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My experience during fasting last year was when I wanted to break fast with my friends.

at the beginning of the story, because maybe I forgot to remind my friend to wear a helmet,
my friend also forgot to forget, so when my friend and I wanted to go to a place to eat, we
got punished because I didn't 't wear a helmet, my friend behind me and on in the end, with
the innocence of both of us and because of the panic we ended up being fined 200
thousand and in the end we just opened the streets because the money had run out to pay
the fine hahaha. The lesson for you is to wear a helmet everywhere, and bring vehicle
documents, especially you have to have a driver's license, and because of that incident I
was very careful hahaha. Thank you so much gesss

PT. Jaya Abadi sedang mempertimbangkan untuk memilih dua proyek A dan proyek B.
Investasi  untuk masing2 proyek sebesar Rp.50.000.000. Dengan usia proyek 3 tahun. Net
Cash flow  dari masing2 proyek setiap tahun dgn tingkat probablitasnya sbb:

Proyek A Keadaan            Probabilitas            Cash Flow (Rp.jt)

Pesimistis                                      0,20                         60.000

Paling Mungkin                            0,50                         70.000
Optimis                                          0,30                         80.000

Proyek B Keadaan            Probabilitas            Cash Flow (Rp.jt)

Pesimistis                                      0,30                         20.000

Paling Mungkin                            0,60                         40.000
Optimis                                          0,10                          60.000

a. Nilai net cash flow yang diharapkan (Expected Cash Flow)
b. Hitung Resiko Proyek (Standar Deviasi, Koefisien Korelasi)


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