Speech On Corruption

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Now you all might be thinking that this happens only in well-established and sophisticated cities,

but that’s not the case. It occurs throughout India. Metropolitan cities, towns, and villages are all
part of this evil game, and it is the common man who gets unnecessarily trapped in the
dishonest strategies of this game. The heights of corruption have reached such an extent that
strict law can also reduce but not abolish this corrupt mindset.

Introduction to Corruption
In one aspect or the other, we all have come across the word ‘Corruption.’ According to
political ideology’s definition, ‘Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offence
undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire
illicit benefit or abuse power for one’s private gain.’ Seems lengthy and confusing, right?
Most simply, corruption is dishonest behaviour practised by authorities such as
managers or government officials. This is how people with power rule the world, thereby
violating certain people’s rights and privileges. 

It is said that time changes everything.  But here it is, this dishonest act and the
unsatisfying term haven’t changed for years on end. It is still prevalent. The main reason
for corruption in India is the link between bureaucrats, politicians, and criminals.

Gone are the days when bribes were given when things are wrong. Presently, bribes
receive to hide the right stuff. May it be a minor issue or a life-threatening one, a
younger child or an adult man, a school-going boy to a working person everyone has
seen and has fallen prey to corruption. These days, even if a person isn’t qualified
enough for a public sector job, he can quickly get it by spending money and giving
bribes to higher officials. 

But the most significant and worst type of corruption is Political Corruption. In legal terms,
Political corruption or Mal Politics uses powers by government officials or their network contacts
for illegitimate private gain. This type is the most concerning one as it erodes the fundamental
value of the law that governs and regulates society creating a massive mess in the country as a
whole. Now you all might be thinking that this happens only in well-established and
sophisticated cities, but that’s not the case. It occurs throughout India. Metropolitan cities,
towns, and villages are all part of this evil game, and it is the common man who gets
unnecessarily trapped in the dishonest strategies of this game. The heights of corruption have
reached such an extent that strict law can also reduce but not abolish this corrupt mindset. 
To conclude, corruption is making life worse for the commoner. But, he is the only one who can
raise his voice and bring change. We should start from ourselves and change our thinking of
‘Make a Change to that of ‘Be a change. So, let’s come together and stand in favour of the
commoner and not corruption. Let’s decide to be a loyal and valuable citizens of our country.

Good morning everyone present, today I am going to talk about

corruption in India. India is a huge and beautiful country, but the
corruption that exists there tarnishes both its beauty and its reputation as
a great country. Corruption occurs almost everywhere, and the number
of corrupt people goes up every day.

Money and power have taken over, to the point where if the average
person needs assistance from the government or the business world,
they too must ultimately choose the corrupt path.

Although there are many talks made about morals, money really does
rule behind closed doors. One needs to know the back door and pay a
lot of money to get things done for anything to happen.

Politicians and bureaucrats use their positions of authority and financial

resources to exert influence across all areas, making it impossible for
even the most talented and effective individuals to thrive or even be
hired. As a result, in these settings, labour efficiency is likewise
corrupted and changed to suit the needs of the ruling class.

Beginning at the highest levels, corruption spreads down to the lowest

levels as well. The extent of corruption has risen to the point that there
are no adequate rules to put an end to these unscrupulous individuals. It
has become extremely difficult for the common man or the righteous to
exist due to the highly corrupt people who just would do anything for

This must stop, and we must reach a point when each and every Indian
can claim with pride that they live in a country free of corruption. Thank

In our country, the gap between the haves and have-nots is so huge that it becomes a
clear example of corruption in our country, where one section of society acquires
richness and wealth. On the other hand, the majority of the masses remain below the
poverty line. This is the reason why the economy of certain nations is facing a decline,
such as the USA economy.

Suppose we are responsible citizens of our country. In that case, we should understand
that this corruption is eating into our nation’s economic growth like a termite and is
giving rise to crime in our society. If the majority section of our society continues to live
in deprivation and poverty and will not find any employment opportunities, the crime rate
will never come down. Poverty will destroy people’s ethics and morals and will result in
an increase in hatred among the people. It is high time for us to address this issue and
fight it to pave the way for the holistic growth of our country.

