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7, JULY 2013 1575

Measurement and Analysis of Current

Noise in Chopper Amplifiers
Jiawei Xu, Qinwen Fan, Student Member, IEEE, Johan H. Huijsing, Life Fellow, IEEE,
Chris Van Hoof, Member, IEEE, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, and Kofi A. A. Makinwa, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a theoretical analysis and mea- the order of several tens of fA/sqrt(Hz). This is roughly a hun-
surements of the current noise of several chopper instrumentation dred times higher than the current noise of conventional CMOS-
amplifiers, which demonstrate that the charge injection and clock or JFET-input amplifiers [10]. Some commercially available
feed-through associated with the MOSFETs of the input chopper
give rise to significant input current and current noise. In combi- chopper amplifiers exhibit even higher current noise densities
nation with high source impedances, this “chopper noise” is con- ( 100 fA/sqrt(Hz)) [12]–[14]. When used with high-impedance
verted to voltage noise, which may then be a significant contributor sensors such as dry bio-potential electrodes, photodiodes and
to the amplifier’s total input-referred voltage noise. Chopper noise piezoelectric sensors, this current noise will be converted into
has a white power spectral density, whose magnitude is roughly voltage noise, which will then add to, and may even dominate,
proportional to the chopping frequency. Design guidelines are pro-
posed to reduce chopper noise, as well as the use of a clock-boot- the amplifier’s total input-referred voltage noise.
strapped chopper, which generates significantly less noise than a This paper presents the results of noise measurements on sev-
traditional chopper. eral chopper amplifiers [15] and proposes a theory that explains
Index Terms—Charge injection, chopper amplifier, chopping,
the behavior of the measured current noise, which we will refer
current noise, high-impedance sensors, noise. to as chopper noise in the remaining of this paper. The measure-
ments reveal that chopper noise has a white power spectral den-
sity (PSD) and is caused by the clock feed-through and charge
I. INTRODUCTION injection of the MOSFETs of the input chopper. To first order,
both the resulting input current and the PSD of the associated

C HOPPING [1] is a continuous-time technique in which

polarity-reversing switches, known as choppers, are
used to modulate amplifier offset and noise to a certain
current noise were observed to be linearly proportional to the
chopping frequency.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents an anal-
chopping frequency, thus enabling the realization of precision ysis of the sources of input current in chopper (instrumentation)
amplifiers with low voltage noise and low offset. As a result, amplifiers, and discusses the possible causes of current noise.
chopper amplifiers are often used in applications where pre- Section III presents measurements of the current noise of three
cision signal conditioning is required, e.g., in smart sensors, different types of chopper amplifiers: one DC-coupled and two
sensor interfaces, medical instruments and precision voltage AC-coupled amplifiers. Section IV presents the design and the
references [2]–[5]. noise performance of a test-chip in which several different types
In CMOS, the switches of a chopper are usually implemented of input choppers were implemented. Section V presents some
as MOSFETs. Although it is well known that the transient spikes guidelines for reducing chopper noise, and Section VI concludes
caused by the charge injection and clock feed-through of these the paper.
periodically switched devices will give rise to a net input cur-
rent [6], [7], not much is known about the associated current II. INPUT CURRENT NOISE IN CHOPPER AMPLIFIERS
noise. In [8], the current noise of a chopper amplifier was at-
tributed to the shot noise associated with this input current. In Fig. 1 shows the equivalent input circuit of a chopper ampli-
[9], measurements of the current noise of a chopper amplifier are fier connected to a differential voltage source. The amplifier’s
described. Although the cause of this noise was not explained, noise is modeled by an input-referred voltage noise source
it was observed that the measured noise density was propor- and an input-referred current noise source ,
tional to the square root of the chopping frequency and was in while the amplifier itself is considered to be ideal and noiseless.
models the source resistances. The total input-referred
voltage noise can then be written as
Manuscript received December 09, 2012; revised February 08, 2013;
accepted February 15, 2013. Date of publication April 03, 2013; date of current
version June 21, 2013. This paper was approved by Guest Editors Antonio (1)
Liscidini and Doug Smith.
J. Xu is with IMEC/Holst Centre, 5656AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The input bias current of a CMOS amplifier is usually quite
Q. Fan, J. H. Huijsing, and K. A. A. Makinwa are with the Delft University low (in the order of a few pA [10]) and is dominated by the gate
of Technology, 5628CD Delft, The Netherlands. leakage current of the input transistors and the leakage current
C. Van Hoof and R. F. Yazicioglu are with IMEC, 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
of the ESD protection circuitry. The associated current noise
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at is mainly due to shot noise, and so is also quite low ( 1
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2013.2253217 fA/sqrt(Hz)) [10], [11]. Hence, the current noise of a CMOS

