SOAL PAS GANJIL 12 IPA, IPS November 20221

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Jl. Kampung Gusti Blok A No. 1 Telp. 66691488 Jakarta


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XII (Duabelas) IPA, IPS
Hari/tanggal : Selasa, 30 November 2022
Waktu : 120 menit

Caption Text 1

01. What kind of caption is in the picture?

A. Group Identification bar D. Summary
B. Cutline E. Expanded
C. quote
02. What is the function of the caption?
A. To make the picture look beautiful D. To give description more detail of the picture
B. To explain how beautiful the flowers are E. To make readers see the beautiful flowers
C. To tell about who was the viewer of the picture
03. According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken?
A. July 19 2018 D. February 1 2017
B. May 3, 2019 E. December 7 2015
C. August 15 2014
04. Where was the location in the picture?
A. Central Park D. Garden
B. Floristry E. Central Kiev
C. Reuter
05. What does “Bloomed” mean?
A. blossom D. wither
B. wilt E. droop
C. decay
 Caption Text 2
06. What is the purpose of the caption?
A. To make the picture look better D. To tell about who was taking the picture
B. To explain the news E. To make readers ignoring the picture
C. To give a description of what is going on in the picture
07. According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken?
A. July 19 2018 D. February 1 2017
B. January 14 2016 E. December 7 2015
C. August 15 2014
08. Where was the location in the picture?
A. Sudirman, Jakarta D. Tanah Abang, Jakarta
B. Blok M, Jakarta E. Thamrin, Jakarta
C. Pasar Senin, Jakarta
09. Who is the main subject in the picture that is described in the caption?
A. Indonesian President, Joko Widodo D. Former Indonesian President, SBY
B. Vice President, Jusuf Kalla E. The president’s ministers
C. Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan
10. What kind of caption is in the picture?
A. Identification bar D. Summary
B. Cutline E. Expanded
C. quote
 Caption Text 3

11. Who is the author of the text?

A. C.S Lewis  D. The beatles
B. Queen Elisabeth E. I.r Soekarno
C. Donald Trump
12. What is the meaning of “dream”?
A. Impian D. Mimpi
B. Lamunan E. Angan-angan
C. Keinginan
13. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To make fuuny D. To inform readers
B. To educate readers E. To make surpised
C. To motivate readers
14. What is the meaning of “goal”?
A. Tujuan D. Harapan
B. Keinginan E. Cita-cita
C. Impian
15. Why does the caption text above use old man in the picture?
A. To represents of the goal D. To represents of the dream
B. To represents set the goal E. To inform that an old man can reach dream
C. To motivation that an old man can reach the dream
 Caption Text 4
16. What is the meaning of the sentence?
A. Love can be represent by music D. It is about how to play music
B. Love is music E. A child loves music
C. A father plays music for his child
17. What is the aim of the text?
A. To make readers understand about love
B. To make readers what to know about music
C. To inform readers that music can make love to everyone
D. To inform that a father loves his child
E. To inform that music can bring love
18. What is advantage of the text?
A. Motivate others to care D. To make others understand love
B. To inform other about music E. To inform that a father loves his child
C. To inform that music can show a love
19. Why does father in the picture play bamboo flute? Because, bamboo flute…
A. A simple way of music D. Cheap things
B. It can be found everywhere E. Everybody can use it
C. Bamboo represent simple, warm, and traditional
20. Why does a child look happy?
A. A child likes a bamboo D. A child likes his father
B. A child feels his father’s love E. A child seems get flute
C. A child can sing together
 Caption Text 5

21. “I can’t change the direction of the wind”.  What does the sentence mean?
A. We can follow the wind blows D. We can’t change the God’s will
B. We need to change our wind blows E. We need someone to direct our ways
C. We should follow the rule
22. What does the word adjust means in the caption?
A. We can decide our ways D. We can arrange our plans
B. We can make our ways E. We need someone to give advances
C. We should appreciate our ways
23. The words Sails mean….
A. Our goal D. Our decision
B. Our dream E. Our ways
C. Our believing
24. How can we reach our destination based on the caption?
A. We should sail over the sea D. We should know our destination
B. We should organize our ways E. We can manage our dream
C. We should determine our ways
25. What do you feel after reading the caption?
A. Sad D. Get motivation
B. Confused with the world E. Feel better in my life
C. Settle the ways to reach dream
 Caption Text 6

