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Class Session 5 (Agent of Socialization)

1)Identify the common agents of socialization:

Six common agents of socialization.
*Family (most important agent)
*Peer group
*Mass Media & Technology
*Religion & the State

2)Discuss the effect of each socialization agent on individual:

*The lifelong process of learning begins shortly after birth.

* Since newborns can hear, see, smell, taste and feel heat, cold and pain, they are
constantly orienting themselves to the surrounding world.

*Human beings (Family members) place an important role and take care of baby’s
needs: Feeding, cleaning and comforting etc.
‫* وجود دور جنساني ال يعني‬
‫بالضرورة أن الذكور واإلناث‬
‫سوف يفعلون ذلك‬ * Existence of gender role does not imply that inevitably males and females will
‫أدوارا معينة وال أن تلك‬ ‫تحمل‬
assume certain roles nor that those roles are distinct from one another. It emphasize
‫األدوار تختلف عن بعضها‬
‫ تؤكد‬.‫البعض‬
‫أن الذكور واإلناث لم يتم‬
‫تحديدهم سلفًا وراثيًا لشغل‬
that males and females are NOT genetically predetermined to occupy certain roles
‫أدوار معينة‬
‫ واألخوة‬، ‫البالغني اآلخرين‬
‫ ووسائل‬، ‫األكبر سن ًا‬
‫ واملؤسسات‬، ‫اإلعالم‬
* Other adults, older siblings, mass media, religious and educational institutions also
ً ‫الدينية والتعليمية‬
‫لها تأثير ملحوظ على‬
have a noticeable impact on a child’s socialization into feminine and masculine
‫التنشئة االجتماعية للطفل‬ norms.
‫إلى املؤنث واملذكر‬

‫قد تتطلب الثقافة أو الثقافة الفرعية‬

‫أن يتحمل جنس واحد أو آخر‬
*A culture or subculture may require that one sex or other take primary responsibility
for the socialization of children, economic support or the family or religious or
‫املسؤولية األساسية‬
‫للتنشئة االجتماعية لألطفال أو‬
‫الدعم االقتصادي أو األسرة أو‬
‫الدينية أو‬
‫القيادة الفكرية‬ intellectual leadership.

‫ يتم تكوين‬، ‫في بعض املجتمعات‬

‫الفتيات اجتماعيا بشكل رئيسي من‬ *In some societies, girls are socialized mainly by their mothers and boys by their
fathers: an arrangement that may prevent girls from learning critical survival skills.
‫قبل أمهاتهن والبنني من قبلهم‬
‫ ترتيب قد يمنع الفتيات من‬:‫اآلباء‬
.‫تعلم مهارات البقاء األساسية‬
‫ السباحة لألوالد‬:‫على سبيل املثال‬
‫ نجا الكثير‬.‫ جنوب آسيا‬... ‫فقط‬
2004 ‫من الرجال من تسونامي‬
e.g.: Swimming for boys only…South Asia. Tsunami 2004 many more men survived
‫من املرأة‬
than woman
‫دورا رئيسيًا في التنشئة االجتماعية لألطفال وخاصة األعراف والقيم الخاصة بنا‬
ً ‫املدرسة‬ ‫تلعب‬ *
2)School .‫ثقافة‬

*School plays a major role in socializing children especially norms & values of our
culture. ‫* تعزز املدارس املنافسة من خالل أنظمة الثواب والعقاب املدمجة‬
(‫كدرجات وتقييم من قبل املعلمني )صموئيل بولز وهربرت جينتيس‬
*Schools foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment such
as grades and evaluation by teachers (Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis)

‫* الطفل الذي يواجه صعوبة في تعلم مهارة‬

‫جديدة يمكن أن يشعر أحيانًا بالغباء و‬
*Child with difficulty trying to learn a new skill can sometimes feel stupid and
‫ يصبح‬، ‫ ولكن مع نضوج الذات‬.‫غير ناجح‬
‫األطفال قادرين على ذلك بشكل متزايد‬
unsuccessful. But as the self matures, children become capable of increasingly
‫تقييمات واقعية لقدراتهم الفكرية والجسدية‬
realistic assessments of their intellectual, physical and social abilities.

‫ يشير إلى‬:‫املنظر الوظيفي‬

‫املدرسة كعامل للتنشئة‬
Functionalist theorist: point out school as agent of socialization, fulfill the function
‫ وتؤدي الوظيفة‬، ‫االجتماعية‬
‫لتعليم األطفال قيم وعادات‬
of teaching children the values and customs of the larger society. ‫ توافق‬:‫صموئيل باولز منظّر الصراع‬
‫ولكن أضف أن املدارس يمكن أن تعزز‬
.‫املجتمع األكبر‬ ‫ وخاصة‬، ‫جوانب متنوعة من املجتمع‬
‫ على‬.‫تلك املتعلقة بالطبقة االجتماعية‬

Samuel Bowles Conflict theorist: agree but add that schools can reinforce the ‫ التعليم العالي هو‬:‫سبيل املثال‬
‫مكلفة في الواليات املتحدة مما يؤدي‬

diverse aspects of society, especially those of social class. e.g.: higher education is ‫إلى أولئك الذين يستطيعون تحمل‬
‫تكاليف إعدادهم لألفضل‬

costly in US which leads to those who can afford will be prepare them for the best ‫أجر وأرقى الوظائف والعكس صحيح‬

paying and most prestigious job and vice versa.

