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Steel Concrete Composite Columns

Design of Column (Composite Structures)

Column dimension = 350 1000
Steel Section = ISMB 500
Reinforcement steel area = 0.5% of Gross area
Concrete cover to flange = 85 mm
Height of the column = 2700 mm

List of material properties

1) Structural Steel

Steel section = ISMB 500

Nominal Yield strength fy = 250 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity Ea = 200 KN/mm2
Design Values P= 6260 KN
Mx= 219.68 KN-m
My= 164.33 KN-m

2) Concrete

Concrete grade fck= 25 N/mm2

Secant modulus of elasticity for short term loading, Ecm = 31220 N/mm2

3) Reinforcing Steel

Steel grade fsk= 415 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity Es = 200 KN/mm2

4) Partial safety factors for material

γa = 1.15
γc = 1.5
γs = 1.15

Section properties of given sections

Aa= 11074 mm2

h= 500 mm
tw= 10.2 mm
Iax = 452.183 x10^6 mm4
Iay = 13.69 x10^6 mm4

Calculation for reinforcing steel

size of composite column 350 1000 mm
Area of reinforcement = 0.5% gross concrete area
= 1750 mm2

Provide number of bars 6 nos of 25 mm bars

Area of rebar provided = 2945.24 mm2 area of rebar ok


Ac = Ag-Aa-As
= 335980.756887 mm2

5) Design Checks:

i) Plastic resistance of section

Pp = Aa*fy/γa+ αc*Ac*(fck)cy/γc+As*fsk/γs

= 8229.9673 KN

ii) Calculation of effective elastic flexural stiffness of the section

About major axis

(EI)ex = Ea*Iax+0.8*Ecd*Icx+Es*Isx

Where Ecd = Ecm/γc

= 20813.333

Iax = 452183000 mm4

Isx = Ah2 Formulae confused??
= 589803341.096 mm4

Icx = 28124680325.6 mm4

(EI)ex = 6.7669195E+14 N-mm2

About minor axis

(EI)ey = 7.742E+13 N-mm2 find this calculate

Non dimensional slenderness

λ= (Ppu / Pcr )^ 1/2

Value of Ppu = (γa=γc=γs=1.0)

Ppu = Aa*fy+αc*Ac*(fck)cy+As*fsk
Ppu = 11130366.9756 N

(Pcr)x = π^2 *(EI)x/h2

(Pcr)x = 916142908.473 KN

(Pcr)y = 104815469.511 KN

λx = 0.11022322902
λy = 0.32586825106

Resistance to compostite column under axial compression.

Buckling resistance should satisfy the following conditions

Pb< X Pp

Pb = Buckling load
X = Reduction factor for column buckling
Pp = Plastic resistance of the section 8229.9673 KN

X values
About major axis
αx = 0.34

Xx = 1/{Φx+(Φx^2-λx)^1/2}
Φx = 0.5[1+αx(λx-0.2)+λx^2]
Φx = 0.49081252904

Xx = 1.03189763976 >1 1

About minor axis

αy = 0.49
Xy = 1/{Φy+(Φy^2-λy)^1/2}
Φy = 0.5[1+αy(λy-0.2)+λy^2]
Φy = 0.58393278003

Xy = 0.93590771995

(Pb)x = Xx Pp
(Pb)x = 8229.96729514 KN okay

(Pb)y = Xy Pp
(Pb)y = 7702.48992648 okay

Hence lower the value of plastic resistance against buckling Pb = 7702.49 KN

Whereas column has to survive the axial load Pu of 6260 KN only

Resistance of composite column under axial compresssion and bi-axial bending,

Compression resistance of concrete Pc = Ac Pck
Pc = 4759.7274 KN

About Major axis

Plastic section modulus of the reinforcement

Zps = 3514656.7812 mm3

Plastic section modulus of the steel section

Zpa = 2075000 mm3

From steel table

Plastic section modulus of concrete

Zpc = (bchc^2/4)-Zps-Zpa
Zpc = 81910343.2188

Check that the position of neutral axis in the web

hn = AcPck-As' (2Psk-Pck)/2bcPck+2tw(2Py-Pck)

hn = 128.941335814

The neutral axis lies in the web.

As' = 0 as there is no reinforcement within the region of the steel web.
Section modulus about the neutral axis.

Zpsn = 0
as there is no reinforcement within the region of the steel web

Zpan = tw hn^2
Zpan = 169583.854432 mm3

Zpcn = bc*hn^2-Zpsn-Zpan
Zpcn = 16456284.2271 m^3

Plastic moment resistance of the section

Mpx = Py (Zpa-Zpan) +0.5pck (Zpc-Zpcn) + Psk (Zps- Zpsn)

Mpx = 2146.66148592 KN-m

About minor axis

Plastic section modulus of the reinforcement

Zps = 962112.750162 mm3

Plastic section modulus of the steel section

Zpa = 175030 mm3

From steel table

Plastic section modulus of concrete

Zpc = (bchc^2/4)-Zps-Zpa
Zpc = 29487857.2498 mm3

hn = AcPck-As' (2Psk-Pck)/2bcPck+2tw(2Py-Pck)
hn =

Check Column of resistance against combined compression and uniaxial bending

The design against combined compression and bi-axial bending is adequate if following
conditions are satisfied.

i) M<=0.9µ Mp
Xd = P/Pp = 0.76063485741
Xc = Pc/Pp = 0.57834098467

Therefore, Xd >Xc

and µx= (Xx-Xd)/{(1-Xc)*Xx) = 0.5676747

µy= (Xy-Xd)/{(1-Xc)*Xy) = 0.4441404

Mx = 219.68 KN-m
Mpx = 2146.66148592
µx= moment resistance ratio = 0.57

Mx < 0.9 *µx * Mpx = 1101.23734228 KN-m Okay safe

About Minor Axis

My = 164.33 KN-m
Mpy =
My < 0.9 *µy * Mpy =

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