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THIS CANCELLATION OF LEASE DEED is made at Delhi on this _____ day of

________ 2021, between ________________________________________________________



hereinafter called the First Party





hereinafter called the Second Party.

WHEREAS the first party is the owner of ________________________




Whereas Second party approached the First party to take the ____ on lease from the First party
and a Lease Deed was also registered between both the parties vide Lease Deed executed on
________ and duly registered as Document No. ___, Book No. I, Volume No. ___, at pages __
to __, Dated __, in the office of the S.R. ___, Delhi.

AND WHEREAS now the Second party wants to cancel the above said Lease Agreement with
his own will and the First party has also agreed with the same and the First party has returned
back the security deposit of Rs.60,0000/- (Rs. Sixty Thousand only) to the Second party and the
Second party has also peacefully vacated the said Demised premises and has removed all his
material from the demised premises.

1. That with mutual consent both the parties have cancelled the above said Lease Deed, and
the aforesaid Lease Deed shall be treated as cancelled, un-affectable and null & void.

2. That the Second party has received back his security deposit. After signing of this
Cancellation if Lease Agreement nothing is due towards first party.

3. That the second party has handed over the peaceful vacant possession of the said demised
premises and has cleared all the dues in this regard and has agreed to pay any kind of pendency
regarding the outstanding dues like electricity, water and other dues upto the date of vacating the
said premises.

4. That from today onwards the First party is free to lease out the said demised premises to
any person as per their wish and the second party shall not have any objection in this regard.

In witness whereof the parties have signed this Cancellation of Lease Deed on the day, month
and year first above written.




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