0018-9200/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


Fig. 1. Excess voltage noise due to the source impedance and input current
noise of a chopper amplifier.
Fig. 3. Periodic charge injection and associated transient current of an input
chopper switch.

Ideally, the transient current spikes caused by a pair of

chopper switches turning off should be compensated by the
charge required to turn on the other pair, leading to a net zero
input current. However, mismatch between the switches and
slight differences in their turn-on and turn-off times result in a
net input current with a typical magnitude of several tens of pA
[17]–[19]. This is much larger than the gate leakage currents of
the MOSFETs and the leakage currents of the ESD diodes. The
RHS of (3) may thus be regarded as an upper bound, especially
since the exact amount of input current will also depend on the
Fig. 2. Charge injection and clock feed-through of the input chopper switches. relative magnitudes of the capacitances and connected to
the chopper. From (3), the input current should be proportional
amplifier is usually a negligible contributor to its total input- to the chopping frequency, which is in good agreement with the
referred noise. measurements reported in [7].
However, CMOS chopper amplifiers exhibit substantially
higher levels of current noise [12]–[14]. This excess noise must B. Shot Noise Due to the MOSFETs Channel Charge
therefore be related to the periodic switching of the MOSFET Shot noise is associated with the nonuniform flow of discrete
switches of the input chopper. The rest of this section presents charge carriers in semiconductors. This noise has a white noise
an analysis of the major noise sources associated with this spectrum, whose PSD is proportional to the average current
activity. [20], [21]. Since the current spikes associated with the charge
injection of the MOSFETs in the periodically switched MOS-
A. Charge Injection and Clock Feed-Through
FETs gives rise to a net input current, our hypothesis is that this
Charge injection and clock feed-through are well-known current will also be accompanied by shot noise [8]. The PSD
error sources associated with MOSFET switches. In a chopper, of this current noise should then be linearly dependent on the
one pair of switches will be “on,” while the other is “off.” As average current through the chopper switches, as shown in
shown in Fig. 2, when a pair of NMOS switches is turned off, (4), where C is the electron charge. The average
their channel charge and some of the charge in their overlap noise density of this impulsive noise can then be expressed as
capacitance will be injected into the circuitry connected
to their drain and source terminals (modeled by the capacitors (4)
and ) [16].
The total charge that is injected into the source (or (5)
drain) circuit is given by (2), where and are the width and
length of the chopper switches, is the gate oxide capaci- This indicates that the current noise PSD associated with
tance, is the overlap capacitance between gate and source charge injection should also be linearly dependent on the
(drain), is the overdrive voltage, and is the clock swing: chopping frequency.

(2) C. KT/C Noise From the Clock Driver

This periodic charge injection and clock feed-through at the The clock driver circuit is another possible source of noise.
chopping frequency causes transient current spikes (Fig. 3), As shown in Fig. 4, it can be modeled as a resistance in
whose average value is given by series with the gate-source capacitance . Since this resistor
(and any other series resistance in the gate charging circuit) will
(3) generate thermal noise, the channel charge will fluctuate and
so a certain noise charge will be injected into the surrounding


Fig. 4. Periodical noise charge injection and associated noise current of an

input chopper switch.