3)Peer group
*As a child grows older, the family becomes somewhat less important in social
development. Instead, peer groups increasingly assume the role of Mead’s
significant others.

*Within the peer group, young people associate with others who are approximately
their age and who often enjoy a similar social status.

* Peer groups are young very important to young people when their social lives are
strained by war or disaster for Example in Baghdad … (Saddam Hussein.)

*Gender differences are noteworthy among adolescents. Boys and girls are
socialized by their parents, peer and the media to identify many of the same paths to
popularity but to different degrees.
، ‫ كانت االبتكارات اإلعالمية‬، ‫في املاضي‬
4)Mass Media & Technology
‫ املوسيقى‬، ‫ الصور املتحركة‬، ‫الراديو‬
‫ التلفزيون‬، ‫املسجلة‬ *In the past, media innovations radio, motion pictures, recorded music, television
‫وأصبح اإلنترنت عوامل مهمة للتنشئة‬
٪95 ‫ لكن اليوم‬.‫االجتماعية‬ and the internet have become important agents of socialization. However today 95%
17 ‫ و‬12 ‫من الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بني‬
ً ٪91 ‫ ينشر‬، ‫عا ًما على اإلنترنت‬
‫للتعريف بأنفسهم‬
of those aged 12-17 are on the internet.91% post photos identifying themselves by
‫ يستخدمون أسمائهم‬٪92 .‫اسم‬
‫ ينشرون تواريخ ميالدهم‬٪82 ‫الحقيقية و‬
name. 92% use their real names and 82% post their birthdates on social media.
.‫على وسائل التواصل االجتماعي‬
.‫التنشئة االجتماعية تحدث عبر اإلنترنت‬ Socialization occurs online.

*They are potential for media abuse at earlier age. 90% of infants who use the
‫هم محتملون إلساءة استخدام وسائل‬
‫ من‬٪90 .‫اإلعالم في سن مبكرة‬

internet via their parents. The media , however are not always a negative socializing
‫األطفال الذين يستخدمون‬
‫ فإن‬، ‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫اإلنترنت عبر والديهم‬

influence. TV programs and even commercials can introduce young people to

‫دائما تنشئة‬
ً ‫وسائل اإلعالم ليست‬
‫اجتماعية سلبية‬

unfamiliar lifestyles and cultures. Urban children will learn about the rural life and
‫ يمكن للبرامج التلفزيونية وحتى‬.‫تأثير‬
‫اإلعالنات التجارية تعريف الشباب بها‬
.‫أنماط الحياة والثقافات غير املألوفة‬
‫سوف يتعلم األطفال في املناطق‬ vice versa.
‫الحضرية عن الحياة الريفية و‬
.‫والعكس صحيح‬

*The impact of technology on socialization is huge. Online friendship like Face book
and twitter are most welcomed. If we stop these what will ?. Cellphones are more
used in developing nations than in industrial nations. Hence finally all new
communications technologies are widely available in developing nations.

*Learning to behave appropriately in an occupation is a fundamental aspect of
human socialization. More and more young people work today not just for parents
and relatives to earn spending money .Socialization in the workplace changes when
it involves a more permanent shift from an after – school job to full time

*Occupational socialization can be most intense during the transition form school to
job. Today men and women change occupations, employers or places of work many
times during their adult years.(11 jobs) .College students today recognize that
occupational socialization is not socialization into one life time occupation. They go
through number of jobs.

‫* يمكن أن تكون التنشئة االجتماعية املهنية‬

‫* تعلم التصرف بشكل مناسب في مهنة هو جانب‬ ‫أكثر كثافة أثناء االنتقال من املدرسة إلى‬
‫أساسي من‬
‫ يغير الرجال والنساء العديد من‬، ‫ اليوم‬.‫وظيفة‬
‫ املزيد واملزيد من‬.‫التنشئة االجتماعية البشرية‬
‫الشباب يعملون اليوم ليس فقط للوالدين‬ ‫املهن أو أرباب العمل أو أماكن العمل‬
‫ يتغير التنشئة‬.‫واألقارب لكسب أموال اإلنفاق‬ ‫ طالب‬.(‫ وظيفة‬11) ‫مرات خالل سنوات البلوغ‬
‫االجتماعية في مكان العمل عندما‬ ‫الكلية اليوم يدركون ذلك‬
‫إنه ينطوي على تحول دائم من وظيفة ما بعد‬ ‫التنشئة االجتماعية املهنية ليست التنشئة‬
‫املدرسة إلى وظيفة بدوام كامل‬
‫ يذهبون‬.‫االجتماعية في مهنة مدى الحياة‬
‫أرباب العمل‬
.‫من خالل عدد الوظائف‬
6)Religion and the state

*Increasingly, social scientists are recognizing the importance of both religion and
government as agents of socialization, because of their impact on the life course.
Traditionally family members have serves as the primary caregivers in our culture
but now the family’s protective function was steadily transferred to outside agencies
such as hospitals, mental health clinics and child care centers which are run by some
religions or by the state.

