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Online Charity Management System

Session (Spring 2020 - Fall 2024)

Bachelor of Studies in Computer Science

Submitted by:
Rustam Shah 58583

Department of CS & IT


Charity Management System is a web-based application that aims to provide a platform
for charity organizations to manage their donations, volunteers, events, and projects. The
system is designed to streamline the operations of charity organizations and facilitate
transparency and accountability in managing the resources.
Present System
Currently, most charity organizations rely on manual methods such as spreadsheets,
paper forms, and email to manage their donations, volunteers, events, and projects. This
approach can be time-consuming, error-prone, and can result in poor data management. It
can also be challenging to track the progress of projects, monitor expenses, and generate
Proposed System
The proposed system is a web-based Charity Management System that automates the
process of managing donations, volunteers, events, and projects. The system provides an
easy-to-use interface for administrators to manage the system and allows donors,
volunteers, and beneficiaries to interact with the system.
The system consists of the following modules:
 Donations Management: allows the organization to manage donations and
generate reports.
 Volunteers Management: allows the organization to manage volunteers and their
 Events Management: allows the organization to create and manage events and
generate reports.
 Projects Management: allows the organization to create and manage projects,
monitor progress, and generate reports.
Feasibility Study
The feasibility study considers the technical, economic, and operational feasibility of the
proposed system. The technical feasibility of the system is ensured by the use of modern
web technologies such as PHP7 and MySQL for database management. The economic
feasibility of the system is justified by the potential cost savings in terms of time,
resources, and improved data management. The operational feasibility of the system is
ensured by the involvement of stakeholders in the design and development process.
Tools Used
The Charity Management System is built using PHP7 for the server-side scripting
language and MySQL for the database management system. The system will be hosted on
a web server such as Apache or Nginx. The system will be designed to be responsive and
accessible across multiple devices and platforms.
System Requirements
The system will require the following hardware and software components:
 A web server with PHP7 and MySQL installed.
 A web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
 An internet connection for online access.

The Charity Management System is a web-based application that provides a platform for
charity organizations to manage their donations, volunteers, events, and projects. The
system is designed to streamline operations, improve data management, and promote
transparency and accountability. The system is built using modern web technologies such
as PHP7 and MySQL and is designed to be responsive and accessible across multiple
devices and platforms.

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