Super Computers

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Super computers
 Super computers are the fastest, most powerful
and most expensive computer
 Super computer are capable of processing many
trillions of instructions in single second. It can store
20,000 time the data and information of an average
 Applications which require sophisticated
mathematical calculations use supercomputers.
 For example, large simulations applications,
Aerospace, Online Banking system, Weather
forecasting and Nuclear Energy Research.
2. Embedded Computers
 An Embedded computer are special purpose
computers which are used to control activities in
large computers.
 They are incorporated in other devices.
 They usually are small and have limited hardware.
 They are used everywhere at home, in car and at
 At Home – security system, vacuum system,
television and DVD player.
 In car - Antilock brakes, cruise control, air bag
system and Electricity stability control.
 At Office – keyboard, printers, fax and copy
3. Mobile computers and Devices.
 Smart phones
 Smartphone is same as PDA.
 It is internet enabled and telephone
 Most of them have colour screen,
 They can play music and capture photos with
help of camera.
 You can also share the photos to other
computer and phones.
 It is an Internet-capable phone that usually
includes calendar, address book, a calculator,
a notepad, games and browser.
 Laptops
 A laptop is also called Notebook computer.
 A laptop is designed to fit on lap and for easy
 It weighs up to 7 pounds.
 There are two types of laptops
1.Traditional 2.Ultrathin.
 It can almost everything that can a desktop do.
 It has multiple ports for connections
 For input it has keyboard, touchpad, webcam.
 For output is has speaker and screen.
 For storge devices it has hard drive and maybe
an optical disc.
 Tablets

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