*Both organized religion and government have impacted the life course by
reinstituting some of the rites of passage once observed in agricultural communities
and early industrial societies. Government regulations stipulate the ages at which a
person may drive a car, drink alcohol, vote in elections, work overtime and retire etc
however these regulations do not constitute strict rites of passage: example: Age of
retirement -18+ choose not to vote!

3)Discuss anticipatory socialization and resocialization

The development of a social self is literally a life long transformation that begins in
the crib and continues as one prepares for death. Two types of socialization
1. Anticipatory socialization
2. Resocialization

1. Anticipatory socialization
*Anticipatory socialization in which a person rehearses for future positions,
occupations and social relationships.

*A culture can function more efficiently and smoothly if members become

acquainted with the norms, values and behavior associated with a social position
before actually assuming that status.

*Preparation for many aspects of adult life begins with anticipatory socialization
during childhood and adolescence and continues through out our lives as we prepare
for new responsibilities.

*High school students have a view about their colleges using web.

*Colleges are investing more time and money in developing attractive websites
through which students can take virtual campus tours and hear audio clips of every
activities at college.
* It refers to the process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new
ones as part of a transition in one’s life.

*Often it occurs during an explicit effort to transform an individual as happens in

reform schools, therapy groups, prisons, religious settings and political camps.

*This is stressful for individual compared to anticipatory socialization.

Resocialization q It is effective when it occurs within a total institution q Term
total institution coined by Erving Goffman: 1961.

*Total institution to refer to an institution that regulates all aspects of a person’s

life under a single authority, such as a prison, military, convent and mental

*It is generally cutoff from the rest of society; it provides for all the needs of its
members. In short it is a miniature society

Goffman (1961) identified 4 common traits of total institutions:

1. All aspects of life are conducted in the same place under the control of a single
2. Any activities within the institution are conducted in the company of others in
the same circumstances for example army recruits
3. The authorities devise rules and schedule activities without consulting the
4. All aspects of life within a total institution are designed to fulfill the purpose of
the organization. Thus, all activities in a monastery might be centered on prayer
and communion with God.

*People often lose their individuality within total institutions. For example, a
person entering prison may experience the humiliation of a degradation ceremony
as he or she is stripped of clothing, jewelry and other personal possessions.

*From this point on, scheduled daily routines allow for little or no personal
*The individual becomes secondary and rather invisible in the overbearing social
4)Describe the sandwich generation ‫رعاية جيلني من البالغني املتوسطني‬
‫ البالغون الذين يحاولون في نفس الوقت تلبية‬-‫جيل ساندويتش‬
‫االحتياجات املتنافسة‬

*Caring for Two generations of middle adults ‫من اآلباء وأبنائهم‬

‫يذهب تقديم الرعاية في‬

‫اتجاهني‬ Sandwich generation- Adults who simultaneously try to meet the competing needs
‫ لألطفال الذين قد ال‬.1
‫يزالون بحاجة إلى كمية‬
of the parents and their children
‫كبيرة حتى في سن‬
.‫االتجاهات‬ *Caregiving goes in two directions
‫ إلى الوالد املسن‬-2
‫الذي قد تتطلب مشاكله‬ 1. to children who even as young as young adults may still require significant
‫الصحية واالقتصادية‬
ً‫تدخال‬ directions.
‫من قبل أطفالهم‬
‫البالغني‬ aging parent whose health and economic problems may demand intervention
by their adult children.
‫التقاعد هو طقوس املرور‬
‫التي تشير إلى انتقال‬ 5)Identify the phases of retirement
‫حاسم من مرحلة واحدة من‬
.‫حياة شخص آلخر‬
Retirement is a rite of passage that marks a critical transition from one phase of a
‫التقاعد ليس عملية انتقالية‬ person’s life to another. Retirement is not a single transition, then but rather a series
‫ بل هي سلسلة‬، ‫واحدة‬
‫من التعديالت التي تختلف‬ of adjustments that varies from one person to another.
‫من شخص آلخر‬

No Phase Describe
1. pre-retirement a period of anticipatory socialization as the person prepares for retirement

2. the near phase when the person establishes a specific departure date from his or her job.

3. the honeymoon an often-euphoric period in which the person pursues activities that he or
phase she never had time for before.
Ex. Travelling

4. the disenchantment in which retirees feel a sense of letdown or even depression as they cope
phase with their lives, which may include illness or poverty
5. the re orientation which involves the development of a more realistic view of retirement
phase alternatives

6. the stability phase a period in which the person has learned to deal with life after retirement in
a reasonable and comfortable fashion.
Ex. Enjoy happy hour with family.

7. the termination which begins when the person can no longer engage in basic, day to day
phase activities such as self-care and housework.

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