Paper Business Writing - Gasela Desriani Rante - 223402546418

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Name : Gasela Desriani Rante

NPM : 223402546418

Major : Management


Business writing is a type of writing used in the world of work and is formal and
professional. The writing in business writing aims to provide relevant information so that it can
help readers know something and even do something. A business letter written in formal
language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for
correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external
parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned.
There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be to request direct information or
action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to identify a mistake that was
committed, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong or simply to convey goodwill.
Event the business letter is still very useful because it produced a permanent record, confidential,
formal and delivers persuasive, well considered message.


Business writing is informative, instructive, persuasive, and transactional. The goal of

business writing is to transmit information to a reader, so clear language is necessary to help a
reader understand information easily, says Cullen, adding, "Writing clearly is one of the harder
aspects of business writing."

Business writing must:

 Convey information: Business communications such as research reports or policy

memorandums seek to distribute knowledge.
 Deliver news: Professional writing is often used to share recent events with an audience
made up of others from inside or outside the company.
 Direct action: Many professionals use their business writing skills to tell others what to
do or how to do it.
 Explain or justify: Professional writing is a suitable way to provide an explanation or
justify an action that has already been taken, particularly if the matter is a complicate
 Influence someone to take action: Business communication is often used to influence
others to take a specific action, whether to use a certain tool during the course of business
or to purchase a product or service that is on offer.
A business letter should always follow a certain format and structure to ensure it is received
as professional and up-to-standard. While there are many different types of business letters, this
guide will go through a detailed example of the most classic business letter format. In business, a
letter is simply any type of correspondence sent between two parties. It may be about any topic
and sent via many delivery methods such as email, regular mail, and hand delivery.


1. Concise is the presentation of a long essay or event in a short and effective form. With a
concise, someone will be encouraged to read the original source thoroughly. The concise
itself can be divided into several.
2. Email is an abbreviation of electronic mail. As the name implies, email is an electronic
letter that is sent using the help of a computer, smartphone or tablet an internet
connection. Actually, this email is the same as the letters we used to write in the past.
Usually, employees will send certain documents via email to their superiors. The same
goes for job applicants who will use email to send their application files to the intended
company. The way email works is like when we write letters to other people, the
difference is that emails can be accompanied by certain files that we want to sand besides
that the delivery time is faster.

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