.) After a while, as a kind
one. I suggested that he return to of response to this eye-opener, David
school and get additional information started dating a Jewish girl.
from the print shop teacher. David
also told me of an opportunity he had Breaking Away
to be an apprentice butcher. I encour- In spite of the parental sabotage, I
aged him to take it; I felt that the was able to form a very good relation-
job would supply a good salary and ship with David, who respects me,
steady employment in line with his wants to please me, and is influenced
abilities. Eventually, his parents gave by my advice.
him permission to do what he wanted I also developed a better relation-
and he decided that he would like to ship with Mr. Meyers, who began ex-
become a butcher. His father was hap- pressing some understanding of his
py about this; his mother still hoped wife’s behavior. At first, he refused to
he would change his mind and return see me and blamed me for upsetting
to school. his wife, but later recognized that she
While still employed at the food has always been upset by little things,
store David went to the butchers’ that she &dquo;comes from a family of girls
school, but instead of attending and doesn’t seem to understand boys,&dquo;
twenty-four times in the next eight and that she is &dquo;all right as long as
months, as he told me, he had gone everything goes her way.&dquo; I began to
only eight times. He had even brought see him once every two weeks. At first,
in a punched card to support his lie. I talked with him in my car, then I
I decided to check David’s attendance was permitted on the lawn, and final-
at the butchers’ school after he began ly I was invited back into the house.
to change his appointment time. I As David’s mother became more up-
found that three of his friends were set, his father began assuming more
arrested for burglarizing schools in responsibilities and became more as-
the suburban area. This was a crucial sertive. David began talking back and
point for David, for he learned that taking a stand with his mother. For
he could not get away with lying to example, when Mrs. hleyers bought
me. I pointed out the consequences David four pairs of trousers at one
of his behavior in terms of his proba- time and told him he owed her $16
tion and told him our relationship for them, David told her that in the
was going to be different from that future she would have to discuss with
with his parents. Seeing his delin- him ahead of time any purchases she
quent outlets drying up and not planned to make for him. Although
knowing what to do with his anger, this shift in the family balance was
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difficult for the mother, the control- The parents, particularly the moth-
ling member of the family, it was er, were furious about this action.
good for David as it gave him a chance In an attempt to get his son fired so
to assert himself. he would be forced to return home,
David also began developing a bet- Mr. Meyers informed the manager
ter relationship with his father and, of the store where David worked that
for the first time, gave him a Father’s he had been in trouble and was on
Day gift, which cost $10. (Mr. Meyers probation. However, the manager had
thought that this was too much and been in trouble with the law himself
returned $5 to him.) Recently, I went in his youth and so took a personal
shopping with David for Christmas interest in David.
presents to teach him to think about Current State of Affairs
the interests and needs of a particular
person in selecting an appropriate David is now living with two older
gift instead of giving money all the youths who hold responsible jobs
time. He expressed his appreciation and appear to be a good influence
for my help. on him. Since he left home his
I also worked on showing David sonal appearance has improved, he
how to handle money in a responsible looks neater, wears a white shirt and
manner. In an attempt to break up a tie, and has
begun to do many
the mother’s extortion scheme and get things for himself. He now seems
David to be more responsible, I urg- much happier but at times is mildly
ed him to have his own checkbook depressed. He is making progress on
and pay his own bills. If he wanted his job, where he has been employed
to be his own boss, I would try to for eighteen months, and has received
teach him how to take care of him- several pay raises. His employer is
self. As a first step, I asked him to pleased with his work. David has
bring me all his bills and to make no taken a two-week vacation with pay
new expenditures without first discuss- in Florida, he has a girl friend, and
ing them with me. His parents became he is on the store’s bowling team. He
very upset when he told them he is now better able to express his
was now going to take care of his anger toward his parents and others
own expenses. His mother, counter- in words instead of in actions. He is
attacking, asserted she had already beginning to understand why he gets
paid all his bills, which, she stated, angry, why he wants to strike back
amounted to over $300. Although she and get even.
had neither the bills nor any receipts After David lefthome he discon-
for them, she insisted that David tinued payment on the bills he pre-
owed her the $300. sumably owed his parents. When a
In March 1961, David spoke of check for a refund on David’s income
leaving home to live with two of his tax arrived at his parents’ home his
friends so that &dquo;he could be on his mother opened the envelope, forged
own and save his signature, and cashed the check.
money.&dquo; He thought
this over and even figured out his ex- She continues her hold on David to
penses for me. He left home two some extent and is still able to extort
months afterward and later called his money from him occasionally; recently
parents to tell them of his decision. she requested, and received, $50 from

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David as a contribution toward her To conclude, David’s delinquencies

Florida vacation. I am now trying were the result of his parents’ atti-
to help David to &dquo;smarten up and tudes and behavior. To influence
get wise to himself&dquo; so that he will David, I had to establish myself as
not let himself be exploited and can &dquo;the boss,&dquo; intervene on his behalf
get a few things for himself. This, with his parents, and become an im-
however, is a slow process. At present, portant person in his life. I learned
he has no debts and has a savings that if parents will not change their
account of $25. He wants to buy an detrimental attitude and behavior, it
expensive car, but I am helping him may be necessary to support the child’s
to see that he needs a pair of shoes decision to live apart from them.
first. Most of all, I learned that to survive
I have now discontinued seeing the parents’ hostility, it was necessary
David’s father, who had allied him- for me to have a great deal of con-
self with me during the time I was viction about what I was doing in
seeing him. I encouraged him to par- this case.
ticipate in some recreational activities Throughout the case the parents
with his family so that they could and I struggled for power. Mrs.
have more enjoyable and satisfying Meyers especially did not want to re-
times together. He has now taken linquish her power over her delin-
out a YMCA family membership. quent son. In desperation, she tried
One of the most difficult elements to mobilize the minister, my superior,
in this case has been my own feel- and her husband against me. When
ings about the parents’ resistance to she failed to have me removed from
supervision, which manifested itself the case, she took flight and was no-
in their overt hostility toward me. where around when I visited the home.
Nevertheless, I persisted in trying to Later, she became openly delinquent
help the family. herself by forging her son’s signature
David still tends to get into situa- on a check. David began to make real
tions in which he is liable to be ex- progress only after he left home and
ploited. I have been trying to point was more under my influence and the
out the consequences of his behavior influence of his nondelinquent asso-
and to help him develop values other ciates, including the girl he is now
than monetary ones. He is gaining a dating. The most important part of
better idea of his abilities and limi- this case was David’s separation from
tations, and so far has managed to his mother, which is still in the proc-
stay out of debt and trouble. ess of being more fully achieved.

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