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1. Mahasantri membuat video berisi dialog/interview dalam Bahasa Inggris.

2. Dialog/interview dilakukan oleh 2 orang dalam Zoom Meeting.
3. Saat berdialog dalam Zoom Meeting, kamera mahasantri harus dalam keadaan aktif.
4. Display name akun Zoom mahasantri dinamai dengan nama lengkap.
3. Mahasantri secara bergantian menjadi interviewer/penanya dan interviewee/yang
4. Pertanyaan yang diajukan terdiri dari 3 bagian (pertanyaan terlampir).
5. Video speaking diupload di Google Drive dan link/ tautannya dikumpulkan di
Host/Wali Kelas paling lambat 5 Januari 2022.


I. Speaking Bagian 1 (Pilih 5 dari 10)

1. Let’s talk about your hometown.
2. Where is your hometown?
3. What do you like about it?
4. What do you not like about it?
5. How important is your hometown to you?
6. Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?
7. Let’s move on to talk about accommodation. Tell me about the kind of
accommodation you live in?
8. Does the place you live in have many amenities?
9. Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?
10. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

II. Speaking Bagian 2 (Durasi Menjawab Minimal 1 Menit)

Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You should say:    
 How and why you got it
 How long you it took you to read it or how long you have been reading it
 What kind of book it is
And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why

III. Speaking Bagian 3 (Pilih 3 dari 4)

1. Do people read more nowadays?
2. Do you read before going to bed?
3. In your opinion, how will e-books affect paper books?
4. What's the difference between films and books?

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