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Pertanyaan Tentang Keunggulan dan Kelemahan Diri

Contoh Pertanyaan Keunggulan Diri:

● What is your greatest strength?
● What do you believe is your strength?
● Why do you think you are fit for this job?

Contoh Jawaban Keunggulan Diri:

● I believe my greatest strength is communication. In my previous job as a
salesperson, I was able to communicate and influence my prospective clients
into buying my products. I am comfortable in public speaking, and I have
presented in front of different types of audiences in the past.
● I’m a goal-driven person. I always set goals that motivate me to work hard. I
have achieved my goals so far and now I am looking for ways to improve myself
and grow.
● I am able to adapt quickly to new environments/conditions, which is critical in
fast-paced industries like the ecommerce.
● I always take initiative in work. I am self-driven and does not wait for my boss
to hand me a list of things to do.
● One of my strengths is my ability to work in teams. I enjoy working with others
and believe that teamwork is crucial in delivering high-quality results.
● I believe I have good analytical skills. In the past, I have won several case
competitions that required complex analysis of business reports.

Contoh Pertanyaan Kelemahan Diri:
● What do you think is your greatest weakness?
● Could you please describe your weaknesses?

Contoh Jawaban Kelemahan Diri:

● I am not a natural multitasker and hence I find it difficult to work on multiple
projects simultaneously. However, I am trying to improve by focusing on one
project at a given time period. For example, I organize my day into different
time periods where I focus on different projects individually.
● Being an introvert, I can be hesitant in asking others for help and try to solve
problems myself.
● I am not the most organised person and hence my work can, at times, be all over
the place.
● I am a perfectionist and this causes me to spend more time than needed to check
my work.
I am not good in confronting others. Hence, I often feel uncomfortable in
giving honest and constructive criticism to my colleagues.

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