Prach Chomroeun - Homework #3 (March 24th 2022)

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DATE: MARCH 24th 2022


Video Clip #3: Reflective Writing

Topic: Literature Review

First and foremost, I'd like to thank Professor Pich Bunroeun for sharing some useful videos on
how to write a reflection paper with me. For week 2 homework, I was told to watch the video "How to
Write a Reflection Paper" and then use PowerPoint format to summarize what I had learned. I've included
a few notes, including "Begin with brainstorming portions of your experience, then any relevant ideas
you've explored."
The literature review is a section of the paper where we locate references to support our ideas and
strengthen our voice in our research or study. The videos provided by Professor Pich Bunroeun are all
excellent since they attempt to explain how to write a great literature review (LR). We must consider these
procedures in order to evaluate the literature review. The first step is that we have to see the author of this
research and ask some questions like "is he an expert?", "is it academic?", and "Is it relevant?". How do
we select the literature review for our study?
One way is by looking at where it comes from, especially when it is published. Questions such as
"Who is the researcher?", "What is his aim?", "perspective?", "biases?", "significant?", "Do the findings
support the research?", "strong methods?", and "Is it relevant to your research?". After we select a
literature review, we need to organize the ideas by taking notes from that literature review on our study.
The literature review must include two crucial components. The first type is descriptive or
reporting, in which we describe "what happened?" and "what the author discovered, discussed, and did in
relation to the issue." The second type is interpretative or critical, which means we'll ask and answer
questions, analyze, explain, and interpret the data.
The video has explained to me how to make our literature review very heavy with quality and clear
illustrations. The language used for highlighting interpreting is important because it will help us transform
from descriptive to interpretive writing and make our voice stronger. There are several phrases used to
emphasize interpreting, such as: this show that reveals, highlights, points to, implies, this is
important/significant because it draws attention to it, this can be illustrated by what this means, pointing

to, illustrating, pointing to the need for Therefore, I will utilize most of these words or phrases for the
literature review in my Master’s Research Project Paper in 2022.
I rarely summarize or deduce for a literature review. Surprisingly, the critical assessment in the
literature review astounds me. What I have learned from the video is that responding with a critique is the
essence of a critique; it summarizes and responds to the article. Our response becomes your thesis. To
write a critique, we need to follow three steps: follow by description, critique, and solution. There are
some languages of deficit critiquing like "a question needs to be asked, however, is whether...", "a
weakness with this argument, however, is that...", "one of the limitations with this explanation is that it...",
"this approach fails to take... into account." For the solutions, "the study would have been more useful if
it had...", "the findings may have been more applicable if...". Additionally, "in this milestone study, Smith
found...", "this was significant/influential in that it...", "Moss (2013) correctly argues that...", "Ling (2015)
makes the very valid point that..." are the weaknesses critique. Therefore, I plan to add the critical points
from my literature review to fulfill my weakness point. In the critical part, I will use some strong words
or phrases, as mentioned a few lines above.
From the past to the present, I have written the Literature Review in ways that are not particularly
conventional, qualified, critical, or burdensome. I just duplicate the idea for the writers, using basic terms
or phrases, describing topics with interpretation, and utilizing certain sources from Google that are not
from well-known printing companies. I'd go through some amazing methods from the video again. When
writing a Literature Review, we must consider reading and assessing several sources, as well as
using/writing professional citations with proper references to support our research project paper/journal.


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