Legal & Political Systems

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a) What is their legal and political systems?

The legal system includes rules, procedures and institutions by which public initiatives
and private efforts can be carried out through lawful means. In other words, it is a system for
interpreting and enforcing the law. It elaborates on rights and responsibilities in a variety of
ways. The three major legal systems of the world consist of civil law, common law and
theocratic law.

The legal system for Singapore is based on the common law legal system of England.
With the enactment of the Application of English Law Act, the common law of England
continued to apply to the extent that it was part of the law of Singapore immediately before 12
November 1993. Singapore law also has law-based areas such as criminal law (Code of
Criminal Procedure), company law (Companies Act), and law of evidence (Evidence Act). When
the Singapore Parliament enacts a law, the judiciary is bound to use it. In interpreting statutes,
courts use a purposeful approach, as opposed to a literal approach.

A political system is basically the system of politics and government in a country. It

governs a complete set of rules, regulations, institutions, and attitudes. A main differentiator of
political systems is each system’s philosophy on the rights of the individual and the group as
well as the role of government. Each political system’s philosophy impacts the policies that
govern the local economy and business environment.

The political system for Singapore is a parliamentary republic in which the People’s
Action Party (PAP), in power since 1959, dominates the political arena. Its population is about
five million, with foreign guest workers accounting for a quarter of the total. Opposition parties
existed, and the 2006 parliamentary elections were generally fair and free from interference;
however, the PAP placed formidable obstacles in the path of political opponents. Security forces
reported to public authorities. The government has broad powers to limit the rights of the people
and the crippled political opposition, which it exercises. Whipping is a permissible punishment
for many offenses. The following human rights issues were also reported: preventive detention,
violations of citizens ’privacy rights and restriction on freedom of speech and press and self -
censorship practices by journalists, restrictions on freedom of assembly and association, some
restricted restrictions on religious freedom, and some human trafficking.
b) What is their gross domestic product (GDP) per capita incomes?

The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Singapore was last recorded at 58056.81 US
dollars in 2020. GDP per Capita in Singapore is equivalent to 460 percent of the world average.

Based on the chart graph above, GDP per capita for Singapore is stated for 10 years.
Firstly, for year 2012 GDP per capita was 51663.49. Secondly, in 2013 GDP per capita was
53292.61. Thirdly, for year 2014 it was 54676.7. Fourthly, for year 2015 is 55646.62. Next, for
year 2016 is 56757.92. Moreover, for year 2017 it is 59271.06. Furthermore, for year 2018 it is
61056.58. Next, for year 2019 is 61173.9. Finally, for year 2020 it is 58056.81. That’s all GDP
per capita from year 2012 to 2020 for Singapore’s per capita GDP.

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