The parliament should pass strict laws against the anti-social elements of our society,
regardless of whether such people are within our country’s political system or outside it.
There should be equal treatment for all.

It could be countless if one were to think and evaluate the causes behind corruption.
However, the most glaring reason responsible for the vicious spread of corruption, I
believe, is the people’s non-serious attitude towards the governmental rules and laws
and the sheer inertia of government towards those who spread evil in society. It appears
that the ones employed to put an end to corruption have themselves become complicit
in the crime and are encouraging it. Though there are various strict laws like the
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, the Indian Penal Code of 1860, and the
Prevention of Corruption Act of 1988, to name a few, there is no serious implementation
of these laws.

Yet another important reason behind corruption is the non-transparency of bureaucratic

and governmental functions. In particular, the government’s institutions show moral
laxity and brush off the carpet serious issues. The politicians themselves gobble up the
money that should be used for the upliftment of poor people. Even worse, the people
who are not affluent and cannot bribe the people in power are not able to get their work
done, and hence their files are fated to meet the dust instead of stimulating action. Any
growing economy would come falling when corrupt officials hold the reign of a country.

The situation has become very tense, and unless the general public takes proactive
measures and becomes vigilant, corruption cannot be uprooted from our society. So
come, let’s join hands and fight against corruption.

Thank You!

I, one of the senior faculty members of the History Department, welcome you all on the
eve of the Independence Day Celebration. Amidst celebration and gaiety, it has been
thought fit by the faculty members to address some serious issues that our nation is
suffering with, primarily corruption.

Though our great Indian freedom fighters won the freedom struggle ages back, serious
issues, such as corruption, unemployment, poverty, etc., are still eating into our
country’s economy and not enabling it to grow. Where does the problem lie – in the
governance or society as a whole? We need to identify those grey areas which lead to
the spread of corruption and adopt strict measures to eradicate those causes. Winning
independence from British rule was one thing. Still, we will only be able to make this
freedom worth their efforts when every country’s citizen can enjoy a basic standard of
living, and there will be no iniquity in our society.
No doubt, our country is a land of nature and vivid landscape; however, the beauty and
goodwill of our land have been marred by the ensuing corrupt activities going all around.
In nearly every sector, we can see corrupt personnel who do not deliver their roles and
responsibilities well unless the common people bribe them. Such illegal activities are
going on day by day for the simple reason that we, as the natives of this country, are
encouraging these people, and no strict actions are being taken against them.

Moreover, such people think they can easily escape the laws and go unscathed. Excess
of power and money have corrupted the officials, and the situation has become so
worse that if a common man needs any assistance or help from the government staff or
administration, he/she will have to adopt the corrupt method. You would find corrupt
people in the senior administration, the junior staff, and even the clerical positions. It is
difficult for a common man to evade them and get his/her work done.

Cities and even small towns and villages have come under its influence. I think it’s high
time that, as a citizen of our country, we should owe this responsibility to wipe out
corruption from the face of our mother earth and make our country a corrupt-free land
for the next generation and to feel proud of it.

Our students are the future of this country, so you should pledge never to adopt any
corrupt path under any situation; in fact, you will raise your voice against any unlawful or
illegal activity around you. Problems aggravate when we turn a blind towards them. Still,
I sincerely hope that from now on, each of us will strictly oppose and prevent corrupt
activities from happening anywhere in our country and expose such officials who act as
a blockage in the development of our country.

Thank You!

Speech on Corruption – 3

Good Morning respectful Principal, teachers, and my dear friends,

Today’s topic for this Assembly meeting is ‘Corruption.’ A poison that ruins the value of
individuals and the country.

