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Challenging Prejudice

Building Tolerance

Submitted by:
Pabalate, Luisa Justine N.
Palomo, Lalaine M.
Pasion, Miguella P.
Pidigan, Avril Arley B.
Ragenil, Dimple Grace B.
Reyes, Chester Paul H.
Reyes, Neil Paterson C.
Roque, Margaret Francesca C.
Sabino, Laarni Joy B.
Sacdalan, Sharmaine B.
Santos, Christian Joseph L.

Submitted to:
Marianita Sarmiento

May 21, 2023

How do you feel about the story?

First of all, I felt sad about the story of Rosa Parks. It shows us an act of racism. In her
story, I believe that no individual should be treated like that and even in laws, everyone should
be treated equally. So, her story served as an inspiration and gave us strength or the ability for
common people like us to have a significant influence on society. Do not let others mistreat us
and ignore our existence as a human being. In order to have the courage to fight for civil rights,
Rosa Parks' choice to refuse to give up her seat to a white passenger was a turning point. We
became motivated to choose to oppose unfair laws as a result. We are reminded by her story to
persistently resist conformity. She motivates younger generations with her persistence and
courage to speak out against injustice, promote equality, and advance a diverse society.
Discrimination because of skin color, race, gender, ethnicity, etc. could have a negative effect on
individuals in a community. We should stop and do something like fostering inclusive and
equitable policies and practices, and advance our awareness and education. Also, remember that
every action we make can affect others so be mindful of what you do.

The story of Rosa Parks Is a powerful and inspiring reminder of the courage and resolve
demonstrated by activists during the Civil Rights Movement. Her decision to refuse to give up
her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus not only sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott but also
served as a catalyst for The larger Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Her act of civil
disobedience was a symbolic gesture that demonstrated the importance of challenging unjust
laws and practices in society. Furthermore, the fact that Rosa Parks was not an isolated figure but
part of a broader strategy to achieve equality and justice is also crucial. Her story serves as an
important reminder that social progress can be achieved through the collective efforts of
individuals who are willing to stand up and take action against oppression and injustice. It’s a
story of hope, courage, and resilience that continues to inspire individuals around the world in
their fight for equality and social justice.

What would you have done if you were Rosa Parks? If you were the White

My decision would be based on my own ideas, morals, and level of bravery if I were Rosa
Parks, faced with the same situation, it would be difficult to predict how I would react.Though
she was aware of the possible effect, Rosa Parks made the decision to oppose the unfair system
by holding onto her seat. However, considering her bravery and determination, I would like to
believe that I would have done something similar. Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat was an
act of resistance against an unjust system.

If I were the white passenger, It would be important to acknowledge the unfair policies,
fight against them, and support the cause of racial equality rather than expecting or demanding a
seat. It would have been an opportunity to challenge the segregation laws and demonstrate
support for equality and civil rights. I know that speaking up might be hard for some, especially
that racism is a big issue around the world. But always remember that we have to start
somewhere for racism to stop. Standing for what is right is never wrong, the ones who did these
horrible things to others are the ones who should be scared, and not the one who is fighting for
what is right. Also, we must do this in a proper way, though what they did was bad, we still must
approach them in the right way. Every day, each of us have the right to speak out against racial
prejudice and disrespectful attitudes. If we practice this starting to ourselves,we can influence the
people around ud to do just the same and before we know it we already made an impact to our
society. Nobody deserves to be treated that way, we should work together so each and one of us
can live a peaceful life, where human rights are practiced and exercised.

In conclusion, Rosa Parks' decision to resist the unfair system by refusing to give up her
seat was a courageous act of defiance. If faced with a similar situation, it is difficult to predict
how one would react, but it would be important to base the decision on personal ideas, morals,
and level of bravery. As the white passenger, it would be crucial to acknowledge the injustice of
segregation policies, support the cause of racial equality, and actively challenge and fight against
those unfair systems rather than expecting or demanding privileges. Standing up for what is
right, even in the face of adversity, is a necessary step towards combating racism and promoting
a society where human rights are respected and practiced. By speaking out against racial
prejudice and disrespectful attitudes, and influencing others to do the same, we can collectively
make a positive impact on society and work towards a more peaceful and equitable world..

Imagine their preferred situation in this incident. How can they contribute to
achieving what they prefer?

In Rosa Parks' preferred situation, she would have liked to see an end to racial segregation
and discrimination on public transportation. To contribute to achieving this goal, she took a
courageous stand by refusing to give up her seat on the bus. Her act of defiance served as a
catalyst for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a coordinated effort by the ko African American
community to protest the unjust treatment and segregation on buses.

According to Mrs. Rosa Parks' story, in order to achieve their ideal situation, they can
help raise awareness of civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance as a means of combating
ingrained social injustices. In this way, they can inform and educate their community about the
value and efficacy of nonviolent resistance in fostering social change. Additionally, they can
inform and educate community members about the history of the civil rights struggle to give
people the confidence to oppose unfair laws and policies and to encourage peaceful resistance
and nonviolent protests as a way to bring about change and hold institutions accountable for their
Will we govern a nation where discrimination predominates? Rosa Parks' story is truly an
eye opener to all people, in different races, that discrimination is truly an unremarkable idea of
devastating half of the community. We all know that there was a division or no harmony between
the white and black people in the past. Rosa Parks was indeed frustrated in the situation she lives
in. We would be living in harmony and peace if we have the mindset of being fair and
understanding, then there will be justice since we humans are unique in our own ways. However,
in Rosa Parks' time, people truly obey the law, but the law favors someone based on their skin
color. Therefore, there is no justice existing in her time. Even until now, there is widespread of
discrimination not only among the African-American community, but also those who are Asian.
We can all achieve countering the effects of social injustice through consistent giving of
education and awareness to build a more sociable community. Education and awareness are the
key aspects to achieve this goal. It was the bravery of Rosa Parks to promote social justice and
racial awareness, and we are the ones who will be responsible for the continuity of fighting in
forbearance biased laws and policies.

Furthermore, Mrs. Rosa Parks situation, everyone can use their voice to speak out in
regards to social or racial justice and equal rights. Encourage groups or everyone that work to
eliminate discrimination and promote inclusiveness. Speak up with confidence against racism
and injustice in your neighborhood, community, as well as on media forums. Participate in
discussions, impart knowledge, insight, and inspire others to take action for everyone's freedom
and justice.

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