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Denise Aguilera
Teacher in Filipino
Inosloban-Marawoy Integrated National High school

Dear Ms. Aguilera


I’m Indicating that I want to apply to this institution as a work immersion student. I am
looking forward to be part of this activity in Inosloban Marawoy Integrated National High
School for the accomplishment of this organization. I believe with my excellent
participating skills will help me to work with teachers and other workers in the school to
enhance the current study programs. I am able to influence others with my personality
in a good way. Performs a motivated learners discipline environment.I am confident that
my outstanding interpersonal skills will enable me to collaborate with teachers and other
staff members at the school to improve the current study programs. I have the capacity
to positively affect others through my personality. performs in a disciplined setting with
motivated learners.

In my Elementary days I am happy help my teachers and fellow students and active in
school so I got the happy helper award. I am always happy to help I can give it. When I
was in high school I received an award because I won the district meet as an athlete
and I am a good student and study hard so I can accomplish that’s school years. Now
Im Senior High School and I experience to work at my aunt company. And I can prove
to you that I can do my best to help in the success of this organization and to help other
students in Inosloban Marawoy Integrated National High school and to improve my skills
and to learn more experiences

Just like I said, students will gain my experience, Please allow me to use this chance to
help and interested to this opportunity to improve the good discipline of the learners.

Thank you so much for your consideration.


Jelly Mae M. Contorno

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