My perspective as to what corruption means is that it is an act performed deliberately

that reduces the authenticity and quality of the nation. People explain corruption as one
simple statement: ‘ I had some urgency and had to get this thing done quickly. But my
dear friends, this simple statement is so damaging that it directly hits on the country’s
image and stature in the world.

We as individuals should understand that even though giving money for getting our
work done helps us in quick execution, deep within, it is deteriorating the quality of our
life. It builds a bad image of the country and leads to a lowering of our country’s ratings.
It does not seem to be a big deed that we pay an extra amount or, what I may say, a
bribe to some people for taking advantage of them. But, believe me, that deep down, it
kills the ethical traits or values of the people.

This inherited value reduction is not only for the person taking the bribe but also for the
person who gives it. Corruption is the hurdle between the country’s and an individual’s
authentic prosperity and development. It affects the growth and development of the
nation in all aspects, including socially, economically, and politically.

Corruption is also the unfair use of public power for some private advantage by breaking
all or a few of the rules and regulations made by the government. One common form of
corruption in our country is receiving black money in cash. Even during elections, it has
been observed that we see much news on raids being done here at some ministers’
premises, and then on the other day, so much cash is found in this minister’s wardrobe.
Haven’t we?

Yes, we have all forms of corruption. Many political leaders say we wish to eradicate
corruption, but I haven’t seen concrete efforts coming for this cause. To control
corruption, we have to work on the root cause. This corruption is deep inside the roots
of our country, and eradicating this is a huge activity or a project that requires complete
dedication with purity at heart.

Strict actions should be documented in policies and necessarily implemented on those

who practice corruption for their greed.

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of this Assembly session. I am glad that we chose
this important topic as our discussion point. I request you all to please make it a habit to
stop corruption exactly there itself. We should not be selfish and think about our
convenience. I hope you all will help me and our nation control this ugly corruption act.

Thank You! Have a great Day! We have to end corruption!

Speech on Corruption – 4

Good evening everyone! Thanks for being a part of this occasion and taking the time to

My discussion for this evening is on the cancer of ‘Corruption’ that has made our life
sick. Corruption is an illegal behavior on the measurement of authority or influential
party through illegal, depraved, or irreconcilable means with principled values. However,
this word is so simple to define but too hard to take out from any country. Corruption is
the biggest act that makes the country’s image weak and negative.

Corruption may include many activities, including bribery and embezzlement of funds.
Corruption has impacted the Indian economy and government so much that there are
no easy solutions for eradicating it. If the citizens of a country are corrupted, it
eventually adds to the loss of values of a country. We don’t realize that what we do, in
the end, becomes a part of where we live and around whom we live.

Corrupt people always tend to hide behind the fake face of truth and honesty. Most of
the time, corruption is referred to as the bureaucratic-political-police nexus that eats into
the vitals of democracy.

Corruption starts mostly at the higher levels and carries its way to the extremely low
levels too. The heights of corruption have reached a great extent where there are no
proper laws to bring these corrupt people to justice. Because of the highly corrupt
people who would do anything for money, it has become very difficult for the common
man or the righteous to survive.

The level of corruption can be as low as bribing traffic police officers for not wearing a
helmet to the extreme level when private contractors bribe government individuals to get
the tender of public work or to get the job done. Today, corruption is one of the greatest
factors hindering development and stifling the realization of democracy. Corruption
affects the growth of a nation adversely.

We all should understand that corruption is acting as an obstacle in the way of the
country’s progress. Each one of us should be cautious of the acts that we perform. We
take it lightly to give Rs 100-200 to the Travelling Ticket Inspector (TTI) just for our
preferable seat allocation, but deep down, that person has made it a habit to procure
money from everybody.

Thank you for being a part of this conversation. In conclusion to my session, I would like
to tell you all that the corrupt is not only the one who receives illegal money but also the
one who provides bribe. I hope that from now onwards, you will not bribe anyone and
control others. We see things as small deeds, but these small deeds, in the end, add up
to create awareness against corruption.

Thank you!! Have a great day, and keep sharing this message of making our country
corruption free.

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