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Republic of the Philippines DAVAO ORIENTAL STATE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental DISBURSEMENT NARRATIVE REPORT AY 2018-2019 CONTINUING EXPANDED STUDENT GRANT-IN-AID FOR PROGRAM FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATION (ESGPPA) AND TERTIARY EDUCATION SUBSIDY (TES) GRANTS The Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology (DOSCST) has been a recipient of both the Continuing Expanded Student Grant-In-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (ESGPPA) and Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) Grants for the SY 2018-2019. Below are highlights of the implementation of the program: NUMBER OF SLOTS RECEIVED DOSCST has a total of 290 ESGPPA grantees for the Academic Year 2018-2019. These students were continuing ESGPPA grantees that were given the chance to continue their grant under Tertiary Education Subsidy of 20,000.00 per semester. Main Campus, Banay-Banay Extension Campus and Cateel Extension Campus have TES Grantees with a total number of 452, However, we found out that only 436 were attending classes while the 16 grantees stopped going to school already in the First Semester of Academic Year 2018- 2019. The decline in the number of grantees is due to the following reasons: stopped schooling on different months; enrolled in the first and second semester but did not attend classes; waiting for the graduation; filed leave of absence due to medical reason (maternity leave and surgery); unable to maintain the required grades after the First Semester and did not enroll in the 2"! Semester. Table 1. Number of Grantees received for ESGPPA Grant, AY 2018-2019 Campus _______ Continuing ESGPPA 1 Sem 2"! Sem : Jan Feb) ‘Mar ‘Apr May, Main Campus 290 282, 282 280 279 | _279 Note: There are drop-outs in the middle of the Second Semester. +63 087 269.3198 © cticepresideni@doscstedu ph ttercomDosestO WD @ cosestedu ph Republic of the Phil ippines DAVAO ORIENTAL STATE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental Table 2. Number of Grantees received for TES Grant, AY 2018-2019 TES Campus 1" Sem 2" Sem Jan Feb Mar Apr May Main Campus 40s | 400 | 399 | 399 | 399 399 Banay-bansy Esieasion’ | 15 18 18 18 18 18 ‘Campus Pega 10 10 10 10 10 | 10 ampus | | Note: There are drop-outs in the first and second months of the Second Semester. DISBURSEMENT Disbursement of funds as stipend was released on a monthly basis through payroll system to cach of the grantees and disbursed to their respective bank accounts. ‘Table 3. Fund received and disbursed for ESGPPA and TES Grants, AY 2018-2019 ESGPPA TES Total Amount Received Total Amount Received Particulars PhP 11,948,000.00 PhP 18,663,600.00 ISem | "Sem 1* Sem 2"? Sem Stipend 5,800,000.00 | 5,612,000.00 | 8680,000.00 | _8,544,000.00 ‘Admin cost ‘ina | Php 121,880.04 Php 525,960.09 % +53087 358-3195 G office president@doscst.eduph © tuiter.comDozesto facebook comioscstortca @ doscetodtiph Republic of the Philippines DAVAO ORIENTAL STATE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Guang-guang, Dahican, 8200 City of Mati, Davao Oriental ae aaa Php 346,200.00 Php 528,600.00 Undisbursed Php 414,119.96 PhP 873,639.91 Unclaimed ScPEND Php 0.00 Php 40,000.00 | Php 4,000.00 Prepared by: ERLINDA'B. PATOSA, CPA Accountant III Recommending Approval: DR. ROSELYN V. REGINO Vice President for Academic Affairs Approved: DR. EPITO ( wba? SUC President II Fame, 9 JASANE 2 463.087 350-2195 PD ? G offce president@doccsteduph P © tuitorcomDosestO i ) ATA WD facobook com/dosostofcial Nae @ dosesteduph pl i

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