ELEMENTS OF ART Lesson Plan Final

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Lesson Plan SCHOOL General Macarthur National GRADE LEVEL 11

Agricultural School
TEACHER Archie A. Orollo LEARNING Contemporary
AREA Philippine Arts
from the Regions
TEACHING April 14, 2023 QUARTER 3
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the significant roles of artists from the
B. Performance Standard Create avenues to advocate the arts from the different regions.
C. Most Essential Learning Evaluate contemporary art forms based on the elements and principles.
Competencies (CAR11/12CAP-a0c-e-6)
D. Specific Objectives a. Identify the elements of art;
b. Illustrate the elements of arts; and
c. Appreciate the importance of elements of arts in creating an artwork.
A. Topic Elements of Arts
B. Learning Resources
B.1. References MELC,
Module 5 (First Edition, 2020, DepEd - BLR)

B.2. Materials Needed PowerPoint presentation, White Screen Laptop, Projector, Printed Art
Pictures, Metastrips, Marker, Thumbtacks or Scotch Tape,
A. Reviewing previous lesson Teacher will use the questions below to help them recall the concepts.
or (Topic: Forms of Arts)
A. presenting the new lesson
1. What are the seven major forms of arts?
2. What are the categories of art?

(3 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for Show a picture of artworks. Let the students tell what they’ve noticed
the lesson in each picture.

Numeracy Integration:
1. Count how many triangle do you see on picture 1?
2. Identify what geometric forms do you see on picture 2?

The teacher will present the objectives of the lesson

The teacher will explain the importance of the topic

(5 minutes)

C. Presenting What do you observe from the picture presented? What were used to create
examples/instances of new . the artwork?
5 minutes

D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will discuss the elements of arts.
practicing new skills #1
15 minutes

E. Discussing new concepts Group Activity: Art Analysis

and practicing new skills #2 Divide the class into two. The teacher will show pictures and each group
will identify what element of art is present. They will write it on a meta strip
and paste under the picture posted.

(7 minutes)
F. Developing Mastery Individual Activity: Elemental Art Creation
(15 minutes)
1. Illustrate the seven elements of art based on your understanding about
the lesson. The output can be made according to the students desire. (Slogan
Writing with Design, Poster Making, Drawing, Painting, Digital Art, Digital
Drawing, Digital Painting, Collage)
2. The materials needed in this activity are pencil, coloring materials,
paintbrush, paint, water color, markers, erasure, ruler, smart phones, and
other art materials.
3. Those digitally made outputs can be submitted to class Group Chat
G. Making generalizations and Are these elements of art important? Explain your answer. Or Let a student
abstractions about the lesson make a generalization about the lesson.
(3 minutes)

H. Evaluating learning A. Multiple Choice. Read and analyze the questions carefully, and choose
the correct answer from the box below.
Complementary colors Line Space Shape Shade

Form Value Texture Color Tint

(7 minutes)
1. It refers to distances or areas around, between or within
components of a piece and refers to the arrangement of objects on the
picture plane (two-dimensional).
2. It is the way we see light reflected from a surface or
refracted through a prism.
3. It is an element of art that is used to define shape, contours,
and outlines, also to suggest mass and volume.
4. It is the three-dimensionality of an object. It has dimensions of
height, width, and length
5. It pertains to the lightness or darkness of a color in a given
6. It is the element that appeals to our sense of feel on things
rough or smooth, bumpy or slippery.
7. It is an area that is enclosed by a line or lines.
8. It pertains to the darkness of a color.
9. These are colors that lie next to each other based on the
color wheel.
10. These are colors that are opposite to each other based on
the color wheel

I. Additional activities for Assignment: Reflection Writing: What did you learn about the elements of
application or remediation art? How did your understanding of the elements of art affect your art
creation process? What feedback did you receive about your artwork and
how will you use it to improve your future art pieces?
(Literacy Integration)


A. No. of learners who earned 75%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 75%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation?
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS Teacher II MTII/Makabayan Coordinator

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