The resulting current noise PSD is again proportional to the

chopping frequency and to the input parasitic capac-
itance of the amplifier. Since the switched-capacitor re-
sistor is usually quite large (tens or even hundreds of ), the
magnitude of the current noise PSD is usually negligible.

E. Summary
Fig. 5. Input parasitic SC resistance of a chopper amplifier.
The total chopper noise PSD is obtained by sum-
ming the contributions of all the above-mentioned current noise
circuitry every time the MOSFET is turned off. The rms value sources. Table I shows the parameters of the MOSFET switches
of this noise charge can be expressed as (in an ON Semiconductor 0.5 m CMOS process) used in the
input chopper of a CMOS chopper instrumentation amplifier
[4]. Also shown is the calculated contribution of each noise
source assuming that eight of these transistors (four NMOS
and four PMOS) are used to realize the four complementary
As before, this periodically injected noise charge will give
switches of its input chopper. The results show that the total
rise to an average rms noise current of
current noise is dominated by the contribution of charge injec-
(7) tion, and so from (5), the chopper noise PSD should be linearly
proportional to the chopping frequency, which is in line with the
Assuming that this impulsive noise is approximately white measurements reported in [9].
and distributed over the fundamental interval between 0 and
(8) In this section, noise measurements on different types of
chopper instrumentation amplifiers are presented.
This PSD is also a linear function of the chopping frequency.
A. Conventional Chopper Modulated Instrumentation
D. Parasitic Switched-Capacitor (SC) Resistance Amplifier
Due to the action of the input chopper, the amplifier’s input Fig. 6 shows the setup used to measure the current noise of
parasitic capacitances will be charged and discharged by a chopper instrumentation amplifier (IA) [4]. Its input chopper
the input voltage and give rise to a net DC current [6], [7]. As consists of 4 complementary CMOS switches, whose character-
shown in Fig. 5, this effect can be modeled by a switched-ca- istics are shown in Table I. The IA is configured with a voltage
pacitor resistance at the amplifier’s input [22], [23]. This gain of 800 and a bandwidth of 200 Hz. Since it was intended
resistance generates current noise in the same manner as a phys- for biomedical applications, an internal DC-servo loop ensures
ical resistor [24]: that the amplifier has a high-pass characteristic with a corner
frequency around 0.5 Hz.
with (9) A low-noise input bias voltage, , is generated from a 3.3-V
battery. Two large series resistors ensure that the
amplifier’s current noise is the dominant contributor to its total

Fig. 7. Measured voltage gain of the chopper amplifier

Fig. 6. Current noise measurement of a chopper instrumentation amplifier. Fig. 8. Measured input-referred noise of the chopper amplifier.

input-referred noise, i.e., that (10) and (11) are satisfied [25] as The measured input-referred current noise PSD at various
follows: chopping frequencies is shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. As pre-
dicted by (5), the PSD of this chopper noise is linearly propor-
(10) tional to . Fig. 11 shows that, the measured input current
noise density is independent of the value of source resistance,
as expected.
Fig. 12 shows the measured SC input impedance of the
The input current noise PSD can then be determined from
chopper amplifier at different chopping frequencies. The
(12), where is the measured output noise voltage, is
smallest input impedance is about 250 M , which corresponds
the amplifier’s voltage gain, and the amplifier’s voltage noise
to the highest chopping frequency of 16 kHz. Hence, the
and source resistance are known. Note that the thermal
maximum current noise density associated with this SC input
noise of the choppers’ on-resistance is included in the measured
impedance is only 8 fA/sqrt(Hz), which is negligible compared
to the measured total current noise density of 158 fA/sqrt(Hz)
at this chopping frequency.

(12) B. Chopper Amplifiers With Capacitive Feedback

In an opamp, chopper noise will also cause significant ex-
Figs. 7 and 8 show the measured voltage gain and the cess voltage noise when the input chopper is located at a high-
input-referred voltage noise density of the chopper in- impedance internal node. For example, consider the inverting
strumentation amplifier. These results were used to determine opamp shown in Fig. 13, which is intended for biopotential
the input-referred current noise density and confirm the proper measurements [26]. The amplifier employs a coupling capac-
operation of the IA at the various chopping frequencies. itor C to block the input DC offset, while using a pseudo re-

Fig. 9. Measured input current noise PSD of the chopper amplifier.

