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Weno Surya Pramana 2022

The Climb
(Lecturer : Nurhabibah, S.Hum., M.Pd)

The teenage boy was still sitting on his cradle. Both his parents were shouting at
him for protesting against his older brothers. There was no point the boy thought
to himself, he tilted his head against the window staring into the vast trees. The
mountains which held them firmly stood silently as the lamp in the sky shone light
onto their beautiful bluffs. The boy wished he was one of them as he gazed at
them coming closer and closer.
The boy was a caged bird when his parents arrived at the rock climbing site. His
brothers had already scrambled out of the car when his parents came to the
window of his seat to tell him that he was too feeble and would be asinine to do
anything but watch his brothers climb. Their benign tone was enough for him to
nod in tacit agreement. The boy looked up hopelessly at the steep mountain cliff
that his brothers were attempting to climb. It was well over what he could ever
climb, and the rocks were not only real this time but the risks even more dire.
He looked at his parents who, contrary to the norm, had decided to watch their
beloved sons make the climb. Then seeing himself for a moment in his head at the
top of the cliff surpassing his own ability and being a great figure in the family
only made him frown at his fragile and small statured body. His brothers still
weren't at the top and were both seemingly trying to get down. He knew now that
he needed to prove his worth in the family. He was sick to the stomach from being
constantly omitted and neglected his entire life and desperately sought to spread
his wings.
I can do this, the boy thought to himself after a minute of pondering on the
possibility of dying on his way to the top of the mountain cliff. He got out of the
car and saw that his brothers were already back down and their harnesses were
being taken off by the instructors. I walked over to one of the harnesses laying on
the ground near me and strapped it onto myself as the instructors were
preoccupied then I walked over to where the climb began. This is it, I thought to

Tugas I-Bahasa Inggris | Page 1

Weno Surya Pramana 2022

The Climb
(Lecturer : Nurhabibah, S.Hum., M.Pd)

The boy had already made it over the place where his brothers failed. His hands
were reluctant to climb any further as they tried to restore the bruising they had
been through hitherto. The boy was a spider not letting himself drop while
climbing the mountain cliff. I pushed myself to the top vehemently, believing that
I wouldn't be a petty child once I reached the bluff. I used all of my parts to
clamber onto the top of the mountain cliff. I made it, I thought to myself. I felt
jubilant and free for some time until I plummeted all the way back down the
mountain cliff. I was still a child. A big smile still kept beautifully engraved on
my face. The moment my two feet stepped on the ground, I immediately turned
my face to look at my parents with a thumbs up.

Tugas I-Bahasa Inggris | Page 2

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