26. What is the meaning of the text?

A. Name is not a mistake D. The writer’s name is fault
B. Ms. World is just a program E. We can not depend on the program
C. We have to be grateful with our name
27. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To make funny D. To inform readers
B. To educate readers E. To make surprised
C. To get knowledge
28. What is the Microsoft Word?
A. A channel on tv D. A program of internet
B. A program of computer E. A tool of internet
C. A tool of computer
29. Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
The underlined sentence express:
A. Asking help D. Offering help
B. Refusing something E. Accepting an offer
C. Suggestion
30. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
he underlined sentence expresses …….
A. Accepting help D. Offering help
B. Refusing help E. Looking for something
C. Apologizing
31. Andi: Do you need any help?
Bino: Yes, please. I can’t find my glasses.
The underlined words express ……….
A. Preference D. Accept help and assistance
B. Accept apology E. Offer help and assistance
C. Make agreement
32. Marta: It’s very hot here ………..
Sinta: Sure. No problem
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Could you close the door? D. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
B. Would you turn off the fan? E. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
C. Can you give me ice cream?
33. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer.
Jay: …………
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Just don’t answer it. D. Let’s stop studying and go playing.
B. I can come to your house E. Let me help you work on it.
C. I can do it by myself
34. Nick: Sir, I think I’m lost.
Jery: …………..
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Let me help you carry your bag. D. Can I help you? I know this place.
B. May I help you? I have a dog too. E. Can you show me the way?
C. Can you help me to get the right place?
35. Steve: I don’t understand chemistry at all.
Banno: ………….
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. How about having dinner with me? D. How about going to the beach?
B. How about studying together with me? E. How about calling the police?
C. How about going to cinema?
36. Siska and aliyya would prefer … rather than …
A. cook, shop D. to cook, shop
B. to cook, to shop E. cooking, to shop
C. Cook, to shopping
37. “If I had a lot of time, I would study German.” From this sentence we know that ……
A. I have a lot of time, so I study German
B. I studied German because I had a lot of time
C. I want to study German because I have a lot of time
D. I have a little time so I’ll study Indonesia
E. I didn’t have a lot of time for studying German
38. If I had had free time, I would have watched the movie together with my friends.
The real meaning of this sentence is … .
A. I didn’t have free time. Therefore, I didn’t watch the movie together with my friend.
B. I don’t have free time. Therefore. I don’t watch the movie together with my friend.
C. I was not having free time. Therefore, I was not watching the movie together with my friend.
D. I am not having free time. Therefore. I am not watching the movie together with my friend.
E. I’ll have free time so I would watch the movie together my friends
39. If I were you, ….. (The right sentence to complete this conditional sentence is ….)
A. I will buy that limited edition camera.
B. I would buy that limited edition camera.
C. I would have bought that limited edition camera.
D. I would have been buying that limited edition camera.
E. I would have given you my wealthy
40. Ali : What did you like very much Leo?
Leo : I like studying English better than hanging out.
From the dialogue we know that …..
A. Leo like hanging very much in his life
B. Leo prefer hanging out to studying English
C. Leo would rather to study English than to hang out
D. Leo would rather study English than hang out
E. Leo Would prefer study rather than hanging out.

1, What is the real meaning of this sentence.

If Rianti had been late coming to school, She would have been punished by the teacher.
Fact: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Change this sentences into Causative have and get in active and Passive Sense
Ari asked Reni to take the broom in the kitchen.
3. Combine these sentences by using Elliptic form in two different ways.
-. Amir went to America to visit his uncle there.
-. My sister went to America to visit his uncle there.
4. For Question 4 and 5, Change this sentences into Indirect speech.
My teacher asked the students, “Did you know the answer of your test yesterday?”
5. Bayu asked Lina, “What was your telephone number at your home?”

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