Fig. 12. Measured SC input impedance of the chopper amplifier.

Fig. 13. Inverting capacitively coupled chopper amplifier (CCOPA).

Fig. 10. Input current noise PSD versus chopping frequencies.

Fig. 14. Measured and simulated input referred noise of inverting CCOPA
without chopping.

Fig. 11. Measured input noise current density with different source 0.18- m process and its input chopper consists of four NMOS
resistors kHz .
devices .
Due to the presence of C in the feedback path, the excess
sistor and a capacitor C in the feedback path to define its voltage noise PSD exhibits a spectrum (with a pole at
voltage gain and establish a high-pass corner at about 0.5 Hz. As ), which is given by
a result, the amplifier’s virtual ground is a high-impedance node,
which converts chopper noise into significant amounts of ex-
cess voltage noise. The amplifier was implemented in a TSMC

Fig. 15. Measured and simulated input referred voltage noise of inverting CCOPA at variable chopping frequencies.

Fig. 16. Non-inverting capacitively coupled chopper amplifier (CCOPA). Fig. 17. Measured and simulated input referred voltage noise of non-inverting
CCOPA without chopping.
With chopping disabled, the current noise is quite low, and so
any noise is buried in noise. This has been verified by current noise densities ranged from 7.5 fA/sqrt(Hz) at 500 Hz
periodic noise simulations and measurements (Fig. 14). As can to 21 fA/sqrt(Hz) at 5 kHz, and in line with (5), are roughly
be seen, the simulation results match the measurement results proportional to the square root of the chopping frequency.
well. A similar effect occurs in the non-inverting opamp shown
With chopping enabled, however, the ensuing chopper noise in Fig. 16, which was also implemented in a TSMC 0.18- m
results in excess voltage noise, which dominates the process [27]. The amplifier employs a CMOS chopper with
amplifier’s noise performance (Fig. 15). In order to simulate equally sized PMOS and NMOS devices .
the effect of chopper noise, a current noise source at the With chopping disabled, the amplifier’s noise is dom-
high-impedance chopping node (Fig. 13) was added. As shown inant and the measured noise is in good agreement with
in Fig. 15, its magnitude was then adjusted to fit the measure- simulations (Fig. 17). With chopping enabled, noise
ments obtained at different chopping frequencies. The resulting becomes dominant since the amplifier’s inverting input is a

Fig. 18. Measured and simulated input referred voltage noise of non-inverting CCOPA at variable chopping frequencies.

high-impedance node. The measured noise corresponds to a

current noise density that ranges from 12 fA/sqrt(Hz) at 500 Hz
to 32.5 fA/sqrt(Hz) at 5 kHz, as shown in Fig. 18. As before,
the current noise density is roughly proportional to the square
root of the chopping frequency. In this design, the feedback
capacitors were much larger (16 ) than those in the inverting
amplifier, and so although the corner is still dominant, its
corner frequency is significantly lower.


In order to investigate the relationship between chopper
noise, charge injection and clock feed-through, a dedicated
noise-testing chip was implemented in a standard 0.18- m
CMOS process (Fig. 19). The chip consists of four chopper
IAs, similar to the one described in [4], but each equipped
with four different types of input chopper (Fig. 20): an NMOS
chopper, an NMOS chopper with dummy switches, a CMOS Fig. 19. Chip photograph of the noise-testing chip.

