Trust and Honest

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..........Trust and Honest................

I believe that the most important 'key' to a successful relationship would have to
be 'trust'. I believe that with trust, love will follow. However, what I have
noticed is that many people think trust, or expect that trust is to be earned by
the other person, when in all actuality it is something that comes from within
yourself. All too many times people will say they don't trust due to past
experiences. What they don't realize is that they have built up those proverbial
walls to protect them from the very thing they are searching for...yes, there is a
risk in trusting someone, but when you finally find that 'right' person, it makes
all the past experiences and lessons learned very much worth the risk. All of
life's little lessons do not have to be painful... even when they seem so at the
time. You just have to chalk it up to experience and move on. Nothing is worth
closing your heart. Nothing is worth living in a world of fearing what bad 'may'
come to you. Without trust, you close your heart to the happiness and joy that true
love brings. It's only my experience...and it's what I believe has given me the
wonderful gift of 'true' love. It's a hard thing to do, a scary thing, but very
much worth it.
This is not to go without saying that some pround your heart that not only protects
you from pain/betrayal, but also denies you the ability to experience happiness and
joy? Most have been hurt enough by one person, why allow them and their actions to
stop us from finding what we search for? I say open your hearts to trust and bask
in the beauty,happiness, and joy, of the true love that will follow. For everyone
there Is a someone, you just can't find them if you hide away all you life.
====================== Trust And Intimacy ======================
You seem to be an open hearted man and I looking forward to that day I would see
you face to face... But, just so you know, I thought I would tell you what I was
looking for, and see what you think... All I am looking for is "True Love," no
Games, no Playing around, just want to find my soul mate in life...the one man I
Will connect with in every way... I do know very much about you, yet any woman that
does not treat you with respect, true love, genuine kindness and caring is
absolutely a fool. True Love can be given without being shared, but a shared Love
still allows for your special loved one to grow. To me, there is nothing more
special than a shared Love. One that delights in our loved one's achievements, and
growth as a person. One hat has no jealousy, anger or mistrust. I believe when I
have met the right person, we will believe so completely in each other, and Love
each other so completely, that we will trust without hesitation as well....I am a
lovingly touchy person. I am not saying that I am perfect but I always try to do
right. I like to hold hands, hug and kiss ... when appropriate.... I like open
affection, but in good taste, not for affection sake. I love to look into my loved
one's eyes, and often get accused of starring... But I stare at flowers too, they
never complain that I could look at them from when the blossom until they fade
away... I like being touched too. Held and having my hair played with... I like
simple things. I want my soul mate to be my best friend, so I can always talk
with him about anything and be able to work things out when it matters.Life is so
short, why do people make it so complicated by wanting everything they see...and
forgetting that we are here to Love one another, not "bed as many as we can" and
have nothing true and genuine when our time comes... I believe it takes "a lot of
time" to know someone, and when an actual "relationship" does
.......TYPE OF MAN AM SEEKING FOR...............
I really need a trustworthy man. Who can be considerate with me I am a wonderful,
single lady with a heart of gold, a lady you would love to meet and even spend the
whole rest of your life with as am also willing to meet that special man God has
sent to me,that i will be with from now til death do us part I just need every
thing i ever wanted in one man only,am ready to spend both my day and night with
that special man.I'm my own lady and I am comfortable with my own
life...I'm beautiful, kind and respectful, well-spoken, and. I am extremely
passionate and affectionate...I'm just an everyday, ordinary, average, normal lady.
Nothing special about me. I consider myself to be very simple. I believe that men
needs to be treated with respect and as a equal partner in a relationship but all I
seem to find is the ones that does not know how to respond to that or is untrusting
to it I feel like u should treat somebody with respect and like they are a person
not a peice of meat or whatever. I am the type of person who wants somebody to feel
wanted not just as a trophy I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I
like to show somebody how I feel not just telling them.I love to be close to
somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever. I guess my dreams would
be is to be happy and have a family my goals in life I want to go into business for
my self one day but that will be a while from now I guess I want to work on my love
life and be happy first and to have a family, but I guess when the time is right it
will happen.I like to play sports just as much as I do watching them.

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