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WH- Questions (Present Simple) MCQ Grammar Quiz - Test - Exercise

1. (A) … do you live? 9. (A) … is your name?

(B) I live in Mexico City. (B) My name is Stewart.

A) How A) What
B) Where B) Who
C) Who C) How
2. (A) … does Michael get to work? 10. (A) … are you at home today?

(B) He drives to work. (B) I feel sick.

A) Who A) Where
B) Where B) Who
C) How C) Why
3. (A) … old are you? 11. (A) … day is it?

(B) I’m twenty-three. (B) It’s Monday.

A) Why A) When
B) What B) What
C) How C) Who

4. (A) … is that? 12. (A) … can I start work?

(B) It’s a butterfly. (B) You can start now!

A) What A) What
B) Where B) When
C) Who C) Who
5. (A) … is my cell phone? 13. (A) … time is it?

(B) I think I saw it on the table. (B) It’s ten o’clock.

A) Where A) How
B) What B) When
C) When C) What
6. (A) … do cows eat? 14. (A) … are you late?

(B) They eat grass. (B) My car is broken down.

A) How A) Why
B) What B) Who
C) When C) Where
7. (A) … is your best friend? 15. (A) … are your bags?

(B) Sofia is my best friend. (B) They are over there.

A) What A) Where
B) Who B) Why
C) Why C) How
8. (A) … do you usually get up? 16. (A) … are you today?

(B) I usually get up at six o’clock. (B) I’m fine, thanks.

A) When A) How
B) Why B) Who
C) Who C) Where

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WH- Questions (Present Simple) MCQ Grammar Quiz - Test - Exercise

Answer Key:

1: B 9: A
2: C 10: C
3: C 11: B
4: A 12: B
5: A 13: C
6: B 14: A
7: B 15: A
8: A 16: A

 By visiting the link below, you can access the online version of this test and see the most recent updates.

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