chopper, and a bootstrapped NMOS chopper with a low-swing

chopper clock. The NMOS chopper was used as a reference, 2. To maintain the amplifier’s high input impedance, a voltage
while the other three types of chopper represent various known follower is used to buffer the input CM voltage and supply the
methods of reducing charge rejection and clock feed-through current spikes required by the clock drivers [29].
errors [1], [28]. The current noise PSD of the reference NMOS chopper
As in [28], the bootstrapped NMOS chopper uses a ca- shows the expected linear relation with the chopping frequency
pacitively coupled clock driver to ensure that the MOSFETs (Fig. 21). The current noise PSD produced by the four input
are driven at a constant overdrive voltage that is independent choppers is compared in Fig. 22. It is interesting to note that
of input CM variations. This can also be achieved with the both the CMOS chopper and the NMOS chopper with dummy
switched-capacitor scheme proposed in [29]. The coupling switches generate more current noise than the reference NMOS
capacitors and the chopping clock amplitude are chosen such chopper, while the bootstrapped NMOS chopper generates the
that the amplitude of the resulting is reduced by a factor of lowest current noise. The reason for this is that chopper noise

Fig. 20. Four types of input chopper switches: (a) NMOS, (b) NMOS with dummy switches, (c) CMOS, (d) NMOS with bootstrapped clock drivers.

Fig. 21. Current noise PSD comparison of NMOS chopper amplifiers at var- Fig. 22. Current noise PSD comparison of four chopper amplifiers
ious chopping frequencies. kHz .

is related to the charge injection, and hence the shot noise, As shown in Fig. 23, all the alternative chopper architectures
associated with the individual chopper switches. As such it do reduce the amplifier’s DC input current to various degrees.
cannot be canceled by using dummy or complementary MOS- Apparently, the charge injection of the main NMOS switches
FETs. In fact, the use of additional MOSFETs only increases can be significantly reduced by a low-swing clock driver, and ef-
the total amount of charge injection and hence the total amount fectively canceled by the use of simultaneously clocked PMOS
of current noise. However, the bootstrapped NMOS chopper is or dummy switches, thus leading to lower input currents. As ex-
driven by a low-swing clock, which reduces its charge injection pected from (3), the input current of all four chopper amplifiers
and thus leads to less current noise. increases monotonically with .

