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A. Read the poem and answer the questions.


Apples juicy, apples round,

On the tree or on the ground.

Apples yellow, apples red.

Apple pie and juice and breadl

Apples crunchy, apples sweet,

Apples are so good to eat!

1. The poem tells about

2. Write down the repeated words in the poem.
3. How does the writer feel in the poem
a. Happy
b. Sad
c. Worried
B. Read the story to answer the questions

Little Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood left her home to visit her sick Grandmother through a forest. Mother
warned her not to speak to strangers. On her way, a wolf appeared and asked her,
“Where are you going?”. Little Red Riding Hood told him about her grandmother. The
wicked wolf run fast and reached her grandmother house before her.

He pretended to be Red Riding Hood and asked the grandmother to open the door. He
entered the house and pushed the grandmother into a cupboard and locked it. Then, he
disguised as her grandmother and waited for Red Riding Hood.

Just as the entered the house, the wolf pounced upon her. She screamed as loudly as
she could and ran. She found a door at the back of the room and opened the cupboard
near it. Inside was her real grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood unlocked her
grandmother and escaped out the front door.

Red Riding Hood promised never to speak to strangers again.

1. What is the little of the story?
a. Red Riding Hood and Grandmother
b. Little Red Riding Hood
c. Wolf Strangers
2. Which one are the setting of the story?
a. Wolf‟ house
b. Little Red Riding Hood‟ room and Forest
c. Grandmother‟ house and Forest
3. Look at the picture!

Little Red Riding Hood visit to Grandmother‟ house.

It shows that Little Red Riding Hood is............

a. Sad
b. Sleepy
c. Happy
4. What does Little Red Riding Hood feel after look at the wolf in the
Grandmother‟ house?
a. Happy
b. Scary
c. Excited
5. The wicked wolf run fast
What is the verb of the sentence?
a. Wolf
b. Fast
c. Run
6. What does Little Red Riding Hood told at the end of story?
C. Use the verbs in the boxes to complete the sentences
Pushes Kicks Catches

7. Thomas ............................... the ball.

8. Jhon................................... the ball.

9. Jenny ..................... the trolley

D. Looks at the pictures. Add number to show „how many‟ and the correct „s‟ or „es‟


11. ............................................
12. ....................................................

13. ..........................................

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