Environmental Responsibility - Green Operations

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Environmental Responsibility

● Environmental responsibility is a growing focus within CSR, as shown in the basic CSR cycle and
the area in which you as operations manager can most likely have the greatest impact.
● The environmental impact of a business’s operations is viewed both internally and externally.
● This does not only benefit the environment, it can also be good for business through: cost savings
by spending less on raw materials, energy, water and waste management.

Green Operations

● Green operations are the integration of corporate environmental management strategies into
corporate production and operations to enhance corporate sustainability.

● It necessarily incorporates socially responsible processes that use environmentally friendly inputs,
transform these inputs with change agents whose by-products can improve or be recycled within
the existing environment, and create outputs that can be either reclaimed at the end of their
lifecycle or disposed of without adversely affecting the environment.

● A sustainable business also considers the environmental impact of suppliers in terms of services
and products as well as transportation of goods.

● This results in the purchase of products that produce less waste, are less toxic, and generate the
least amount of pollution in manufacturing and transportation

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