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[27] S. Mitra, J. Xu, A. Matsumoto, K. A. A. Makinwa, C. Van Hoof, and R. Chris Van Hoof (M’87) received the Ph.D. degree in
F. Yazicioglu, “A 700 8-channel EEG/contact-impedance acquisi- electrical engineering from the University of Leuven,
tion system for dry-electrodes,” in Proc. Symp. VLSI Circuits (VLSIC), Leuven, Belgium, in 1992.
Jun. 2012, pp. 68–69. Since 1992, he has been with IMEC, Leuven. He
[28] Q. Fan, J. H. Huijsing, and K. A. A. Makinwa, “A 78 30 V is currently the Director of Heterogeneous Integrated
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chopper instrumentation amplifier with 5 offset for high-side cur- healthcare program at IMEC in Leuven and at the
rent-sensing applications,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. Holst Centre, a collaboration between imec and TNO
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[29] Y. Kusuda, “A 5.9 nV Hz chopper operational amplifier with 0.78 His work focuses on wearable healthcare and its
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record of 20 years of initiating, executing, and leading R&D contracts with
industry, and among others, he delivered space-qualified flight hardware to
two cornerstone European Space Agency missions. He has published over 500
papers and given 40 invited talks or keynotes.
Jiawei Xu received the M.Sc. degree in micro-
electronics from Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands, in 2006. He is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the Delft University of Refet Firat Yazicioglu received the Ph.D. degree in
Technology. electronics engineering from Katholieke Universiteit
After the M.Sc. degree, he started as a Researcher Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, in 2008 in collaboration
on analog IC design at the imec/Holst Centre in with imec, Belgium.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where he worked on He is currently working at imec, Belgium as R&D
low-power readout circuits for smart sensors. He Team Leader, where he is leading the “Biomedical
is currently working on low-power biopotential Integrated Circuits” team focusing on analog and
readout circuits. mixed signal integrated circuit design for biomedical
applications. During his research, he has (co)au-
thored over 50 publications, three book chapters,
and a book on ultra-low-power circuit and system
Qinwen Fan (S’10) was born in Inner Mongolia, design for biomedical applications, and authored several patents in this field.
China. She received the B.Sc. degree in electronics He has developed several generations of integrated circuits for wearable and
science and technology from Nankai University, implantable healthcare applications.
Tianjin, China, in 2006 and the M.Sc. degree in mi- Dr. Yazicioglu is the corecepient of Best Paper Award in Biomedical Circuits
croelectronics from Delft University of Technology and System Conference 2011, Smart Systems Integration Conference, 2008, and
(cum laude), Delft, Netherlands, in 2008. She is Sensors & Transducers Journal 2008. He serves in the technical program com-
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at TU Delft. mittees of European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) and Interna-
From August 2007 to August 2008, she was an in- tional Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC). He is also co-chair of Biomed-
tern at NXP Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The ical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 2013 in Rotterdam.
Netherlands, where she worked on a precision instru-
mentation amplifier for biomedical purposes. In Oc-
tober 2012, she joined Maxim integrated in Delft, The Netherlands. Her research
interests include precision analog amplifiers, biomedical interface circuits, and Kofi A. A. Makinwa (M’97–SM’05–F’11) received
mixed-signal integrated circuits. the B.Sc. (First Class Honsors) and M.Sc. degrees
from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria,
in 1985 and 1988, respectively, the M.E.E. degree
(cum laude) from the Philips International Institute,
Johan H. Huijsing (SM’81–F’97–LF’10) was born Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and the Ph.D. degree
on May 21, 1938. He received the M.Sc. degree in from Delft University of Technology, Delft, The
electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Netherlands, in 1989 and 2004, respectively.
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Nether- He is currently an Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
lands, in 1969 and 1981, respectively. Professor with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
He has been an Assistant and Associate Professor Computer Science and Mathematics, Delft Uni-
in Electronic Instrumentation at the Faculty of Elec- versity of Technology, which he joined in 1999. From 1989 to 1999, he was
trical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, a Research Scientist with Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, where
since 1969. He became a Full Professor in the chair he worked on interactive displays and digital recording systems. His current
of Electronic Instrumentation in 1990, and Professor research interests include the design of precision analog circuitry, sigma-delta
Emeritus since 2003. From 1982 through 1983, he modulators, smart sensors, and sensor interfaces. This has led to four books, 18
was a Senior Scientist at Philips Research Labs., Sunnyvale, CA, USA. From patents and over 170 technical papers.
1983 until 2005, he was a Consultant for Philips Semiconductors, Sunnyvale, Prof. Makinwa is on the Program Committees of the European Solid-State
CA, USA, and since 1998 also a consultant for Maxim, Sunnyvale, CA, USA. Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) and the Advances in Analog Circuit Design
The research work of Johan Huijsing is focused on operational amplifiers, (AACD) Workshop. From 2006 to 2012, he was on the Program Committee of
analog-to-digital converters and integrated smart sensors. He has supervised the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC). He has been a Guest
30 Ph.D. students. He is author or coauthor of more than 300 scientific papers, Editor of the IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS (JSSC) and a Distin-
40 U.S. patents and 15 books. In 1992 he initiated the international Workshop guished Lecturer of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (2008 to 2011). For
on Advances in Analog Circuit Design. He co-organized it yearly until 2003. his doctoral research, he was awarded the 2005 Simon Stevin Gezel Award from
Prof. Huijsing has been a member of the programme committee of the Euro- the Dutch Technology Foundation. He is also a corecipient of several best paper
pean Solid-State Circuits Conference from 1992 until 2002. He was chairman awards: from the JSSC, ISSCC, ESSCIRC and Transducers, among others. He
of the Dutch STW Platform on Sensor Technology and of the biannual national is an alumnus of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of
Workshop on Sensor Technology from 1991 until 2002. He was awarded the Arts and Sciences and an Elected Member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits So-
title of Simon Stevin Meester by the Dutch Technology Foundation. ciety AdCom, the society’s governing board.

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