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Reana S.

Paraiso STS
I-PS3 Prof. Fernandez

The text published in 2020 was about the discovery of skulls beneath a tower in Mexico
City, which archaeologists believe were ritually sacrificed by the Aztecs in ancient history. These
events occurred between 1486 and 1502. The skulls are tzompantli in shape, and they believe
they were warriors back then, but they discovered that the skulls included not only men, but also
women and children. They claimed that these were the captives who were ritually sacrificed to
their god in order for the people's lives to be sustained and the world to continue turning.
However, according to the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), the Aztecs
used this to demonstrate their enemies' powers and the might of their empire to enemies.

Despite the fact that we were not alive at the time of the Aztec culture, we have experts
who can explain the mystery surrounding the human body that was discovered because skulls
were the objects that were discovered beneath the tower in Mexico City. Furthermore, "the Huei
Tzompantli is, without a doubt, one of the most impressive archaeological finds of recent years
in our country," Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, Mexico City's culture secretary, said in a statement.
I agree because I've heard stories about people being murdered just to feed their god, but I had no
idea the skulls were made like that. It's almost as if they created it as an art form, with a wall of
skulls facing the center. They also thought that the people they sacrificed were gifts for their
gods. On the other hand, ritually sacrificing and gifting gods by killing people is no longer
practiced today. Although diverse traditions and religions are practiced in different nations,
killing individuals is currently prohibited, particularly in the Philippines. As Catholics, we pray
and obediently practice the tradition for our god so worship him.

As a result, it is truly amazing that researchers discovered this type of occurrence even
though it occurred a long time ago. This is already part of our history, and I believe that experts
will continue to learn more about it and explain it to us in the future. Things like this are
important to us and for us to understand, even if they happened a long time ago, because I
believe we will not understand the present if we do not understand nor know the past.

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